diff --git a/po/documentation.de.po b/po/documentation.de.po
index e04a5bd0b8c547b7f7113e6aa5f2fe8ab34a6641..67eceb603d6b79640c7c5814a51ecfd822302f0e 100644
--- a/po/documentation.de.po
+++ b/po/documentation.de.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-18 02:32+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Dieter Ziller <max123kl@ziller.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>\n"
@@ -2043,12 +2043,18 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr "Die Daten, die dem Schl체sselwort `gitdir:` folgen, werden als Glob-Pattern verwendet. Wenn die Position des Verzeichnisses .git mit dem Pattern 체bereinstimmt, ist die Include-Bedingung erf체llt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
+#: en/config.txt:124
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
 msgstr "Die .git-Position kann automatisch ermittelt werden oder aus der Umgebungsvariablen `$GIT_DIR` abgeleitet werden. Wenn das Repository 체ber eine .git-Datei automatisch erkannt wird (z.B. aus Untermodulen oder einem verkn체pften Arbeitsverzeichnis), w채re der Speicherort von .git der finale Ort, an dem sich das .git-Verzeichnis befindet, nicht der Ort, an dem sich die"
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
+msgstr "git-Datei befindet."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/config.txt:129
 msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
@@ -2295,7 +2301,7 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr "true"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>`\n"
@@ -2306,96 +2312,96 @@ msgstr ""
 "definiert ist, wird als wahr angenommen.\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr "false"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`,"
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr "Boolesche Werte f체r �엂alse�� k철nnen alternativ auch `no`, `off`, `false`,"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr "Bei der Konvertierung eines Wertes in seine kanonische Form unter Verwendung des `--type=bool` Typ-Bezeichners wird 'git config' die Ausgabe \"true\" oder \"false\" (in Kleinbuchstaben geschrieben) ausgeben."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr "integer"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr "Der Wert f체r viele Variablen, die unterschiedliche Gr철횩en angeben, kann mit den Suffixen `k`, `M`, ... versehen werden. Das bedeutet, dass die Zahl \"mit 1024\", \"mit 1024x1024\", ... skaliert wird."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr "Der Wert f체r eine Variable, die eine Farbe darstellt, ist eine durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von Farben (maximal zwei, einmal Vordergrund und einmal Hintergrund) und von Attributen (unbegrenzt viele)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be speficied by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr "Die akzeptierten Grundfarben sind `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` und `white`.  Die erste angegebene Farbe ist der Vordergrund, die zweite bestimmt den Hintergrund.  Alle Grundfarben mit Ausnahme von `normal` haben eine helle Variante, die durch Voranstellen von `bright` vor der Farbe spezifiziert werden kann, wie z.B. `brightred`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr "Farben k철nnen auch als Zahlen zwischen 0 und 255 angegeben werden; diese verwenden den ANSI-256-Farbmodus (beachten Sie jedoch, dass dies m철glicherweise nicht von allen Terminals unterst체tzt wird).  Wenn Ihr Terminal dies unterst체tzt, k철nnen Sie auch 24-bit RGB-Werte als Hex-Wert angeben, wie z.B. `#ff0ab3`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr "Die akzeptierten Attribute sind `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic` und `strike` (f체r durchgekreuzte oder durchgestrichene Zeichen).  Die Position jeglicher Attribute in Bezug auf die Farben (vor, nach oder zwischen den Farben) spielt keine Rolle. Bestimmte Attribute k철nnen abgeschaltet werden, indem man ihnen `no` oder `no-` voranstellt (z.B. `noreverse`, `no-ul`, usw.)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr "Ein leerer Farb-String erzeugt 체berhaupt keinen Farbeffekt. Damit kann das Einf채rben bestimmter Elemente vermieden werden, ohne die Farbe vollst채ndig zu deaktivieren."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr "F체r die vordefinierten Farbslots von Git sollen die Attribute am Anfang jedes Elements in der farbigen Ausgabe zur체ckgesetzt werden. Wenn Sie also `color.decorate.branch` auf `black` setzen, wird dieser Branch-Name in schlichtem �엜chwarz�� dargestellt, selbst wenn die vorherige Sache in der gleichen Ausgabezeile (z.B. 철ffnende Klammer vor der Liste der Branch-Namen in der `log --decorate` Ausgabe) mit `bold` oder einem anderen Attribut dargestellt wird.  Benutzerdefinierte Protokollformate k철nnen jedoch eine kompliziertere und 체berlagerte Farbgebung bewirken, und die negierten Formen k철nnten dort n체tzlich sein."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr "pathname"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr "Einer Variablen, die einen Pfadnamen-Wert annimmt, kann ein String 체bergeben werden, der mit \"`~/`\" oder \"`~user/`\" beginnt. Die 체bliche Tilde-Erweiterung kommt bei einem solchen String zur Anwendung: `~/` wird auf den Wert von `$HOME` erweitert, und `~user/` auf das Home-Verzeichnis des angegebenen Benutzers."
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr "Variablen"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass diese Liste nicht ausf체hrlich und nicht unbedingt vollst채ndig ist.  F체r kommando-spezifische Variablen finden Sie eine ausf체hrlichere Beschreibung in der entsprechenden Manpage."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr "Andere Git-Tools k철nnen und werden ihre eigenen Variablen verwenden.  Wenn Sie neue Variablen f체r die Verwendung in Ihrem eigenen Dienstprogramm entwickeln, stellen Sie sicher, dass deren Namen nicht in Konflikt mit denen stehen, die von Git selbst und anderen beliebten Hilfsprogrammen verwendet werden. Beschreiben Sie diese Variablen in Ihrer Dokumentation."
@@ -4752,7 +4758,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5338,7 +5344,7 @@ msgstr "Wird diese Option angegeben und das anzufordernde Repository mit 'git fe
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5522,28 +5528,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NAME"
@@ -5586,22 +5592,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - F체gt Datei-Inhalte zum Index hinzu"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5662,22 +5668,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5739,7 +5745,7 @@ msgstr "Bitte lesen Sie linkgit:git-commit[1] f체r Alternativen zum Hinzuf체gen
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6056,7 +6062,7 @@ msgstr "Diese Option kann dazu verwendet werden, Befehlszeilenoptionen von der L
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6467,7 +6473,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6476,17 +6482,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6527,7 +6532,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6536,17 +6541,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13315,7 +13319,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "Unterdr체ckt das Abrufen (checkout) von HEAD, nachdem das Klonen fertig ist."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13407,7 +13411,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "Wurde diese Option angegeben und der Zugriff auf das zu klonende Repository erfolgt 체ber SSH, so wird damit ein Nicht-Standardpfad f체r den Befehlsaufruf am anderen Ende angegeben."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<Template_Directory>"
@@ -13521,7 +13525,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "Alle geklonten Submodule verwenden den Status der Remote-Tracking-Branch des Submoduls, um das Submodul zu aktualisieren, aber nicht den registrierten SHA-1 des Hauptprojekts. Das entspricht der Option von `--remote` mit dem Befehl `git submodule update`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<Git-Dir>"
@@ -21416,7 +21420,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27782,208 +27786,212 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<Berechtigungen>]] [Verzeichnis]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "Dieser Befehl erzeugt ein leeres Git-Repository �� im Grunde ein `.git`-Verzeichnis mit Unterverzeichnissen f체r `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags` und f체r die Template-Dateien. Eine initiale `HEAD` Datei, die auf den HEAD des Master-Branchs verweist, wird ebenfalls erstellt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "Wenn die Umgebungsvariable `$GIT_DIR` gesetzt ist, dann gibt sie einen Pfad an, der anstelle von `./.git` f체r die Basis des Repositorys verwendet werden soll."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "Wenn das Objektverzeichnis 체ber die Umgebungsvariable `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` angegeben wird, werden die SHA1-Verzeichnisse darunter angelegt �� andernfalls wird das Standardverzeichnis `$GIT_DIR/objects` verwendet."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "Das Ausf체hren von `git init` in einem bestehenden Repository ist ungef채hrlich. Es wird nichts 체berschrieben, was dort bereits vorhanden ist. Der Hauptgrund f체r das erneute Ausf체hren von `git init` ist das Aufnehmen neu hinzugef체gter Templates (oder das Verschieben des Repositorys an einen anderen Ort, wenn `--separate-git-dir` angegeben wird)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "Nur Fehler- und Warnmeldungen ausgeben; alle anderen Meldungen werden ausgeblendet."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "Erstellt ein Bare-Repository. Wenn die Umgebungsvariable `GIT_DIR` nicht festgelegt ist, wird sie auf das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis angewendet."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<Format>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "Spezifiziert das angegebene Objektformat (Hash-Algorithmus) f체r das Repository.  Die g체ltigen Werte sind 'sha1' und, falls aktiviert, 'sha256'.  'sha1' ist die Voreinstellung."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "Gib das Verzeichnis an, aus dem Templates verwendet werden sollen (Siehe unten den Abschnitt �얮EMPLATE VERZEICHNIS��)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "Anstatt das Repository als ein Verzeichnis entweder nach `$GIT_DIR` oder `./.git/` zu initialisieren, wird hier eine Textdatei erstellt, die den Pfad zum eigentlichen Repository enth채lt.  Diese Datei fungiert als symbolischer Git-Link zum Repository, der vom Dateisystem unabh채ngig ist."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "Falls dies eine Neu-Initialisierung ist, wird das Repository auf den angegebenen Pfad verschoben."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "-b <branch-name"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <Branch-Name"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<Branch-Name>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr "Verwendet den angegebenen Namen f체r den initialen Branch im neu erstellten Repository.  Falls nicht angegeben, wird auf den Standardnamen `master` zur체ckgegriffen."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "Bestimmt, dass das Git-Repository von mehreren Benutzern gemeinsam genutzt werden soll. Dadurch k철nnen Benutzer, die derselben Gruppe angeh철ren, in dieses Repository pushen. Falls spezifiziert, wird die config-Variable \"core.sharedRepository\" so angelegt, dass Dateien und Verzeichnisse unter `$GIT_DIR` mit den angeforderten Berechtigungen erstellt werden.  Wenn nichts angegeben ist, wird Git die von umask(2) gelieferten Berechtigungen verwenden."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "Die Option kann die folgenden Werte annehmen, wobei 'group' die Standardeinstellung ist, falls kein Wert angegeben wird:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (oder 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Verwendet die von umask(2) gelieferten Berechtigungen. Die Voreinstellung, falls `--shared` nicht angegeben ist."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (oder 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "Das Repository von der Gruppe beschreibbar machen, (mit g+sx, da die Git-Gruppe m철glicherweise nicht die prim채re Gruppe aller User ist). Das wird verwendet, um die Berechtigungen eines ansonsten sicheren umask(2)-Wertes zu erweitern. Beachten Sie, dass die umask immer noch f체r die anderen Berechtigungsbits gilt (z.B. wenn umask '0022' ist, wird die Verwendung von 'group' nicht die Leseberechtigungen anderer (Nicht-Gruppen-) Benutzer entfernen). Siehe bei '0xxx' wie die Repository-Berechtigungen genau gesetzt werden."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' (oder 'world' oder 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "Das gleiche wie 'group', aber macht das Repository f체r alle Benutzer lesbar."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' ist eine Oktalzahl und jede Datei hat den Status '0xxx'. '0xxx' 체berschreibt den umask(2)-Wert des Benutzers (und entsperrt nicht nur die Berechtigungen, wie es 'group' und 'all' tun). '0640' wird ein Repository erstellen, das gruppenlesbar, aber nicht gruppenbeschreibbar und f체r andere nicht zug채nglich ist. '0660' erzeugt ein Repository, das f체r den aktuellen Benutzer und die aktuelle Gruppe les- und beschreibbar, aber f체r andere unzug채nglich ist."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "Standardm채횩ig ist das Konfigurationsflag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` in gemeinsam genutzten Repositorys aktiviert, sodass Sie keinen �엖on-fast-forward�� Push erzwingen k철nnen."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Wenn Sie ein 'Directory' (Verzeichnis) angeben, wird der Befehl innerhalb dieses Verzeichnisses ausgef체hrt. Wenn dieses Verzeichnis nicht existiert, wird es erstellt."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "Dateien und Verzeichnisse im Template-Verzeichnis, deren Name nicht mit einem Punkt beginnt, werden nach der Erstellung in das `$GIT_DIR` kopiert."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "Das Template-Verzeichnis wird aus folgender Einstellung generiert (Reihenfolge nach Priorit채t):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "dem Argument, das mit der Option `--template` angegeben wurde;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "dem Inhalt der Umgebungs-Variablen `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "der Konfigurations-Variablen `init.templateDir`; oder"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "dem standardm채횩igen Template-Verzeichnis: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "Das standardm채횩ige Template-Verzeichnis enth채lt eine gewisse Verzeichnisstruktur, vorgeschlagene �얖usschlussmuster�� (siehe linkgit:gitignore[5]) und Beispiele f체r Hook-Dateien."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "Die Beispiel-Hooks sind automatisch alle deaktiviert. Diese Hooks k철nnen aktiviert werden, indem die Datei-Erweiterung `.sample` entfernt wird."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "Siehe linkgit:githooks[5] f체r generelle Informationen zur Hook-Anwendung."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "Ein neues Git-Repository mit einer vorhandenen Code-Basis anlegen"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27997,17 +28005,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "Erstellt das Verzeichnis /Pfad/zu/meiner/Code-Basis/.git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "F체gt alle vorhandenen Dateien zum Index hinzu."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "Zeichnet den Urzustand als ersten Commit im Verlauf des Repositorys auf."
