diff --git a/po/documentation.ru.po b/po/documentation.ru.po index 98cd2b1233eeba2d47ec9bfad37e1edb0c6a86e4..580a7bb4066dafc3b58b3abd5ad602d66395dd68 100644 --- a/po/documentation.ru.po +++ b/po/documentation.ru.po @@ -2,19 +2,7 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package. msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-26 21:49+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Mikhail Moskalev <mmv.rus@gmail.com>\n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" -"Language: ru\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n" +msgstr "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-27 16:37+0000\nLast-Translator: Antonina Ch <anna.che.ac@gmail.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: ru\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n" #. type: Labeled list #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:769 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31 @@ -60407,13 +60395,13 @@ msgstr "linkgit:gittutorial[7], linkgit:gittutorial-2[7], linkgit:gitcvs-migrati #: en/glossary-content.txt:1 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_alternate_object_database]]alternate object database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_alternate_object_database]] 逵剋��筠�戟逵�龜勻戟�橘 棘閨�筠克� 閨逵鈞� 畇逵戟戟��" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:5 #, priority:310 msgid "Via the alternates mechanism, a <<def_repository,repository>> can inherit part of its <<def_object_database,object database>> from another object database, which is called an \"alternate\"." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鬼 極棘劇棘��� 逵剋��筠�戟逵�龜勻戟棘均棘 劇筠�逵戟龜鈞劇逵, <<def_repository,repository>> 劇棘菌筠� 戟逵�剋筠畇棘勻逵�� �逵��� <<def_object_database,object database>> 棘� 畇��均棘均棘 棘閨�筠克�逵 閨逵鈞� 畇逵戟戟��, 克棘�棘��橘 戟逵鈞�勻逵筠��� \"alternate\"." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:6 @@ -60431,61 +60419,61 @@ msgstr "" #: en/glossary-content.txt:17 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_blob_object]]blob object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_blob_object]]blob 棘閨�筠克�" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:19 #, priority:310 msgid "Untyped <<def_object,object>>, e.g. the contents of a file." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�筠極筠�逵�戟�橘 <<def_object,object>>, �.筠. �棘畇筠�菌逵戟龜筠 �逵橘剋逵." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:20 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_branch]]branch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_branch]]勻筠�克逵" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:30 #, priority:310 msgid "A \"branch\" is a line of development. The most recent <<def_commit,commit>> on a branch is referred to as the tip of that branch. The tip of the branch is <<def_ref,referenced>> by a branch <<def_head,head>>, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch. A single Git <<def_repository,repository>> can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your <<def_working_tree,working tree>> is associated with just one of them (the \"current\" or \"checked out\" branch), and <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> points to that branch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�筠�克逵 (branch) - ��棘 勻筠�勻� �逵鈞勻龜�龜�. 鬼逵劇�橘 極棘�剋筠畇戟龜橘 <<def_commit,commit>> 勻 勻筠�勻龜 戟逵鈞�勻逵筠��� 勻筠��龜戟棘橘 ��棘橘 勻筠�勻龜. �逵 勻筠��龜戟� 勻筠�勻龜 <<def_ref,referenced>> ���剋逵筠��� 勻筠�勻� <<def_head,head>>, 克棘�棘�逵� 極�棘畇勻龜均逵筠��� 勻極筠�筠畇 極棘 劇筠�筠 �棘均棘, 克逵克 勻 勻筠�勻龜 勻筠畇���� 畇棘極棘剋戟龜�筠剋�戟�筠 �逵鈞�逵閨棘�克龜. �畇龜戟 Git <<def_repository,repository>> 劇棘菌筠� 棘��剋筠菌龜勻逵�� 極�棘龜鈞勻棘剋�戟棘筠 克棘剋龜�筠��勻棘 勻筠�勻筠橘, 戟棘 勻逵�筠 <<def_working_tree,working tree>> �勻�鈞逵戟棘 �棘剋�克棘 � 棘畇戟棘橘 龜鈞 戟龜� (\"�筠克��筠橘\" 龜剋龜 \"極�棘勻筠�筠戟戟棘橘\" 勻筠�勻��), 龜 <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> �克逵鈞�勻逵筠� 戟逵 ��� 勻筠�勻�." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:31 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_cache]]cache" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_cache]]克��" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:33 #, priority:310 msgid "Obsolete for: <<def_index,index>>." -msgstr "" +msgstr "叫��逵�筠剋棘 畇剋�: <<def_index,index>>." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:34 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_chain]]chain" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_chain]]�筠極棘�克逵" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:38 #, priority:310 msgid "A list of objects, where each <<def_object,object>> in the list contains a reference to its successor (for example, the successor of a <<def_commit,commit>> could be one of its <<def_parent,parents>>)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鬼極龜�棘克 棘閨�筠克�棘勻, 均畇筠 克逵菌畇�橘 <<def_object,object>> 勻 �極龜�克筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜� ���剋克� 戟逵 �勻棘筠均棘 極�筠筠劇戟龜克逵 (戟逵極�龜劇筠�, 極�筠筠劇戟龜克棘劇 <<def_commit,commit>> 劇棘菌筠� 閨��� 棘畇龜戟 龜鈞 筠均棘 <<def_parent,parents>>)." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:39 #, no-wrap, priority:310 msgid "[[def_changeset]]changeset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[[def_changeset]]極逵克筠� 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘" #. type: Plain text #: en/glossary-content.txt:43 #, priority:310 msgid "BitKeeper/cvsps speak for \"<<def_commit,commit>>\". Since Git does not store changes, but states, it really does not make sense to use the term \"changesets\" with Git." -msgstr "" +msgstr "BitKeeper/cvsps 均棘勻棘�龜� 棘 \"<<def_commit,commit>>\". �棘�克棘剋�克� Git ��逵戟龜� 戟筠 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜�, 逵 �棘��棘�戟龜�, 戟筠 龜劇筠筠� �劇��剋逵 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵�� 勻 Git �筠�劇龜戟 \"戟逵閨棘�� 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘\"." #. type: Labeled list #: en/glossary-content.txt:44