diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 0bd15ed6b095eaeb1851ec48a073e55b69e1c16a..256d5fdd5cd5e9e2c2a1af87285f08fbbb77158c 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-31 17:04+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-03 19:53+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:769 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -42578,7 +42578,7 @@ msgstr "          A---B---C topic\n         /\n    D---E---F---G master\n"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:70
 #, priority:100
 msgid "From this point, the result of either of the following commands:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓롨퓳訝��방씎�뗰펽餓δ툔餓삡��썰빱�꾤퍜�쒒꺗��쫩閭ㅿ폏"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:74
@@ -42594,7 +42594,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:76
 #, priority:100
 msgid "would be:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�e갚�� :"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:81
@@ -42603,7 +42603,7 @@ msgid ""
 "                  A'--B'--C' topic\n"
 "                 /\n"
 "    D---E---F---G master\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "                  A'--B'--C' topic\n                 /\n    D---E---F---G master\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:86
@@ -42612,13 +42612,13 @@ msgid ""
 "*NOTE:* The latter form is just a short-hand of `git checkout topic`\n"
 "followed by `git rebase master`. When rebase exits `topic` will\n"
 "remain the checked-out branch.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*力⑨폏* �롣�燁띶숱凉뤷룵�� `git checkout topic` �꾤��쇻��\n�롦렏 `git rebase master`�귛퐪 rebase ���뷸뿶竊�`topic` 弱�\n餓띷삸藥꿰��븀쉪�녷뵱��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:93
 #, priority:100
 msgid "If the upstream branch already contains a change you have made (e.g., because you mailed a patch which was applied upstream), then that commit will be skipped and warnings will be issued (if the 'merge' backend is used).  For example, running `git rebase master` on the following history (in which `A'` and `A` introduce the same set of changes, but have different committer information):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖訝딀만�녷뵱藥꿰퍘�끻맜雅녷궓���싩쉪岳�뵻竊덁풃倻귨펽�졽맏�③궙野꾤쉪烏δ툈熬ュ틪�ⓨ댆雅녵툓歷몌펹竊뚪궍阿덅��먧벡弱녻˙瓮녘퓝竊뚦뭉�묈눣鈺�몜竊덂쫩�쒍슴�ⓧ틙 �쒎릦亮뜯�� �롥룿竊됥�� 堊뗥쫩竊뚦쑉餓δ툔�녶뤁溫겼퐬訝딂퓧烏� `git rebase master`竊덂끀訝� `A'` �� `A` 凉뺝뀯雅녺쎑�뚨쉪�섉쎍�놅펽鵝녷룓雅ㅸ�끺에��툖�뚳펹竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:98
@@ -42627,13 +42627,13 @@ msgid ""
 "          A---B---C topic\n"
 "         /\n"
 "    D---E---A'---F master\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "          A---B---C topic\n         /\n    D---E---A'---F master\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:101
 #, priority:100
 msgid "will result in:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶��� :"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:106
@@ -42651,13 +42651,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:111
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Here is how you would transplant a topic branch based on one branch to another, to pretend that you forked the topic branch from the latter branch, using `rebase --onto`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뗩씊��쫩鵝뺜슴�� `rebase --onto` 弱녶읃雅롣�訝ゅ늽��쉪�방�㎩늽��㎉濾띶댆�╊�訝ゅ늽��펽餓ε걞獒끿돶�㎩늽��삸餓롥릮訝�訝ゅ늽��늽�됭�뚧씎��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:115
 #, priority:100
 msgid "First let's assume your 'topic' is based on branch 'next'.  For example, a feature developed in 'topic' depends on some functionality which is found in 'next'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "腰뽩뀍竊뚧닊餓у걞溫� 'topic' �뷰틢 'next' �녷뵱�� 堊뗥쫩竊�'topic' 訝���묊쉪�잒꺗堊앲탺雅� 'next' 訝�쉪�먧틳�잒꺗��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:122
@@ -42679,7 +42679,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:127
 #, priority:100