@@ -34159,28 +34167,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -60399,6 +60385,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "Treat the repository as a bare repository.  If GIT_DIR environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 #~ msgid "The Git repository to import to.  If the directory doesn't"
@@ -60477,9 +60466,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "reflog identity email (respecting .mailmap, see"
 #~ msgstr "linkgit:git-shortlog[1] oder linkgit:git-blame[1])"
-#~ msgid "git file is."
-#~ msgstr "git-Datei befindet."
 #~ msgid "--abbrev=<length>"
 #~ msgstr "--abbrev=<L채nge>"
diff --git a/po/documentation.es.po b/po/documentation.es.po
index 79ba6424f724549f98fae06c00c1806c692299e1..07352d3f7f67b0e20dc8f57a7f948b604e1a8a33 100644
--- a/po/documentation.es.po
+++ b/po/documentation.es.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-30 12:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Vibo Lavida <vibo@firemail.cc>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2091,8 +2091,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2304,97 +2310,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr "Variables"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4721,7 +4727,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5307,7 +5313,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5491,28 +5497,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NOMBRE"
@@ -5555,22 +5561,22 @@ msgstr "git add: a챰adir contenido de un archivo al 챠ndice"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5631,22 +5637,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5708,7 +5714,7 @@ msgstr "Por favor, revise linkgit:git-commit[1] para encontrar maneras alternati
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6025,7 +6031,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6422,7 +6428,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6431,17 +6437,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6482,7 +6487,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6491,17 +6496,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13156,7 +13160,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13246,7 +13250,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<directorio_de_plantilla>"
@@ -13359,7 +13363,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<directorio git>"
@@ -21069,7 +21073,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27369,207 +27373,207 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<permisos>]] [directorio]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "Mostrar s처lo los mensajes de error y advertencia; el resto de mensajes se suprimir찼n."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<formato>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <nombre-rama"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<nombre-rama>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "La opci처n puede tomar los siguientes valores, tomando por defecto el valor 'group' si no se proporciona ning첬n valor:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (o 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Use los permisos obtenidos con umask(2). Ser찼 el valor por defecto cuando no se indica `--shared`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (o 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' (o 'world' o 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "Igual que 'group', pero permite que cualquier usuario lea el repositorio."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Si se proporciona un 'directorio', el comando se ejecuta dentro de 챕ste. Si 챕ste directorio no existe, se crear찼."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "El directorio de plantilla ser찼 uno de los siguientes (en este orden):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "el argumento proporcionado con la opci처n `--template`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "el contenido de la variable de entorno `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "la variable de configuraci처n `init.templateDir`; o"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "el directorio de plantilla por defecto: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "Crear un reprositorio Git nuevo para c처digo fuente existente"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27583,17 +27587,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "Crear un directorio /ruta/a/mi/c처digo/.git ."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "A챰adir todos los ficheros existentes al 챠ndice."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33705,29 +33709,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "Rutinas para ayudar a analizar los par찼metros de acceso del repositorio remoto"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59713,6 +59694,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "Rutinas para ayudar a analizar los par찼metros de acceso del repositorio remoto"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.es_MX.po b/po/documentation.es_MX.po
index b8dc2bd6a768290edf4f08169e4a3218e4bcf7f5..0d375bd10a385380cfd45ca301eeb3d356eee525 100644
--- a/po/documentation.es_MX.po
+++ b/po/documentation.es_MX.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-05 21:56+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Far찼ndula <farandula@versoblanco.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2180,8 +2180,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2393,97 +2399,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4821,7 +4827,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5412,7 +5418,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5597,28 +5603,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5661,22 +5667,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Agrega el contenido de los archivos al 챠ndice"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5741,22 +5747,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5819,7 +5825,7 @@ msgstr "V챕ase linkgit:git-commit[1] para otras formas de a챰adir contenido a un
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6137,7 +6143,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6524,7 +6530,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6533,17 +6539,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6584,7 +6589,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6593,17 +6598,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13269,7 +13273,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13359,7 +13363,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13473,7 +13477,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -21177,7 +21181,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27480,209 +27484,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--patch-format"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "<branch>"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "<rama>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "<branch>"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "<rama>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27692,17 +27696,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33823,29 +33827,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "Rutinas para ayudar a analizar los par찼metros de acceso del repositorio remoto"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59893,6 +59874,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "Rutinas para ayudar a analizar los par찼metros de acceso del repositorio remoto"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.fr.po b/po/documentation.fr.po
index 09cce20d4aa271c4690a1def5579bfbdf93b7512..98c8c007b3d83cf7952cca11ad6fa9b5527e3829 100644
--- a/po/documentation.fr.po
+++ b/po/documentation.fr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-19 21:06+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jean-No챘l Avila <jn.avila@free.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: Jean-No챘l Avila <jn.avila@free.fr>\n"
@@ -2037,12 +2037,18 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr "Les donn챕es qui suivent le mot-cl챕 `gitdir:` sont utilis챕es comme mod챔le de motif glob. Si l'emplacement du r챕pertoire .git correspond au motif, la condition d'inclusion est remplie."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
+#: en/config.txt:124
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
 msgstr "L'emplacement de .git peut 챗tre d챕couvert automatiquement ou provenir de la variable d'environnement `$GIT_DIR`. Si le d챕p척t est d챕couvert automatiquement via un fichier .git (par exemple 횪 partir de sous-modules ou d'un arbre de travail li챕), l'emplacement .git sera l'emplacement final o첫 se trouve le r챕pertoire .git, et non pas ou le fichier .git"
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
+msgstr "se trouve."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/config.txt:129
 msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
@@ -2289,99 +2295,99 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr "true"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr "Les litt챕raux bool챕ens pour vrai sont `yes`, `on`, `true` et `1`.  De plus, une variable d챕finie sans `=<valeur>` est consid챕r챕e comme vraie."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr "faux"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr "Les litt챕raux bool챕ens faux sont `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` et la cha챤ne vide."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr "Lors de la conversion d'une valeur sous sa forme canonique en utilisant le sp챕cificateur de type `--type=bool`, 'git config' s'assurera que la sortie est \"true\" ou \"false\" (챕crit en minuscules)."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr "Entier"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr "La valeur de nombreuses variables qui sp챕cifient diff챕rentes tailles peut 챗tre suffix챕e par `k`, `M`, ... pour signifier 짬 multiplier le nombre par 1024 쨩, 짬 par 1024x1024 쨩, etc."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr "La valeur d�셵ne variable qui prend une couleur est une liste de couleurs (au plus deux, une pour le premier plan et une pour l�셙rri챔re-plan) et les attributs (autant que vous le souhaitez), s챕par챕s par des espaces."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be speficied by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr "Les couleurs de base accept챕es sont `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` et `white`.  La premi챔re couleur donn챕e est le premier plan ; la seconde est l'arri챔re-plan.  Toutes les couleurs de base, sauf la couleur `normal`, ont une variante claire qui peut 챗tre sp챕cifi챕e en pr챕fixant la couleur par `bright`, comme `brightred`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr "Les couleurs peuvent 챕galement 챗tre donn챕es en tant que nombres entre 0 et 255��; ceux-ci utilisent le mode ANSI 256 couleurs (mais notez que certains terminaux ne peuvent pas prendre en charge cela).  Si votre terminal le prend en charge, vous pouvez 챕galement sp챕cifier des valeurs RGB 24 bits en hexad챕cimal, comme `#ff0ab3`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr "Les attributs accept챕s sont `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, et `strike` (pour les lettres barr챕es ou \"surlign챕es\").  La position de tout attribut par rapport aux couleurs (avant, apr챔s ou entre les deux) n'a pas d'importance. Des attributs sp챕cifiques peuvent 챗tre d챕sactiv챕s en les pr챕fixant par `no` ou `no-` (par exemple, `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc.)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr "Une cha챤ne de couleur vide ne produit aucun effet de couleur. Cela peut 챗tre utilis챕 pour 챕viter de colorer des 챕l챕ments sp챕cifiques sans d챕sactiver compl챔tement la couleur."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr "Pour les 챕tiquettes de couleur pr챕d챕finies de git, les attributs sont cens챕s 챗tre r챕initialis챕s au d챕but de chaque 챕l챕ment de la sortie color챕e. Ainsi, mettre `color.decorate.branch` 횪 `black` peindra le nom de cette branche en un simple `black`, m챗me si la chose pr챕c챕dente sur la m챗me ligne de sortie (par exemple, ouvrir une parenth챔se avant la liste des noms de branches dans la sortie de `log --decorate`) est mise 횪 챗tre peinte avec `bold` ou un autre attribut.  Cependant, les formats de log personnalis챕s peuvent faire une coloration plus compliqu챕e et plus stratifi챕e, et les formes invers챕es peuvent 챗tre utiles dans ce cas."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr "nom-de-chemin"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr "Une variable qui prend la valeur d'un nom de chemin peut recevoir une cha챤ne de caract챔res commen챌ant par \"`~/`\" ou \"`~user/`\", et l'expansion tilde habituelle se fait sur une telle cha챤ne : `~/` est d챕velopp챕e 횪 la valeur de `$HOME`, et `~user/` au r챕pertoire personnel de l'utilisateur sp챕cifi챕."
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr "Variables"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr "Notez que cette liste n'est pas exhaustive et n'est pas n챕cessairement compl챔te.  Pour les variables sp챕cifiques 횪 une commande, vous trouverez une description plus d챕taill챕e dans la page du manuel appropri챕e."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr "D'autres outils li챕s 횪 git peuvent utiliser et utilisent leurs propres variables.  Lorsque vous inventez de nouvelles variables 횪 utiliser dans votre propre outil, assurez-vous que leurs noms n'entrent pas en conflit avec ceux qui sont utilis챕s par Git lui-m챗me et d'autres outils populaires, et d챕crivez-les dans votre documentation."
