diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po index 12edca74213768889d51b46f034c83f74bdbb27a..27e60394d47a4bc8a44599fe6f23162786e0452e 100644 --- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po +++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-04 19:51+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 07:08+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-07 07:14+0000\n" "Last-Translator: �� <ranto2012@163.com>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language: zh_HANS-CN\n" @@ -1337,8 +1337,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "linkgit:git-name-rev[1]" msgstr "linkgit:git-name-rev[1]" -#. type: Plain text # �ζ돻瀯쇿츣�덃쑍�꾤Е�룟릫燁� +#. type: Plain text #: en/cmds-plumbinginterrogators.txt:36 #, priority:100 msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs." @@ -6200,23 +6200,25 @@ msgstr "曆삣뒥�よ퇎甕ゆ뻼餓�" #: en/git-add.txt:320 #, priority:300 msgid "This has a very similar UI to 'update' and 'revert', and lets you add untracked paths to the index." -msgstr "" +msgstr "若껅쐣訝�訝や툗�쐕pdate�앭뭽�쐒evert�앶씆躍며쎑鴉쇘쉪UI竊뚦뀅溫멩궓�묊뇨凉뺞렌�졿쑋瓮잒릉�꾥러孃꾠��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:321 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "patch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "烏δ툈" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:328 #, priority:300 msgid "This lets you choose one path out of a 'status' like selection. After choosing the path, it presents the diff between the index and the working tree file and asks you if you want to stage the change of each hunk. You can select one of the following options and type return:" msgstr "" +"瓦쇿뀅溫멩궓餓롧굳鴉쇄�쐓tatus�앭뫝餓ㅷ쉪�됪떓訝��됪떓訝��↑러孃꾠�귛쑉�됪떓瓮�푶阿뗥릮竊뚦츆弱녷샑鹽븀뇨凉뺝뭽藥δ퐳�묉뻼餓뜸퉳�당쉪藥�펰竊뚦뭉瑥�뿮�ⓩ삸��쫨�귛춼驪뤶릉�쀧쉪�닸뵻�귝궓��빳�됪떓餓δ툔" +"�됮」阿뗤�亮띈풏�ε썮饔�폏" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:343 -#, no-wrap, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "" "y - stage this hunk\n" "n - do not stage this hunk\n" @@ -6233,18 +6235,32 @@ msgid "" "e - manually edit the current hunk\n" "? - print help\n" msgstr "" +"y - �귛춼閭ㅵ쓼\n" +"n - 訝띷쉨耶섉���\n" +"q - ���븝폑訝띷쉨耶섇똿�ф��쀥쑉�끿쉪�⒳퐰�꾢쓼\n" +"a - �귛춼閭ㅵ쓼訝롦��뉏뻑�롩씊���됬쉪��\n" +"d - 訝띷쉨耶섉��쀤툗閭ㅶ뻼餓뜹릮�€��됬쉪��\n" +"g - �됪떓亮띈럼饔ц눛訝�訝ゅ쓼\n" +"/ - �쒐뇨訝롧퍢若싨��숃〃渦양ㅊ�백뀓�꾢쓼\n" +"j - �귚툖�녑츣竊뚩쉬�념툔訝�訝ゆ쑋�녑츣�꾢쓼\n" +"J - �귚툖�녑츣竊뚩쉬�념�訝ゅ쓼\n" +"k - �귚툖�녑츣竊뚩쉬�념툓訝�訝ゆ쑋�녑츣�꾢쓼\n" +"K - �귚툖�녑츣竊뚩쉬�념툔=訝듾�訝ゅ쓼\n" +"s - 弱녶퐪�띸쉪�쀥늽�꿩닇鸚싦릉渦껃컦�꾢쓼\n" +"e - �뗥뒯煐뽬풌壤볟뎺�꾢쓼\n" +"? - 渦볟눣躍�뒰\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:346 #, priority:300 msgid "After deciding the fate for all hunks, if there is any hunk that was chosen, the index is updated with the selected hunks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ⓨ넶若싦틙���됧쓼�꾣뱧鵝쒎릮竊뚦쫩�쒏쐣�됪떓�꾢쓼竊뚦닕鴉싦슴�ⓨ끀�ζ쎍�곁뇨凉뺛��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:349 #, priority:300 msgid "You can omit having to type return here, by setting the configuration variable `interactive.singleKey` to `true`." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�싪퓝弱녽뀓營�룜��`interactive.singleKey`溫양쉰訝�`true`竊뚦쑉閭ㅵ쨪�ⓨ룾餓δ툖恙낂뵰�ε썮饔╉��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:350 @@ -6256,46 +6272,49 @@ msgstr "diff" #: en/git-add.txt:354 #, priority:300 msgid "This lets you review what will be committed (i.e. between HEAD and index)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦쇾슴�ⓨ룾餓ζ윥�뗨쫨�먧벡�꾢냵若뱄펷�놂펽�쭴EAD�뚨뇨凉뺜퉳�댐펹��" #. type: Title - #: en/git-add.txt:357 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "EDITING PATCHES" -msgstr "" +msgstr "煐뽬풌烏δ툈" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:367 #, priority:300 msgid "Invoking `git add -e` or selecting `e` from the interactive hunk selector will open a patch in your editor; after the editor exits, the result is applied to the index. You are free to make arbitrary changes to the patch, but note that some changes may have confusing results, or even result in a patch that cannot be applied. If you want to abort the operation entirely (i.e., stage nothing new in the index), simply delete all lines of the patch. The list below describes some common things you may see in a patch, and which editing operations make sense on them." msgstr "" +"瘟껆뵪`git add -e`�뽨퍗雅ㅴ틨凉뤷쓼�됪떓�ⓧ릎�됪떓`e`�썰빱竊뚦컛�①폋渦묈솳訝�돀凉�訝�訝よ‥訝곥�귞폋渦묈솳���뷴릮竊뚨퍜�쒎컛佯붺뵪雅롧뇨凉뺛�귝궓��빳�뤸꼷野배‥訝곮퓵烏뚥뻣鵝뺞쎍�뱄펽鵝�" +"���力ⓩ꼷竊뚧윇雅쎿쎍�밧룾�썰폏野쇠눜曆룝묽竊뚨뵚�녑��닺‥訝곫뿞力뺜슴�ⓦ�귛쫩�쒏궓�녑츑�ⓧ릎閭���띴퐳竊덂뜵訝띶쑉榮℡폊訝�쎍�겼냵若뱄펹竊뚦룵���좈솮烏δ툈訝�쉪���됭죱�귚툔�®쉪�쀨〃�뤺염雅녷궓��꺗鴉싧쑉" +"烏δ툈訝�쐦�곁쉪訝�雅쎾만鰲곩냵若뱄펽餓ε룋野밧끀瓦쏂죱�や틳煐뽬풌�띴퐳�띷쐣�뤶퉱��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:369 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "added content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "曆삣뒥�꾢냵若�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:373 #, priority:300 msgid "Added content is represented by lines beginning with \"{plus}\". You can prevent staging any addition lines by deleting them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "曆삣뒥�꾢냵若밥빳�� {plus}�앭�鸚당쉪烏뚩〃鹽뷩�귝궓��빳�좈솮若껂뺄餓ι삻閭€쉨耶섅��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:374 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "removed content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�좈솮�꾢냵若�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:378 #, priority:300 msgid "Removed content is represented by lines beginning with \"-\". You can prevent staging their removal by converting the \"-\" to a \" \" (space)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�좈솮�꾢냵若밥빳��-�앭�鸚당쉪烏뚩〃鹽뷩�귝궓��빳�싪퓝弱녳��-�앲쉬�㏘맏�� �앾펷令뷸졏竊됪씎�꿩�弱녶끀�좈솮��" -#. type: Labeled list # 瑥묋�낉폏�ュ갼訝ㅴ릉耶쀨뒄��꺗熬ュ닠�륅펽倻귝옖玲삭캂訝뷰릎�뉑젃�밥폏�븀렟�듾릉黎됧춻 +#. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:379 #, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "modified content" @@ -6306,84 +6325,92 @@ msgstr ", " #, priority:300 msgid "Modified content is represented by \"-\" lines (removing the old content) followed by \"{plus}\" lines (adding the replacement content). You can prevent staging the modification by converting \"-\" lines to \" \", and removing \"{plus}\" lines. Beware that modifying only half of the pair is likely to introduce confusing changes to the index." msgstr "" +"岳�뵻�롧쉪�끻��기��-�앲죱竊덂닠�ㅶ뿧�끻�竊됧뭽��{plus}�앲죱竊덃렌�졿쎘�℡냵若뱄펹烏①ㅊ�귡�싪퓝弱녳��-�앲죱饔ф뜟訝뷜�� " +"�앾펽亮뜹닠�ㅲ��{plus}�앲죱竊뚦룾餓ι삻閭㏘릿�띈퓵烏뚥엶�밤�귟�力ⓩ꼷竊뚦룵岳�뵻�뜸릎訝�訝ゅ룾�썰폏瀯숂뇨凉뺝를�ζ렁阿긺쉪�닸뵻��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:394 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "There are also more complex operations that can be performed. But beware that because the patch is applied only to the index and not the working tree, the working tree will appear to \"undo\" the change in the index. For example, introducing a new line into the index that is in neither the HEAD nor the working tree will stage the new line for commit, but the line will appear to be reverted in the working tree." msgstr "" +"瓦섇룾餓ζ돢烏뚧쎍鸚띷쓡�꾣뱧鵝쒌�귚퐜���力ⓩ꼷竊뚨뵳雅롨‥訝곦퍎佯붺뵪雅롧뇨凉뺠�뚥툖��램鵝쒏젒竊뚦썱閭ㅵ램鵝쒏젒鴉쇌퉶鴉싢�쒏뮘易댿�앯뇨凉뺜릎�꾣쎍�밤�귚풃倻귨펽�①뇨凉뺜릎曆삣뒥訝�烏뚳펽�뚩�烏뚥툖�쭴EAD�뽩램" +"鵝쒏젒�귝��뜸폏�귛춼�뜸빳瓦쏂죱�먧벡竊뚥퐜���烏뚥세阿롥쑉鴉싧쑉藥δ퐳�묇릎瓦쏂죱瓦섇렅��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:396 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "Avoid using these constructs, or do so with extreme caution." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�욕뀓鵝욜뵪瓦쇾틳�꾦�좑펽�ㅹ씆�쇔쨼弱뤷퓘��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:398 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "removing untouched content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�좈솮�ゆ뵻�①쉪�끻�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:404 #, priority:300 msgid "Content which does not differ between the index and working tree may be shown on context lines, beginning with a \" \" (space). You can stage context lines for removal by converting the space to a \"-\". The resulting working tree file will appear to re-add the content." msgstr "" +"榮℡폊�뚦램鵝쒏젒阿뗩뿴亦→쐣�뷴닽�꾢냵若밧룾�썰폏�양ㅊ�ⓧ툓訝뗦뻼烏뚥릎竊뚥빳�� " +"�앾펷令뷸졏竊됧�鸚담�귝궓��빳�싪퓝弱녺㈉�쇠쉬�㏘맏��-�앮씎�귛춼誤곩닠�ㅷ쉪訝듾툔�뉓죱�귞뵟�먪쉪藥δ퐳�묉뻼餓뜹컛�띷뼭曆삣뒥�끻���" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:405 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "modifying existing content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "岳�뵻�경쐣�꾢냵若�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:412 #, priority:300 msgid "One can also modify context lines by staging them for removal (by converting \" \" to \"-\") and adding a \"{plus}\" line with the new content. Similarly, one can modify \"{plus}\" lines for existing additions or modifications. In all cases, the new modification will appear reverted in the working tree." msgstr "" +"阿잌룾餓ι�싪퓝�귛춼訝듾툔�뉓죱竊덆�싪퓝弱녳�� �앲쉬�㏘맏��-�앾펹餓θ퓵烏뚦닠�ㅶ씎岳�뵻訝듾툔�뉓죱竊뚦뭉�ⓨ끀訝�렌�졿뼭�끻��꾟�� {plus}�앲죱�귞굳鴉쇔쑑竊뚦룾餓δ엶�밟�� " +"{plus}�앲죱餓θ퓵烏뚨렟�됧냵若밭쉪曆삣뒥�뽨엶�밤�귛쑉���됪깄�듕툔竊뚧뼭�꾡엶�백꺗弱녶쑉藥δ퐳�묇릎瓦섇렅��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-add.txt:413 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "new content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�곁쉪�끻�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:418 #, priority:300 msgid "You may also add new content that does not exist in the patch; simply add new lines, each starting with \"{plus}\". The addition will appear reverted in the working tree." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�②퓲��빳曆삣뒥烏δ툈訝�툖耶섇쑉�꾣뼭�끻��귛룵��曆삣뒥�계죱竊뚧캀烏뚥빳�� {plus}�앭�鸚담�귝렌�좂쉪�끻�弱녻퓲�잌댆藥δ퐳�묇릎��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:422 #, priority:300 msgid "There are also several operations which should be avoided entirely, as they will make the patch impossible to apply:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦섉쐣訝�雅쎿뱧鵝쒎틪若뚦뀲�욕뀓竊뚦썱訝뷴츆餓т폏鵝욤‥訝곫뿞力뺝틪�⑨폏" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:424 #, priority:300 msgid "adding context (\" \") or removal (\"-\") lines" -msgstr "" +msgstr "曆삣뒥訝듾툔�뉛펷�� �앾펹烏뚧닑曆삣뒥�좈솮竊댿��-�앾펹烏�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:425 #, priority:300 msgid "deleting context or removal lines" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�좈솮訝듾툔�뉓죱�뽩닠�ㅶ젃溫겻맏�좈솮�꾥죱" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:426 #, priority:300 msgid "modifying the contents of context or removal lines" -msgstr "" +msgstr "岳�뵻訝듾툔�뉑닑�좈솮烏뚨쉪�끻�" #. type: Title - #: en/git-add.txt:428 en/git-am.txt:242 en/git-annotate.txt:28 en/git-apply.txt:280 en/git-archive.txt:192 en/git-bisect.txt:493 en/git-blame.txt:231 en/git-branch.txt:374 en/git-check-attr.txt:115 en/git-check-ignore.txt:119 en/git-checkout.txt:596 en/git-cherry-pick.txt:238 en/git-cherry.txt:140 en/git-clean.txt:137 en/git-commit-tree.txt:97 en/git-commit.txt:538 en/git-difftool.txt:137 en/git-diff.txt:193 en/git-fast-export.txt:250 en/git-fast-import.txt:1541 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:127 en/git-fetch.txt:294 