// test/scheduleService.test.js const sequelize = require('../config/sequelize'); // 실제 경로에 맞게 수정 const { Schedule, User } = require('../models'); const ScheduleService = require('../services/scheduleService'); // Uppercase 'S'로 가져오기 const ScheduleResponseDTO = require('../dtos/ScheduleResponseDTO'); beforeAll(async () => { // 테스트 스위트가 시작되기 전에 데이터베이스를 동기화합니다. await sequelize.sync({ force: true }); }); beforeEach(async () => { // 각 테스트가 시작되기 전에 기존 데이터를 삭제합니다. await Schedule.destroy({ where: {} }); await User.destroy({ where: {} }); // 더미 사용자 생성 await User.bulkCreate([ { id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: 'alice@example.com' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example.com' }, { id: 3, name: 'Charlie', email: 'charlie@example.com' }, ]); // 더미 스케줄 생성 await Schedule.bulkCreate([ { id: 1, user_id: 1, title: 'Alice Fixed Schedule 1', time_idx: 36, is_fixed: true }, { id: 2, user_id: 1, title: 'Alice Flexible Schedule 1', time_idx: 44, is_fixed: false }, { id: 3, user_id: 2, title: 'Bob Fixed Schedule 1', time_idx: 60, is_fixed: true }, { id: 4, user_id: 2, title: 'Bob Flexible Schedule 1', time_idx: 61, is_fixed: false }, { id: 5, user_id: 3, title: 'Charlie Fixed Schedule 1', time_idx: 100, is_fixed: true }, ]); }); afterAll(async () => { // 모든 테스트가 끝난 후 데이터베이스 연결을 종료합니다. await sequelize.close(); }); describe('ScheduleService', () => { describe('createSchedules', () => { test('should create multiple new fixed schedules successfully', async () => { const scheduleData = { userId: 1, title: 'Alice Fixed Schedule Bulk', is_fixed: true, events: [ { time_idx: 50 }, // Valid time_idx { time_idx: 51 }, ], }; const schedules = await ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData); expect(schedules).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(schedules)).toBe(true); expect(schedules.length).toBe(2); schedules.forEach((schedule, index) => { expect(schedule.user_id).toBe(1); expect(schedule.title).toBe('Alice Fixed Schedule Bulk'); expect(schedule.is_fixed).toBe(true); expect(schedule.time_idx).toBe(scheduleData.events[index].time_idx); }); // 데이터베이스에 실제로 추가되었는지 확인 const dbSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({ where: { user_id: 1, title: 'Alice Fixed Schedule Bulk' }, }); expect(dbSchedules.length).toBe(2); }); test('should create multiple new flexible schedules successfully', async () => { const scheduleData = { userId: 2, title: 'Bob Flexible Schedule Bulk', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 62 }, { time_idx: 63 }, ], }; const schedules = await ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData); expect(schedules).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(schedules)).toBe(true); expect(schedules.length).toBe(2); schedules.forEach((schedule, index) => { expect(schedule.user_id).toBe(2); expect(schedule.title).toBe('Bob Flexible Schedule Bulk'); expect(schedule.is_fixed).toBe(false); expect(schedule.time_idx).toBe(scheduleData.events[index].time_idx); }); // 데이터베이스에 실제로 추가되었는지 확인 const dbSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({ where: { user_id: 2, title: 'Bob Flexible Schedule Bulk' }, }); expect(dbSchedules.length).toBe(2); }); test('should throw error when creating schedules with overlapping time_idx', async () => { const scheduleData = { userId: 1, title: 'Alice Overlapping Schedule', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 36 }, // Existing schedule for Alice ], }; await expect(ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData)) .rejects .toThrow('Schedule overlaps with existing schedule at time_idx 36'); }); test('should throw error when creating schedules with invalid time_idx', async () => { const scheduleData = { userId: 1, title: 'Alice Invalid Schedule', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 700 }, // Invalid time_idx ], }; await expect(ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData)) .rejects .toThrow('Validation error: Validation max on time_idx failed'); }); }); describe('updateSchedules', () => { test('should update multiple existing schedules successfully', async () => { const updateData = { updates: [ { time_idx: 36, title: 'Alice Updated Fixed Schedule', is_fixed: true }, { time_idx: 44, title: 'Alice Updated Flexible Schedule', is_fixed: false }, ], }; const updatedSchedules = await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(1, updateData.updates); expect(updatedSchedules).