diff --git a/output.log b/output.log
deleted file mode 100644
index f50856d2ff07cf69b2737346ecb7af37efe6c5b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/output.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-MongoDB URI: mongodb+srv://admin:lim1234!!@goodmeeting.vkniz.mongodb.net/
-(node:237546) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useNewUrlParser is a deprecated option: useNewUrlParser has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
-(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
-(node:237546) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useUnifiedTopology is a deprecated option: useUnifiedTopology has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
-�� MongoDB �곌껐 �깃났
-Rdb�곗씠�곕쿋�댁뒪 �곌껐 �깃났.
-紐⑤뱺 紐⑤뜽�� �깃났�곸쑝濡� �숆린�붾릺�덉뒿�덈떎.
-Server is running on 8080
-GET /api/session/info 401 9.962 ms - 76
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%9E%84%EC%84%B8%ED%98%84 200 18.575 ms - 2
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 71.212 ms - -
-GET /api/session/info 401 1.954 ms - 76
-GET /api/auth/login 302 3.293 ms - 0
-GET /api/auth/google/callback?code=4%2F0AeanS0bo56K9bp52E_K4k1_MsLy3ISx6PmunHrrE1MlEYKczIMg2thRYYgY7Fk-YzLgDLA&scope=email+profile+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.profile+openid&authuser=1&hd=ajou.ac.kr&prompt=none 302 453.008 ms - 48
-GET /api/session/info 200 6.112 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 16.234 ms - 51
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%9E%84%EC%84%B8%ED%98%84 304 22.679 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 23.630 ms - -
-GET /api/session/info 200 6.990 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 7.645 ms - 51
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 16.225 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%9E%84%EC%84%B8%ED%98%84 304 11.814 ms - -
-GET /api/schedule/all 304 9.932 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getAllSchedules: 5.537642002105713ms
-GET /api/session/info 200 7.587 ms - 51
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 16.365 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%9E%84%EC%84%B8%ED%98%84 304 11.954 ms - -
-GET /api/schedule/all 304 19.858 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getAllSchedules: 4.0661240220069885ms
-POST /api/schedule 201 57.019 ms - 254
-Performance Measurement - createSchedule: 32.22604298591614ms
-POST /api/schedule 201 18.985 ms - 209
-Performance Measurement - createSchedule: 14.478051960468292ms
-GET /api/session/info 401 1.989 ms - 76
-GET /api/session/info 200 18.484 ms - 51
-GET /api/meeting/my?page=0&size=20 200 27.169 ms - 73
-GET /api/friend/all?page=0&size=10 200 12.508 ms - 73
-Performance Measurement - getFriendList: 8.078101992607117ms
-GET /api/friend/requests/received 200 21.379 ms - 26
-Performance Measurement - getReceivedRequests: 12.82328200340271ms
-GET /api/session/info 200 5.489 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 8.371 ms - 51
-GET /api/meeting/my?page=0&size=20 304 16.133 ms - -
-GET /api/friend/all?page=0&size=10 304 29.121 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getFriendList: 6.826422989368439ms
-GET /api/friend/requests/received 304 32.139 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getReceivedRequests: 5.952132999897003ms
-GET /api/session/info 200 22.840 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 9.178 ms - 51
-GET /api/meeting/my?page=0&size=20 304 14.669 ms - -
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.464 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.141 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.210 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.142 ms - 0
-GET /api/session/info 401 0.925 ms - 76
-GET /api/session/info 401 1.223 ms - 76
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 8.083 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%8B%AC%EC%9E%AC%EC%97%BD 304 4.635 ms - -
-GET /api/session/info 401 0.874 ms - 76
-GET /api/auth/login? 302 0.917 ms - 0
-GET /api/auth/google/callback?code=4%2F0AeanS0bOw-YtdxF3OtlXlNJwNPikLk99RTj2hA5DEUqDh90OVHztLhrKtkMXUSWpI-uqyQ&scope=email+profile+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.profile+openid&authuser=0&hd=ajou.ac.kr&prompt=none 302 474.318 ms - 48
-GET /api/session/info 200 3.726 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 14.662 ms - 51
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 21.626 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%8B%AC%EC%9E%AC%EC%97%BD 304 22.687 ms - -
-GET /api/session/info 200 6.551 ms - 51
-GET /api/meeting/my?page=0&size=20 304 8.614 ms - -
-GET /api/session/info 200 5.132 ms - 51
-GET /api/chat/rooms 304 13.220 ms - -
-GET /api/chat/unread-messages/%EC%8B%AC%EC%9E%AC%EC%97%BD 304 8.728 ms - -
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.184 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.134 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.192 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.235 ms - 0
-GET /api/friend/requests/received 304 52.485 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getReceivedRequests: 6.246300995349884ms
-GET /api/friend/all?page=0&size=10 304 49.049 ms - -
-Performance Measurement - getFriendList: 4.844668984413147ms
-GET /api/session/info 200 3.957 ms - 51
-GET /api/session/info 200 5.007 ms - 51
-GET /api/meeting/my?page=0&size=20 304 7.817 ms - -
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.228 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.145 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.194 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.158 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.198 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.135 ms - 0
-GET /api/session/info 401 0.856 ms - 76
-GET /api/session/info 401 0.662 ms - 76
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.377 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.478 ms - 0
-OPTIONS /api/schedule/all 204 0.194 ms - 0
diff --git a/start.sh b/start.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 00e9bb6ef347484cfd135e68776c215f20ef9957..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/start.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Define application file names
-# Find and kill processes for app.js
-APP_PID=$(pgrep -f "node .*${APP_JS}")
-if [ -n "$APP_PID" ]; then
-  echo "Stopping ${APP_JS} with PID: $APP_PID"
-  kill -9 "$APP_PID"
-  echo "No running process found for ${APP_JS}"
-# Find and kill processes for wsServer.js
-WS_SERVER_PID=$(pgrep -f "node .*${WS_SERVER_JS}")
-if [ -n "$WS_SERVER_PID" ]; then
-  echo "Stopping ${WS_SERVER_JS} with PID: $WS_SERVER_PID"
-  kill -9 "$WS_SERVER_PID"
-  echo "No running process found for ${WS_SERVER_JS}"
-# Start app.js with nohup
-echo "Starting ${APP_JS}..."
-nohup node "${APP_JS}" > output.log 2>&1 &
-echo "${APP_JS} started with PID: $!"
-# Start wsServer.js with nohup
-echo "Starting ${WS_SERVER_JS}..."
-nohup node "${WS_SERVER_JS}" > weblog.log 2>&1 &
-echo "${WS_SERVER_JS} started with PID: $!"
diff --git a/weblog.log b/weblog.log
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd9d956fe0863cb20caf8eb3c2078cd7e57aeb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/weblog.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-(node:237547) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useNewUrlParser is a deprecated option: useNewUrlParser has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
-(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
-(node:237547) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useUnifiedTopology is a deprecated option: useUnifiedTopology has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
-MongoDB�� �깃났�곸쑝濡� �곌껐�섏뿀�듬땲��.
-WebSocket 梨꾪똿 �쒕쾭媛� 8081 �ы듃�먯꽌 �ㅽ뻾 以묒엯�덈떎.
-RabbitMQ connection established