en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:73 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:389 en/git-format-patch.txt:706 en/git-gc.txt:153 en/git-gui.txt:103 en/git-imap-send.txt:135 en/git-instaweb.txt:89 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:385 en/git-ls-files.txt:245 en/git-ls-remote.txt:116 en/git-merge.txt:362 en/git-pack-objects.txt:399 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:43 en/git-prune-packed.txt:41 en/git-prune.txt:81 en/git-pull.txt:258 en/git-read-tree.txt:437 en/git-receive-pack.txt:251 en/git-remote-ext.txt:120 en/git-remote-fd.txt:54 en/git-remote.txt:249 en/git-repack.txt:182 en/git-replace.txt:149 en/git-restore.txt:201 en/git-revert.txt:137 en/git-rm.txt:191 en/git-send-email.txt:521 en/git-shell.txt:99 en/git-show-ref.txt:178 en/git-stash.txt:349 en/git-status.txt:438 en/git-submodule.txt:451 en/git-svn.txt:1170 en/git-switch.txt:267 en/git-tag.txt:381 en/git.txt:979 en/git-update-index.txt:569 en/git-upload-pack.txt:48 en/git-var.txt:63 en/gitglossary.txt:18 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "SEE ALSO" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�귟쭅" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:435 @@ -6395,13 +6422,13 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git #: en/git-add.txt:437 en/git-am.txt:246 en/git-annotate.txt:32 en/git-apply.txt:284 en/git-archimport.txt:112 en/git-archive.txt:196 en/git-bisect.txt:498 en/git-blame.txt:235 en/git-branch.txt:382 en/git-bundle.txt:244 en/git-cat-file.txt:318 en/git-check-attr.txt:119 en/git-check-ignore.txt:125 en/git-check-mailmap.txt:46 en/git-checkout-index.txt:176 en/git-checkout.txt:601 en/git-check-ref-format.txt:139 en/git-cherry-pick.txt:242 en/git-cherry.txt:144 en/git-citool.txt:24 en/git-clean.txt:141 en/git-clone.txt:342 en/git-column.txt:78 en/git-commit-tree.txt:102 en/git-commit.txt:546 en/git-config.txt:499 en/git-count-objects.txt:53 en/git-credential-cache--daemon.txt:29 en/git-credential-cache.txt:79 en/git-credential-store.txt:105 en/git-cvsexportcommit.txt:117 en/git-cvsimport.txt:227 en/git-cvsserver.txt:432 en/git-daemon.txt:339 en/git-describe.txt:206 en/git-diff-files.txt:51 en/git-diff-index.txt:121 en/git-difftool.txt:148 en/git-diff-tree.txt:125 en/git-diff.txt:202 en/git-fast-export.txt:254 en/git-fast-import.txt:1545 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:131 en/git-fetch.txt:298 en/git-filter-branch.txt:702 en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:77 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:393 en/git-format-patch.txt:710 en/git-fsck-objects.txt:21 en/git-fsck.txt:174 en/git-gc.txt:160 en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:363 en/git-gui.txt:120 en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276 en/git-http-fetch.txt:48 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:139 en/git-index-pack.txt:107 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:153 en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:238 en/git-ls-files.txt:249 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:103 en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246 en/git-merge-file.txt:94 en/git-merge-index.txt:82 en/git-merge-one-file.txt:20 en/git-mergetool--lib.txt:48 en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:371 en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68 en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:405 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:262 en/git-push.txt:672 