@@ -4806,7 +4812,7 @@ msgstr "Faire sortir le programme avec un code similaire 횪 diff(1). Autrement d
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5394,7 +5400,7 @@ msgstr "Lorsqu'il est donn챕, et que le d챕p척t 횪 r챕cup챕rer est g챕r챕 par 'g
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5578,28 +5584,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NOM"
@@ -5642,22 +5648,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Ajoute le contenu de fichiers 횪 l'index"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5718,22 +5724,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5795,7 +5801,7 @@ msgstr "R챕f챕rez-vous linkgit:git-commit[1] pour des m챕thodes alternatives d'a
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6112,7 +6118,7 @@ msgstr "Cette option permet de s챕parer les options de la ligne de commande de l
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6523,7 +6529,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6532,17 +6538,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6583,7 +6588,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6592,17 +6597,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13415,7 +13419,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "Aucune extraction de HEAD n'est effectu챕e apr챔s la fin du clonage."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13507,7 +13511,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "Quand cette option est indiqu챕e et que le d챕p척t 횪 cloner est acc챕d챕 via ssh, ceci sp챕cifie un chemin diff챕rent de celui par d챕faut pour la commande lanc챕e sur l'h척te distant."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<r챕pertoire_de_mod챔les>"
@@ -13620,7 +13624,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "Tous les sous-modules clon챕s utiliseront l'챕tat de la branche de suivi 횪 distance du sous-module pour mettre 횪 jour le sous-module, plut척t que le SHA-1 enregistr챕 par le superprojet. 횋quivalent 횪 passer `--remote` 횪 `git submodule update`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<r챕pertoire git>"
@@ -21409,7 +21413,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27710,207 +27714,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<permissions>]] [dossier]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "Cette commande cr챕e un d챕p척t Git vide - essentiellement un r챕pertoire `.git` avec des sous-r챕pertoires pour les fichiers `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags` et les fichiers de mod챔le. Un fichier `HEAD` initial qui fait r챕f챕rence 횪 la t챗te de la branche principale (master) est 챕galement cr챕챕."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "Si la variable d'environnement `$GIT_DIR` est d챕finie, alors elle sp챕cifie un chemin 횪 utiliser au lieu de `./.git` comme base du d챕p척t."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "Si le r챕pertoire de stockage d'objets est sp챕cifi챕 via la variable d'environnement `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`, alors les r챕pertoires sha1 sont cr챕챕s dedans - sinon le r챕pertoire par d챕faut `$GIT_DIR/objects` est utilis챕."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "Ex챕cuter 'git init' dans un d챕p척t existant est s챕curis챕. Cela n'챕crasera pas des choses qui sont d챕j횪 dedans. La raison principale de r챕-ex챕cuter 'git init' est de r챕cup챕rer les mod챔les r챕cemment ajout챕s (ou de d챕placer le d챕p척t ailleurs si --separate-git-dir est fourni)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "N'afficher que les messages d'erreur et d'alerte혻; toutes les autres sorties seront supprim챕es."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "Cr챕er un d챕p척t nu. Si l'environnement `GIT_DIR` n'est pas d챕fini, alors il est d챕fini au r챕pertoire de travail courant."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<format>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "Sp챕cifier le format d'objet donn챕 (algorithme d'empreinte) pour le d챕p척t.  Les valeurs valides sont 'sha1' et (si activ챕) 'sha256'.  'sha1' est la valeur par d챕faut."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "Sp챕cifier le dossier depuis lequel les mod챔les seront utilis챕s (Voyez la section 짬혻DOSSIER MOD횊LE혻쨩 ci-dessous.)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "Au lieu d'initialiser le d챕p척t en tant que r챕pertoire dans soit `$GIT_DIR` soit `./.git`, y cr챕er un fichier texte contenant le chemin du d챕p척t r챕el. Ce fichier agit comme un lien symbolique Git ind챕pendant du syst챔me de fichier vers le d챕p척t."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "Si c'est une r챕initialisation, le d챕p척t sera d챕plac챕 vers le chemin sp챕cifi챕."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <nom-de-branche>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<nom-de-branche>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr "Utiliser le nom sp챕cifi챕 pour la branche initiale dans le d챕p척t nouvellement cr챕챕.  S'il n'est pas sp챕cifi챕, revenir au nom par d챕faut : `master`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "Sp챕cifier que le d챕p척t Git doit 챗tre partag챕 entre plusieurs utilisateurs. Ceci permet 횪 des utilisateurs faisant partie du m챗me groupe de pousser dans ce d챕p척t. Lorsque que cette option est sp챕cifi챕e, la variable de configuration \"core.sharedRepository\" est d챕finie de telle sorte que les fichiers et les dossiers sous `$GIT_DIR` sont cr챕챕s avec les permissions demand챕es. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas sp챕cifi챕e, Git utilisera les permissions rapport챕es par umask(2)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "L'option peut avoir les valeurs suivantes, prenant par d챕faut la valeur 'group' si aucune valeur n'est renseign챕e혻:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (ou 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Utiliser les permissions rapport챕es par umask(2). Valeur par d챕faut, quand `--shared` n'est pas sp챕cifi챕."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (ou 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "Rendre le d챕p척t modifiable par groupe (et g+sx, puisque le groupe git peut ne pas 챗tre le groupe principal de tous les utilisateurs). Ceci est utilis챕 pour assouplir les permissions d'une valeur umask(2) par ailleurs s청re. Notez que umask s'applique toujours aux autres bits d'autorisation (par exemple, si umask est d챕fini sur '0022', l'utilisation de 'group' ne supprime pas les privil챔ges de lecture des autres utilisateurs (non membres du groupe)). Voir '0xxx' pour savoir comment sp챕cifier exactement les autorisations du d챕p척t."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' (ou 'world' ou 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "Comme 'group', mais rendre le d챕p척t lisible par tous les utilisateurs."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' est un nombre octal et chaque fichier aura le mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' surchargera la valeur umask(2) des utilisateurs (en plus d'assouplir les permissions comme 'group' et 'all' le font). '0640' cr챕era un d챕p척t qui est lisible par groupe, mais pas modifiable par groupe ni accessible aux autres. '0660' cr챕era un d챕p척t lisible et modifiable par l'utilisateur et le groupe courants, mais inaccessible aux autres."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "Par d챕faut, l'option de configuration `receive.denyNonFastForwards` est activ챕e dans les d챕p척ts partag챕s, de telle sorte que vous ne pouvez pas forcer une pouss챕e qui ne serait pas en avance rapide."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Si vous renseignez un 'dossier', la commande est ex챕cut챕e 횪 l'int챕rieur de celui-ci. Si ce dossier n'existe pas, il sera cr챕챕."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr "DOSSIER MOD횊LE"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "Les fichiers et les dossiers dans le dossier mod챔le dont le nom ne commence pas par un point seront copi챕s dans le `$GIT_DIR` apr챔s qu'il sera cr챕챕."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "Le dossier mod챔le sera l'un des suivants (dans l'ordre)혻:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "l'argument fourni avec l'option `--template`혻;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "le contenu de la variable d'environnement `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`혻;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "la variable de configuration `init.templateDir`혻; ou"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "le dossier mod챔le par d챕faut혻: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "Le dossier mod챔le par d챕faut inclut une certaine structure de dossier, des \"mod챔les d'exclusions\" sugg챕r챕s (voir linkgit:gitignore[5]), et des exemples de fichiers crochet."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "Les exemples de crochets sont tous d챕sactiv챕s par d챕faut. Pour activer l'un des exemples de crochets, renommez-le en enlevant le suffixe `.sample`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "Voir linkgit:githooks[5] pour des informations plus g챕n챕rales sur l'ex챕cution d'un crochet."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "D챕marrer un nouveau d챕p척t Git pour une base de code existante"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27924,17 +27932,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "Cr챕er un dossier /chemin/vers/mon/code/de/base/.git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "Ajouter tous les fichiers existants 횪 l'index."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "Enregistrer l'챕tat d'origine comme le premier commit dans l'historique."
@@ -34084,28 +34092,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote - Routines pour aider 횪 analyser les param챔tres d'acc챔s aux d챕p척ts distants"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -60643,6 +60629,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote - Routines pour aider 횪 analyser les param챔tres d'acc챔s aux d챕p척ts distants"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "The Git repository to import to.  If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.  Default is the current directory."
 #~ msgid "The Git repository to import to.  If the directory doesn't"
@@ -60803,9 +60795,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "display the trailers of the body as"
 #~ msgstr "afficher les lignes d'attribut du corps comme"
-#~ msgid "git file is."
-#~ msgstr "se trouve."
 #~ msgid "Show whole surrounding functions of changes."
 #~ msgstr "Afficher le corps des fonctions englobant les modifications."
diff --git a/po/documentation.hu.po b/po/documentation.hu.po
index aa840b0f2ca1b7cc94eaa11397787b4e3f47b425..07221e2ba052c6baea421c62a0f2af1ee22bf8df 100644
--- a/po/documentation.hu.po
+++ b/po/documentation.hu.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-10 22:56+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Matthias Ahauer <mha1993@live.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2029,8 +2029,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2242,97 +2248,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4658,7 +4664,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5244,7 +5250,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5428,28 +5434,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5492,22 +5498,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5563,22 +5569,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5640,7 +5646,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5957,7 +5963,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6344,7 +6350,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6353,17 +6359,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6404,7 +6409,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6413,17 +6418,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13067,7 +13071,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13157,7 +13161,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13271,7 +13275,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20958,7 +20962,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27236,209 +27240,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27448,17 +27452,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33552,28 +33556,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59547,6 +59529,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.id.po b/po/documentation.id.po
index 3bab7e31ac061a99720551bba2893939aa4665b1..680784bdc0e04ad42f88ed1319e0c06fcb65c638 100644
--- a/po/documentation.id.po
+++ b/po/documentation.id.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -2029,8 +2029,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2242,97 +2248,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4658,7 +4664,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5244,7 +5250,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5428,28 +5434,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5492,22 +5498,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5563,22 +5569,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5640,7 +5646,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5957,7 +5963,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6344,7 +6350,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6353,17 +6359,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6404,7 +6409,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6413,17 +6418,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13067,7 +13071,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13157,7 +13161,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13271,7 +13275,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20958,7 +20962,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27236,209 +27240,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27448,17 +27452,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33552,28 +33556,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59547,6 +59529,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.is.po b/po/documentation.is.po
index 0f2ebe01a4cd9d056499c39a074c399a96e7c349..068ef21ff88349113d20763e6058e641495d4c3d 100644
--- a/po/documentation.is.po
+++ b/po/documentation.is.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l 10n\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-24 14:49+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: 횧처rhalla Gu챨mundsd처ttir Beck <plergux@outlook.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Icelandic\n"
@@ -2032,8 +2032,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2245,97 +2251,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4661,7 +4667,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5247,7 +5253,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5431,28 +5437,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NAFN"
@@ -5495,22 +5501,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - B챈ta innihaldi skjala 챠 atri챨askr찼na"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5571,22 +5577,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5648,7 +5654,7 @@ msgstr "Vinsamlegast sko챨i챨 linkgit:git-commit[1] fyrir a챨rar lei챨ir til 첸e
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5965,7 +5971,7 @@ msgstr "H챈gt er a챨 nota 첸ennan valm철guleika til 첸ess a챨 a챨skilja valm철gu
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6376,7 +6382,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6385,17 +6391,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6436,7 +6441,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6445,17 +6450,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13128,7 +13132,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "Endurupptaka HAUS er ekki framkv챈md eftir a챨 einriti챨 er fullgert."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13220,7 +13224,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "횧egar 첸essi valm철guleiki er uppgefinn, og a챨gangur a챨 hirslunni sem 찼 a챨 afrita er 챠 gegn um ssh (secure shell, 철ryggisskel), 첸찼 skilgreinir hann 처forstillta sl처챨 fyrir skipunina sem framkv챈md er 찼 hinum endanum."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<sni챨m처t_skr찼>"
@@ -13334,7 +13338,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "Allar undirverkeiningar sem eru einrit챨a챨ar nota st철챨u vi챨eigandi greinar undir fjareftirliti til 첸ess a챨 uppf챈ra undirverkeininguna, fremur en skr찼챨a SHA-1 철ryggisundirskrift yfirverksins. Jafngildir 첸v챠 a챨 gefa upp `--remote`(fjarl챈gja) me챨 `git submodule update` (undirverkeining uppf챈ra)."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<git skr찼>"
@@ -21031,7 +21035,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27316,209 +27320,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<leyfi>]] [directory]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "횧essi skipun b첵r til t처ma Git hirslu - 챠 raun `.git` skr찼 me챨 undirskr찼m fyrir `objects` (vi챨f철ng), `refs/heads` (tilv챠sanir/hausar), `refs/tags` (tilv챠sanir/merki), og sni챨m찼tsskj철l."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "Ef `$GIT_DIR` umhverfisbreytan er uppgefin 첸찼 tilgreinir h첬n sl처챨 til 첸ess a챨 nota 챠 sta챨inn fyrir `./.git` fyrir grunnbyggingu hirslunnar."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "Ef vi챨fangageymslan er tilgreind me챨 `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`(vi챨f철ng skr찼) umhverfisbreytunni 첸찼 eru SHA-1 철ryggisskr찼rnar b첬nar til 첸ar undir - annars er frumstillt skr찼 samkv챈mt `$GIT_DIR/objects` (skr찼 vi챨f철ng) notu챨."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "A챨 framkv챈ma 'git init' 챠 hirslu sem 첸egar er til er 철ruggt. 횧a챨 mun ekki skrifa yfir 첸a챨 sem 첸egar er 챠 hirslunni. Helsta 찼st챈챨an fyrir 첸v챠 a챨 endurframkv챈ma 'git init' er til 첸ess a챨 taka me챨 sni챨m찼t sem n첵lega hefur veri챨 b챈tt vi챨 (e챨a til 첸ess a챨 f챈ra hirsluna 찼 n첵jan sta챨 ef --separate-git-dir (a챨skilinn git skr찼) er gefi챨 upp)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "Prenta einungis villu- og varna챨arbo챨; allt anna챨 fr찼lag er 첸agga챨."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "B첬a til nakta hirslu. Ef `GIT_DIR`(git skr찼) umhverfisbreytan er ekki tilgreind er hirslan b첬in til 챠 n첬gildandi vinnuskr찼."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<sni챨>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "Gefa upp sni챨 vi챨komandi vi챨fangs (reikniforskrift mylnuskr찼r) fyrir hirsluna. Gild gildi eru 'sha1' og (ef virkt) 'sha256'. Forstillingin er 'sha1'."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "Tilgreina skr찼na sem geymir 첸au sni챨m처t sem ver챨a notu챨. (Sj찼 \"SNI횖M횁TASKR횁\" hlutann h챕r a챨 ne챨an.)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "횒 sta챨 첸ess a챨 frumstilla hrisluna sem skr찼 sem anna챨 hvort `$GIT_DIR` e챨a `./.git/`, b첬a til textaskr찼 첸ar sem inniheldur sl처챨ina til hinnar raunverulegu hirslu. 횧essi skr찼 virkar eins og t찼knr챈nn Git hlekkur til skr찼rinnar sem er 처me챨vita챨ur um skr찼asafni챨."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "Ef 첸etta er endurfrumstilling ver챨ur hirslan f챈r챨 eftir tilgreindri sl처챨."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch <name>"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch <nafn>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch <name>"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch <nafn>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "Tilgreina a챨 Git hirslunni muni ver챨a deilt me챨al fj철lmargra notenda. 횧etta leyfir notendum sem tilheyra sama h처pi a챨 첵ta g철gnum inn 챠 첸찼 hirslu. 횧egar 첸essi tilgreining er til sta챨ar er stillingabreytan \"core.sharedRepository\" (kjarni deild hirsla) stillt 첸annig a챨 skj철l og skr찼r undir `$GIT_DIR` (git skr찼) eru b첬nar til me챨 umbe챨num leyfum. 횧egar 첸essi tilgreining er ekki til sta챨ar notar Git leyfi sem koma fr찼 umask(2) (leyfasetningar skjala)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "Valm철guleikinn getur haft eftirfarandi gildi, frumstilltur 찼 'group' (h처pur) ef engin gildi eru gefin:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (e챨a 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Nota leyfi fr찼 umask(2) (leyfasetningar skjala). 횧etta er frumstillingin 첸egar `--shared` (deildur) er ekki uppgefinn."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (e챨a 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "Gera hirsluna h처pskrifanlega (og g+sx 첸ar sem git h처purinn er m철gulega ekki a챨alh처pur allra notenda). 횧etta er nota챨 til 첸ess a챨 losa um leyfisgildi umask(2) (leyfasetningar skjala) gildis sem annars vegar er 철ruggt. Athuga챨u a챨 umask gildi챨 er enn virkt fyrir leyfi sem n찼 yfir 철nnur g철gn (t.d. ef umask er '0022', mun 첸a챨 a챨 nota 'group' (h처pur) ekki fjarl챈gja lesr챕ttindi annarra notenda sem eru ekki 챠 h처pnum). Sj찼 '0xxx' fyrir hvernig 찼 n찼kv챈mlega a챨 stilla leyfi hirslunnar."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' (e챨a 'world' e챨a 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "Sama og 'group', en gerir hirsluna lesanlega fyrir alla notendur."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' er 찼ttundartala og hvert skjal fylgir fyrirkomulaginu '0xxx'. '0xxx' tekur ekki tilliti til gildis umask(2) (leyfasetningar skjala) sem tilgreint er af notanda (og ekki einungis v챠kka leyfi eins og 'group' (h처pur) og 'all' (allir) gera). '0640' b첵r til hirslu sem er lesanleg af h처p, en ekki skrifanleg af h처p e챨a opin 철챨rum. '0660' mun b첬a til hirslu sem er lesanleg og skrifanleg fyrir n첬verandi notanada og h처p, en loku챨 철llum 철챨rum."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "횒 deildum hirslum er stillingarvalm철guleikinn `receive.denyNonFastForwards`(vi챨taka neita ekki framsp처la) forstilltur sem gildur svo a챨 첸첬 getur ekki 첵tt g철gnum sem ekki framsp처la inn 챠 hana me챨 첸vingunum."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Ef 첸첬 gefur upp 'skr찼', ver챨ur skipunin framkv챈md 챠 henni. Ef skr찼in er ekki til ver챨ur h첬n b첬in til."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr "SNI횖M횙TASKR횁"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "Skj철l og skr찼r 챠 sni챨m처taskr찼nni sem hafa ekki nafn sem byrjar 찼 punkti ver챨a afritu챨 yfir 챠 `$GIT_DIR`(git skr찼) eftir a챨 h첬n er b첬in til."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "Sni챨m처taskr찼in ver챨ur eitt af eftirt철ldu (챠 r철챨):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "breytan sem gefin er me챨 `--template` (sni챨m처t) valm철guleikanum;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "innihald `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`(git sni챨m처t skr찼) umhverfisbreytunnar;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "stillingabreytan `init.templateDir` (frumstilla sni챨m처t skr찼); e챨a"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "forstillta sni챨m처taskr찼in: `/usr/share/git-core/templates` (notandi deila git-kjarni sni챨m처t)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "Forstillta sni챨m처taskr찼in hefur einhverjar undirskr찼r, till철gur um \"exclude patterns\" (hunsunarmynstur) (see linkgit:gitignore[5] (hlekk-git git-hunsa), og d챈mi um kr챈kjuskj철l."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "Kr챈kjud챈min eru 철ll forstillt sem 처virk. TIl 첸ess a챨 virkja eitt af kr챈kjud챈munum 첸arf a챨 endurnefna 첸a챨 me챨 첸v챠 a챨 fjarl챈gja `.sample` (d챈mi) vi챨skeyti챨."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "Sj찼 linkgit:githooks[5] (hlekk-git git-kr챈kjur) fyrir frekari uppl첵singar um 첸a챨 hvernig 찼 a챨 hrinda kr챈kjum 챠 framkv챈md."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "Stofna n첵ja Git hirslu fyrir forskriftargrunn sem 첸egar er til"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27532,17 +27538,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "B첵r til skr찼na /sl처챨/til/m챠ns/forskriftargrunns/.git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "B챈ta 철llum skr찼m sem eru til 챠 atri챨askr찼na."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "B처ka 처snerta st철챨u sem fyrsta innlegg 챠 s철gunni."
