From 0bac45762013aeaba28a40ef60a0beb9a3bcb870 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:32:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
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Currently translated at 62.5% (6965 of 11142 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>
 po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po | 60 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index db74791..8f2e7c4 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-27 11:02+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-28 12:01+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -57093,7 +57093,7 @@ msgstr "訝븀��뺠돈鰲곩뭉訝� Subversion 雅믤뱧鵝쒙펽兩븃����� 'git svn' ��
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1012
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Running 'git merge' or 'git pull' is NOT recommended on a branch you plan to 'dcommit' from because Subversion users cannot see any merges you've made.  Furthermore, if you merge or pull from a Git branch that is a mirror of an SVN branch, 'dcommit' may commit to the wrong branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띶뻠溫�쑉溫▼닋 'dcommit' �꾢늽��툓瓦먫죱 'git merge' �� 'git pull'竊뚦썱訝� Subversion �ⓩ댎�졿퀡�뗥댆鵝졿��싩쉪餓삡퐬�덂뭉�� 閭ㅵ쨼竊뚦쫩�쒏궓餓� SVN �녷뵱�꾦븳�� Git �녷뵱�덂뭉�뽪땳�뽳펽'dcommit' ��꺗鴉싨룓雅ㅵ댆�숃��꾢늽����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1015
@@ -57105,43 +57105,43 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1017
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "git log --grep=^git-svn-id: --first-parent -1\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git log --grep=^git-svn-id: --first-parent -1\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1022
 #, priority:100
 msgid "You 'must' therefore ensure that the most recent commit of the branch you want to dcommit to is the 'first' parent of the merge.  Chaos will ensue otherwise, especially if the first parent is an older commit on the same SVN branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�졿�竊뚧궓 �쒎퓚窈삘�� 簾�퓷�②쫨�먧벡�곁쉪�녷뵱�꾣��경룓雅ㅶ삸�덂뭉�� 'first' �뜻룓雅ㅳ�� ��닕弱긴폏�븀렟曆룝묽竊뚦갇�뜻삸壤볡К訝��뜻룓雅ㅶ삸�뚥� SVN �녷뵱訝딁쉪�㎪룓雅ㅶ뿶��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1027
 #, priority:100
 msgid "'git clone' does not clone branches under the refs/remotes/ hierarchy or any 'git svn' metadata, or config.  So repositories created and managed with using 'git svn' should use 'rsync' for cloning, if cloning is to be done at all."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git clone' 訝띴폏�뗩쉮 refs/remotes/ 掠귝А瀯볠엫訝뗧쉪�녷뵱竊뚥튋訝띴폏�뗩쉮餓삡퐬 'git svn' �껅빊��닑�띸쉰�� �졿�竊뚦쫩�쒑쫨�뗩쉮竊뚥슴�� 'git svn' �쎾뻠�뚨��녺쉪餓볟틩佯붻�鵝욜뵪 'rsync' �ε뀑�녴��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1032
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Since 'dcommit' uses rebase internally, any Git branches you 'git push' to before 'dcommit' on will require forcing an overwrite of the existing ref on the remote repository.  This is generally considered bad practice, see the linkgit:git-push[1] documentation for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�긴틢 'dcommit' �ⓨ냵�ⓧ슴�ⓨ룜�뷸뱧鵝쒙펽�졿��� 'dcommit' 阿뗥뎺 'git push' �꾡뻣鵝� Git �녷뵱�썽�誤곩성�띈쫮�뽬퓶葉뗤퍜佯볞릎�꾤렟�됧폊�ⓦ�� 瓦숅�싧만熬ヨ�訝뷸삸訝띶��꾢걳力뺧펽瑥�쭅 linkgit:git-push[1] �뉑。��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1037