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1211 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:255 en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:496 en/git-restore.txt:206 en/git-revert.txt:141 en/git-rev-list.txt:71 en/git-rev-parse.txt:463 en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42 en/git-shortlog.txt:92 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:40 en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94 en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442 en/git-stripspace.txt:93 en/git-submodule.txt:455 en/git-svn.txt:1174 en/git-switch.txt:272 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:68 en/git-tag.txt:386 en/git.txt:987 en/git-unpack-file.txt:27 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:51 en/git-update-index.txt:575 en/git-update-ref.txt:151 en/git-update-server-info.txt:34 en/git-upload-archive.txt:61 en/git-upload-pack.txt:52 en/git-var.txt:69 en/git-verify-commit.txt:31 en/git-verify-pack.txt:52 en/git-verify-tag.txt:31 en/git-web--browse.txt:123 en/git-whatchanged.txt:42 en/git-worktree.txt:381 en/git-write-tree.txt:41 en/gitglossary.txt:26 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "GIT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GIT" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-add.txt:438 en/git-am.txt:247 en/git-annotate.txt:33 en/git-apply.txt:285 en/git-archimport.txt:113 en/git-archive.txt:197 en/git-bisect.txt:499 en/git-blame.txt:236 en/git-branch.txt:383 en/git-bundle.txt:245 en/git-cat-file.txt:319 en/git-check-attr.txt:120 en/git-check-ignore.txt:126 en/git-check-mailmap.txt:47 en/git-checkout-index.txt:177 en/git-checkout.txt:602 en/git-check-ref-format.txt:140 en/git-cherry-pick.txt:243 en/git-cherry.txt:145 en/git-citool.txt:25 en/git-clean.txt:142 en/git-clone.txt:343 en/git-column.txt:79 en/git-commit-tree.txt:103 en/git-commit.txt:547 en/git-config.txt:500 en/git-count-objects.txt:54 en/git-credential-cache--daemon.txt:30 en/git-credential-cache.txt:80 en/git-credential-store.txt:106 en/git-cvsexportcommit.txt:118 en/git-cvsimport.txt:228 en/git-cvsserver.txt:433 en/git-daemon.txt:340 en/git-describe.txt:207 en/git-diff-files.txt:52 en/git-diff-index.txt:122 en/git-difftool.txt:149 en/git-diff-tree.txt:126 en/git-diff.txt:203 en/git-fast-export.txt:255 en/git-fast-import.txt:1546 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:132 en/git-fetch.txt:299 en/git-filter-branch.txt:703 en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:78 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:394 en/git-format-patch.txt:711 en/git-fsck-objects.txt:22 en/git-fsck.txt:175 en/git-gc.txt:161 en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:364 en/git-gui.txt:121 en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277 en/git-http-fetch.txt:49 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:140 en/git-index-pack.txt:108 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:154 en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:239 en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104 en/git-mailinfo.txt:102 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247 en/git-merge-file.txt:95 en/git-merge-index.txt:83 en/git-merge-one-file.txt:21 en/git-mergetool--lib.txt:49 en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:372 en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69 en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:406 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:263 en/git-push.txt:673 