 msgid "We want to make 'topic' forked from branch 'master'; for example, because the functionality on which 'topic' depends was merged into the more stable 'master' branch. We want our tree to look like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묇뺄�녘� 'topic' 餓롥늽�� 'master' 訝�늽�됧눣�ο폑堊뗥쫩竊뚦썱訝� 'topic' ��堊앲탺�꾢뒣�썲럴瀯뤷릦亮뜹댆雅녷쎍葉녑츣�꾢늽�� 'master' 訝��귝닊餓у툕�쎿닊餓х쉪�먧벡�묊쐦壅룡씎�뤺퓳�� :"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:134
@@ -42690,19 +42690,19 @@ msgid ""
 "        |             o'--o'--o'  topic\n"
 "         \\\n"
 "          o---o---o---o---o  next\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "    o---o---o---o---o  master\n        |            \\\n        |             o'--o'--o'  topic\n         \\\n          o---o---o---o---o  next\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:137
 #, priority:100
 msgid "We can get this using the following command:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묇뺄��빳鵝욜뵪餓δ툔�썰빱�θ렩�� :"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:139
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "    git rebase --onto master next topic\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "    git rebase --onto master next topic\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:143
@@ -42730,7 +42730,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:153 en/git-rebase.txt:176
 #, priority:100
 msgid "then the command"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�d퉰�썰빱"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:155
@@ -42742,7 +42742,7 @@ msgstr "    git rebase --onto master topicA topicB\n"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:157
 #, priority:100
 msgid "would result in:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶��� :"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:164
@@ -42764,19 +42764,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:167
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This is useful when topicB does not depend on topicA."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇿쑉訝삯쥦 B 訝띴풚壅뽨틢訝삯쥦 A �꾣깄�듕툔�욃만�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:170
 #, priority:100
 msgid "A range of commits could also be removed with rebase.  If we have the following situation:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "阿잌룾餓η뵪�섇읃�좈솮訝�楹삣닓�먧벡�� 倻귝옖�묇뺄�뉐댆餓δ툔�끻넻 :"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:173
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "    E---F---G---H---I---J  topicA\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "    E---F---G---H---I---J  topicA\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:178
@@ -42788,37 +42788,37 @@ msgstr "    git rebase --onto topicA~5 topicA~3 topicA\n"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:180
 #, priority:100
 msgid "would result in the removal of commits F and G:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶��닷닠�� F �� G 窈뱄폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:183
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "    E---H'---I'---J'  topicA\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "    E---H'---I'---J'  topicA\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:188
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This is useful if F and G were flawed in some way, or should not be part of topicA.  Note that the argument to `--onto` and the `<upstream>` parameter can be any valid commit-ish."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖 F �� G �ⓩ윇雅쎿뼶�€쐣煐븅쇃竊뚧닑�끺툖佯붻��� topicA �꾡��ⓨ늽竊뚩퓳訝��밧갚孃덃쐣�ⓦ�� 瑥룡낏�륅펽`--onto` �귝빊�� `<upstream>` �귝빊��빳��뻣鵝뺞쐣�덄쉪�먧벡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:194
 #, priority:100
 msgid "In case of conflict, `git rebase` will stop at the first problematic commit and leave conflict markers in the tree.  You can use `git diff` to locate the markers (<<<<<<) and make edits to resolve the conflict.  For each file you edit, you need to tell Git that the conflict has been resolved, typically this would be done with"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�븀렟�꿰챳竊�`git rebase` 鴉싧쑉寧т�訝ゆ쐣��쥦�꾣룓雅ㅵ쨪�쒏�竊뚦뭉�ⓩ젒訝�븰訝뗥넳囹곫젃溫겹�� 鵝졾룾餓η뵪 `git diff` �얍댆瓦쇾틳�뉓� (<<<<<<)竊뚦뭉瓦쏂죱煐뽬풌餓θ㎗�녑넳囹곥�� 驪뤹폋渦묇�訝ゆ뻼餓띰펽�썽�誤곩몜瑥� Git �꿰챳藥꿱˙鰲e넶竊뚪�싧만��빳��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:197