@@ -33634,28 +33640,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59616,6 +59600,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.it.po b/po/documentation.it.po
index c6bd39fa4837955cffaf01d12600c57439d9ca38..2b8046e0e4325cba612dde0f01cfb64748643852 100644
--- a/po/documentation.it.po
+++ b/po/documentation.it.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-24 21:41+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ivan Fossati <vania1366@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2180,8 +2180,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2393,97 +2399,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4993,7 +4999,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5588,7 +5594,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5774,28 +5780,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NOME"
@@ -5839,22 +5845,22 @@ msgstr "Aggiunge i contenuti del file all'indice"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5915,22 +5921,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5998,7 +6004,7 @@ msgstr "Prego vedere linkgit:git-commit[1] per madalit횪 alternative per aggiung
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6338,7 +6344,7 @@ msgstr "Questa opzione pu챵 essere usata per separare opzioni di comando di line
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6780,7 +6786,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6789,17 +6795,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6840,7 +6845,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6849,17 +6854,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13555,7 +13559,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "Non viene eseguito il checkout di HEAD dopo il completamento del clone."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13652,7 +13656,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "Quando fornito, e al repository da cui clonare si accede tramite ssh, questo specifica un percorso non predefinito per il comando eseguito dall'altra parte."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<modello_cartella>"
@@ -13777,7 +13781,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "Tutti i sottomoduli che vengono clonati useranno lo stato del ramo di tracciamento remoto del sottomodulo per aggiornare il sottomodulo, piuttosto che lo SHA-1 registrato del superprogetto. Equivale a passare `--remote` a` git submodule update`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
@@ -21528,7 +21532,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27834,232 +27838,232 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "Questo comando crea un archivio Git vuoto - sostanzialmente una directory `.git` con sottocartella per` oggetti`, `refs / heads`,` refs / tag` e file modello. Viene anche creato un file iniziale `HEAD` che fa riferimento all'HEAD del ramo master."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "Se 챔 impostata la variabile d'ambiente `$ GIT_DIR`, esso specifica un percorso da usare invece di` ./. Git` per la base del repository."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "Se la directory di archiviazione degli oggetti viene specificata tramite la variabile d'ambiente `$ GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`, vengono create le directory sha1 al di sotto, altrimenti viene utilizzata la directory predefinita $ GIT_DIR / objects."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "L'esecuzione di \"git init\" in un repository esistente 챔 sicura. Non sovrascriver횪 le cose che sono gi횪 l챙. Il motivo principale per la riesecuzione di 'git init' 챔 quello di raccogliere i modelli appena aggiunti (o spostare il repository in un altro posto se --separate-git-dir 챔 dato)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "Crea un archivio base. Se l'ambiente `GIT_DIR` non 챔 impostato, 챔 impostato sulla cartella di lavoro corrente."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--patch-format"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "Specifica la cartella da cui verranno utilizzati i modelli. (Vedi la sezione \"DIRECTORY DEL MODELLO\" di seguito.)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "Invece di inizializzare il repository come directory su `$ GIT_DIR` o` ./. Git / `, crea l챙 un file di testo contenente il percorso del repository effettivo. Questo file funge da collegamento simbolico Git indipendente dal filesystem al repository."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "Se questa 챔 una reinizializzazione, il repository verr횪 mosso su un percorso specifico."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch<nome>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch<nome>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "Specificare che il repository Git deve essere condiviso tra pi첫 utenti. Ci챵 consente agli utenti appartenenti allo stesso gruppo di inviare il repository. Se specificato, la variabile di configurazione \"core.sharedRepository\" 챔 impostata in modo che i file e le directory in `$ GIT_DIR` vengano creati con le autorizzazioni richieste. Se non specificato, Git utilizzer횪 le autorizzazioni riportate da umask (2)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "L'opzione pu챵 avere i seguenti valori, per impostazione predefinita su \"gruppo\" se non viene fornito alcun valore:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (or 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Usa le autorizzazioni riportate da umask (2). L'impostazione predefinita, quando `--shared` non 챔 specificato."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (o 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "Rendi il gruppo di repository scrivibile, (e g + sx, poich챕 il gruppo git potrebbe non essere il gruppo principale di tutti gli utenti). Viene utilizzato per allentare le autorizzazioni di un valore umask (2) altrimenti sicuro. Si noti che umask si applica ancora agli altri bit di autorizzazione (ad es. Se umask 챔 \"0022\", l'uso di \"gruppo\" non rimuover횪 i privilegi di lettura da altri utenti (non di gruppo)). Vedere '0xxx' per come specificare esattamente le autorizzazioni del repository."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all (o 'world' o 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "Come \"gruppo\", ma rende il repository leggibile da tutti gli utenti."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' 챔 un numero ottale e ogni file avr횪 la modalit횪 '0xxx'. '0xxx' sostituir횪 il valore umask (2) degli utenti (e non solo allenter횪 le autorizzazioni come 'group' e 'all'). '0640' creer횪 un repository leggibile in gruppo, ma non scrivibile in gruppo o accessibile ad altri. '0660' creer횪 un repository leggibile e scrivibile per l'utente e il gruppo attuali, ma inaccessibile agli altri."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "Per impostazione predefinita, il flag di configurazione `receive.denyNonFastForwards` 챔 abilitato nei repository condivisi, quindi non 챔 possibile forzare un push non fast-forwarding in esso."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Se si fornisce una 'directory', il comando viene eseguito al suo interno. Se questa directory non esiste, verr횪 creata."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "I file e le directory nella directory del modello il cui nome non inizia con un punto verranno copiati in `$ GIT_DIR` dopo la sua creazione."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "La cartella modello sar횪 una delle seguenti (in ordine):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "l'argomento dato con l'opzione `--template`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "a variabile di configurazione `init.templateDir`; o"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "La cartella modello predefinita: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "La directory del modello predefinita include alcune strutture di directory, suggerito \"escludi pattern\" (vedi link git: gitignore [5]) e file hook di esempio."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "Gli hook di esempio sono tutti disabilitati per impostazione predefinita. Per abilitare uno dei hook di esempio rinominalo rimuovendo il suo suffisso `.sample`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "Vedi linkgit: githooks [5] per maggiori informazioni generali sull'esecuzione di hook."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "Avviare un repository Git nuovo per una base di un codice esistente"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -28073,18 +28077,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "Crea una directory /path/to/my/codebase/.git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "Registra lo stato incontaminato come primo commit nella cronologia."