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1212 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:256 en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:497 en/git-restore.txt:207 en/git-revert.txt:142 en/git-rev-list.txt:72 en/git-rev-parse.txt:464 en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43 en/git-shortlog.txt:93 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:41 en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95 en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443 en/git-stripspace.txt:94 en/git-submodule.txt:456 en/git-svn.txt:1175 en/git-switch.txt:273 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:69 en/git-tag.txt:387 en/git.txt:988 en/git-unpack-file.txt:28 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:52 en/git-update-index.txt:576 en/git-update-ref.txt:152 en/git-update-server-info.txt:35 en/git-upload-archive.txt:62 en/git-upload-pack.txt:53 en/git-var.txt:70 en/git-verify-commit.txt:32 en/git-verify-pack.txt:53 en/git-verify-tag.txt:32 en/git-web--browse.txt:124 en/git-whatchanged.txt:43 en/git-worktree.txt:382 en/git-write-tree.txt:42 en/gitglossary.txt:27 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "linkgit:git[1] �ⓨ늽" #. type: Title = #: en/git-am.txt:2 @@ -13310,7 +13337,7 @@ msgstr "git-clone(1)" #: en/git-clone.txt:7 #, priority:300 msgid "git-clone - Clone a repository into a new directory" -msgstr "" +msgstr "git-clone - 弱녶춼�ⓨ틩�뗩쉮�경뼭��퐬" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:20 @@ -13325,24 +13352,38 @@ msgid "" "\t [--[no-]remote-submodules] [--jobs <n>] [--sparse] [--] <repository>\n" "\t [<directory>]\n" msgstr "" +"'git clone' [--template=<template_directory>]\n" +"\t [-l] [-s] [--no-hardlinks] [-q] [-n] [--bare] [--mirror]\n" +"\t [-o <name>] [-b <name>] [-u <upload-pack>] [--reference <repository>]\n" +"\t [--dissociate] [--separate-git-dir <git dir>]\n" +"\t [--depth <depth>] [--[no-]single-branch] [--no-tags]\n" +"\t [--recurse-submodules[=<pathspec>]] [--[no-]shallow-submodules]\n" +"\t [--[no-]remote-submodules] [--jobs <n>] [--sparse] [--] <repository>\n" +"\t [<directory>]\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:29 #, priority:300 msgid "Clones a repository into a newly created directory, creates remote-tracking branches for each branch in the cloned repository (visible using `git branch --remotes`), and creates and checks out an initial branch that is forked from the cloned repository's currently active branch." msgstr "" +"弱녶춼�ⓨ틩�뗩쉮�경뼭�쎾뻠�꾤쎅壤뺜릎竊뚥맏�뗩쉮耶섇궓佯볞릎�꾣캀訝ゅ늽��닗兩븃퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��펷鵝욜뵪`git branch " +"--remotes`��쭅竊됵펽亮뜹닗兩뷩�곭��뷰퍗�뗩쉮耶섇궓佯볟퐪�띷뉵�①쉪�녷뵱域양뵟�꾢닜冶뗥늽����" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:35 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "After the clone, a plain `git fetch` without arguments will update all the remote-tracking branches, and a `git pull` without arguments will in addition merge the remote master branch into the current master branch, if any (this is untrue when \"--single-branch\" is given; see below)." msgstr "" +"�뗩쉮�롳펽鴉싨돢烏뚥툖躍�뢿�곁쉪`git fetch`�썰빱竊뚦끀弱녷쎍�경��됭퓶葉뗨퇎甕ょ쉪�녷뵱竊쏁꽫�롦돢烏뚥툖躍�뢿�곁쉪`git " +"pull`�썰빱竊뚦끀弱녷뒍瓦쒐쮮訝삣늽��릦亮뜹댆壤볟뎺訝삣늽��펷倻귝옖耶섇쑉竊됵펷倻귝옖瀯쇿츣��--single branch�앭뢿�곤펽�쇾툖�㎬죱竊쏂��귡쁾訝뗦뻼竊됥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:40 #, priority:300 msgid "This default configuration is achieved by creating references to the remote branch heads under `refs/remotes/origin` and by initializing `remote.origin.url` and `remote.origin.fetch` configuration variables." msgstr "" +"�싪퓝��`refs / remotes / origin`訝뗥닗兩뷴�瓦쒐쮮�녷뵱鸚당쉪凉뺟뵪竊뚦뭉�싪퓝�앭쭓��`remote.origin.url`��`remote.or" +"igin.fetch`�띸쉰�섌뇧�ε닗兩뷸�容섋��띸쉰��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-clone.txt:45 en/git-config.txt:127 en/git-instaweb.txt:24 en/git-pack-objects.txt:142 en/git-svn.txt:245 @@ -13355,12 +13396,17 @@ msgstr "--local" #, priority:300 msgid "When the repository to clone from is on a local machine, this flag bypasses the normal \"Git aware\" transport mechanism and clones the repository by making a copy of HEAD and everything under objects and refs directories. The files under `.git/objects/` directory are hardlinked to save space when possible." msgstr "" +"壤볢쫨餓롣릎瓦쏂죱�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩鵝띴틢�у쑑溫←츞�뷰툓�띰펽閭ㅶ젃恙쀤폏瀯뺠퓝躍멱쭊�꾟�쏥it�잏윥�앬폖渦볠쑛�띰펽亮띌�싪퓝訝튗EAD餓ε룋野배괌�뚦폊�①쎅壤뺝냵�꾣��됧냵若밧닗兩뷴돬�т빳�뗩쉮耶섇궓佯볝��" +"弱썲룾�썲컛`.git / objects /`��퐬訝뗧쉪�뉏뻑瓦쏂죱簾ч벦�δ빳�귞쐛令븅뿴��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:59 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "If the repository is specified as a local path (e.g., `/path/to/repo`), this is the default, and --local is essentially a no-op. If the repository is specified as a URL, then this flag is ignored (and we never use the local optimizations). Specifying `--no-local` will override the default when `/path/to/repo` is given, using the regular Git transport instead." msgstr "" +"倻귝옖弱녶춼�ⓨ틩�뉐츣訝뷸쑍�계러孃꾬펷堊뗥쫩竊�`/path/to/repo`竊됵펽容섋��끻넻訝뗤슴��--" +"local�귝빊�귛쫩�쒎컛耶섇궓佯볠뙁若싦맏URL竊뚦닕恙썹븼閭ㅶ젃恙쀯펷訝띴슴�ⓩ쑍�겻폍�뽳펹�귝뙁若�`--no-local`弱녶쑉瀯쇿츣`/path/to/" +"repo`�띈쫮�뽭퍡溫ㅵ�쇽펽�뚥슴�ⓨ만鰲껯it鴉좄풏�밧폀��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-clone.txt:60 @@ -13373,6 +13419,7 @@ msgstr "--no-hardlinks" #, priority:300 msgid "Force the cloning process from a repository on a local filesystem to copy the files under the `.git/objects` directory instead of using hardlinks. This may be desirable if you are trying to make a back-up of your repository." msgstr "" +"餓롦쑍�경뻼餓띄내瀯잋툓�꾢춼�ⓨ틩瓦쏂죱�뗩쉮�띰펽凉뷴댍鸚띶댍`.git / objects`��퐬訝뗧쉪�뉏뻑竊뚩�뚥툖鵝욜뵪簾ч벦�γ�귛쫩�쒏궓誤곩쨭餓썲춼�ⓨ틩竊뚦닕��꺗��誤곮퓳�룟걳��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-clone.txt:67 @@ -13385,6 +13432,8 @@ msgstr "--shared" #, priority:300 msgid "When the repository to clone is on the local machine, instead of using hard links, automatically setup `.git/objects/info/alternates` to share the objects with the source repository. The resulting repository starts out without any object of its own." msgstr "" +"壤볢쫨�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩鵝띴틢�у쑑溫←츞�뷰툓�띰펽訝띴슴�①\�얏렏竊뚩�뚧삸�ゅ뒯溫양쉰`.git/objects/info/" +"alternates`訝롦틦耶섇궓佯볟뀻雅ュ�穩▲�귞뵟�먪쉪耶섇궓佯볟�冶뗦뿶亦→쐣�띈눎藥긺쉪餓삡퐬野배괌��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:83 @@ -13400,30 +13449,47 @@ msgid "" "If these objects are removed and were referenced by the cloned repository,\n" "then the cloned repository will become corrupt.\n" msgstr "" +"*力ⓩ꼷*竊싪퓳��꺗��뜳�⑴쉪�띴퐳竊�*訝띹쫨*鵝욜뵪�ㅹ씆�ⓧ틙鰲e츆�꾢뒣�썬��\n" +"倻귝옖�ⓨ뀑�녷궓�꾢춼�ⓨ틩�뜸슴�ⓩ��됮」竊�\n" +"�뜹릮�ⓩ틦耶섇궓佯볞릎�좈솮�녷뵱\n" +"竊덃닑鵝욜뵪餓삡퐬�뜸퍟鵝욜렟�됪룓雅ㅸ㎗�ㅵ폊�①쉪Git�썰빱竊됵펽\n" +"�먧틳野배괌��꺗鴉싧룜孃쀦쑋凉뺟뵪竊덃닑�х㈉竊됥��\n" +"瓦쇾틳野배괌��빳�싪퓝躍멱쭊�껯it�띴퐳竊덁풃倻�`git commit`竊됧닠�ㅳ��\n" +"若껂폏�ゅ뒯瘟껆뵪`git gc --auto`�귨펷瑥룟뢿�꿯inkgit:git-gc [1]�귨펹\n" +"倻귝옖瓦쇾틳野배괌藥꿨닠�ㅵ뭉熬ュ뀑�녺쉪耶섇궓佯볟폊�⑨펽\n" +"�d퉰�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩弱녷뜜�뤵��\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:89 #, priority:300 msgid "Note that running `git repack` without the `--local` option in a repository cloned with `--shared` will copy objects from the source repository into a pack in the cloned repository, removing the disk space savings of `clone --shared`. It is safe, however, to run `git gc`, which uses the `--local` option by default." msgstr "" +"瑥룡낏�륅펽�ⓧ슴��`--shared`�됮」�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩訝�퓧烏뚥툖躍�`--local`�됮」��`git " +"repack`�썰빱鴉싧컛繹먨춼�ⓨ틩訝�쉪野배괌鸚띶댍�겼뀑�녶춼�ⓨ틩訝�쉪�끺릎竊뚥퍗�뚧텋�ㅴ슴��`clone --shared`�귞쐛�꾤즯�섊㈉�담�귚툖瓦뉛펽瓦먫죱`git-" +"gc`��츎�①쉪竊뚦츆容섋�鵝욜뵪`--local`�됮」��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:93 #, priority:300 msgid "If you want to break the dependency of a repository cloned with `--shared` on its source repository, you can simply run `git repack -a` to copy all objects from the source repository into a pack in the cloned repository." msgstr "" +"倻귝옖誤곫뼪凉���`--shared`�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩野밧끀繹먨춼�ⓨ틩�꾡풚壅뽩뀽楹삼펽�ら�瓦먫죱`git repack " +"-a`�녑룾弱녷틦耶섇궓佯볞릎�꾣��됧�穩▼쨳�뜹댆�뗩쉮耶섇궓佯볞릎�꾡�訝ゅ똿訝���" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-clone.txt:94 #, no-wrap, priority:300 msgid "--reference[-if-able] <repository>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--reference[-if-able] <repository>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:104 #, priority:300 msgid "If the reference repository is on the local machine, automatically setup `.git/objects/info/alternates` to obtain objects from the reference repository. Using an already existing repository as an alternate will require fewer objects to be copied from the repository being cloned, reducing network and local storage costs. When using the `--reference-if-able`, a non existing directory is skipped with a warning instead of aborting the clone." msgstr "" +"倻귝옖�귟�껃춼�ⓨ틩鵝띴틢�у쑑溫←츞�뷰툓竊뚦닕�ゅ뒯溫양쉰`.git / objects / info / alternates`餓δ퍗�귟�껃춼�ⓨ틩�룟룚野배괌�귚슴�①렟�됬쉪耶섇궓佯�" +"鵝쒍맏鸚뉒뵪耶섇궓佯볩펽�쇿컛��誤곦퍗誤곩뀑�녺쉪耶섇궓佯볞릎鸚띶댍渦껃컩�꾢�穩∽펽餓롨�뚪솉鵝롣틙營묊퍥�뚧쑍�겼춼�ⓩ닇�с�귛퐪鵝욜뵪`--reference-if-" +"able`�띰펽訝띶춼�①쉪��퐬鴉싪˙鈺�몜瓮녘퓝竊뚩�뚥툖��릎閭℡뀑�녴��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:107 @@ -13432,6 +13498,8 @@ msgid "" "*NOTE*: see the NOTE for the `--shared` option, and also the\n" "`--dissociate` option.\n" msgstr "" +"*力ⓩ꼷*竊싪��귡쁾`--shared`�됮」�꾣낏�딉펽餓ε룋\n" +"`--dissociate`�됮」��\n" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-clone.txt:108 en/git-submodule.txt:403 @@ -13441,21 +13509,23 @@ msgstr "--dissociate" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:118 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "Borrow the objects from reference repositories specified with the `--reference` options only to reduce network transfer, and stop borrowing from them after a clone is made by making necessary local copies of borrowed objects. This option can also be used when cloning locally from a repository that already borrows objects from another repository--the new repository will borrow objects from the same repository, and this option can be used to stop the borrowing." msgstr "" +"餓롧뵪`--reference`�됮」�뉐츣�꾢뢿�껃춼�ⓨ틩訝��잏뵪野배괌餓끾삸訝뷰틙�뤷컩營묊퍥鴉좄풏竊뚦뭉�ⓨ뀑�녶릮�싪퓝�뜸퐳�잏뵪野배괌�꾢퓚誤곫쑍�겼돬�ф씎�쒏�餓롥�穩▼�잏뵪�귛퐪餓롥럴瀯뤶퍗�╊�" +"訝ゅ춼�ⓨ틩�잏뵪野배괌�꾢춼�ⓨ틩瓦쏂죱�у쑑�뗩쉮�띰펽阿잌룾餓δ슴�ⓩ��됮」竊싨뼭耶섇궓佯볟컛餓롥릪訝�訝ゅ춼�ⓨ틩�잏뵪野배괌竊뚦뭉訝붻��됮」��뵪雅롥걶閭℡�잏뵪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:123 -#, priority:300 +#, fuzzy, priority:300 msgid "Operate quietly. Progress is not reported to the standard error stream." -msgstr "" +msgstr "若됮쓾�띴퐳�귟퓵佯╊툖鴉싨뒫�딁퍢�뉐뇛�숃�役곥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:128 #, priority:300 msgid "Run verbosely. Does not affect the reporting of progress status to the standard error stream." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�쀤퐰瓦먫죱�귚툖壤긷뱧�묉젃�녽뵗瑥�탛�ε몜瓦쎾벧�뜻�곥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-clone.txt:134