diff --git a/controllers/scheduleController.js b/controllers/scheduleController.js
index 4d43ee118a980c6ddf536eff25592f0cf734a66c..0f45d899cbe545b45cfe2e003a9e7ba707041c1b 100644
--- a/controllers/scheduleController.js
+++ b/controllers/scheduleController.js
@@ -23,21 +23,17 @@ class scheduleController {
         try {
             const userId = req.user.id;
             const scheduleRequestDTO = new ScheduleRequestDTO(req.body);
-            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('create'); // 'create' ���� 寃�利�
+            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('create');
-            const { title, is_fixed, events } = validatedData;
-            const schedules = await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+            const schedule = await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
-                title,
-                is_fixed,
-                events
+                ...validatedData
             return res.status(201).json({
                 success: true,
                 data: {
-                    schedules
+                    schedule
         } catch (error) {
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ class scheduleController {
-    }
+    }   
      * �ㅼ�以� �섏젙
@@ -57,31 +53,28 @@ class scheduleController {
      * Bulk update 吏���
      * �붿껌 蹂몃Ц �덉떆:
      * {
-     *   updates: [
-     *     { time_idx: 36, title: 'New Title', is_fixed: true },
-     *     { time_idx: 44, title: 'Another Title' },
-     *     // ...
-     *   ]
+     *  "originalTitle": "�뚭퀬由ъ쬁 �ㅽ꽣��", // 湲곗〈 �ㅼ�以꾩쓽 �쒕ぉ
+     *  "title": "�뚭퀬由ъ쬁 �ㅽ꽣�� 2.0",     // 蹂�寃쏀븷 �쒕ぉ (�쒕ぉ 蹂�寃� �덊븷嫄곕㈃ 湲곗〈 �쒕ぉ�� �l뼱�쇳븿 * -> title濡� �숈씪 �ㅼ�以꾩쓣 李얠븘��)
+     *   "is_fixed": true,  
+     *   "time_indices": [36, 37, 38, 40]   // 蹂�寃쏀븷 time_indices 諛곗뿴
      * }
     async updateSchedules(req, res) {
         try {
             const userId = req.user.id;
             const scheduleRequestDTO = new ScheduleRequestDTO(req.body);
-            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('bulk_update'); // 'bulk_update' ���� 寃�利�
-            const { updates } = validatedData;
-            const updatedSchedules = await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(userId, updates);
+            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('bulk_update');
+            const updatedSchedule = await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(userId, validatedData);
             return res.status(200).json({
                 success: true,
                 data: {
-                    schedules: updatedSchedules
+                    schedule: updatedSchedule
         } catch (error) {
-            if (error.code === 'SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND') {
+            if (error.message === 'Schedule not found') {
                 return res.status(404).json({
                     success: false,
                     error: {
@@ -106,24 +99,21 @@ class scheduleController {
      * Bulk delete 吏���
      * �붿껌 蹂몃Ц �덉떆:
      * {
-     *   time_idxs: [36, 44, ...]
+     *  "title": "�뚭퀬由ъ쬁 �ㅽ꽣��"
      * }
     async deleteSchedules(req, res) {
         try {
             const userId = req.user.id;
             const scheduleRequestDTO = new ScheduleRequestDTO(req.body);
-            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('bulk_delete'); // 'bulk_delete' ���� 寃�利�
-            const { time_idxs } = validatedData;
-            const result = await ScheduleService.deleteSchedules(userId, time_idxs);
+            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('bulk_delete');
+            const result = await ScheduleService.deleteSchedules(userId, validatedData.title);
             return res.status(200).json({
                 success: true,
                 data: {
-                    message: 'Schedules successfully deleted',
-                    deleted_time_idxs: result.deleted_time_idxs
+                    message: 'Schedule successfully deleted',
+                    deletedCount: result.deletedCount
         } catch (error) {
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ class scheduleController {
      * �대떦 �ъ슜�� �꾩껜 �ㅼ�以� 議고쉶
      * GET /api/schedule/all
@@ -148,7 +137,9 @@ class scheduleController {
             return res.status(200).json({
                 success: true,
-                data: schedules
+                data: {
+                    schedules
+                }
         } catch (error) {
             return res.status(500).json({
@@ -171,11 +162,15 @@ class scheduleController {
             const { time_idx } = req.params;
             const userId = req.user.id;
-            const schedule = await ScheduleService.getScheduleByTimeIdx(userId, parseInt(time_idx, 10));
+            const scheduleRequestDTO = new ScheduleRequestDTO({ time_idx: parseInt(time_idx, 10) });