@@ -34205,29 +34209,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "Routine che aiutano ad analizzare i parametri di accesso ai repository remoti"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -60291,6 +60272,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "Routine che aiutano ad analizzare i parametri di accesso ai repository remoti"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.ja.po b/po/documentation.ja.po
index 39dbcc5a8f18e00d09ca9ae735bd0d20c3fe676e..552915627afe866a9760f54ed6602603c550235a 100644
--- a/po/documentation.ja.po
+++ b/po/documentation.ja.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l 10n\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-15 01:33+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yuuki Ebihara <yuuki.ebihara813@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese\n"
@@ -2034,8 +2034,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2247,97 +2253,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4663,7 +4669,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5249,7 +5255,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5433,28 +5439,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NAME"
@@ -5497,22 +5503,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5568,22 +5574,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5645,7 +5651,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5962,7 +5968,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6349,7 +6355,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6358,17 +6364,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6409,7 +6414,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6418,17 +6423,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13066,7 +13070,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13156,7 +13160,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13269,7 +13273,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20954,7 +20958,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27233,207 +27237,207 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-L :<funcname>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27443,17 +27447,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33545,28 +33549,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59516,6 +59498,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.ko.po b/po/documentation.ko.po
index 61c429e6f54c398dbb48d2748e210223374fb51a..ba4ea0722b10b3b3ceaefccd851f5408c5a869d8 100644
--- a/po/documentation.ko.po
+++ b/po/documentation.ko.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l10n\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-18 02:32+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: JunYeong Park <dahuin000@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Korean\n"
@@ -2032,8 +2032,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2245,97 +2251,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4661,7 +4667,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5247,7 +5253,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5431,28 +5437,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "�대쫫"
@@ -5495,22 +5501,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - �뚯씪 �댁슜�ㅼ쓣 �몃뜳�ㅼ뿉 異붽��⑸땲��"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5571,22 +5577,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5648,7 +5654,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5965,7 +5971,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6352,7 +6358,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6361,17 +6367,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6412,7 +6417,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6421,17 +6426,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13075,7 +13079,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13165,7 +13169,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13279,7 +13283,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20966,7 +20970,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27241,209 +27245,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27453,17 +27457,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33557,28 +33561,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59539,6 +59521,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.mr.po b/po/documentation.mr.po
index ae11f26d1beb0fab94f73ded1dee855339eb0cbf..14d1a8495d73c553e096d270e92a79e417ebb5bd 100644
--- a/po/documentation.mr.po
+++ b/po/documentation.mr.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l 10n\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-26 19:29+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Prachi Joshi <josprachi@yahoo.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Marathi\n"
@@ -2032,8 +2032,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2245,97 +2251,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4661,7 +4667,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5247,7 +5253,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5431,28 +5437,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "西ⓣㅎ西�"
@@ -5495,22 +5501,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - 西ⓣㅏ西겯쪓西╆쪍西뜩ㅎ西귖쨻西약ㄴ 西ムㅎ西댽ㅂ 西멘ㅎ西�쨽
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5566,22 +5572,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5643,7 +5649,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5960,7 +5966,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6347,7 +6353,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6356,17 +6362,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6407,7 +6412,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6416,17 +6421,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13070,7 +13074,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13160,7 +13164,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13274,7 +13278,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20961,7 +20965,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27236,209 +27240,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27448,17 +27452,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33552,28 +33556,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59540,6 +59522,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.nb_NO.po b/po/documentation.nb_NO.po
index 0f19749f019d34544c41d0fa87cf3e679012fdae..5f6a1404976457514ad114effa31c2d67bbe9e72 100644
--- a/po/documentation.nb_NO.po
+++ b/po/documentation.nb_NO.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-14 23:28+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2031,8 +2031,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2244,97 +2250,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4660,7 +4666,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5246,7 +5252,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5430,28 +5436,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5494,22 +5500,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5565,22 +5571,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5642,7 +5648,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5960,7 +5966,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6347,7 +6353,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6356,17 +6362,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6407,7 +6412,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6416,17 +6421,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13071,7 +13075,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13161,7 +13165,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13275,7 +13279,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20962,7 +20966,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27242,209 +27246,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27454,17 +27458,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33558,28 +33562,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59587,6 +59569,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.nl.po b/po/documentation.nl.po
index 928c438e889c0c0ce314589128321f67ffcf86b6..c5248871706a2b13db5f43ad3450dfae42ae99fa 100644
--- a/po/documentation.nl.po
+++ b/po/documentation.nl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-07 23:32+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Karel Vanhelden <karelvanhelden@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2031,8 +2031,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2244,97 +2250,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4660,7 +4666,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5246,7 +5252,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5430,28 +5436,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NAAM"
@@ -5494,22 +5500,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5565,22 +5571,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5642,7 +5648,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5959,7 +5965,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6353,7 +6359,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6362,17 +6368,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6413,7 +6418,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6422,17 +6427,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13077,7 +13081,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13167,7 +13171,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13281,7 +13285,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20968,7 +20972,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27248,210 +27252,210 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--patch-format"
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--patch-format"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27461,17 +27465,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33565,28 +33569,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59737,6 +59719,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.pl.po b/po/documentation.pl.po
index 9a61141455e031451377bdf27485088012f3dbe1..3b3ae5b9ac0a9fe642e532651baf6daf547d3cf2 100644
--- a/po/documentation.pl.po
+++ b/po/documentation.pl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 20:24+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Michal Biesiada <blade-14@o2.pl>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2031,8 +2031,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2244,97 +2250,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4660,7 +4666,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5246,7 +5252,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5430,28 +5436,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NAZWA"
@@ -5494,22 +5500,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Dodaj zawarto힄훶 pliku do indeksu"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5570,22 +5576,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5647,7 +5653,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5964,7 +5970,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6351,7 +6357,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6360,17 +6366,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6411,7 +6416,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6420,17 +6425,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13075,7 +13079,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13165,7 +13169,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13279,7 +13283,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20977,7 +20981,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27255,209 +27259,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "-b <name>"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <nazwa>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "-b <name>"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <nazwa>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27467,17 +27471,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33572,28 +33576,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59635,6 +59617,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.pt_BR.po b/po/documentation.pt_BR.po
index 259f01b72aebb3c6df763bee4ad75ed37dea2c1c..795647083369111c889fe79d5a48cdbb6b5bbe66 100644
--- a/po/documentation.pt_BR.po
+++ b/po/documentation.pt_BR.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-19 21:07+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Wellington Terumi Uemura <wellingtonuemura@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -2030,10 +2030,18 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr "Os dados que seguem a palavra-chave `gitdir:` s찾o utilizados como um padr찾o de agrupamento. Caso o local do diret처rio .git coincida com o padr찾o, a condi챌찾o de inclus찾o ser찼 atendida."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
 msgstr "O local .git pode ser descoberto automaticamente ou vir da vari찼vel de ambiente `$GIT_DIR`. Caso o reposit처rio seja descoberto automaticamente por meio de um arquivo .git (de subm처dulos ou uma 찼rvore de trabalho vinculada por exemplo), o local .git ser찼 o local final onde est찼 o diret처rio .git, e n찾o onde o arquivo .git est찼."
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
+msgstr "o que o arquivo git seja."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/config.txt:129
 msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
@@ -2280,97 +2288,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr "verdadeiro"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr "Os verdadeiros literais booleanos s찾o `yes, `on`, `true` e `1`.  Al챕m disso 챕 considerada como verdadeira uma vari찼vel definida sem `= <valor>`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr "falso"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr "Os falsos literais booleanos s찾o `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` e a string vazia."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr "Quando converter um valor para a sua forma can척nica utilizando o `--type=bool`, tipo de especifica챌찾o 'git config' se assegurar찼 que a sa챠da seja 'true' ou 'false' (em minusculas)."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr "inteiro"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr "O valor das muitas vari찼veis que determinam os v찼rios tamanhos podem ter como sufixo `k`, `M`,... que significa \"escale o n첬mero por 1024\", \"por 1024x1024\", etc."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr "O valor de uma vari찼vel que pega uma cor de uma lista de cores (ao menos duas, uma para o primeiro plano e outra para o plano de fundo) e os atributos (quantos queira), separados por espa챌os."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr "As cores b찼sicas que s찾o aceitas s찾o `normal` (normal), `black` (preto) , `red` (vermelho) , `green` (verde), `yellow` (amarelo) , `blue` (azul), `magenta` (magenta), `cyan` (ciano) and `white` (branco).  A primeira cor 챕 o primeiro plano; a segunda 챕 o plano de fundo.  Todas as cores b찼sicas, exceto `normal`, possuem uma variante brilhante da cor que pode ser definida com `bright`, como `brightred`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr "As cores tamb챕m podem ser utilizadas como n첬meros entre 0 e 255; estes usam o modo ANSI com 256 cores (note que nem todos os terminais s찾o compat챠veis).  Caso o seu terminal seja compat챠vel, voc챗 tamb챕m pode definir os valores RGB de 24 bits como hexadecimais, `#ff0ab3` por exemplo."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr "Os atributos compat챠veis s찾o `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, e `strike` (para letras cruzadas  ou \"rasuradas\").  A posi챌찾o de qualquer atributo em rela챌찾o 횪s cores (antes, depois ou entre) n찾o importa. Atributos espec챠ficos podem ser desativados prefixando-os com `no` ou `no-` (por exemplo `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr "Uma sequ챗ncia de cores vazias n찾o produz nenhum efeito de cor. Isso pode ser utilizado para evitar colorir elementos espec챠ficos sem desabilitar totalmente a cor."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr "Para os slots com as cores predefinidas do git, os atributos devem ser redefinidos no in챠cio de cada item na sa챠da colorida. Portanto ao definir a vari찼vel `color.decorate.branch` como` black` pintar찼 esse nome do ramo como `preto` simples, mesmo se a coisa anterior na mesma linha de sa챠da (abrir par챗nteses antes da lista dos nomes das ramifica챌천es na sa챠da de `log --decorate` por exemplo) 챕 definido para ser pintado com `bold` (negrito) ou algum outro atributo.  No entanto, os formatos dos registros log personalizados podem fazer uma colora챌찾o mais complicada e em camadas, as formas negadas podem ser 첬teis l찼."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr "caminho do diret처rio"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr "Uma vari찼vel que recebe um valor para o nome do caminho pode receber uma cadeia de caracteres que come챌a com \"`~/`\" ou \"`~user/`\", a expans찾o usual do til acontece com essa cadeia de caracteres: `~/` 챕 expandida para o valor `$HOME`, e `~user/` para o diret처rio inicial do usu찼rio que foi definido."
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr "Vari찼veis"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr "Observe que esta lista n찾o 챕 abrangente e n찾o est찼 completa.  Para vari찼veis espec챠ficas do comando, voc챗 encontrar찼 uma descri챌찾o mais detalhada na p찼gina apropriada do manual."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr "Outras ferramentas relacionadas ao `git-related` podem usar as suas pr처prias vari찼veis.  Ao inventar novas vari찼veis para utiliza챌찾o em sua pr처pria ferramenta, certifique-se que os seus respectivos nomes n찾o entram em conflito com os que j찼 s찾o utilizados pelo pr처prio Git e outras ferramentas populares, e descreva-os em sua documenta챌찾o."
@@ -4784,7 +4792,7 @@ msgstr "Fa챌a com que o programa encerre com c처digos semelhantes ao diff(1).  O
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5372,7 +5380,7 @@ msgstr "Quando o reposit처rio 챕 informado para capturar e que seja manipulado p
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5556,28 +5564,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NOME"
@@ -5620,22 +5628,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Adicione o conte첬do do arquivo ao 챠ndice"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5696,22 +5704,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5773,7 +5781,7 @@ msgstr "Consulte linkgit:git-commit[1] para ver as formas alternativas de adicio
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6090,7 +6098,7 @@ msgstr "Esta op챌찾o pode ser utilizada para separar as op챌천es da linha de com
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6501,7 +6509,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6510,17 +6518,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6561,7 +6568,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6570,17 +6577,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13571,7 +13577,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "Nenhum checkout de HEAD 챕 executado ap처s o clone estar completo."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13661,7 +13667,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "Quando informado e o reposit처rio a ser clonado for acess챠vel atrav챕s do ssh, determina que seja executado um caminho fora do padr찾o na outra extremidade."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<diret처rio-modelo>"
@@ -13774,7 +13780,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "Todos os subm처dulos que forem clonados, para realizar a atualiza챌찾o os subm처dulos usar찾o a condi챌찾o remota do ramo do subm처dulo de rastreamento em vez do SHA-1 registrado no superprojeto. Equivale encaminhar `--remote` para `git submodule update`."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<dir git>"
@@ -21807,7 +21813,7 @@ msgstr "M 777 inline bob\n"
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Ramo Ativo LRU\n"
@@ -28467,207 +28473,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<permiss천es>]] [diret처rio]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "Este comando cria um reposit처rio Git vazio, basicamente um diret처rio `.git` com subdiret처rios para os arquivos `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags` e arquivos modelo.  Tamb챕m 챕 criado um arquivo inicial `HEAD` que tem como referencia o `HEAD` do ramo principal."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "Caso a vari찼vel de ambiente `$GIT_DIR` esteja configurada, esta especificar찼 um caminho a ser utilizado para a base dos reposit처rios em vez de `./.git`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "Caso o diret처rio de armazenamento de objetos seja especificado atrav챕s da vari찼vel de ambiente `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`, ent찾o os diret처rios \"sha1\" ser찾o criados abaixo, caso contr찼rio, ser찼 utilizado o diret처rio predefinido `$GIT_DIR/objects`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "횋 seguro executar o comando `git init` em um reposit처rio existente. O comando n찾o substituir찼 as coisas que j찼 estiverem l찼. O principal motivo para executar novamente o comando `git init` 챕 pegar os modelos adicionados recentemente (ou mover o reposit처rio para um outro local caso `--separate-git-dir` seja utilizado)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "Exiba apenas mensagens de erro e aviso; suprima todas as outras mensagens."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "Crie um reposit처rio simples. Caso a vari찼vel de ambiente `GIT_DIR` n찾o esteja definido, defina diret처rio de trabalho atual."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<formato>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "Defina o formato do objeto informado (algoritmo hash) para o reposit처rio.  Os valores v찼lidos s찾o 'sha1' e (se ativado) 'sha256'.  O valor predefinido 챕 'sha1'."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "Especifique o diret처rio de onde os modelos ser찾o utilizados.  (Consulte a se챌찾o \"DIRET횙RIO MODELO\" abaixo.)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "Em vez de inicializar o reposit처rio como um diret처rio para `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, crie um arquivo de texto contendo o caminho para o reposit처rio real.  Este arquivo atua como um link simb처lico independente para o reposit처rio do sistema de arquivos Git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "Caso seja reinicializado, o reposit처rio ser찼 movido para um caminho determinado."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <nome-do-ramo>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<nome-do-ramo>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr "Use o nome definido para o ramo inicial no reposit처rio que foi rec챕m-criado.  Caso n찾o seja especificado, retorne ao nome predefinido: 'master'."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "Determina que o reposit처rio Git deve ser compartilhado entre v찼rios usu찼rios.  Isso permite que os usu찼rios pertencentes ao mesmo grupo enviem para esse reposit처rio.  Quando definido, a vari찼vel de configura챌찾o `core.sharedRepository` 챕 utilizada para que os arquivos e os diret처rios definidos pela vari찼vel `$GIT_DIR` sejam criados com as permiss천es solicitadas.  Quando n찾o definido, o Git usar찼 as permiss천es informadas pelo umask(2)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "A op챌찾o pode ter os seguintes valores, predefinido como 'group' caso nenhum valor seja informado:"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (ou 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "Utilize as permiss천es informadas por umask(2). 횋 a predefini챌찾o quando `--shared` n찾o 챕 utilizado."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (ou 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "Torne o grupo do reposit처rio com permiss찾o de escrita (g+sx por exemplo, pois o grupo git pode n찾o ser o grupo principal de todos os usu찼rios). Isso 챕 utilizado para afrouxar as permiss천es de um valor, a n찾o ser que indique o contr찼rio, umask(2) seguro. Observe que o umask ainda se aplica aos outros bits de permiss찾o (por exemplo, caso o umask seja '0022' o uso de 'group' n찾o remover찼 os privil챕gios de leitura dos outros usu찼rios (sem um grupo). Consulte '0xxx' para saber como usar exatamente as permiss천es do reposit처rio."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' ('world' ou 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "O mesmo que 'group', mas torna o reposit처rio leg챠vel por todos os usu찼rios."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' 챕 um n첬mero octal e cada arquivo ter찼 o modo '0xxx'. '0xxx' substituir찼 o valor `umask(2)` dos usu찼rios (e n찾o apenas diminuir찼 as permiss천es como 'group' e 'all'). '0640' criar찼 um reposit처rio de apenas leitura por grupo, sem permiss찾o escrita ou acess챠vel a outros. '0660' criar찼 um reposit처rio com permiss찾o de leitura e escrita ao usu찼rio e ao grupo atual, por챕m, inacess챠vel aos outros."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "횋 predefinido que a flag da configura챌찾o `receive.denyNonFastForwards` seja ativado nos reposit처rios compartilhados para que voc챗 n찾o possa impor um impulsionamento `fast-forwarding` para ele."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "Caso utilize um `diret처rio`, o comando ser찼 executado dentro dele. E caso o diret처rio n찾o exista, um ser찼 criado."
