import json import time import os from config import Config from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError from slack import WebClient from slack.errors import SlackApiError # Bot User OAuth Access Token token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"] sc = WebClient(token) # Set 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' if you want to consume all messages # from the beginning of the topic settings = { "bootstrap.servers": Config.MY_SERVER, "": "ajou-notify", "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "largest"}, } c = Consumer(settings) # Topic = "AJOU-NOTIFY c.subscribe([Config.AJOU_TOPIC_ID]) try: while True: msg = c.poll(0.1) time.sleep(5) if msg is None: time.sleep(10) continue elif not msg.error(): print("Received a message: {0}".format(msg.value())) if msg.value() is None: continue try: app_msg = json.loads(msg.value().decode()) except: app_msg = json.loads(msg.value()) try: title = app_msg["TITLE"] date = app_msg["DATE"] href = app_msg["LINK"] writer = app_msg["WRITER"] channel = "아주대" # TODO: 학사면 좀 더 중요하게? text = ":star: `%s` 새로운 공지!\n>%s: %s\n>링크: <%s|공지 확인하기>" % ( date, writer, title, href, ) print('\nSending message "%s" to channel %s' % (text, channel)) except SlackApiError as e: print("Failed to get channel/text from message.") print(e.response["error"]) channel = "kafka" text = msg.value() try: sc_response = sc.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text=text, as_user=True, username="아주대 공지 봇" ) # as_user은 new slack app에서 작동 안 함 except SlackApiError as e: assert e.response["ok"] is False print("\t** FAILED: %s" % e.response["error"]) elif msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print( "End of partition reached {0}/{1}".format(msg.topic(), msg.partition()) ) else: print("Error occured: {0}".format(msg.error().str())) except Exception as e: print(type(e)) print(dir(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Pressed CTRL+C...") finally: c.close()