+            const validatedData = scheduleRequestDTO.validate('get_by_time_idx');
+            const schedule = await ScheduleService.getScheduleByTimeIdx(userId, validatedData.time_idx);
             return res.status(200).json({
                 success: true,
-                data: schedule
+                data: {
+                    schedule
+                }
         } catch (error) {
             if (error.message === 'Schedule not found') {
diff --git a/dtos/ScheduleRequestDTO.js b/dtos/ScheduleRequestDTO.js
index 854bd3f124ebe293fe781924683ed0d9b0a4c168..218f9e040e224a1b7b00f144e510a26e640cb4e3 100644
--- a/dtos/ScheduleRequestDTO.js
+++ b/dtos/ScheduleRequestDTO.js
@@ -13,27 +13,28 @@ class ScheduleRequestDTO {
             schema = Joi.object({
                 title: Joi.string().min(1).max(255).required(),
                 is_fixed: Joi.boolean().required(),
-                events: Joi.array().items(
-                    Joi.object({
-                        time_idx: Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671).required(),
-                    })
-                ).min(1).required()
+                time_indices: Joi.array()
+                    .items(Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671))
+                    .min(1)
+                    .required()
         } else if (type === 'bulk_update') {
             schema = Joi.object({
-                updates: Joi.array().items(
-                    Joi.object({
-                        time_idx: Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671).required(),
-                        title: Joi.string().min(1).max(255).optional(),
-                        is_fixed: Joi.boolean().optional(),
-                    })
-                ).min(1).required()
+                originalTitle: Joi.string().min(1).max(255).required(),
+                title: Joi.string().min(1).max(255).required(),
+                is_fixed: Joi.boolean().required(),
+                time_indices: Joi.array()
+                    .items(Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671))
+                    .min(1)
+                    .required()
         } else if (type === 'bulk_delete') {
             schema = Joi.object({
-                time_idxs: Joi.array().items(
-                    Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671).required()
-                ).min(1).required()
+                title: Joi.string().min(1).max(255).required()
+            });
+        } else if (type === 'get_by_time_idx') {
+            schema = Joi.object({
+                time_idx: Joi.number().integer().min(0).max(671).required()
diff --git a/dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO.js b/dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO.js
index a75316e65e13999800b70b4e23e9c40203dccee8..75276216f17143fd685160c0a47e72dd8b61608e 100644
--- a/dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO.js
+++ b/dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO.js
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
 // dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO.js
 class ScheduleResponseDTO {
-  constructor(schedule) {
-      this.id = schedule.id;
-      this.user_id = schedule.user_id;
-      this.title = schedule.title;
-      this.time_idx = schedule.time_idx; // �덈줈�� time_idx �꾨뱶 異붽�
-      this.is_fixed = schedule.is_fixed;
-      this.createdAt = schedule.createdAt;
-      this.updatedAt = schedule.updatedAt;
+  static groupSchedules(schedules) {
+      const grouped = schedules.reduce((acc, schedule) => {
+          const key = `${schedule.title}-${schedule.is_fixed}`;
+          if (!acc[key]) {
+              acc[key] = {
+                  id: schedule.id,
+                  user_id: schedule.user_id,
+                  title: schedule.title,
+                  is_fixed: schedule.is_fixed,
+                  time_indices: [],
+                  createdAt: schedule.createdAt,
+                  updatedAt: schedule.updatedAt
+              };
+          }
+          acc[key].time_indices.push(schedule.time_idx);
+          return acc;
+      }, {});
+      return Object.values(grouped);
diff --git a/services/meetingService.js b/services/meetingService.js
index 24b9e67f94799975c8826f442002783b51c8360b..746597dcf5123cc7802ae8087e763a028b3d34cc 100644
--- a/services/meetingService.js
+++ b/services/meetingService.js
@@ -118,20 +118,16 @@ class MeetingService {
                 { transaction }
-            // �ㅼ�以� �앹꽦 (紐⑥엫 �쒓컙 踰붿쐞 �� 紐⑤뱺 time_idx�� ���� �앹꽦)
-            const events = [];
-            for (let idx = time_idx_start; idx <= time_idx_end; idx++) {
-                events.push({ time_idx: idx });
-            }
-            await ScheduleService.createSchedules(
-                {
-                    userId: created_by,
-                    title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${title}`,