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "Os arquivos e diret처rios no diret처rio modelo cujo nome n찾o come챌a com um ponto ser찾o copiados para o `$GIT_DIR` ap처s a sua cria챌찾o."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "O diret처rio modelo ser찼 um dos seguintes (em ordem):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "o argumento utilizado com a op챌찾o `--template`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "o conte첬do da vari찼vel de ambiente `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "a vari찼vel de configura챌찾o `init.templateDir`; ou"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "A predefini챌찾o do diret처rio modelo: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "A predefini챌찾o do diret처rio modelo inclui alguma estrutura de diret처rios, \"padr천es de exclus찾o\" sugeridos (consulte linkgit:gitignore[5]) e os arquivos gancho de amostragem."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "Por predefini챌찾o os ganchos de amostragem est찾o todos desativados. Para ativar um dos ganchos de amostragem, renomeie-o removendo o sufixo `.sample`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "Para um apanhado geral sobre execu챌찾o hook consulte linkgit:githooks[5]."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "Inicie um novo reposit처rio Git na base de um c처digo j찼 existente"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -28681,17 +28691,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "Cria um diret처rio /path/to/my/codebase/.git."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "Adicione todos os arquivos existentes ao 챠ndice."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "Registre o estado intocado como o primeiro commit no hist처rico."
@@ -35068,28 +35078,6 @@ msgstr "O comando normalmente remove as refs soltas na hierarquia `$GIT_DIR/refs
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr "A documenta챌찾o mais antiga escrita antes da introdu챌찾o do mecanismo \"packed-refs\" ainda pode dizer coisas como \"o arquivo .git/refs/heads/<ramo> existe\" quando significa \"o ramo <ramo> existe\"."
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote - Rotinas para ajudar na an찼lise dos par창metros de acesso ao reposit처rio remoto"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr "Este script est찼 incluso em v찼rios scripts para fornecer rotinas para realizar a an찼lise dos arquivos no `$GIT_DIR/remotes/` e `$GIT_DIR/branches/` e nas vari찼veis de configura챌찾o relacionadas 횪 busca (fetch), captura (pull) e impulsionamento (pull)."
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -62650,6 +62638,18 @@ msgstr "[[[8]]] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-bisect.html
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote - Rotinas para ajudar na an찼lise dos par창metros de acesso ao reposit처rio remoto"
+#~ msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
+#~ msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
+#~ msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
+#~ msgstr "Este script est찼 incluso em v찼rios scripts para fornecer rotinas para realizar a an찼lise dos arquivos no `$GIT_DIR/remotes/` e `$GIT_DIR/branches/` e nas vari찼veis de configura챌찾o relacionadas 횪 busca (fetch), captura (pull) e impulsionamento (pull)."
 #~ msgid "The Git repository to import to.  If the directory doesn't"
 #~ msgstr "O reposit처rio Git para o qual ir찼 importar.  Se o diret처rio n찾o"
@@ -62829,9 +62829,6 @@ msgstr "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 #~ msgid "display the trailers of the body as"
 #~ msgstr "exiba os sinais de resposta no corpo da mensagem como"
-#~ msgid "git file is."
-#~ msgstr "o que o arquivo git seja."
 #~ msgid "Show whole surrounding functions of changes."
 #~ msgstr "Exiba todas as fun챌천es ao redor das altera챌천es."
diff --git a/po/documentation.pt_PT.po b/po/documentation.pt_PT.po
index 77712bd46fcf388191065ad88aab7b2ff9ae844d..9ba80ed04d1d08b3e94293ff833ff28a96415641 100644
--- a/po/documentation.pt_PT.po
+++ b/po/documentation.pt_PT.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-08 19:43+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Matthias Ahauer <mha1993@live.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: pt_PT\n"
@@ -2029,8 +2029,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2242,97 +2248,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4658,7 +4664,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5244,7 +5250,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5428,28 +5434,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5492,22 +5498,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5563,22 +5569,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5640,7 +5646,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5957,7 +5963,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6344,7 +6350,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6353,17 +6359,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6404,7 +6409,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6413,17 +6418,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13066,7 +13070,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13156,7 +13160,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13270,7 +13274,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20958,7 +20962,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27236,209 +27240,209 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--patch-format"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27448,17 +27452,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33555,28 +33559,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59550,6 +59532,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.ru.po b/po/documentation.ru.po
index 66d671d5ad20c6f74b893820ca77e322abc1f49d..282f8f0f385e4c4ba21115111d774687763bb178 100644
--- a/po/documentation.ru.po
+++ b/po/documentation.ru.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-16 04:29+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Golubev Alexander <fatzer2@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2147,8 +2147,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2360,97 +2366,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4777,7 +4783,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5363,7 +5369,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
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 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5547,28 +5553,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
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-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
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+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
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+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "��������"
@@ -5611,22 +5617,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - �棘閨逵勻龜�� �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 �逵橘剋逵 勻 龜戟畇筠克
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
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+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
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+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
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+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
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+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5687,22 +5693,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
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+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5764,7 +5770,7 @@ msgstr "�棘 ���剋克筠 linkgit:git-commit[1] 畇棘���極戟� 逵剋��筠�戟
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6081,7 +6087,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6478,7 +6484,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6487,17 +6493,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6538,7 +6543,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6547,17 +6552,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13251,7 +13255,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13341,7 +13345,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template=<克逵�逵剋棘均_�逵閨剋棘戟棘勻>"
@@ -13455,7 +13459,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<克逵�逵剋棘均-git>"
@@ -21171,7 +21175,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27488,209 +27492,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<極�逵勻逵_畇棘���極逵>]] [克逵�逵剋棘均]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "葵�逵 克棘劇逵戟畇逵 �棘鈞畇逵�� 極���棘橘 �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜橘 Git, 極棘 ���筠��勻�, 克逵�逵剋棘均 `.git` � 極棘畇克逵�逵剋棘均逵劇龜 `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, 龜 �逵橘剋逵劇龜 �逵閨剋棘戟棘勻. 龜逵克菌筠 �棘鈞畇逵���� 戟逵�逵剋�戟�橘 �逵橘剋 `HEAD`, 克棘�棘��橘 ���剋逵筠��� 戟逵 HEAD 勻筠�克龜 master."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "��剋龜 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟逵� ��筠畇� `$GIT_DIR` ���逵戟棘勻剋筠戟逵, �棘 棘戟逵 鈞逵畇逵�� 極���, 克棘�棘��橘 閨�畇筠� 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵���� 勻劇筠��棘 `./.git` 勻 克逵�筠��勻筠 棘�戟棘勻� 畇剋� �棘鈞畇逵戟龜� �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜�."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "��剋龜 克逵�逵剋棘均 ��逵戟筠戟龜� 棘閨�筠克�棘勻 鈞逵畇逵戟 � 極棘劇棘��� 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟棘橘 ��筠畇� `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`, �棘 克逵�逵剋棘均龜 � �筠�-克棘畇棘劇 sha1 閨�畇�� �棘鈞畇逵勻逵���� 勻 戟�劇. � 極�棘�龜勻戟棘劇 �剋��逵筠 閨�畇筠� 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵���� 克逵�逵剋棘均 極棘 �劇棘剋�逵戟龜�, `$GIT_DIR/objects`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "�逵極��克逵�� 'git init' 勻戟���龜 ���筠��勻���筠均棘 �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜� 閨筠鈞棘極逵�戟棘. 葵�逵 克棘劇逵戟畇逵 戟筠 極筠�筠鈞逵極龜�筠� �棘, ��棘 �逵劇 �菌筠 筠���. ��戟棘勻戟逵� 極�龜�龜戟逵 極棘勻�棘�戟棘 鈞逵極��克逵�� 'git init' �棘��棘龜� 勻 �棘劇, ��棘閨� 極棘畇�勻逵�龜剋龜�� �棘剋�克棘 ��棘 畇棘閨逵勻剋筠戟戟�筠 �逵閨剋棘戟� (龜剋龜 ��棘閨� 極筠�筠劇筠��龜�� �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜橘 勻 畇��均棘筠 劇筠��棘, 筠�剋龜 鈞逵畇逵戟 極逵�逵劇筠�� `--separate-git-dir`)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "��勻棘畇龜�� �棘剋�克棘 棘�龜閨克龜 龜 極�筠畇�極�筠菌畇筠戟龜�; 勻筠�� 棘��逵剋�戟棘橘 勻�勻棘畇 閨�畇筠� �克���."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "鬼棘鈞畇逵�� 均棘剋�橘 �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜橘. ��剋龜 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟逵� ��筠畇� `GIT_DIR` 戟筠 鈞逵畇逵戟逵, �棘 筠橘 閨�畇筠� 極�龜�勻棘筠戟 �筠克��龜橘 �逵閨棘�龜橘 克逵�逵剋棘均."
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--patch-format=<�棘�劇逵�>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "�逵畇逵�� �棘�劇逵� 棘閨�筠克�棘勻 (逵剋均棘�龜�劇 �筠�龜�棘勻逵戟龜�) �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜�. �棘極���龜劇�筠 鈞戟逵�筠戟龜�: 'sha1' 龜 (筠�剋龜 勻克剋���戟) 'sha256'. �棘 �劇棘剋�逵戟龜�: 'sha1'."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "叫克逵鈞逵�� 克逵�逵剋棘均 � �逵閨剋棘戟逵劇龜. (鬼劇. �逵鈞畇筠剋 짬��龜���� 珪�������쨩 戟龜菌筠)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "-b <branch>"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <勻筠�克逵>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch <name>"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--branch <勻筠�克逵>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr "��龜���� 珪�������"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "圭逵橘剋� 龜 克逵�逵剋棘均龜, 龜鈞 克逵�逵剋棘均逵 �逵閨剋棘戟棘勻, ��龜 龜劇筠戟逵 戟逵�龜戟逵���� 戟筠 � �棘�克龜 閨�畇�� �克棘極龜�棘勻逵戟� 勻 `$GIT_DIR` 極棘�剋筠 �棘均棘, 克逵克 棘戟 閨�畇筠� �棘鈞畇逵戟."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "� 克逵�筠��勻筠 克逵�逵剋棘均逵 �逵閨剋棘戟棘勻 閨�畇筠� 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵���� 棘畇龜戟 龜鈞 �剋筠畇���龜� (勻 極棘��畇克筠 極筠�筠�龜�剋筠戟龜�):"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "逵�均�劇筠戟�, �克逵鈞逵戟戟�橘 勻 極逵�逵劇筠��筠 `--template`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "鈞戟逵�筠戟龜筠 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟棘橘 ��筠畇� `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "極筠�筠劇筠戟戟逵� 戟逵���棘橘克龜 `init.templateDir`; 龜剋龜"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "克逵�逵剋棘均 �逵閨剋棘戟棘勻 極棘 �劇棘剋�逵戟龜�: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "�逵�逵剋棘均 �逵閨剋棘戟棘勻 極棘 �劇棘剋�逵戟龜� �菌筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜� 戟筠克棘�棘��� ����克���� 克逵�逵剋棘均棘勻: �筠克棘劇筠戟畇棘勻逵戟戟�筠 짬�逵閨剋棘戟� 龜�克剋��筠戟龜橘쨩 (exlude patterns, �劇. linkgit:gitignore[5]) 龜 極�龜劇筠�� �逵橘剋棘勻-極筠�筠�勻逵��龜克棘勻 (hook)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27700,17 +27706,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33826,28 +33832,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote - �棘畇極�棘均�逵劇劇� 畇剋� 極棘劇棘�龜 �逵鈞閨棘�逵 極逵�逵劇筠��棘勻 畇棘���極逵 勻戟筠�戟筠均棘 �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜�"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr "葵�棘� ��筠戟逵�龜橘 畇棘閨逵勻剋筠戟 勻 克棘剋剋筠克�龜� ��筠戟逵�龜筠勻, 畇逵閨� 極�筠畇棘��逵勻龜�� 極棘畇極�棘均�逵劇劇� 畇剋� �逵鈞閨棘�逵 �逵橘剋棘勻, ��逵戟��龜��� 勻 克逵�逵剋棘均逵� $GIT_DIR/remotes/ 龜 $GIT_DIR/branches/, 逵 �逵克菌筠 戟筠克棘�棘��� 戟逵���棘筠�戟�� 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟��, �勻�鈞逵戟戟�� � 龜鈞勻剋筠�筠戟龜筠劇 (fetch), 極棘剋��筠戟龜筠劇 (pull) 龜 棘�極�逵勻克棘橘 (push) 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘."