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(updatedSchedules)).toBe(true); expect(updatedSchedules.length).toBe(2); updatedSchedules.forEach((schedule, index) => { expect(schedule.title).toBe(updateData.updates[index].title); expect(schedule.is_fixed).toBe(updateData.updates[index].is_fixed); expect(schedule.time_idx).toBe(updateData.updates[index].time_idx); }); // 데이터베이스에서 업데이트 확인 const dbSchedule1 = await Schedule.findOne({ where: { user_id: 1, time_idx: 36 } }); const dbSchedule2 = await Schedule.findOne({ where: { user_id: 1, time_idx: 44 } }); expect(dbSchedule1.title).toBe('Alice Updated Fixed Schedule'); expect(dbSchedule2.title).toBe('Alice Updated Flexible Schedule'); }); test('should throw error when updating a non-existing schedule', async () => { const updateData = { updates: [ { time_idx: 999, title: 'Non-existing Schedule' }, ], }; await expect(ScheduleService.updateSchedules(1, updateData.updates)) .rejects .toMatchObject({ message: 'Schedule not found at time_idx 999' }); }); test('should throw error when creating schedules with overlapping time_idx', async () => { // 먼저, 새로운 스케줄을 생성하여 time_idx 50을 사용 await ScheduleService.createSchedules({ userId: 1, title: 'Alice Another Schedule', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 50 }, ], }); // 동일한 time_idx로 스케줄을 생성하려 할 때 오류가 발생하는지 테스트 const scheduleData = { userId: 1, title: 'Alice Overlapping Schedule', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 50 }, // 이미 존재하는 time_idx ], }; await expect(ScheduleService.createSchedules(scheduleData)) .rejects .toThrow('Schedule overlaps with existing schedule at time_idx 50'); }); }); describe('deleteSchedules', () => { test('should delete multiple existing schedules successfully', async () => { // 먼저, 스케줄 생성 await ScheduleService.createSchedules({ userId: 1, title: 'Alice Bulk Delete Schedule 1', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 70 }, { time_idx: 71 }, ], }); const deleteData = { time_idxs: [70, 71], }; const result = await ScheduleService.deleteSchedules(1, deleteData.time_idxs); expect(result).toBeDefined(); expect(result.deleted_time_idxs).toContain(70); expect(result.deleted_time_idxs).toContain(71); // 데이터베이스에서 삭제 확인 const dbSchedule1 = await Schedule.findOne({ where: { user_id: 1, time_idx: 70 } }); const dbSchedule2 = await Schedule.findOne({ where: { user_id: 1, time_idx: 71 } }); expect(dbSchedule1).toBeNull(); expect(dbSchedule2).toBeNull(); }); test('should throw error when deleting a non-existing schedule', async () => { const deleteData = { time_idxs: [999], }; await expect(ScheduleService.deleteSchedules(1, deleteData.time_idxs)) .rejects .toThrow('Schedule not found at time_idx 999'); }); }); describe('getAllSchedules', () => { test('should retrieve all schedules for a user', async () => { // Update schedules first const updateData = { updates: [ { time_idx: 36, title: 'Alice Updated Fixed Schedule', is_fixed: true }, { time_idx: 44, title: 'Alice Updated Flexible Schedule', is_fixed: false }, ], }; await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(1, updateData.updates); const schedules = await ScheduleService.getAllSchedules(1); expect(schedules).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(schedules)).toBe(true); // 현재 Alice는 id=1, time_idx=36 (fixed), time_idx=44 (flexible)이 존재 expect(schedules.length).toBe(2); const schedule1 = schedules.find(s => s.time_idx === 36); const schedule2 = schedules.find(s => s.time_idx === 44); expect(schedule1).toBeDefined(); expect(schedule1.title).toBe('Alice Updated Fixed Schedule'); expect(schedule2).toBeDefined(); expect(schedule2.title).toBe('Alice Updated Flexible Schedule'); }); test('should retrieve one schedule when user has only one', async () => { const schedules = await ScheduleService.getAllSchedules(3); // Charlie has id=3 and only one fixed schedule expect(schedules).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(schedules)).toBe(true); expect(schedules.length).toBe(1); expect(schedules[0].title).toBe('Charlie Fixed Schedule 1'); }); }); describe('getScheduleByTimeIdx', () => { test('should retrieve a specific schedule by time_idx', async () => { // Update schedule first const updateData = { updates: [ { time_idx: 36, title: 'Alice Updated Fixed Schedule', is_fixed: true }, ], }; await ScheduleService.updateSchedules(1, updateData.updates); const schedule = await ScheduleService.getScheduleByTimeIdx(1, 36); expect(schedule).toBeDefined(); expect(schedule.title).toBe('Alice Updated Fixed Schedule'); expect(schedule.time_idx).toBe(36); }); test('should throw error when retrieving a non-existing schedule', async () => { await expect(ScheduleService.getScheduleByTimeIdx(1, 999)) .rejects .toThrow('Schedule not found'); }); }); describe('cleanExpiredSchedules', () => { test('should delete all flexible schedules', async () => { // 먼저, 여러 유동 스케줄을 생성 await ScheduleService.createSchedules({ userId: 1, title: 'Alice Flexible Schedule 2', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 80 }, { time_idx: 81 }, ], }); await ScheduleService.createSchedules({ userId: 2, title: 'Bob Flexible Schedule 2', is_fixed: false, events: [ { time_idx: 90 }, { time_idx: 91 }, ], }); // 유동 스케줄 삭제 await ScheduleService.cleanExpiredSchedules(); // 데이터베이스에서 유동 스케줄이 모두 삭제되었는지 확인 const remainingFlexibleSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({ where: { is_fixed: false }, }); expect(remainingFlexibleSchedules.length).toBe(0); }); test('should not delete fixed schedules', async () => { // 먼저, 여러 고정 스케줄을 생성 await ScheduleService.createSchedules({ userId: 3, title: 'Charlie Fixed Schedule 2', is_fixed: true, events: [ { time_idx: 120 }, { time_idx: 121 }, ], }); // 유동 스케줄 삭제 await ScheduleService.cleanExpiredSchedules(); // 데이터베이스에서 고정 스케줄이 유지되었는지 확인 const remainingFixedSchedules = await Schedule.findAll({ where: { user_id: 3, is_fixed: true }, }); expect(remainingFixedSchedules.length).toBe(3); // 기존 1개 + 2개 추가 }); }); });