-                    is_fixed: false,
-                    events: events,
-                },
-                transaction
+            const time_indices = Array.from(
+                { length: time_idx_end - time_idx_start + 1 },
+                (_, i) => time_idx_start + i
+            await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+                userId: created_by,
+                title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${title}`,
+                is_fixed: false,
+                time_indices: time_indices,
+            }, transaction);
             // 移쒓뎄 珥덈� 濡쒖쭅 �몄텧
             const invitedFriendIds = await this.sendInvites({
@@ -264,24 +260,17 @@ class MeetingService {
             { transaction }
-          // �ㅼ�以� �앹꽦 (紐⑥엫 �쒓컙 踰붿쐞 �� 紐⑤뱺 time_idx�� ���� �앹꽦)
-          const events = [];
-          for (
-            let idx = meeting.time_idx_start;
-            idx <= meeting.time_idx_end;
-            idx++
-          ) {
-            events.push({ time_idx: idx });
-          }
-          await ScheduleService.createSchedules(
-            {
-              userId: userId,
-              title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${meeting.title}`,
-              is_fixed: false,
-              events: events,
-            },
-            transaction
-          );
+        const time_indices = Array.from(
+            { length: meeting.time_idx_end - meeting.time_idx_start + 1 },
+            (_, i) => meeting.time_idx_start + i
+        );
+        await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+            userId: userId,
+            title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${meeting.title}`,
+            is_fixed: false,
+            time_indices: time_indices,
+        }, transaction);
           // 梨꾪똿諛� 李멸� (MongoDB)
           const user = await User.findOne({
diff --git a/services/modifyScheduleResponse.test.js b/services/modifyScheduleResponse.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64ab78c260c61a9274df0f3f77fa5d459cc65934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/modifyScheduleResponse.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// test/scheduleService.test.js
+const sequelize = require('../config/sequelize');
+const { Schedule, User, Meeting, MeetingParticipant, FcmToken } = require('../models');
+const ScheduleService = require('../services/scheduleService');
+const MeetingService = require('../services/meetingService');
+const ChatRooms = require('../schemas/chatRooms');
+describe('Schedule Service and Meeting Integration Tests', () => {
+    beforeAll(async () => {
+        await sequelize.sync({ force: true });
+    });
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+        await MeetingParticipant.destroy({ where: {} });
+        await Meeting.destroy({ where: {} });
+        await Schedule.destroy({ where: {} });
+        await User.destroy({ where: {} });
+        await FcmToken.destroy({ where: {} });
+        // �붾� �ъ슜�� �앹꽦
+        await User.bulkCreate([
+            { id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: 'alice@example.com' },
+            { id: 2, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example.com' },
+            { id: 3, name: 'Charlie', email: 'charlie@example.com' }
+        ]);
+        // ChatRooms Mock �ㅼ젙
+        jest.spyOn(ChatRooms.prototype, 'save').mockResolvedValue(undefined);
+        jest.spyOn(ChatRooms, 'findOne').mockResolvedValue({
+            participants: [],
+            isOnline: new Map(),
+            lastReadAt: new Map(),
+            lastReadLogId: new Map(),
+            save: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(true)
+        });
+    });
+    afterAll(async () => {
+        await sequelize.close();
+    });
+    describe('Schedule Service Tests', () => {
+        test('should create schedule with time_indices', async () => {
+            const scheduleData = {
+                userId: 1,
+                title: 'Test Schedule',
+                is_fixed: true,
+                time_indices: [36, 37, 38]
+            };
+            const schedule = await ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData);
+            expect(schedule).toBeDefined();
+            expect(schedule.title).toBe('Test Schedule');
+            expect(schedule.time_indices).toEqual([36, 37, 38]);
+            const dbSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+                where: { user_id: 1, title: 'Test Schedule' }
+            });
+            expect(dbSchedules.length).toBe(3);
+        });
+        test('should update schedule with new time_indices', async () => {
+            await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+                userId: 1,
+                title: 'Original Schedule',
+                is_fixed: true,
+                time_indices: [36, 37, 38]
+            });