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "    git add <filename>\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "    git add <filename>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:201
 #, priority:100
 msgid "After resolving the conflict manually and updating the index with the desired resolution, you can continue the rebasing process with"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뗥뒯鰲e넶�꿰챳亮뜸빳�����꾢늽渦①럤�닸뼭榮℡폊�롳펽�ⓨ룾餓δ슴��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:204
@@ -42830,7 +42830,7 @@ msgstr "    git rebase --continue\n"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:207
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Alternatively, you can undo the 'git rebase' with"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뽬�낉펽�ⓧ튋��빳�싪퓝餓δ툔�방퀡�ㅹ� 'git rebase' �띴퐳"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:210
@@ -42849,31 +42849,31 @@ msgstr "�됮」"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:216
 #, priority:100
 msgid "The options in this section cannot be used with any other option, including not with each other:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ц뒄訝�쉪�됮」訝띹꺗訝롣뻣鵝뺝끀餓뽭�됮」訝�壅룝슴�⑨펽�끾떖訝띹꺗�멧틨鵝욜뵪竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:219
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Restart the rebasing process after having resolved a merge conflict."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鰲e넶�덂뭉�꿰챳�롳펽�띷뼭��뒯�띷뼭�녶뙷瓦쏁쮮��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:222
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Restart the rebasing process by skipping the current patch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓮녘퓝壤볟뎺烏δ툈竊뚪뇥�겼맦�③뇥�겼늽�븃퓵葉뗣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:229
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Abort the rebase operation and reset HEAD to the original branch. If `<branch>` was provided when the rebase operation was started, then `HEAD` will be reset to `<branch>`. Otherwise `HEAD` will be reset to where it was when the rebase operation was started."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瀯덃��섇읃�띴퐳亮뜹컛 HEAD �띸쉰訝뷴렅冶뗥늽���귛쫩�쒎쑉��뒯�섇읃�띴퐳�뜻룓堊쎽틙 `<�녷뵱>`竊뚪궍阿� `HEAD` 弱녻˙�띸쉰訝� `<�녷뵱>`�귛맔�숋펽`HEAD` 弱녻˙�띸쉰訝뷴맦�ⓨ룜�뷸뱧鵝쒏뿶�꾡퐤營���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:235
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Abort the rebase operation but `HEAD` is not reset back to the original branch. The index and working tree are also left unchanged as a result. If a temporary stash entry was created using `--autostash`, it will be saved to the stash list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�얍펱�섇읃�띴퐳竊뚥퐜 `HEAD` 訝띴폏�띸쉰�욃렅冶뗥늽���귞뇨凉뺝뭽藥δ퐳�묇튋鴉싧썱閭ㅴ퓷�곦툖�섅�귛쫩�쒍슴�� `--autostash` �쎾뻠雅녵릿�뜹궓�뤸씉��펽若껃컛熬ヤ퓷耶섇댆�②뿈�쀨〃訝���"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:236
@@ -42885,7 +42885,7 @@ msgstr "--edit-todo"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:238
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Edit the todo list during an interactive rebase."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓧ벡雅믣폀�섇읃瓦뉒쮮訝�폋渦묈푷�욂틟窈밧닓烏ⓦ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:239
@@ -42897,7 +42897,7 @@ msgstr "--show-current-patch"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:243
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Show the current patch in an interactive rebase or when rebase is stopped because of conflicts. This is the equivalent of `git show REBASE_HEAD`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓧ벡雅믣폀�섇읃�뽩썱�꿰챳�뚦걶閭℡룜�뷸뿶�양ㅊ壤볟뎺烏δ툈�귞쎑壤볞틢 `git show REBASE_HEAD`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:246
@@ -42909,13 +42909,13 @@ msgstr "--onto <newbase>"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:251
