# Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution # https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.08797 from model import common import torch import torch.nn as nn def make_model(args, parent=False): return RDN(args) class RDB_Conv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inChannels, growRate, kSize=3): super(RDB_Conv, self).__init__() Cin = inChannels G = growRate self.conv = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Conv2d(Cin, G, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1), nn.ReLU() ]) def forward(self, x): out = self.conv(x) return torch.cat((x, out), 1) class RDB(nn.Module): def __init__(self, growRate0, growRate, nConvLayers, kSize=3): super(RDB, self).__init__() G0 = growRate0 G = growRate C = nConvLayers convs = [] for c in range(C): convs.append(RDB_Conv(G0 + c*G, G)) self.convs = nn.Sequential(*convs) # Local Feature Fusion self.LFF = nn.Conv2d(G0 + C*G, G0, 1, padding=0, stride=1) def forward(self, x): return self.LFF(self.convs(x)) + x class RDN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args): super(RDN, self).__init__() r = args.scale[0] G0 = args.G0 kSize = args.RDNkSize # number of RDB blocks, conv layers, out channels self.D, C, G = { 'A': (20, 6, 32), 'B': (16, 8, 64), }[args.RDNconfig] # Shallow feature extraction net self.SFENet1 = nn.Conv2d(args.n_colors, G0, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1) self.SFENet2 = nn.Conv2d(G0, G0, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1) # Redidual dense blocks and dense feature fusion self.RDBs = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.D): self.RDBs.append( RDB(growRate0 = G0, growRate = G, nConvLayers = C) ) # Global Feature Fusion self.GFF = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Conv2d(self.D * G0, G0, 1, padding=0, stride=1), nn.Conv2d(G0, G0, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1) ]) # Up-sampling net if r == 2 or r == 3: self.UPNet = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Conv2d(G0, G * r * r, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1), nn.PixelShuffle(r), nn.Conv2d(G, args.n_colors, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1) ]) elif r == 4: self.UPNet = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Conv2d(G0, G * 4, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1), nn.PixelShuffle(2), nn.Conv2d(G, G * 4, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1), nn.PixelShuffle(2), nn.Conv2d(G, args.n_colors, kSize, padding=(kSize-1)//2, stride=1) ]) else: raise ValueError("scale must be 2 or 3 or 4.") def forward(self, x): f__1 = self.SFENet1(x) x = self.SFENet2(f__1) RDBs_out = [] for i in range(self.D): x = self.RDBs[i](x) RDBs_out.append(x) x = self.GFF(torch.cat(RDBs_out,1)) x += f__1 return self.UPNet(x)