+            const updateData = {
+                originalTitle: 'Original Schedule',
+                title: 'Updated Schedule',
+                is_fixed: true,
+                time_indices: [36, 37, 38, 39]
+            };
+            const updatedSchedule = await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(1, updateData);
+            expect(updatedSchedule.title).toBe('Updated Schedule');
+            expect(updatedSchedule.time_indices).toEqual([36, 37, 38, 39]);
+        });
+        test('should delete schedule by title', async () => {
+            await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+                userId: 1,
+                title: 'Schedule to Delete',
+                is_fixed: true,
+                time_indices: [40, 41, 42]
+            });
+            const result = await ScheduleService.deleteSchedules(1, 'Schedule to Delete');
+            expect(result.deletedCount).toBe(3);
+            const remainingSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+                where: { user_id: 1, title: 'Schedule to Delete' }
+            });
+            expect(remainingSchedules.length).toBe(0);
+        });
+    });
+    describe('Meeting Integration Tests', () => {
+        beforeEach(() => {
+            jest.spyOn(User, 'findOne').mockResolvedValue({
+                id: 1,
+                name: 'Alice',
+                email: 'alice@example.com',
+                fcmTokenList: []
+            });
+        });
+        test('should create meeting with correct schedules', async () => {
+            const meetingData = {
+                title: 'Test Meeting',
+                time_idx_start: 50,
+                time_idx_end: 52,
+                created_by: 1,
+                type: 'OPEN',
+                max_num: 5
+            };
+            const meeting = await MeetingService.createMeeting(meetingData);
+            const creatorSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+                where: {
+                    user_id: 1,
+                    title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${meetingData.title}`
+                }
+            });
+            expect(creatorSchedules.length).toBe(3);
+            expect(creatorSchedules.map(s => s.time_idx).sort()).toEqual([50, 51, 52]);
+        });
+        test('should create correct schedules when joining meeting', async () => {
+            const meetingData = {
+                title: 'Join Test Meeting',
+                time_idx_start: 60,
+                time_idx_end: 62,
+                created_by: 1,
+                type: 'OPEN',
+                max_num: 5,
+                time_idx_deadline: 59 
+            };
+            const meeting = await MeetingService.createMeeting(meetingData);
+            jest.spyOn(MeetingService, 'getCurrentTimeIdx').mockReturnValue(58);
+            await MeetingService.joinMeeting(meeting.meeting_id, 2);
+            const participantSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+                where: {
+                    user_id: 2,
+                    title: `踰덇컻 紐⑥엫: ${meetingData.title}`
+                }
+            });
+            expect(participantSchedules.length).toBe(3);
+            expect(participantSchedules.map(s => s.time_idx).sort()).toEqual([60, 61, 62]);
+        });
+        test('should handle schedule conflicts correctly', async () => {
+            await ScheduleService.createSchedules({
+                userId: 2,
+                title: 'Existing Schedule',
+                is_fixed: true,
+                time_indices: [70, 71]
+            });
+            const meetingData = {
+                title: 'Conflict Test Meeting',
+                time_idx_start: 70,
+                time_idx_end: 72,
+                created_by: 1,
+                type: 'OPEN',
+                max_num: 5,
+                time_idx_deadline: 69 
+            };
+            const meeting = await MeetingService.createMeeting(meetingData);
+            await expect(
+                MeetingService.joinMeeting(meeting.meeting_id, 2)
+            ).rejects.toThrow('�ㅼ�以꾩씠 寃뱀묩�덈떎');
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/scheduleService.js b/services/scheduleService.js
index e664a4909abfbca48cbb533bcbcf67f77152382d..abfb66ef6230eb7e7e24bc811ddf733d3fdacf84 100644
--- a/services/scheduleService.js
+++ b/services/scheduleService.js
@@ -9,158 +9,222 @@ class ScheduleService {
      * �ㅼ�以� �앹꽦 (踰뚰겕)
      * @param {object} [transaction] - Sequelize �몃옖��뀡 媛앹껜 -> 誘명똿諛⑹뿉�� �곌린�꾪빐 �몃옖��뀡�� �섍꺼諛쏅뒗嫄� 異붽� 
-    async createSchedules({ userId, title, is_fixed, events }, transaction = null) {
-        const scheduleDTOs = [];
-        for (const event of events) {
-            const { time_idx } = event;
-            // 以묐났 �ㅼ�以� 寃���
+    async createSchedules({ userId, title, is_fixed, time_indices }, transaction = null) {
