From 3005f9dcbe782beaf7711ecf2b6104d45f01df0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A7=83=E5=A4=B4=E7=81=AF=E7=AC=BC=E9=B1=BC?= <> Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 02:45:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Currently translated at 37.2% (4119 of 11052 strings) Translation: Git Manpages/Translations Translate-URL: Signed-off-by: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <> --- po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po | 64 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po index 7aace7e..33b593b 100644 --- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po +++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package. # Matthias A횩hauer <>, 2019. msgid "" -msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-21 07:22+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n" +msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-22 06:28+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n" #. type: Labeled list #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:769 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31 @@ -40492,67 +40492,67 @@ msgstr "倻귝옖 <src> 鰲f옄訝뷰빳 refs/heads/ �� refs/tags/ 凉�鸚당쉪凉뺟뵪竊� #: en/git-push.txt:93 #, priority:220 msgid "Other ambiguity resolutions might be added in the future, but for now any other cases will error out with an error indicating what we tried, and depending on the `advice.pushUnqualifiedRefname` configuration (see linkgit:git-config[1]) suggest what refs/ namespace you may have wanted to push to." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�뜸퍟�ョ퀕�꾥㎗�녔뼶旅덂룾�썰폏�ⓩ쑋�ε뒥�ο펽鵝녺렟�ⓩ닊餓ф�弱앲캊�꾡뻣鵝뺝끀餓뽪깄�들꺗鴉싧눣�숋펽亮뜻졊��`advice.pushUnqualifiedRefname`�띸쉰竊덅쭅linkgit:git-config[1]竊됧뻠溫�퐷��꺗�녔렓�곩댆�や릉映삣엹�꾢폊�ⓧ릎��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:101 #, priority:220 msgid "The object referenced by <src> is used to update the <dst> reference on the remote side. Whether this is allowed depends on where in `refs/*` the <dst> reference lives as described in detail below, in those sections \"update\" means any modifications except deletes, which as noted after the next few sections are treated differently." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�� <src> 凉뺟뵪�꾢�穩↑˙�ⓩ씎�닸뼭瓦쒐쮮塋�쉪 <dst> 凉뺟뵪�귟퓳��맔熬ュ뀅溫멨룚�념틢 <dst> 凉뺟뵪��`refs/*`訝�쉪鵝띸쉰竊뚥툔�℡컛瑥�퍏�뤺염竊뚦쑉瓦쇾틳塋좄뒄訝�펽�쒏쎍�겸�앮꼷�녕��ㅴ틙�좈솮阿뗥쨼�꾡뻣鵝뺜엶�뱄펽閭e쫩�ⓩ렏訝뗦씎�꾢뇿�귚릎���뉐눣�꾬펽瓦쇿컛熬ヤ툖�뚦쑑野밧푷��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:104 #, priority:220 msgid "The `refs/heads/*` namespace will only accept commit objects, and updates only if they can be fast-forwarded." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`refs/heads/*` �썲릫令븅뿴�ゆ렏�쀦룓雅ㅵ�穩∽펽�ゆ쐣�ⓨ룾餓ε엮瓦쏁쉪�끻넻訝뗦뎺�ε룛�닸뼭��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:108 #, priority:220 msgid "The `refs/tags/*` namespace will accept any kind of object (as commits, trees and blobs can be tagged), and any updates to them will be rejected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`refs/tags/*` �썲릫令븅뿴弱녷렏�쀤뻣鵝뺟쭕映사쉪野배괌竊덂썱訝뷸룓雅ㅳ�곫젒�뚥틠瓦쎾댍野배괌�썲룾餓θ˙�뉓�竊됵펽野밧츆餓х쉪餓삡퐬�닸뼭�썲컛熬ユ땼瀯앫��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:113 #, priority:220 msgid "It's possible