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Starting point at which to create the new commits. If the `--onto` option is not specified, the starting point is `<upstream>`.  May be any valid commit, and not just an existing branch name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠�경룓雅ㅷ쉪壅루궧�귛쫩�쒏쑋�뉐츣 `--onto` �됮」竊뚦닕壅루궧訝� `<upstream>`�� ��빳��뻣鵝뺞쐣�덄쉪�먧벡竊뚩�뚥툖餓끺퍎��렟�됬쉪�녷뵱�띸㎞��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:255
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:100
 msgid "As a special case, you may use \"A\\...B\" as a shortcut for the merge base of A and B if there is exactly one merge base. You can leave out at most one of A and B, in which case it defaults to HEAD."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝쒍맏訝�燁띸돶餘딀깄�듸펽倻귝옖 A �� B �꾢릦亮뜹틩�ゆ쐣訝�訝わ펽�쇿룾餓δ슴�� \"A\\...B \"鵝쒍맏�덂뭉佯볡쉪恙ユ뜼�밧폀�귝궓��鸚싧룾餓η쐛�� A �� B 訝�쉪訝�訝わ펽�②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚦츆容섋�訝� HEAD��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:256
@@ -42927,43 +42927,43 @@ msgstr "--keep-base"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:262
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:100
 msgid "Set the starting point at which to create the new commits to the merge base of `<upstream>` and `<branch>`. Running `git rebase --keep-base <upstream> <branch>` is equivalent to running `git rebase --reapply-cherry-picks --no-fork-point --onto <upstream>...<branch> <upstream> <branch>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶닗兩뷸뼭�먧벡�꾥돈�배�訝� `<upstream>` �� `<branch>` �꾢릦亮뜹틩�귟퓧烏� `git rebase --keep-base <upstream> <branch>` �멨퐪雅롨퓧烏� `git rebase --reapply-cherry-picks --no-fork-point --onto <upstream>...<branch> <upstream> <branch>` ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:269
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This option is useful in the case where one is developing a feature on top of an upstream branch. While the feature is being worked on, the upstream branch may advance and it may not be the best idea to keep rebasing on top of the upstream but to keep the base commit as-is. As the base commit is unchanged this option implies `--reapply-cherry-picks` to avoid losing commits."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ι�됮」�귞뵪雅롥쑉訝딀만�녷뵱訝듿��묈뒣�썹쉪�끻넻�귛쑉凉��묈뒣�썹쉪瓦뉒쮮訝�펽訝딀만�녷뵱��꺗鴉싧뎺瓦쏉펽瓦숁뿶��也썹쉪�욄퀡��꺗訝띷삸瀯㎫뺌�ⓧ툓歷멨늽��툓�띷뼭�좄슬竊뚩�뚧삸岳앮똻�뷸쑍�먧벡訝띶룜�귞뵳雅롥읃�ф룓雅ㅴ퓷�곦툖�섓펽瑥ι�됮」�뤷뫑�� `--reapply-cherry-picks`竊뚥빳�욕뀓訝℡ㅁ�먧벡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:274
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Although both this option and `--fork-point` find the merge base between `<upstream>` and `<branch>`, this option uses the merge base as the _starting point_ on which new commits will be created, whereas `--fork-point` uses the merge base to determine the _set of commits_ which will be rebased."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�썹꽫瑥ι�됮」�� `-fork-point` �썼꺗�얍댆 `<upstream>` �� `<branch>` 阿뗩뿴�꾢릦亮뜹읃�곤펽鵝녻��됮」鵝욜뵪�덂뭉�뷸빊鵝쒍맏�쎾뻠�경룓雅ㅷ쉪_壅루궧_竊뚩�� `-fork-point`�쇾슴�ⓨ릦亮뜹읃�경씎簾�츣弱녻˙�띶츣�묊쉪_�먧벡��_��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:276 en/git-rebase.txt:291 en/git-rebase.txt:311 en/git-rebase.txt:332 en/git-rebase.txt:354 en/git-rebase.txt:362 en/git-rebase.txt:374 en/git-rebase.txt:386 en/git-rebase.txt:395 en/git-rebase.txt:437 en/git-rebase.txt:472 en/git-rebase.txt:497 en/git-rebase.txt:510 en/git-rebase.txt:517 en/git-rebase.txt:529 en/git-rebase.txt:582 en/git-rebase.txt:589 en/git-rebase.txt:609 en/git-rebase.txt:641
 #, priority:100
 msgid "See also INCOMPATIBLE OPTIONS below."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "����귡쁾訝뗩씊�꾡툖�쇔��됮」��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:281
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Upstream branch to compare against.  May be any valid commit, not just an existing branch name. Defaults to the configured upstream for the current branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "誤곦툗阿뗦캈渦껆쉪訝딀만�녷뵱�� ��빳��뻣鵝뺞쐣�덄쉪�먧벡竊뚩�뚥툖餓끺퍎��렟�됬쉪�녷뵱�띸㎞�귡퍡溫ㅴ맏壤볟뎺�녷뵱�띸쉰�꾡툓歷멨늽����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:284