+        // 以묐났 寃���
+        for (const time_idx of time_indices) {
             const overlap = await this.checkScheduleOverlap(userId, time_idx, transaction);
             if (overlap) {
-                throw new Error(`Schedule overlaps with existing schedule at time_idx ${time_idx}`);
+                throw new Error(`Schedule overlaps at time_idx ${time_idx}`);
-            const scheduleData = {
-                user_id: userId,
-                title,
-                time_idx,
-                is_fixed,
-            };
-            const schedule = await Schedule.create(scheduleData, { transaction });
-            scheduleDTOs.push(new ScheduleResponseDTO(schedule));
-        return scheduleDTOs;
-    }
-    /**
-     * �ㅼ�以� �섏젙 (踰뚰겕)
-     * @param {Array} updates - �섏젙�� �ㅼ�以� 諛곗뿴
-     */
-    async updateSchedules(userId, updates, transaction = null) {
-        const updatedSchedules = [];
+        const createdSchedules = await Promise.all(
+            time_indices.map(time_idx =>
+                Schedule.create({
+                    user_id: userId,
+                    title,
+                    time_idx,
+                    is_fixed
+                }, { transaction })
+            )
+        );
-        for (const update of updates) {
-            const { time_idx, title, is_fixed } = update;
+        return {
+            id: createdSchedules[0].id,
+            user_id: userId,
+            title,
+            is_fixed,
+            time_indices,
+            createdAt: createdSchedules[0].createdAt,
+            updatedAt: createdSchedules[0].updatedAt
+        };
+    }
-            const schedule = await Schedule.findOne({
-                where: { user_id: userId, time_idx },
-                transaction,
+    async getAllSchedules(userId) {
+        try {
+            const schedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+                where: { user_id: userId },
+                order: [['time_idx', 'ASC']]
-            if (!schedule) {
-                throw new Error(`Schedule not found at time_idx ${time_idx}`);
-            }
+            return ScheduleResponseDTO.groupSchedules(schedules);
+        } catch (error) {
+            throw new Error(`Failed to fetch schedules: ${error.message}`);
+        }
+    }
+    async updateSchedules(userId, updates, transaction = null) {
+        const { originalTitle, title, is_fixed, time_indices } = updates;
-            const updatedData = {};
-            if (title !== undefined) updatedData.title = title;
-            if (is_fixed !== undefined) updatedData.is_fixed = is_fixed;
+        // 湲곗〈 �ㅼ�以� 議고쉶
+        const existingSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+            where: {
+                user_id: userId,
+                title: originalTitle
+            },
+            transaction
+        });
-            const updatedSchedule = await schedule.update(updatedData, { transaction });
-            updatedSchedules.push(new ScheduleResponseDTO(updatedSchedule));
+        if (existingSchedules.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error('Schedule not found');
-        return updatedSchedules;
-    }
+        const existingTimeIndices = existingSchedules.map(s => s.time_idx); // 湲곗〈 �쒓컙��
+        const toDelete = existingTimeIndices.filter(idx => !time_indices.includes(idx)); // ��젣�� �쒓컙��
+        const toAdd = time_indices.filter(idx => !existingTimeIndices.includes(idx)); // 異붽��� �쒓컙��
+        const t = transaction || await sequelize.transaction();
-    /**
-     * �ㅼ�以� ��젣 (踰뚰겕)
-     * @param {number} userId - �ъ슜�� ID
-     * @param {Array<number>} time_idxs - ��젣�� �ㅼ�以꾩쓽 time_idx 諛곗뿴
-     * @param {object} [transaction] - Sequelize �몃옖��뀡 媛앹껜
-     */
-    async deleteSchedules(userId, time_idxs, transaction = null) {
-        const deleted_time_idxs = [];
+        try {
+            // ��젣
+            if (toDelete.length > 0) {
+                await Schedule.destroy({
+                    where: {
+                        user_id: userId,
+                        title: originalTitle,
+                        time_idx: {
+                            [Op.in]: toDelete
+                        }
+                    },
+                    transaction: t
+                });
+            }
-        for (const time_idx of time_idxs) {
-            const deletedCount = await Schedule.destroy({
-                where: { user_id: userId, time_idx },
-                transaction,
-            });
+            // �쒕ぉ, 怨좎젙/�좊룞 �낅뜲�댄듃
+            await Schedule.update(
+                {
+                    title,
+                    is_fixed
+                },
+                {
+                    where: {
+                        user_id: userId,
+                        title: originalTitle
+                    },
+                    transaction: t
+                }