to push any type of object to any namespace outside of `refs/{tags,heads}/*`. In the case of tags and commits, these will be treated as if they were the commits inside `refs/heads/*` for the purposes of whether the update is allowed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "��빳弱녵뻣鵝뺟굳�뗧쉪野배괌�③�곩댆 `refs/{tags,heads}/*` 阿뗥쨼�꾡뻣鵝뺝뫝�띸㈉�담�귛쑉�뉒��뚧룓雅ㅷ쉪�끻넻訝뗰펽瓦쇾틳弱녻˙鰲녵맏 `refs/heads/*` �끿쉪�먧벡竊뚥빳�녑츣��맔�곮��닸뼭��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:122 #, priority:220 msgid "I.e. a fast-forward of commits and tags outside `refs/{tags,heads}/*` is allowed, even in cases where what's being fast-forwarded is not a commit, but a tag object which happens to point to a new commit which is a fast-forward of the commit the last tag (or commit) it's replacing. Replacing a tag with an entirely different tag is also allowed, if it points to the same commit, as well as pushing a peeled tag, i.e. pushing the commit that existing tag object points to, or a new tag object which an existing commit points to." -msgstr "" +msgstr "阿잌갚���竊뚦뀅溫멨쑉 `refs/{tags,heads}/*` 阿뗥쨼瓦쏂죱恙ヨ퓵�먧벡�뚧젃嶺억펽�념슴熬ュ엮瓦쏁쉪訝띷삸訝�訝ゆ룓雅ㅿ펽�뚧삸訝�訝ゆ젃嶺얍�穩∽펽若껅겙也썸뙁�묇�訝ゆ뼭�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�뚩퓳訝ゆ룓雅ㅶ삸若껅��요빰�꾣��롣�訝ゆ젃嶺억펷�뽪룓雅ㅿ펹�꾢엮瓦쎼�귞뵪訝�訝ゅ츑�ⓧ툖�뚨쉪�뉒��욘뜟訝�訝ゆ젃嶺얌튋��뀅溫며쉪竊뚦쫩�쒎츆�뉐릲�뚥�訝ゆ룓雅ㅿ펽餓ε룋�③�곦�訝ゅ돟獵사쉪�뉒�竊뚦뜵�③�곭렟�됪젃嶺얍�穩→��뉐릲�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�뽫렟�됪룓雅ㅶ��뉐릲�꾣뼭�뉒�野배괌��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:126 #, priority:220 msgid "Tree and blob objects outside of `refs/{tags,heads}/*` will be treated the same way as if they were inside `refs/tags/*`, any update of them will be rejected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�� `refs/{tags,heads}/*` 阿뗥쨼�꾣젒�뚥틠瓦쎾댍野배괌�꾢쨪�녷뼶凉뤶툗�� `refs/tags/*` 阿뗥냵�꾤쎑�뚳펽若껂뺄�꾡뻣鵝뺞쎍�곈꺗鴉싪˙�믥퍦��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:135 #, priority:220 msgid "All of the rules described above about what's not allowed as an update can be overridden by adding an the optional leading `+` to a refspec (or using `--force` command line option). The only exception to this is that no amount of forcing will make the `refs/heads/*` namespace accept a non-commit object. Hooks and configuration can also override or amend these rules, see e.g. `receive.denyNonFastForwards` in linkgit:git-config[1] and `pre-receive` and `update` in linkgit:githooks[5]." -msgstr "" +msgstr "訝딃씊�뤺염�꾣��됧뀽雅롣툖�곮��닸뼭�꾥쭊�숅꺗��빳�싪퓝�ⓨ폊�②쭊�껃뎺�€렌�졽�訝ゅ룾�� `+` �θ쫮�뽳펷�뽬�끺슴�� `--force` �썰빱烏뚪�됮」竊됥�귛뵱訝��꾡풃鸚뽪삸竊뚧뿞溫뷴쫩鵝뺝성�띌꺗訝띴폏鵝� `refs/heads/*` �썲릫令븅뿴�ε룛訝�訝ら씆�먧벡野배괌�귡뮝耶먨뭽�띸쉰阿잌룾餓θ쫮�뽪닑岳�뵻瓦쇾틳鰲꾢닕竊뚥풃倻귟쭅 linkgit:git-config[1] 訝�쉪 `receive.denyNonFastForwards` �� linkgit:githooks[5] 訝�쉪 `pre-receive` �� `update`��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:141 #, priority:220 msgid "Pushing an empty <src> allows you to delete the <dst> ref from the remote repository. Deletions are always accepted without a leading `+` in the refspec (or `--force`), except when forbidden by configuration or hooks. See `receive.denyDeletes` in linkgit:git-config[1] and `pre-receive` and `update` in linkgit:githooks[5]." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�③�곦�訝ょ㈉�� <src> �곮�鵝졽퍗瓦쒐쮮�덃쑍佯볞릎�좈솮 <dst> �꾢폊�ⓦ�귡솮�욇뀓營�닑�⒴춴獵곫�竊뚦맔�쇿쑉凉뺟뵪鰲꾥똽訝�깹�됧뎺�®쉪 `+` (�� `--force`) 竊뚦닠�ㅶ�삥삸熬ユ렏�쀧쉪�귛뢿鰲� linkgit:git-config[1] 訝�쉪 `receive.denyDeletes` 餓ε룋 linkgit:githooks[5] 訝�쉪 `pre-receive` �� `update`��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:146 #, priority:220 msgid "The special refspec `:` (or `+:` to allow non-fast-forward updates) directs Git to push \"matching\" branches: for every branch that exists on the local side, the remote side is updated if a branch of the same name already exists on the remote side." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�방츏�꾢폊�②쭊�� `:`竊덃닑`+:`餓ε뀅溫면씆恙ヨ퓵凉뤸쎍�곤펹�뉒ㅊ Git �③�곣�쒎뙶�띯�앯쉪�녷뵱竊싧�雅롦캀訝�訝ゅ춼�ⓧ틢�у쑑�꾢늽��펽倻귝옖瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩藥꿰퍘�됦�訝ゅ릪�띸쉪�녷뵱耶섇쑉竊뚦닕瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩鴉싪˙�닸뼭��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:148 #, priority:220 msgid "`tag <tag>` means the same as `refs/tags/<tag>:refs/tags/<tag>`." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`tag <tag>` 訝� `refs/tags/<tag>:refs/tags/<tag>` �뤸�앯쎑�뚣��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:150 @@ -40564,37 +40564,37 @@ msgstr "--branches" #: en/git-push.txt:153 #, priority:220 msgid "Push all branches (i.e. refs under `refs/heads/`); cannot be used with other <refspec>." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�③�곫��됧늽��펷��`refs/heads/`訝뗧쉪凉뺟뵪竊됵폑訝띹꺗訝롥끀餓� < 凉뺟뵪鰲꾥똽 > 訝�壅룝슴�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:161 #, priority:220 msgid "Remove remote branches that don't have a local counterpart. For example a remote branch `tmp` will be removed if a local branch with the same name doesn't exist any more. This also respects refspecs, e.g. `git push --prune remote refs/heads/*:refs/tmp/*` would make sure that remote `refs/tmp/foo` will be removed if `refs/heads/foo` doesn't exist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�좈솮亦→쐣�у쑑野밧틪�녷뵱�꾥퓶葉뗥늽���귚풃倻귨펽倻귝옖�у쑑�꾢릪�띶늽��툖耶섇쑉雅놅펽�d퉰瓦쒐쮮�녷뵱 `tmp` 弱녻˙�좈솮�귟퓳阿잍삸野밧폊�②쭊�껆쉪弱딃뇥竊뚥풃倻귨펽`git push --prune remote refs/heads/*:refs/tmp/*` 弱녺‘岳앭쫩�� `refs/heads/foo` 訝띶춼�⑨펽�d퉰瓦쒐쮮�� `refs/tmp/foo` 弱녻˙�좈솮��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:172 #, priority:220 msgid "Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs under `refs/` (which includes but is not limited to `refs/heads/`, `refs/remotes/`, and `refs/tags/`) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated on the remote end, and deleted refs will be removed from the remote end. This is the default if the configuration option `remote.<remote>.mirror` is set." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�뚥툖��뫝�띷캀訝�訝よ쫨�③�곭쉪凉뺟뵪竊뚧뙁若�`refs/`竊덂똿�т퐜訝띺솏雅�`refs/heads/`��`refs/remotes/`��`refs/tags/`竊됦툔�꾣��됧폊�③꺗熬ラ븳�뤷댆瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩�� �겼닗兩븀쉪�у쑑凉뺟뵪弱녻˙�③�곩댆瓦쒐쮮塋�펽�у쑑�닸뼭�꾢폊�ⓨ컛熬ュ성�뜻쎍�겼댆瓦쒐쮮塋�펽�뚦닠�ㅷ쉪凉뺟뵪弱녵퍗瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩�좈솮�� 倻귝옖�띸쉰�됮」 `remote.<remote>.mirror`熬ヨ�營�펽瓦쇿갚��퍡溫ㅷ쉪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:181 #, priority:220 msgid "Produce machine-readable output. The output status line for each ref will be tab-separated and sent to stdout instead of stderr. The full symbolic names of the refs will be given." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�잍닇�뷴솳����꾥풏�뷩�� 驪뤶릉凉뺟뵪�꾥풏�븀듁�곮죱弱녵빳�띈〃寧�늽�뷂펽亮뜹룕�곮눛�뉐뇛渦볟눣�뚥툖��젃�녷뒫�쇻�� 弱녺퍢�뷴폊�①쉪若뚧빐寧�뤇�띸㎞��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:186 #, priority:220 msgid "All listed refs are deleted from the remote repository. This is the same as prefixing all refs with a colon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "���됧닓�븀쉪凉뺟뵪�썰퍗瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩訝�닠�ㅳ�귟퓳訝롥쑉���됧폊�ⓨ뎺�졾넂�루쉪�싨퀡�멨릪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:191 #, priority:220 msgid "All refs under `refs/tags` are pushed, in addition to refspecs explicitly listed on the command line." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ㅴ틙�썰빱烏뚥툓�롧‘�쀥눣�꾢폊�②쭊�껂퉳鸚뽳펽`refs/tags` 訝뗧쉪���됧폊�③꺗熬ユ렓�곥��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:192 @@ -40606,7 +40606,7 @@ msgstr "--follow-tags" #: en/git-push.txt:199 #, priority:220 msgid "Push all the refs that would be pushed without this option, and also push annotated tags in `refs/tags` that are missing from the remote but are pointing at commit-ish that are reachable from the refs being pushed. This can also be specified with configuration variable `push.followTags`. For more information, see `push.followTags` in linkgit:git-config[1]." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�③�곫��됧쑉亦→쐣瓦쇾릉�됮」�꾣깄�듕툔鴉싪˙�③�곭쉪凉뺟뵪竊뚦릪�뜸튋�③�� `refs/tags` 訝�쉪力③뇢�뉒�竊뚩퓳雅쎿젃嶺얍쑉瓦쒐쮮訝�성鸚깍펽鵝녶뜶�뉐릲熬ユ렓�곭쉪凉뺟뵪訝�룾餓ε댆渦양쉪�먧벡�룔�� 瓦쇾튋��빳�③뀓營�룜�� `push.followTags` �ζ뙁若싥�� �닷쩀岳→겘竊뚩쭅 linkgit:git-config[1] 訝�쉪 `push.followTags`��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:200 en/git-send-pack.txt:74 @@ -40624,7 +40624,7 @@ msgstr "--signed=(true|false|if-asked)" #: en/git-push.txt:210 en/git-send-pack.txt:84 #, priority:220 msgid "GPG-sign the push request to update refs on the receiving side, to allow it to be checked by the hooks and/or be logged. If `false` or `--no-signed`, no signing will be attempted. If `true` or `--signed`, the push will fail if the server does not support signed pushes. If set to `if-asked`, sign if and only if the server supports signed pushes. The push will also fail if the actual call to `gpg --sign` fails. See linkgit:git-receive-pack[1] for the details on the receiving end." -msgstr "" +msgstr "野방렓�곮�黎귟퓵烏� GPG 嶺얍릫竊뚥빳�닸뼭�ζ뵸�밭쉪凉뺟뵪竊뚥슴�띈꺗鸚잒˙�⒴춴汝��ε뭽/�뽬˙溫겼퐬訝뗦씎�� 倻귝옖�뉐츣 `false` �� `--no-signed`竊뚦컛訝띶컼瑥뺟��띲�� 倻귝옖�뉐츣 `true` �� `--signed`竊뚥툝�띶뒦�ⓧ툖��똻嶺얍릫�③�곻펽�③�곩컛鸚김뇰�� 倻귝옖溫양쉰訝� `if-asked`竊뚥퍎壤볠쐨�▼솳��똻嶺얍릫�③�곫뿶�띸��띲�� 倻귝옖若욇솀瘟껆뵪 `gpg --sign` 鸚김뇰竊뚧렓�곦튋弱녶ㅁ兀γ�� �념틢�ζ뵸塋�쉪瀯녻뒄竊뚩쭅 linkgit:git-receive-pack[1]��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:211 @@ -40636,7 +40636,7 @@ msgstr "--[no-]atomic" #: en/git-push.txt:215 #, priority:220 msgid "Use an atomic transaction on the remote side if available. Either all refs are updated, or on error, no refs are updated. If the server does not support atomic pushes the push will fail." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖�됬쉪瑥앾펽�②퓶葉뗤퍜佯볞슴�ⓧ�訝ゅ렅耶먧틟�▲�� 誤곦퉰���됬쉪凉뺟뵪�썼˙�닸뼭竊뚩쫨阿덂눣�숁뿶竊뚧깹�됧폊�②˙�닸뼭�� 倻귝옖�띶뒦�ⓧ툖��똻�잌춴�③�곻펽�③�곩컛鴉싧ㅁ兀γ��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:217 @@ -40648,7 +40648,7 @@ msgstr "--push-option=<option>" #: en/git-push.txt:227 #, priority:220 msgid "Transmit the given string to the server, which passes them to the pre-receive as well as the post-receive hook. The given string must not contain a NUL or LF character. When multiple `--push-option=<option>` are given, they are all sent to the other side in the order listed on the command line. When no `--push-option=<option>` is given from the command line, the values of configuration variable `push.pushOption` are used instead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "弱녺퍢若싩쉪耶쀧Е訝꿜폖渦볡퍢�띶뒦�⑨펽�띶뒦�ⓨ컛若껂뺄鴉좈�믥퍢 pre-receive 餓ε룋 post-receive �⒴춴�귞퍢若싩쉪耶쀧Е訝꿜툖�썲똿�� NUL �� LF 耶쀧Е�� 壤볡퍢�뷴쩀訝� `--push-option=< �됮」 >` �띰펽若껂뺄弱녷뙃�㎩뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�닓�븀쉪窈뷴틣�③깿�묌�곭퍢野방뼶�� 壤볟뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�깹�됬퍢�� `--push-option=< �됮」 >` �띰펽弱녵슴�③뀓營�룜��`push.pushOption` �꾢�쇗씎餓f쎘��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:228 en/git-send-pack.txt:29 @@ -40666,7 +40666,7 @@ msgstr "--exec=<git-receive-pack>" #: en/git-push.txt:234 en/git-send-pack.txt:34 #, priority:220 msgid "Path to the 'git-receive-pack' program on the remote end. Sometimes useful when pushing to a remote repository over ssh, and you do not have the program in a directory on the default $PATH." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�계퓶塋�쉪 'git-receive-pack' 葉뗥틣�꾥러孃꾠�� 壤볣�싪퓝 ssh �③�곩댆瓦쒐쮮�덃쑍佯볩펽�뚥퐷亦→쐣�③퍡溫ㅷ쉪 $PATH ��퐬訝뗧쉪葉뗥틣�띰펽�됪뿶鴉싧푽�됬뵪��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-push.txt:235 @@ -40684,55 +40684,55 @@ msgstr "--force-with-lease=<refname>" #: en/git-push.txt:237 #, no-wrap, priority:220 msgid "--force-with-lease=<refname>:<expect>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--force-with-lease=< 凉뺟뵪�� >:< �잍쐹>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:240 #, priority:220 msgid "Usually, \"git push\" refuses to update a remote ref that is not an ancestor of the local ref used to overwrite it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�싧만竊�\"git push\" 鴉싨땼瀯앮쎍�겻�訝や툖��뵪�θ쫮�뽩츆�꾣쑍�겼폊�①쉪瓦쒐쮮�뜹폊�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:243 #, priority:220 msgid "This option overrides this restriction if the current value of the remote ref is the expected value. \"git push\" fails otherwise." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖瓦쒐쮮凉뺟뵪�꾢퐪�띶�쇗삸窯꾣쐿�쇽펽瑥ι�됮」鴉싪쫮�뽬퓳訝��먨댍�귛맔�숋펽\"git push\" 鴉싧ㅁ兀γ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:250 #, priority:220 msgid "Imagine that you have to rebase what you have already published. You will have to bypass the \"must fast-forward\" rule in order to replace the history you originally published with the rebased history. If somebody else built on top of your original history while you are rebasing, the tip of the branch at the remote may advance with their commit, and blindly pushing with `--force` will lose their work." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�녘괌訝�訝뗰펽鵝졾퓚窈삣�鵝졾럴瀯뤷룕烏①쉪�끻�瓦쏂죱�띷뼭若싦퐤�� 鵝졾퓚窈사퍞瓦뉍�쒎퓚窈삣엮�잌릦亮뜯�앯쉪鰲꾢닕竊뚥빳堊욜뵪�띶넍�꾢럣�꿩쎘�㏘퐷���앭룕躍껆쉪�녶뤁�� 倻귝옖�ⓧ퐷�띷뼭�묈툋�꾣뿶�숋펽�됧끀餓뽨볶�ⓧ퐷�잍씎�꾢럣�꿜퉳訝딀엫兩븝펽�d퉰瓦쒐쮮�녷뵱�꾦《塋�룾�썰폏�뤹�餓뽨뺄�꾣룓雅ㅸ�뚦뎺瓦쏉펽�뚨쎊��쑑�� `--force` �③�곦폏訝℡ㅁ餓뽨뺄�꾣뵻�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:257 #, priority:220 msgid "This option allows you to say that you expect the history you are updating is what you rebased and want to replace. If the remote ref still points at the commit you specified, you can be sure that no other people did anything to the ref. It is like taking a \"lease\" on the ref without explicitly locking it, and the remote ref is updated only if the \"lease\" is still valid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦쇾릉�됮」�곮�鵝좄�竊뚥퐷躍뚧쐹鵝졿쎍�곁쉪�녶뤁��퐷�띷뼭兩븀쳦�꾬펽亮뜹툕�쎾룚餓e츆�귛쫩�쒑퓶葉뗥폊�ⓧ퍖�뜻뙁�묇퐷�뉐츣�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽鵝졾갚��빳簾�츣亦→쐣�뜸퍟雅뷴�瑥ε폊�ⓨ걳雅녵�阿덀�귟퓳弱긷깗�ⓩ깹�됪삇簾�봺若싩쉪�끻넻訝뗥�凉뺟뵪瓦쏂죱�쒐쭫壅곣�앾펽�ゆ쐣�� �쒐쭫壅곣�앬퍖�뜻쐣�덄쉪�끻넻訝뗦뎺鴉싨쎍�계퓶葉뗥폊�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:262 #, priority:220 msgid "`--force-with-lease` alone, without specifying the details, will protect all remote refs that are going to be updated by requiring their current value to be the same as the remote-tracking branch we have for them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`--force-with-lease`竊뚥툖�뉐츣瀯녻뒄竊뚦컛岳앮뒪���됧컛熬ユ쎍�곁쉪瓦쒐쮮凉뺟뵪竊뚩쫨黎귛츆餓х쉪壤볟뎺�쇌툗�묇뺄訝뷴츆餓у뇛鸚뉒쉪瓦쒐쮮瓮잒릉�녷뵱�멨릪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:267 #, priority:220 msgid "`--force-with-lease=<refname>`, without specifying the expected value, will protect the named ref (alone), if it is going to be updated, by requiring its current value to be the same as the remote-tracking branch we have for it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`--force-with-lease=< 凉뺟뵪�� >`竊뚧깹�됪뙁若싮쥋�잌�쇽펽弱녵퓷�ㅵ뫝�띸쉪凉뺟뵪竊덂뜒�э펹竊뚦쫩�쒎츆誤곮˙�닸뼭竊뚩쫨黎귛끀壤볟뎺�쇌툗�묇뺄野밧츆�꾥퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��쎑�뚣��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:275 #, priority:220 msgid "`--force-with-lease=<refname>:<expect>` will protect the named ref (alone), if it is going to be updated, by requiring its current value to be the same as the specified value `<expect>` (which is allowed to be different from the remote-tracking branch we have for the refname, or we do not even have to have such a remote-tracking branch when this form is used). If `<expect>` is the empty string, then the named ref must not already exist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "`--force-with-lease=< 凉뺟뵪�� >:< �잍쐹 >`弱녵퓷�ㅶ뙁若싩쉪凉뺟뵪竊덂뜒�э펹竊뚦쫩�쒎츆誤곮˙�닸뼭竊뚩쫨黎귛츆�꾢퐪�띶�쇌툗�뉐츣�꾢��`< �잍쐹 >`�멨릪竊덂뀅溫멧툗�묇뺄野밧폊�ⓨ릫�꾥퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��툖�뚳펽�뽬�끻쑉鵝욜뵪瓦숂쭕壤℡폀�띰펽�묇뺄�싪눛訝띺�誤곫쐣瓦숁졆訝�訝よ퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��펹�� 倻귝옖`< �잍쐹 >`��㈉耶쀧Е訝뀐펽�d퉰�썲릫�꾢폊�ⓨ퓚窈삡툖耶섇쑉��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:280 #, priority:220 msgid "Note that all forms other than `--force-with-lease=<refname>:<expect>` that specifies the expected current value of the ref explicitly are still experimental and their semantics may change as we gain experience with this feature." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽�ㅴ틙`--force-with-lease=< 凉뺟뵪�� >:< �잍쐹 >`餓ε쨼�꾣��됧숱凉뤻꺗��삇簾�뙁若싧폊�①쉪窯꾣쐿壤볟뎺�쇽펽瓦쇾틳壤℡폀餓띸꽫��캊謠뚧�㎫쉪竊뚦츆餓х쉪瑥�퉱��꺗鴉싮쉹���묇뺄野배퓳訝ゅ뒣�썹쉪瀯뤻챿燁�눕�뚧뵻�섅��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-push.txt:283 -- GitLab