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Do not use the --amend option of linkgit:git-commit[1] on a change you've already dcommitted.  It is considered bad practice to --amend commits you've already pushed to a remote repository for other users, and dcommit with SVN is analogous to that."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띹쫨�ⓨ럴瀯뤸룓雅ㅷ쉪�섉쎍訝듾슴�� linkgit:git-commit[1] �� --amend �됮」�� 訝뷴끀餓뽫뵪�룝엶�밧럴�③�곩댆瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩�꾣룓雅ㅸ˙溫ㅴ맏��툖也썹쉪�싨퀡竊똕VN 訝�쉪 dcommit 弱긺굳鴉쇌틢瓦숂쭕�싨퀡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1052
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When cloning an SVN repository, if none of the options for describing the repository layout is used (--trunk, --tags, --branches, --stdlayout), 'git svn clone' will create a Git repository with completely linear history, where branches and tags appear as separate directories in the working copy.  While this is the easiest way to get a copy of a complete repository, for projects with many branches it will lead to a working copy many times larger than just the trunk. Thus for projects using the standard directory structure (trunk/branches/tags), it is recommended to clone with option `--stdlayout`. If the project uses a non-standard structure, and/or if branches and tags are not required, it is easiest to only clone one directory (typically trunk), without giving any repository layout options.  If the full history with branches and tags is required, the options `--trunk` / `--branches` / `--tags` must be used."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뗩쉮 SVN 餓볟틩�띰펽倻귝옖亦→쐣鵝욜뵪�뤺염餓볟틩躍껃��꾦�됮」竊�--trunk��--tags��--branches��--stdlayout竊됵펽'git svn clone' 弱녶닗兩뷰�訝ゅ츑�①봇�㎩럣�꿰쉪 Git 餓볟틩竊뚦끀訝�늽��뭽�뉒��ⓨ램鵝쒎돬�т릎�양ㅊ訝뷴뜒�х쉪��퐬�� �썹꽫瓦숁삸�룟룚若뚧빐�덃쑍佯볟돬�х쉪��嶸��뺞뼶力뺧펽鵝녶�雅롦쐣孃덂쩀�녷뵱�꾦」��씎瑥댐펽瓦쇾폏野쇠눜藥δ퐳��쑍驪붶말亮꿨ㄷ孃덂쩀�띲�귛썱閭ㅿ펽野밥틢鵝욜뵪�뉐뇛��퐬瀯볠엫竊늯runk/branches/tags竊됬쉪窈밭쎅竊뚦뻠溫�뀑�녷뿶鵝욜뵪�됮」 `--stdlayout`�귛쫩�쒒」��슴�③씆�뉐뇛瀯볠엫竊뚦뭽/�뽨툖��誤곩늽��뭽�뉒�竊뚧�嶸��뺟쉪�싨퀡��룵�뗩쉮訝�訝ょ쎅壤뺧펷�싧만��말亮뀐펹竊뚩�뚥툖�먧풘餓삡퐬餓볟틩躍껃��됮」�� 倻귝옖��誤곩똿�ュ늽��뭽�뉒��꾢츑�닷럣�뀐펽�쇿퓚窈삡슴�③�됮」 `-trunk` / `-branches` / `-tags`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1059
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When using multiple --branches or --tags, 'git svn' does not automatically handle name collisions (for example, if two branches from different paths have the same name, or if a branch and a tag have the same name).  In these cases, use 'init' to set up your Git repository then, before your first 'fetch', edit the $GIT_DIR/config file so that the branches and tags are associated with different name spaces.  For example:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞슴�ⓨ쩀訝� --branches �� --tags �띰펽'git svn' 訝띴폏�ゅ뒯鸚꾤릤�띸㎞閻경뮒竊덁풃倻귨펽�θ눎訝띶릪瓮�푶�꾡륵訝ゅ늽��끁�됬쎑�뚨쉪�띸㎞竊뚧닑�끺�訝ゅ늽��뭽訝�訝ゆ젃嶺얍끁�됬쎑�뚨쉪�띸㎞竊됥�� �②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚥슴�� 'init' 溫양쉰 Git 餓볟틩竊뚨꽫�롥쑉寧т�轝� 'fetch' 阿뗥뎺竊뚨폋渦� $GIT_DIR/config �뉏뻑竊뚦컛�녷뵱�뚧젃嶺얍뀽�붷댆訝띶릪�꾢릫燁곁㈉�담�� 堊뗥쫩:"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1062