+            );
+            // �덈줈�� time_indices 異붽�
+            if (toAdd.length > 0) {
+                await Promise.all(
+                    toAdd.map(time_idx =>
+                        Schedule.create({
+                            user_id: userId,
+                            title,
+                            time_idx,
+                            is_fixed
+                        }, { transaction: t })
+                    )
+                );
+            }
-            if (deletedCount === 0) {
-                throw new Error(`Schedule not found at time_idx ${time_idx}`);
+            if (!transaction) {
+                await t.commit();
-            deleted_time_idxs.push(time_idx);
+            return {
+                id: existingSchedules[0].id,
+                user_id: userId,
+                title,
+                is_fixed,
+                time_indices,
+                createdAt: existingSchedules[0].createdAt,
+                updatedAt: new Date()
+            };
+        } catch (error) {
+            if (!transaction) {
+                await t.rollback();
+            }
+            throw error;
+    }
+    async deleteSchedules(userId, title, transaction = null) {
+        const deletedSchedules = await Schedule.destroy({
+            where: {
+                user_id: userId,
+                title
+            },
+            transaction
+        });
-        return { deleted_time_idxs };
+        return { deletedCount: deletedSchedules };
      * �뱀젙 time_idx濡� �ㅼ�以� 議고쉶
     async getScheduleByTimeIdx(userId, time_idx) {
+        // �대떦 time_idx�� �ㅼ�以� 李얘린
         const schedule = await Schedule.findOne({
-            where: { user_id: userId, time_idx },
+            where: { user_id: userId, time_idx }
         if (!schedule) {
             throw new Error('Schedule not found');
-        return new ScheduleResponseDTO(schedule);
+        // 媛숈� �쒕ぉ�� 紐⑤뱺 �ㅼ�以� 李얘린
+        const relatedSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
+            where: {
+                user_id: userId,
+                title: schedule.title,
+                is_fixed: schedule.is_fixed
+            },
+            order: [['time_idx', 'ASC']]
+        });
+        return ScheduleResponseDTO.groupSchedules(relatedSchedules)[0];
-    /**
-     * 紐⑤뱺 �ㅼ�以� 議고쉶
-     */
     async getAllSchedules(userId) {
         try {
             const schedules = await Schedule.findAll({
                 where: { user_id: userId },
-                order: [['time_idx', 'ASC']],
+                order: [['time_idx', 'ASC']]
-            return schedules.map((schedule) => new ScheduleResponseDTO(schedule));
+            return ScheduleResponseDTO.groupSchedules(schedules);
         } catch (error) {
             throw new Error(`Failed to fetch schedules: ${error.message}`);
-    /**
-     * 以묐났 �ㅼ�以� 寃���
-     */
     async checkScheduleOverlap(userId, time_idx, transaction = null) {
         const overlappingSchedule = await Schedule.findOne({
             where: { user_id: userId, time_idx },
-            transaction,
+            transaction
         return !!overlappingSchedule;
     async checkScheduleOverlapByTime(userId, time_idx_start, time_idx_end, transaction = null) {
-        console.log(
-            `checkScheduleOverlapByTime �몄텧: userId=${userId}, time_idx_start=${time_idx_start}, time_idx_end=${time_idx_end}`
-        );
-        const overlappingSchedule = await Schedule.findOne({
+        const overlappingSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({
             where: {
                 user_id: userId,
                 time_idx: {
-                    [Op.between]: [time_idx_start, time_idx_end] 
+                    [Op.between]: [time_idx_start, time_idx_end]
-            transaction,
+            transaction
-         console.log(`以묐났 �ㅼ�以�: ${JSON.stringify(overlappingSchedule)}`);
-    const result = !!overlappingSchedule;
-    console.log(`�ㅼ�以� 異⑸룎 寃곌낵: ${result}`);
-    return result;
+        const groupedSchedules = ScheduleResponseDTO.groupSchedules(overlappingSchedules);
+        const result = groupedSchedules.length > 0;
+        console.log(`checkScheduleOverlapByTime �몄텧: userId=${userId}, time_idx_start=${time_idx_start}, time_idx_end=${time_idx_end}`);
+        console.log(`以묐났 �ㅼ�以�: ${JSON.stringify(groupedSchedules)}`);
+        console.log(`�ㅼ�以� 異⑸룎 寃곌낵: ${result}`);
+        return result;
-    /**
-     * 留뚮즺�� �ㅼ�以� ��젣
-     */
     async cleanExpiredSchedules() {
         try {
             const deletedCount = await Schedule.destroy({
-                where: { is_fixed: false },
+                where: { is_fixed: false }
-            //console.log(`Deleted ${deletedCount} flexible schedules.`);
+            return { deletedCount };
         } catch (error) {
             console.error('Failed to clean expired schedules:', error);
             throw error;