From 2360cf18a2ac84417b21725461ad29fa99c5ef6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jean-No=C3=ABl=20Avila?= <>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2022 20:08:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (French)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Currently translated at 64.3% (6975 of 10839 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: Jean-No챘l Avila <>
 po/ | 50 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index a95865c..fe8d6e3 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
@@ -3,19 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Jean-No챘l Avila <>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-09 23:15+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-20 10:48+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jean-No챘l Avila <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Jean-No챘l Avila <>\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-09 23:15+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-25 00:13+0000\nLast-Translator: Jean-No챘l Avila <>\nLanguage-Team: Jean-No챘l Avila <>\nLanguage: fr\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:763 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:129 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -60908,13 +60896,13 @@ msgstr "gitglossary(7)"
 #: en/gitglossary.txt:7
 #, priority:310
 msgid "gitglossary - A Git Glossary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "gitglossary - Un glossaire de Git"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/gitglossary.txt:11
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "*\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/gitglossary.txt:24
@@ -60926,37 +60914,37 @@ msgstr "linkgit:gittutorial[7], linkgit:gittutorial-2[7], linkgit:gitcvs-migrati
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:1
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_alternate_object_database]]alternate object database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_alternate_object_database]]base de donn챕es d'objets substituts"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:5
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Via the alternates mechanism, a <<def_repository,repository>> can inherit part of its <<def_object_database,object database>> from another object database, which is called an \"alternate\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gr창ce au m챕canisme des substituts, un <<def_repository,d챕p척t>> peut h챕riter d'une partie de sa <<def_object_database,base de donn챕es d'objets>> d'une autre base de donn챕es d'objets, qui est appel챕e un \"substitut\"."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:6
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_bare_repository]]bare repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_bare_repository]]d챕p척t nu"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:16
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A bare repository is normally an appropriately named <<def_directory,directory>> with a `.git` suffix that does not have a locally checked-out copy of any of the files under revision control. That is, all of the Git administrative and control files that would normally be present in the hidden `.git` sub-directory are directly present in the `repository.git` directory instead, and no other files are present and checked out. Usually publishers of public repositories make bare repositories available."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un d챕p척t nu est normalement un <<def_directory,r챕pertoire>> nomm챕 de mani챔re appropri챕e avec un suffixe `.git` qui n'a pas de copie locale de tous les fichiers sous contr척le de r챕vision. C'est-횪-dire que tous les fichiers d'administration et de contr척le de Git qui seraient normalement pr챕sents dans le sous-r챕pertoire cach챕 `.git` sont directement pr챕sents dans le r챕pertoire `repository.git` 횪 la place, et aucun autre fichier n'est pr챕sent et extrait. Habituellement, les 챕diteurs de d챕p척ts publics mettent 횪 disposition des d챕p척ts nus."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:17
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_blob_object]]blob object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_blob_object]]objet blob"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:19
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Untyped <<def_object,object>>, e.g. the contents of a file."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<<def_object,Objet>> non typ챕, par exemple le contenu d'un fichier."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:20
@@ -60968,61 +60956,61 @@ msgstr "[[def_branch]]branche"
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:30
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A \"branch\" is a line of development.  The most recent <<def_commit,commit>> on a branch is referred to as the tip of that branch.  The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch <<def_head,head>>, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch.  A single Git <<def_repository,repository>> can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your <<def_working_tree,working tree>> is associated with just one of them (the \"current\" or \"checked out\" branch), and <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> points to that branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Une \"branche\" est une ligne de d챕veloppement.  Le <<def_commit,commit>> le plus r챕cent sur une branche est appel챕 sommet de cette branche. Le sommet de la branche est r챕f챕renc챕 par une  <<def_head,t챗te>> de branche, qui avance au fur et 횪 mesure que des d챕veloppements suppl챕mentaires sont effectu챕s sur la branche.  Un seul <<def_repository,d챕p척t>> Git peut suivre un nombre arbitraire de branches, mais votre <<def_working_tree,arbre de travail>> est associ챕 횪 une seule d'entre elles (la branche \"actuelle\" ou \"extraite\"), et <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> pointe vers cette branche."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:31
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_cache]]cache"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_cache]]cache"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:33
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Obsolete for: <<def_index,index>>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Obsol챔te pour : <<def_index,index>>."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:34
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_chain]]chain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_chain]]cha챤ne"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:38
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A list of objects, where each <<def_object,object>> in the list contains a reference to its successor (for example, the successor of a <<def_commit,commit>> could be one of its <<def_parent,parents>>)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Une liste d'objets, o첫 chaque <<def_object,objet>> de la liste contient une r챕f챕rence 횪 son successeur (par exemple, le successeur d'un <<def_commit,commit>> pourrait 챗tre un de ses <<def_parent,parents>>)."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:39
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_changeset]]changeset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_changeset]]ensemble de modifications"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:43
 #, priority:310
 msgid "BitKeeper/cvsps speak for \"<<def_commit,commit>>\". Since Git does not store changes, but states, it really does not make sense to use the term \"changesets\" with Git."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BitKeeper/cvsps parlent de \"<<def_commit,commit>>\". Puisque Git ne stocke pas les modifications, mais les 챕tats, cela n'a pas vraiment de sens d'utiliser le terme \"ensemble de modifications\" avec Git."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:44
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_checkout]]checkout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_checkout]]extraction"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:51
 #, priority:310
 msgid "The action of updating all or part of the <<def_working_tree,working tree>> with a <<def_tree_object,tree object>> or <<def_blob_object,blob>> from the <<def_object_database,object database>>, and updating the <<def_index,index>> and <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> if the whole working tree has been pointed at a new <<def_branch,branch>>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "L'action de mettre 횪 jour tout ou partie de l'<<def_working_tree,arbre de travail>> avec un <<def_tree_object,objet arbre>> ou un <<def_blob_object,blob>> de la <<def_object_database,base de donn챕es des objets>>, et en mettant 횪 jour l' <<def_index,index>> et la <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> si l'ensemble de l'arbre de travail a 챕t챕 dirig챕 vers une nouvelle <<def_branch,branche>>."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:52
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_cherry-picking]]cherry-picking"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_cherry-picking]]picorage"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:59