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59877,6 +59861,18 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote - �棘畇極�棘均�逵劇劇� 畇剋� 極棘劇棘�龜 �逵鈞閨棘�逵 極逵�逵劇筠��棘勻 畇棘���極逵 勻戟筠�戟筠均棘 �筠極棘鈞龜�棘�龜�"
+#~ msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
+#~ msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
+#~ msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
+#~ msgstr "葵�棘� ��筠戟逵�龜橘 畇棘閨逵勻剋筠戟 勻 克棘剋剋筠克�龜� ��筠戟逵�龜筠勻, 畇逵閨� 極�筠畇棘��逵勻龜�� 極棘畇極�棘均�逵劇劇� 畇剋� �逵鈞閨棘�逵 �逵橘剋棘勻, ��逵戟��龜��� 勻 克逵�逵剋棘均逵� $GIT_DIR/remotes/ 龜 $GIT_DIR/branches/, 逵 �逵克菌筠 戟筠克棘�棘��� 戟逵���棘筠�戟�� 極筠�筠劇筠戟戟��, �勻�鈞逵戟戟�� � 龜鈞勻剋筠�筠戟龜筠劇 (fetch), 極棘剋��筠戟龜筠劇 (pull) 龜 棘�極�逵勻克棘橘 (push) 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘."
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.tr.po b/po/documentation.tr.po
index 4aacd30d9e365795d7041b07f4fa64561fe685bd..13c8b18e9e19790c7d492d163b1c08ac0d25afe3 100644
--- a/po/documentation.tr.po
+++ b/po/documentation.tr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-11 09:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: O휓uz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2031,8 +2031,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2244,97 +2250,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4660,7 +4666,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5246,7 +5252,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5430,28 +5436,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "캅S캅M"
@@ -5494,22 +5500,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Dosya i챌eriklerini indekse ekle"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5570,22 +5576,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5647,7 +5653,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5964,7 +5970,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6351,7 +6357,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6360,17 +6366,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6411,7 +6416,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6420,17 +6425,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13068,7 +13072,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13158,7 +13162,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13271,7 +13275,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20958,7 +20962,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27232,207 +27236,207 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <dal-ad캇>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<dal-ad캇>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27442,17 +27446,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33543,28 +33547,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59502,6 +59484,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 09e69d0576acf979e9310daaf22024ac2bcd260c..137c7ac4f0ac4393343765bc0260cf52398d2220 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-05 09:27+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: taotieren <admin@taotieren.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -2084,11 +2084,17 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
+#: en/config.txt:124
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
 msgstr "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
+msgstr "git file is."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/config.txt:129
 msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
@@ -2308,97 +2314,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr "��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr "�숃�"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr "�닸빊"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr "pathname"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr "�섌뇧"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4908,7 +4914,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5496,7 +5502,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5682,28 +5688,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "�띸㎞"
@@ -5747,22 +5753,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - Add file contents to the index"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5823,22 +5829,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5906,7 +5912,7 @@ msgstr "瑥룟뢿�� linkgit:git-commit[1] 雅녻㎗弱녶냵若방렌�졾댆�먧벡�꾢끀餓�
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -6248,7 +6254,7 @@ msgstr "閭ㅹ�됮」��뵪雅롥늽獵삣뫝餓ㅸ죱�됮」�뚧뻼餓뜹닓烏⑨펷壤볠뻼餓뜹릫��
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6693,7 +6699,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6702,17 +6708,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6753,7 +6758,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6762,17 +6767,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13587,7 +13591,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr "�뗩쉮若뚧닇�롳펽訝띷돢烏똇EAD汝��뷸뱧鵝쒌��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13684,7 +13688,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr "倻귝옖�뉐츣雅녻쫨�뗩쉮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩竊뚥툝��빳�싪퓝 ssh 溫욥뿮瑥ε춼�ⓨ틩竊뚩퓳弱녵맏�╊�塋�퓧烏뚨쉪�썰빱�뉐츣�욇퍡溫ㅸ러孃꾠��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr "--template = <與→씮��퐬>"
@@ -13811,7 +13815,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr "�뗩쉮�꾣��됧춴與▼쓼弱녵슴�ⓨ춴與▼쓼�꾥퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��쉪�뜻�곫씎�닸뼭耶먩Æ�쀯펽�뚥툖��텈瀛㏝」��쉪藥꿱�壤뷨HA-1�귞춬�뚥틢弱�`--remote` 鴉좈�믥퍢 `git submodule update`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr "--separate-git-dir=<git��퐬>"
@@ -21679,7 +21683,7 @@ msgstr "M 777 inline bob\n"
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -28091,237 +28095,237 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "瑥ε뫝餓ㅵ닗兩뷰�訝ょ㈉�껯it耶섇궓佯� - �ц뇽訝딀삸訝�訝� `.git` ��퐬竊뚦끀訝�똿�� `objects`��`refs/heads`��`refs/tags`�뚧Æ�욘뻼餓띄쉪耶먪쎅壤뺛�귟퓲弱녶닗兩뷰�訝ゅ폊�쮕aster�녷뵱 HEAD �꾢닜冶� `HEAD` �뉏뻑��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "倻귝옖溫양쉰雅� `$GIT_DIR` ��쥊�섌뇧竊뚪궍阿덂츆弱녷뙁若싩뵪雅롣퍜佯볟읃簾��꾥러孃꾬펽�뚥툖�� `./.git` ."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "倻귝옖�싪퓝 `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` ��쥊�섌뇧�뉐츣雅녶�穩▼춼�①쎅壤뺧펽�d퉰弱녶쑉瑥η쎅壤뺜툔�쎾뻠 sha1 ��퐬竊뚦맔�쇿컛鵝욜뵪容섋��� `$GIT_DIR/objects` ��퐬��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "�①렟�됧춼�ⓨ틩訝�퓧烏� 'git init' ��츎�①쉪�귛츆訝띴폏誤녺썣藥꿰퍘耶섇쑉�꾢냵若밤�귡뇥�계퓧烏� 'git init' �꾡말誤곩렅�졿삸�됪떓�경렌�좂쉪與→씮竊덂쫩�쒐퍢若싦틙 --separate-git-dir �귝빊竊뚦닕弱녶춼�ⓨ틩燁삭눛�╊�訝や퐤營�펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "餓끾돀�곈뵗瑥�뭽鈺�몜易덃겘竊쎿��됧끀餓뽬풏�뷴컛訝띴폏�양ㅊ��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "�쎾뻠訝�訝ょ변餓볟틩�귛쫩�쒏쑋溫양쉰 `GIT_DIR` ��쥊�섌뇧竊뚦닕弱녶끀溫양쉰訝뷴퐪�띶램鵝쒐쎅壤뺛��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<format>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "�뉐츣耶섇궓佯볡쉪野배괌�쇔폀竊덂뱢躍뚨츞力뺧펹�귝쐣�덂�쇌맏 'sha1' �뚳펷倻귝옖��뵪竊�'sha256'��'sha1' ��퍡溫ㅵ�쇈��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "�뉐츣誤곦슴�ⓩÆ�욜쉪��퐬�귨펷瑥룟뢿鰲곦툔�®쉪�쒏Æ�욜쎅壤뺚�앶깿�녴�귨펹"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "亮뜸툖弱녶춼�ⓨ틩�앭쭓�뽬눛 `$GIT_DIR` �� `./.git/` ��퐬竊뚩�뚧삸�ⓨ끀訝�닗兩뷰�訝ゅ똿�ュ츩�끻춼�ⓨ틩瓮�푶�꾣뻼�ф뻼餓뜰�귝��뉏뻑鵝쒍맏瓦욄렏�겻퍜佯볡쉪 Git 寧�뤇�얏렏竊뚦끀訝롦뻼餓띄내瀯잍뿞�녈��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "倻귝옖訝븅뇥�겼닜冶뗥뙑�띴퐳竊뚦닕弱녶춼�ⓨ틩燁삣뒯�경뙁若싩쉪瓮�푶��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch <name>"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <branch-name>"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "--branch <name>"
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr "�ⓩ뼭�쎾뻠�꾡퍜佯볞릎訝뷴닜冶뗥늽��뙁若싧릫燁겹�귛쫩�쒏깹�됪뙁若싷펽�쇾슴�③퍡溫ㅵ릫燁곤폏`master`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "�뉐츣 Git 耶섇궓佯볟쑉鸚싦릉�ⓩ댎阿뗩뿴�긴벴�귟퓳�곮�掠욂틢�뚥�瀯꾤쉪�ⓩ댎�③�곩댆瑥ε춼�ⓨ틩�귝뙁若싨뿶竊뚦컛溫양쉰�띸쉰�섌뇧 \"core.sharedRepository\"竊뚥빳堊요슴�②�黎귞쉪�껈솏�쎾뻠 `$GIT_DIR` 訝뗧쉪�뉏뻑�뚨쎅壤뺛�귝쑋�뉐츣�띰펽Git 弱녵슴�� umask(2) 瓦붷썮�꾣쓢�먦��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "閭ㅹ�됮」��빳�됦빳訝뗥�쇽펽倻귝옖�ょ퍢若싧�쇽펽�숅퍡溫ㅴ맏 'group'竊�"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask'竊덃닑 'false'竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "鵝욜뵪 umask(2) 瓦붷썮�꾣쓢�먦�귝쑋�뉐츣 `--shared` �띰펽閭ㅴ맏容섋��쇈��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (or 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "鵝욕춼�ⓨ틩瀯꾢룾�숋펷亮뜸툝 g+sx竊뚦썱訝� git 瀯꾢룾�썰툖����됬뵪�루쉪訝삭쫨瀯꾬펹�귟퓳�ⓧ틢�얍��잍쑍若됧뀲�� umask(2) �쇘쉪�껈솏�귟�力ⓩ꼷竊똵mask 餓띸꽫�귞뵪雅롥끀餓뽪쓢�먧퐤竊덁풃倻귨펽倻귝옖 umask 訝� '0022'竊뚦닕鵝욜뵪 'group' 訝띴폏�좈솮�뜸퍟竊덆씆瀯꾬펹�ⓩ댎�꾥��뽫돶�껓펹�귝쐣�녑쫩鵝뺟꼐簾�뙁若싧춼�ⓨ틩�껈솏�꾡에��펽瑥룟뢿鰲� '0xxx'��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' 竊덃닑 'world' �� 'everybody'竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "訝롣슴�� 'group' �됮」�멨릪竊뚥퐜鵝욕춼�ⓨ틩野방��됬뵪�룟룾瑥삠��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' ���訝ゅ뀵瓦쎾댍�곤펽驪뤶릉�뉏뻑�꾣Æ凉뤷쓦訝� '0xxx'��' 0xxx' 弱녻쫮�뽫뵪�루쉪 umask(2) �쇽펷訝띴퍎�� 'group �� 'all' �f졆�얍��껈솏竊됥��'0640' 弱녶닗兩뷰�訝ょ퍍����뽨퐜訝띹꺗瀯꾢넍�δ툝�뜸퍟�ⓩ댎�졿퀡溫욥뿮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩��'0660' 弱녶닗兩뷴퐪�띸뵪�룟뭽瀯꾢룾瑥삣룾�쇾퐜�뜸퍟�ⓩ댎�졿퀡溫욥뿮�꾢춼�ⓨ틩��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽�긴벴耶섇궓佯볞릎��뵪雅녽뀓營�젃恙� `receive.denyNonFastForwards`竊뚦썱閭ㅶ궓訝띹꺗凉뷴댍弱녽씆恙ラ�잌뎺瓦쎿룓雅ㅶ렓�곩댆�뜸릎��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "倻귝옖�먧풘 'dicrectory'竊뚦닕�썰빱�ⓨ끀訝�퓧烏뚣�귛쫩�쒏���퐬訝띶춼�⑨펽�쇿닗兩뷴츆��"
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgstr "與→씮��퐬"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "與→씮��퐬訝�릫燁겻툖餓η궧凉�鸚당쉪�뉏뻑�뚨쎅壤뺝컛�ⓨ닗兩뷴릮鸚띶댍�� `$GIT_DIR` 訝���"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "與→씮��퐬弱녷삸餓δ툔阿뗤�竊덃뙃窈뷴틣竊됵폏"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "�� `--template` �됮」瀯쇿눣�꾢뢿�곤폑"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "`$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` ��쥊�섌뇧�꾢냵若뱄폑"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "`init.templateDir` �띸쉰�섌뇧竊쎿닑��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "容섋�與→씮��퐬竊�`/usr/share/git-core/templates`��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr "容섋��꾣Æ�욜쎅壤뺝똿�т�雅쏁쎅壤뺟퍜�꾬펽兩븃��꾟�쒏럲�ㅶÆ凉뤴�앾펷瑥룟뢿�� linkgit:gitignore[5]竊됧뭽鹽뷰풃�⒴춴�뉏뻑��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr "容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽�룝풃�⒴춴�썼˙獵곭뵪�귟쫨��뵪訝�訝ょㅊ堊뗦똼�⑼펽瑥룬�싪퓝�좈솮�뜹릮煐� `.sample` 野밧끀�띶뫝�띲��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr "�됧뀽�⒴춴�㎬죱�꾣쎍鸚싦에��펽瑥룟뢿鰲� linkgit:githooks[5]��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr "訝븀렟�됦빰�곩틩��뒯�곁쉪 Git 餓볟틩"
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -28335,19 +28339,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr "�쎾뻠 /path/to/my/codebase/.git ��퐬��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr "弱녷��됬렟�됪뻼餓뜻렌�졾댆榮℡폊��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr "弱녶렅冶뗧듁�곮�壤뺜맏�녶뤁溫겼퐬訝�쉪寧т�轝→룓雅ㅳ��"
@@ -34595,29 +34599,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -61192,6 +61173,17 @@ msgstr "[[[8]]] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-bisect.html
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
+#~ msgstr "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""
@@ -61231,10 +61223,6 @@ msgstr "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 #~ msgid "to sign a signed commit"
 #~ msgstr "--origin <commit>"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "git file is."
