diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f365462e60c64d1c8b0bf493c001b6e206b250db..bbeb6b4ec42cdc3d0f164330a195fa006d18ef1f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,3 +11,14 @@ Web Pages瑜� 留뚮뱶�� 怨쇱젙�먯꽌 GitLab, GitHub�� 愿��� 湲곕뒫�ㅼ쓣 怨듬�
 Phaser3�� 寃쎌슦 �� 蹂댁븞 �댁뒋媛� �� 怨⑥튂瑜� �꾪봽寃� �덉뒿�덈떎. �붾쾭源낆쓣 �꾪빐 Local Test瑜� 吏꾪뻾�덉뿀�붾뜲, Local�먯꽌 Image瑜� 媛��몄삤吏� 紐� �섎뜕 寃껋씠 蹂댁븞 �뚮Ц�� 嫄곕� �앷컖�� 紐삵빐�� �쒖갭�� �대㎏�덉뒿�덈떎. Image瑜� GitLab Repository�� �l뼱 洹멸구 遺덈윭�댁쑝濡쒖뜥 �대떦 �댁뒋�� �닿껐�덉뒿�덈떎.
 # �꾧린
 諛섍컩�듬땲��. 湲몄뿀�� �� �숆린媛� �앸굹怨� �ㅼ떆 �� 踰� �꾨줈�앺듃濡� �앹쓣 �μ떇�섎꽕��. �� �щ컡�� 媛뺤쓽 媛먯궗�쒕┛�ㅻ뒗 留먯� 瑗� �쒕━怨� �띠뿀怨좎슂, 援먯닔�섏쓽 吏꾩떎�� 媛�瑜댁묠�� �몄젣�� �숈뾽�� �섏뼱 �몄깮�� 援먰썕�� 源⑥슦移섎뒗 �댁젙�쒓� �먯뒿�덈떎. �댄솚�� 援먯닔�� 議닿꼍�섍퀬 媛먯궗�⑸땲��!
+# How Gitlab Pages works
+To use GitLab Pages, you must create a project in GitLab to upload your website�셲 files to. These projects can be either public, internal, or private.
+GitLab always deploys your website from a specific folder called public in your repository. When you create a new project in GitLab, a repository becomes available automatically.
+To deploy your site, GitLab uses its built-in tool called GitLab CI/CD to build your site and publish it to the GitLab Pages server. The sequence of scripts that GitLab CI/CD runs to accomplish this task is created from a file named .gitlab-ci.yml, which you can create and modify. A specific job called pages in the configuration file makes GitLab aware that you�셱e deploying a GitLab Pages website.
+You can either use the GitLab default domain for GitLab Pages websites, *.gitlab.io, or your own domain (example.com). In that case, you must be an administrator in your domain�셲 registrar (or control panel) to set it up with Pages.
+The following diagrams show the workflows you might follow to get started with Pages.