@@ -57149,13 +57149,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "\tbranches = stable/*:refs/remotes/svn/stable/*\n"
 "\tbranches = debug/*:refs/remotes/svn/debug/*\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\tbranches = stable/*:refs/remotes/svn/stable/*\n\tbranches = debug/*:refs/remotes/svn/debug/*\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1073
 #, priority:100
 msgid "'git svn' stores [svn-remote] configuration information in the repository $GIT_DIR/config file.  It is similar the core Git [remote] sections except 'fetch' keys do not accept glob arguments; but they are instead handled by the 'branches' and 'tags' keys.  Since some SVN repositories are oddly configured with multiple projects glob expansions such those listed below are allowed:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git svn' �①뎵�у틩 $GIT_DIR/config �뉏뻑訝�춼�� [svn-remote] �띸쉰岳→겘�� �ㅴ틙 'fetch' ��툖�ε룛�싮뀓寧�뢿�겼쨼竊뚦츆訝� Git �멨퓘�� [remote] �ⓨ늽映삡세竊뚥퐜若껂뺄�� 'branch' �� 'tags' ��쨪�녴�� �긴틢�됦틳 SVN 餓볟틩�꾦뀓營�캈渦껃쪍�わ펽�됧쩀訝ら」��펽�졿��곮�鵝욜뵪訝뗩씊�쀥눣�꾦�싮뀓寧�돥掠뺧폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1082
@@ -57187,43 +57187,43 @@ msgid ""
 "independent path component (surrounded by `/` or EOL).   This\n"
 "type of configuration is not automatically created by 'init' and\n"
 "should be manually entered with a text-editor or using 'git config'.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룩�鵝륅펽�у쑑凉뺟뵪訝�쉪 `*`竊덃삜�뤄펹�싮뀓寧�펷鵝띴틢 `:` �녘씁竊�*恙낂』*����녘씁�꾥러孃꾤퍍餓띰폑*恙낂』*����녘씁�꾥러孃꾤퍍餓뜰��\n(`:`�녘씁竊됬쉪�싮뀓寧�퓚窈삥삸���녘씁�꾥러孃꾤퍍餓띰폑\n鵝녷삸竊뚩퓶葉뗩�싮뀓寧�룾餓ζ삸餓삡퐬�경뼶�꾦�싮뀓寧�펽�よ쫨若껅삸訝�訝ょ떖塋뗧쉪瓮�푶瀯꾡뻑竊덄뵳 `:` �끻쎍竊됥��\n鵝녻퓶葉뗩�싮뀓寧�룾餓ζ삸餓삡퐬鵝띸쉰竊뚦룵誤곩츆���訝ょ떖塋뗧쉪瓮�푶瀯꾡뻑竊덄뵳 `/` �� EOL �끻쎍竊됥��  瓦숂쭕\n映삣엹�꾦뀓營�툖鴉싩뵳 \"init \"�ゅ뒯�쎾뻠竊뚩��\n佯붶슴�ⓩ뻼�х폋渦묈솳�� 'git config' �뗥뒯渦볟뀯��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1092
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Also note that only one asterisk is allowed per word. For example:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���力ⓩ꼷竊뚧캀訝ゅ뜒瑥띶룵�곮�鵝욜뵪訝�訝ゆ삜�룔�귚풃倻귨폏"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1094
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "\tbranches = branches/re*se:refs/remotes/project-a/branches/*\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\tbranches = branches/re*se:refs/remotes/project-a/branches/*\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1096
 #, priority:100
 msgid "will match branches 'release', 'rese', 're123se', however"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶뙶�띶늽�� 'release'��'rese'��'re123se'竊뚥퐜"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1098
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "\tbranches = branches/re*s*e:refs/remotes/project-a/branches/*\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\tbranches = branches/re*s*e:refs/remotes/project-a/branches/*\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1100
 #, priority:100
 msgid "will produce an error."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鴉싦벨�잓뵗瑥���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1103
