const { Op } = require('sequelize'); const Schedule = require('../models/Schedule'); class schedulService { /** * transactin wrapper 함수 */ async withTransaction(callback) { const transaction = await Schedule.sequelize.transaction(); try { const result = await callback(transaction); await transaction.commit(); return result; } catch (error) { await transaction.rollback(); throw error; } } /** * 공통 where 절 생성 */ getScheduleWhereClause(userId, id = null) { const where = { user_id: userId, [Op.or]: [ { is_fixed: true }, { is_fixed: false, expiry_date: { []: new Date() } } ] }; if (id) { = id; } return where; } /** * 스케줄 유효성 검사 */ validateScheduleTime(start_time, end_time) { if (new Date(start_time) >= new Date(end_time)) { throw new Error('Start time must be before end time'); } } /** * 유동 스케줄 만료일 구하기 */ getNextMonday() { const date = new Date(); const day = date.getDay(); const daysUntilNextMonday = (8 - day) % 7; date.setDate(date.getDate() + daysUntilNextMonday); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } /** * 사용자 스케줄 생성 */ async createSchedule({ userId, title, start_time, end_time, is_fixed }) { return this.withTransaction(async (transaction) => { this.validateScheduleTime(start_time, end_time); const overlap = await this.checkScheduleOverlap(userId, start_time, end_time); if (overlap) { throw new Error('Schedule overlaps with existing schedule'); } const scheduleData = { user_id: userId, title, start_time, end_time, is_fixed, expiry_date: is_fixed ? null : this.getNextMonday() }; return Schedule.create(scheduleData, { transaction }); }); } /** * 사용자 스케줄 수정 */ async updateSchedule(id, userId, updateData) { return this.withTransaction(async (transaction) => { const schedule = await Schedule.findOne({ where: { id, user_id: userId }, transaction }); if (!schedule) { throw new Error('Schedule not found'); } this.validateScheduleTime(updateData.start_time, updateData.end_time); const overlap = await this.checkScheduleOverlap( userId, updateData.start_time, updateData.end_time, id ); if (overlap) { throw new Error('Schedule overlaps with existing schedule'); } delete updateData.is_fixed; return schedule.update(updateData, { transaction }); }); } /** * 사용자 스케줄 삭제 */ async deleteSchedule(id, userId) { return this.withTransaction(async (transaction) => { const result = await Schedule.destroy({ where: { id, user_id: userId }, transaction }); if (!result) { throw new Error('Schedule not found'); } return true; }); } /** * 해당 사용자의 스케줄 정보 조회 */ async getAllSchedules(userId) { try { return Schedule.findAll({ where: this.getScheduleWhereClause(userId), order: [['start_time', 'ASC']] }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch schedules: ${error.message}`); } } /** * 해당 사용자의 특정 스케줄 조회 */ async getScheduleById(id, userId) { try { const schedule = await Schedule.findOne({ where: this.getScheduleWhereClause(userId, id) }); if (!schedule) { throw new Error('Schedule not found'); } return schedule; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch schedule: ${error.message}`); } } /** * 만료된 유동 스케줄 정리 -> utils에 cron job 추가해서 실행하도록 설정 */ async cleanExpiredSchedules() { try { await Schedule.destroy({ where: { is_fixed: false, expiry_date: { [Op.lte]: new Date() } } }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to clean expired schedules: ${error.message}`); } } /** * 스케줄 중복 검사 -> 기존 스케줄 시간대에 추가 못하도록 */ async checkScheduleOverlap(userId, start_time, end_time, excludeId = null) { try { const where = { user_id: userId, [Op.or]: [ { // 새로운 스케줄이 기존 스케줄 내 존재 [Op.and]: [ { start_time: { [Op.lte]: start_time } }, { end_time: { [Op.gte]: start_time } } ] }, { // 새로운 스케줄이 기존 스케줄을 포함 [Op.and]: [ { start_time: { [Op.gte]: start_time } }, { start_time: { [Op.lte]: end_time } } ] } ] }; if (excludeId) { = { []: excludeId }; } const overlappingSchedule = await Schedule.findOne({ where }); return overlappingSchedule; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to check schedule overlap: ${error.message}`); } } } module.exports = new scheduleService();