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Working branch; defaults to `HEAD`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "藥δ퐳�녷뵱竊쏃퍡溫ㅴ맏 `HEAD`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:289
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Use applying strategies to rebase (calling `git-am` internally).  This option may become a no-op in the future once the merge backend handles everything the apply one does."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪佯붺뵪嶺뽫븼�ε룜�븝펷�낂깿瘟껆뵪 `git-am`竊됥�� 訝���릦亮뜹릮塋�쨪�녵틙佯붺뵪�롧ク���싩쉪訝��뉛펽瓦쇾릉�됮」弱녷씎��꺗弱긴툖�띺�귞뵪雅녴��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:292
@@ -42975,13 +42975,13 @@ msgstr "--empty={drop,keep,ask}"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:303
 #, priority:100
 msgid "How to handle commits that are not empty to start and are not clean cherry-picks of any upstream commit, but which become empty after rebasing (because they contain a subset of already upstream changes).  With drop (the default), commits that become empty are dropped.  With keep, such commits are kept.  With ask (implied by `--interactive`), the rebase will halt when an empty commit is applied allowing you to choose whether to drop it, edit files more, or just commit the empty changes.  Other options, like `--exec`, will use the default of drop unless `-i`/`--interactive` is explicitly specified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귚퐬鸚꾤릤凉�冶뗦뿶訝띷삸令븀쉪�먧벡竊뚥튋訝띷삸野밥툓歷멩룓雅ㅷ쉪瀛�껸�룟룚竊뚥퐜�③뇥�믣틣�롥룜訝븀㈉�꾣룓雅ㅿ펷�졽맏若껂뺄�끻맜雅녵툓歷멧엶�밭쉪耶먬썓竊됥�� 倻귝옖鵝욜뵪 drop竊덆퍡溫ㅿ펹竊뚦닕鴉싦륭凉껃룜訝븀㈉�꾣룓雅ㅳ�� 倻귝옖鵝욜뵪 keep竊뚦닕鴉싦퓷�숁�映삥룓雅ㅳ�� 倻귝옖鵝욜뵪 ask竊덆쉺�� `--interactive`竊됵펽壤볟틪�①㈉�먧벡�띰펽�섇읃�쒏�竊뚦뀅溫멧퐷�됪떓��륭凉껃츆�곭폋渦묉쎍鸚싨뻼餓띰펽瓦섉삸�ゆ룓雅ㅷ㈉�밧뒯�� �뜸퍟�됮」竊뚦쫩 `--exec`竊뚪솮�욄삇簾�뙁若싦틙 `-i`/`-interactive`竊뚦맔�쇿컛鵝욜뵪容섋��� drop��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:309
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:100
 msgid "Note that commits which start empty are kept (unless `--no-keep-empty` is specified), and commits which are clean cherry-picks (as determined by `git log --cherry-mark ...`) are detected and dropped as a preliminary step (unless `--reapply-cherry-picks` or `--keep-base` is passed)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��誤곫낏�뤹쉪��펽凉�冶뗦뿶訝븀㈉�꾣룓雅ㅴ폏熬ヤ퓷�숋펷�ㅹ씆�뉐츣雅� `--no-keep-empty`竊됵펽�뚦묾���� cherry-picks �먧벡竊덄뵳 `git log --cherry-mark ...`竊됦폏熬ユ�役뗥댆亮뜸퐳訝븀К訝�閭θ˙訝℡펱竊덆솮�욇�싪퓝雅� `--reapply-cherry-picks`�� `--keep-base`竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:312 en/git-rebase.txt:661
@@ -42999,13 +42999,13 @@ msgstr "--keep-empty"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:321
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Do not keep commits that start empty before the rebase (i.e. that do not change anything from its parent) in the result.  The default is to keep commits which start empty, since creating such commits requires passing the `--allow-empty` override flag to `git commit`, signifying that a user is very intentionally creating such a commit and thus wants to keep it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띶쑉瀯볠옖訝�퓷�숅뇥營�뎺凉�冶뗤맏令븀쉪�먧벡竊덂뜵訝띷뵻�섊댍�먧벡�꾡뻣鵝뺝냵若뱄펹�� 容섋��끻넻訝뗤퓷�쇿�冶뗦뿶訝븀㈉�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�졽맏�쎾뻠閭ㅷ굳�먧벡��誤곩릲 `git commit` 鴉좈�� `--allow-empty` 誤녺썣�뉐퓱竊뚩〃�롧뵪�룬씆躍멩쐣�뤷쑑�쎾뻠閭ㅷ굳�먧벡竊뚦썱閭ㅵ툕�쎽퓷�쇿츆��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:327
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Usage of this flag will probably be rare, since you can get rid of commits that start empty by just firing up an interactive rebase and removing the lines corresponding to the commits you don't want.  This flag exists as a convenient shortcut, such as for cases where external tools generate many empty commits and you want them all removed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪瓦쇾릉�뉓��꾣깄�드룾�썲푽弱묕펽�졽맏鵝졾룵����뒯雅ㅴ틨凉뤷룜�븝펽亮뜹닠�ㅴ툗鵝졽툖�녘쫨�꾣룓雅ㅵ�佯붺쉪烏뚳펽弱김꺗�좈솮凉�冶뗦뿶訝븀㈉�꾣룓雅ㅳ�� 瑥ζ젃溫경삸訝�燁띷뼶堊욜쉪恙ユ뜼�밧폀竊뚧캈倻귛퐪鸚뽭깿藥ε끁�잍닇溫멨쩀令뷸룓雅ㅿ펽�뚥퐷躍뚧쐹弱녶츆餓у뀲�ⓨ닠�ㅶ뿶��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:330