 #, priority:100
 msgid "It is also possible to fetch a subset of branches or tags by using a comma-separated list of names within braces. For example:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "阿잌룾餓δ슴�ⓨㄷ�у뤇訝�빳�쀥뤇�녽슂�꾢릫燁겼닓烏ⓩ씎�룟룚�녷뵱�뽪젃溫곁쉪耶먬썓�귚풃倻귨폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1110
@@ -57245,7 +57245,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1113
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Multiple fetch, branches, and tags keys are supported:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��똻鸚싦릉�먨룚�곩늽��뭽�뉓���폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1122
@@ -57271,7 +57271,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1126
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Creating a branch in such a configuration requires disambiguating which location to use using the -d or --destination flag:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②퓳燁띺뀓營�툔�쎾뻠�녷뵱竊뚪�誤곦슴�� -d �� --destination �뉐퓱�ζ삇簾�슴�ⓨ벆訝や퐤營�폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1129
@@ -57283,19 +57283,19 @@ msgstr "$ git svn branch -d branches/server release-2-3-0\n"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1135
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Note that git-svn keeps track of the highest revision in which a branch or tag has appeared. If the subset of branches or tags is changed after fetching, then $GIT_DIR/svn/.metadata must be manually edited to remove (or reset) branches-maxRev and/or tags-maxRev as appropriate."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽git-svn 鴉싪�壤뺝늽��닑�뉒��븀렟瓦뉒쉪��遙섆엶溫®뎵�с�귛쫩�쒎늽��닑�뉒��꾢춴�녶쑉�룟룚�롥룕�잋틙�섇뙑竊뚦닕恙낂』�뗥뒯煐뽬풌 $GIT_DIR/svn/.metadata竊뚥빳�방뜮�끻넻燁삯솮竊덃닑�띸쉰竊됧늽��-��遙섆엶溫℡뭽/�뽪젃嶺�-��遙섆엶溫㏂��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1138
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "$GIT_DIR/svn/\\**/.rev_map.*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "$GIT_DIR/svn/\\**/.rev_map.*"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1144
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Mapping between Subversion revision numbers and Git commit names.  In a repository where the noMetadata option is not set, this can be rebuilt from the git-svn-id: lines that are at the end of every commit (see the 'svn.noMetadata' section above for details)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Subversion �덃쑍�룝툗 Git �먧벡�띴퉳�당쉪�졾컙�� �ⓩ쑋溫양쉰 noMetadata �됮」�꾡퍜佯볞릎竊뚦룾餓ζ졊��캀轝→룓雅ㅶ쑌弱양쉪 git-svn-id: 烏뚪뇥兩븃��졾컙竊덅�鰲곦툓�� 'svn.noMetadata' �ⓨ늽竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1148
@@ -57307,19 +57307,19 @@ msgstr "'git svn fetch' and 'git svn rebase' automatically update the rev_map if
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1154
 #, priority:100
 msgid "We ignore all SVN properties except svn:executable.  Any unhandled properties are logged to $GIT_DIR/svn/<refname>/unhandled.log"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묇뺄鴉싧옙�ι솮 svn:executable 阿뗥쨼�꾣��� SVN 掠욄�㎯�� 餓삡퐬�ゅ쨪�녺쉪掠욄�㏝꺗鴉싪�壤뺝댆 $GIT_DIR/svn/<凉뺟뵪��>/unhandled.log 訝�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1161
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Renamed and copied directories are not detected by Git and hence not tracked when committing to SVN.  I do not plan on adding support for this as it's quite difficult and time-consuming to get working for all the possible corner cases (Git doesn't do it, either).  Committing renamed and copied files is fully supported if they're similar enough for Git to detect them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띶뫝�띶뭽鸚띶댍�꾤쎅壤뺜툖鴉싪˙ Git 汝�役뗥댆竊뚦썱閭ㅵ쑉�먧벡�� SVN �뜸튋訝띴폏熬ヨ퇎甕ゃ�� �묇툖�볡츞曆삣뒥瓦숁뼶�®쉪��똻竊뚦썱訝븃쫨�ⓩ��됧룾�썹쉪�끻넻訝뗩꺗�썸�躍멨램鵝쒏삸�멨퐪�곈슻�뚩�쀦뿶�꾬펷Git 阿잌걳訝띶댆瓦쇾��뱄펹�� 倻귝옖�띶뫝�띶뭽鸚띶댍�꾣뻼餓띈떨鸚잏쎑鴉쇽펽Git ��빳汝�役뗥댆若껂뺄竊뚪궍阿덃닊餓у갚若뚦뀲��똻�먧벡瓦쇾틳�뉏뻑��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1167
 #, priority:100
 msgid "In SVN, it is possible (though discouraged) to commit changes to a tag (because a tag is just a directory copy, thus technically the same as a branch). When cloning an SVN repository, 'git svn' cannot know if such a commit to a tag will happen in the future. Thus it acts conservatively and imports all SVN tags as branches, prefixing the tag name with 'tags/'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�� SVN 訝�펽�먧벡岳�뵻�경젃嶺얏삸��꺗�꾬펷弱썹�訝띺폆�깍펹竊덂썱訝뷸젃嶺얍룵���訝ょ쎅壤뺝돬�э펽�졿��ⓩ���툓訝롥늽��쎑�뚳펹�귛쑉�뗩쉮 SVN 餓볟틩�띰펽'git svn' �졿퀡�ι걪弱녷씎��맔鴉싧룕�잌��뉒��꾣룓雅ㅳ�귛썱閭ㅵ츆鴉싮뇞�뽨퓷若덂걳力뺧펽弱녷��� SVN �뉒�鵝쒍맏�녷뵱野쇔뀯竊뚦뭉�ⓩ젃嶺얍릫燁겼뎺�졽툓 'tags/'��"
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-switch.txt:2
@@ -57331,7 +57331,7 @@ msgstr "git-switch(1)"
 #: en/git-switch.txt:7
 #, priority:100
 msgid "git-switch - Switch branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git-switch - �뉑뜟�녷뵱"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-switch.txt:15
@@ -57341,19 +57341,19 @@ msgid ""
 "'git switch' [<options>] --detach [<start-point>]\n"
 "'git switch' [<options>] (-c|-C) <new-branch> [<start-point>]\n"
 "'git switch' [<options>] --orphan <new-branch>\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git switch' [<�됮」>] [--no-guess] <�녷뵱>\n'git switch' [<�됮」>] --detach [<壅루궧>]\n'git switch' [<�됮」>] (-c|-C) <�겼늽��> [<壅루궧>]\n'git switch' [<�됮」>] --orphan <�겼늽��>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-switch.txt:21
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Switch to a specified branch. The working tree and the index are updated to match the branch. All new commits will be added to the tip of this branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉑뜟�경뙁若싧늽���귛램鵝쒎뙷�뚨뇨凉뺜폏�닸뼭餓ε뙶�띹��녷뵱�귝��됪뼭�먧벡�꾢냵若백꺗鴉싨렌�졾댆瑥ε늽��쉪窈띄ク��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-switch.txt:26
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Optionally a new branch could be created with either `-c`, `-C`, automatically from a remote branch of same name (see `--guess`), or detach the working tree from any branch with `--detach`, along with switching."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���됪떓鵝욜뵪 `-c`��`-C`竊뚩눎�ⓧ퍗�뚦릫�꾥퓶葉뗥늽��닗兩뷸뼭�녷뵱竊덂뢿鰲� `--guess`竊됵펽�뽨슴�� `--detach`竊뚥퍗餓삡퐬�녷뵱�녺┿藥δ퐳�븝펽�뚧뿶瓦쏂죱�뉑뜟��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-switch.txt:31