-#~ msgstr "git file is."
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "-L :<funcname>:<file>"
 #~ msgstr "-L :<funcname>:<file>"
diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANT.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANT.po
index 4d66e01d0b6a7d02f4495c2a7bbf5849a17aba27..46e03d157cf0a7c315c14c161b7a39a3822042d9 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANT.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANT.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-20 22:54+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-21 22:39+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-14 05:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: 泳�땟�� <appiedavid777@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: French\n"
@@ -2034,8 +2034,14 @@ msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:125
-msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the .git file is."
+#: en/config.txt:124
+msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Block title
+#: en/config.txt:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "git file is."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -2247,97 +2253,97 @@ msgid "true"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:248
+#: en/config.txt:247
 msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`.  Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:249
+#: en/config.txt:248
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "false"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:252
+#: en/config.txt:250
 msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:256
+#: en/config.txt:254
 msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:257
+#: en/config.txt:255
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "integer"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:261
+#: en/config.txt:259
 msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:262 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
+#: en/config.txt:260 en/diff-options.txt:361 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:175
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "color"
 msgstr "color"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:266
+#: en/config.txt:264
 msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background)  and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:272
+#: en/config.txt:270
 msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`.  The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background.  All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:277
+#: en/config.txt:275
 msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this).  If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:284
+#: en/config.txt:282
 msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters).  The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:287
+#: en/config.txt:285
 msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:296
+#: en/config.txt:294
 msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g.  opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute.  However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/config.txt:297
+#: en/config.txt:295
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "pathname"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:303
+#: en/config.txt:301
 msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
-#: en/config.txt:306
+#: en/config.txt:304
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Variables"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:311
+#: en/config.txt:309
 msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete.  For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/config.txt:316
+#: en/config.txt:314
 msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables.  When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4663,7 +4669,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:108 en/git-clean.txt:54 en/git-clone.txt:121
 #: en/git-commit.txt:324 en/git-fast-import.txt:42 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:49
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:339 en/git-gc.txt:68 en/git-grep.txt:318
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:37 en/git-init.txt:44 en/git-ls-remote.txt:39
 #: en/git-notes.txt:207 en/git-prune-packed.txt:37 en/git-pull.txt:78
 #: en/git-push.txt:386 en/git-read-tree.txt:133 en/git-rebase.txt:398
 #: en/git-reset.txt:106 en/git-restore.txt:67 en/git-rev-parse.txt:118
@@ -5249,7 +5255,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-clean.txt:53 en/git-clone.txt:120 en/git-commit.txt:323
 #: en/git-diff-files.txt:44 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:48
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:338 en/git-grep.txt:317 en/git-imap-send.txt:36
-#: en/git-init.txt:42 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
+#: en/git-init.txt:43 en/git-ls-remote.txt:38 en/git-merge-file.txt:67
 #: en/git-merge-index.txt:35 en/git-notes.txt:206 en/git-pack-objects.txt:173
 #: en/git-prune-packed.txt:36 en/git-pull.txt:77 en/git-push.txt:385
 #: en/git-read-tree.txt:132 en/git-rebase.txt:397 en/git-repack.txt:78
@@ -5433,28 +5439,28 @@ msgstr "git-add(1)"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:5 en/git-merge-tree.txt:5 en/git-merge.txt:5
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:5 en/git-mktree.txt:5 en/git-mv.txt:5 en/git-name-rev.txt:5
 #: en/git-notes.txt:5 en/git-p4.txt:5 en/git-pack-objects.txt:5
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-parse-remote.txt:5
-#: en/git-patch-id.txt:5 en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5
-#: en/git-pull.txt:5 en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5
-#: en/git-read-tree.txt:5 en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5
-#: en/git-reflog.txt:5 en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5
-#: en/git-remote.txt:5 en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5
-#: en/git-request-pull.txt:5 en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5
-#: en/git-restore.txt:5 en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5
-#: en/git-rev-parse.txt:5 en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5
-#: en/git-send-pack.txt:5 en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5 en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5
-#: en/git-show-index.txt:5 en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5
-#: en/git-sh-setup.txt:5 en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5
-#: en/git-status.txt:5 en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5
-#: en/git-svn.txt:5 en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5
-#: en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5 en/git-unpack-file.txt:5
-#: en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5 en/git-update-index.txt:5
-#: en/git-update-ref.txt:5 en/git-update-server-info.txt:5
-#: en/git-upload-archive.txt:5 en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5
-#: en/git-verify-commit.txt:5 en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5
-#: en/git-web--browse.txt:5 en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5
-#: en/git-write-tree.txt:5 en/gitglossary.txt:5
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:5 en/git-pack-refs.txt:5 en/git-patch-id.txt:5
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:5 en/git-prune.txt:5 en/git-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-push.txt:5 en/git-quiltimport.txt:5 en/git-read-tree.txt:5
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:5 en/git-receive-pack.txt:5 en/git-reflog.txt:5
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:5 en/git-remote-fd.txt:5 en/git-remote.txt:5
+#: en/git-repack.txt:5 en/git-replace.txt:5 en/git-request-pull.txt:5
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:5 en/git-reset.txt:5 en/git-restore.txt:5
+#: en/git-revert.txt:5 en/git-rev-list.txt:5 en/git-rev-parse.txt:5
+#: en/git-rm.txt:5 en/git-send-email.txt:5 en/git-send-pack.txt:5
+#: en/git-shell.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:5 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:5
+#: en/git-shortlog.txt:5 en/git-show-branch.txt:5 en/git-show-index.txt:5
+#: en/git-show-ref.txt:5 en/git-show.txt:5 en/git-sh-setup.txt:5
+#: en/git-stage.txt:5 en/git-stash.txt:5 en/git-status.txt:5
+#: en/git-stripspace.txt:5 en/git-submodule.txt:5 en/git-svn.txt:5
+#: en/git-switch.txt:5 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:5 en/git-tag.txt:5 en/git.txt:5
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:5 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-index.txt:5 en/git-update-ref.txt:5
+#: en/git-update-server-info.txt:5 en/git-upload-archive.txt:5
+#: en/git-upload-pack.txt:5 en/git-var.txt:5 en/git-verify-commit.txt:5
+#: en/git-verify-pack.txt:5 en/git-verify-tag.txt:5 en/git-web--browse.txt:5
+#: en/git-whatchanged.txt:5 en/git-worktree.txt:5 en/git-write-tree.txt:5
+#: en/gitglossary.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "�띸㉠"
@@ -5497,22 +5503,22 @@ msgstr "git-add - �①뇨凉뺜릎�졾뀯茹붹죭"
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:10 en/git-mktree.txt:10 en/git-mv.txt:10
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:10 en/git-notes.txt:9 en/git-p4.txt:10
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:10 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:10
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-parse-remote.txt:10 en/git-patch-id.txt:9
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:10 en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10
-#: en/git-push.txt:10 en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:9 en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:9 en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10
-#: en/git-repack.txt:10 en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:9 en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9
-#: en/git-revert.txt:9 en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10
-#: en/git-rm.txt:9 en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10
-#: en/git-shell.txt:10 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:9 en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:9 en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9
-#: en/git-stage.txt:10 en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:10 en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9
-#: en/git-switch.txt:9 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10
-#: en/git.txt:10 en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:9 en/git-patch-id.txt:9 en/git-prune-packed.txt:10
+#: en/git-prune.txt:10 en/git-pull.txt:10 en/git-push.txt:10
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:10 en/git-read-tree.txt:10 en/git-rebase.txt:9
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:10 en/git-reflog.txt:10 en/git-remote-ext.txt:9
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:9 en/git-remote.txt:10 en/git-repack.txt:10
+#: en/git-replace.txt:9 en/git-request-pull.txt:9 en/git-rerere.txt:9
+#: en/git-reset.txt:9 en/git-restore.txt:9 en/git-revert.txt:9
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:10 en/git-rev-parse.txt:10 en/git-rm.txt:9
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:10 en/git-send-pack.txt:10 en/git-shell.txt:10
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:9 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:9 en/git-shortlog.txt:9
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:9 en/git-show-index.txt:10 en/git-show-ref.txt:9
+#: en/git-show.txt:10 en/git-sh-setup.txt:9 en/git-stage.txt:10
+#: en/git-stash.txt:9 en/git-status.txt:10 en/git-stripspace.txt:10
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:10 en/git-svn.txt:9 en/git-switch.txt:9
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:9 en/git-tag.txt:10 en/git.txt:10
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:11 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:10
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:10 en/git-update-ref.txt:9
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:10 en/git-upload-archive.txt:10
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:10 en/git-var.txt:10 en/git-verify-commit.txt:9
@@ -5573,22 +5579,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:15 en/git-mktree.txt:15 en/git-mv.txt:15
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:16 en/git-notes.txt:26 en/git-p4.txt:19
 #: en/git-pack-objects.txt:21 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15
-#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-parse-remote.txt:15 en/git-patch-id.txt:14
-#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:16 en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16
-#: en/git-push.txt:20 en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19
-#: en/git-rebase.txt:18 en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15
-#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:14 en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27
-#: en/git-repack.txt:15 en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14
-#: en/git-rerere.txt:14 en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16
-#: en/git-revert.txt:15 en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15
-#: en/git-rm.txt:16 en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18
-#: en/git-shell.txt:17 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14
-#: en/git-shortlog.txt:15 en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16
-#: en/git-show-ref.txt:17 en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14
-#: en/git-stage.txt:16 en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15
-#: en/git-stripspace.txt:16 en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14
-#: en/git-switch.txt:17 en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22
-#: en/git.txt:20 en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
+#: en/git-pack-refs.txt:14 en/git-patch-id.txt:14 en/git-prune-packed.txt:16
+#: en/git-prune.txt:15 en/git-pull.txt:16 en/git-push.txt:20
+#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:17 en/git-read-tree.txt:19 en/git-rebase.txt:18
+#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:15 en/git-reflog.txt:15 en/git-remote-ext.txt:14
+#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:13 en/git-remote.txt:27 en/git-repack.txt:15
+#: en/git-replace.txt:19 en/git-request-pull.txt:14 en/git-rerere.txt:14
+#: en/git-reset.txt:17 en/git-restore.txt:16 en/git-revert.txt:15
+#: en/git-rev-list.txt:15 en/git-rev-parse.txt:15 en/git-rm.txt:16
+#: en/git-send-email.txt:17 en/git-send-pack.txt:18 en/git-shell.txt:17
+#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:19 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:14 en/git-shortlog.txt:15
+#: en/git-show-branch.txt:19 en/git-show-index.txt:16 en/git-show-ref.txt:17
+#: en/git-show.txt:15 en/git-sh-setup.txt:14 en/git-stage.txt:16
+#: en/git-stash.txt:25 en/git-status.txt:15 en/git-stripspace.txt:16
+#: en/git-submodule.txt:27 en/git-svn.txt:14 en/git-switch.txt:17
+#: en/git-symbolic-ref.txt:16 en/git-tag.txt:22 en/git.txt:20
+#: en/git-unpack-file.txt:16 en/git-unpack-objects.txt:16
 #: en/git-update-index.txt:32 en/git-update-ref.txt:14
 #: en/git-update-server-info.txt:15 en/git-upload-archive.txt:15
 #: en/git-upload-pack.txt:16 en/git-var.txt:15 en/git-verify-commit.txt:14
@@ -5650,7 +5656,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-commit[1] �뷴룱訝�葉�컜�㎩��졾뀯�경룓雅ㅴ릎�꾢걳力�
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:28 en/git-format-patch.txt:89 en/git-fsck.txt:22
 #: en/git-gc.txt:35 en/git-grep.txt:74 en/git-hash-object.txt:24
 #: en/git-help.txt:44 en/git-http-fetch.txt:23 en/git-http-push.txt:24
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:40
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:30 en/git-index-pack.txt:26 en/git-init.txt:41
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:21 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:73 en/git-log.txt:28
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:34 en/git-ls-remote.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:37
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:26 en/git-mailsplit.txt:23 en/git-merge-base.txt:70
@@ -5968,7 +5974,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:167 en/git-fetch.txt:246 en/git-filter-branch.txt:247
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:61 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:294
 #: en/git-format-patch.txt:677 en/git-grep.txt:338 en/git-http-backend.txt:67
-#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:151
+#: en/git-imap-send.txt:60 en/git-init.txt:154
 #: en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:256 en/git-log.txt:156 en/git-ls-remote.txt:95
 #: en/git-merge-file.txt:81 en/git-merge.txt:324 en/git-name-rev.txt:65
 #: en/git-notes.txt:278 en/git-p4.txt:33 en/git-prune.txt:60
@@ -6355,7 +6361,7 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:29 en/git-grep.txt:367 en/git-gui.txt:120
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:62 en/git-help.txt:203 en/git-http-backend.txt:276
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:55 en/git-http-push.txt:96 en/git-imap-send.txt:143
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:167
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:117 en/git-init-db.txt:22 en/git-init.txt:170
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:93 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:389 en/git-log.txt:275
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:250 en/git-ls-remote.txt:120 en/git-ls-tree.txt:104
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:100 en/git-mailsplit.txt:56 en/git-merge-base.txt:246
@@ -6364,17 +6370,16 @@ msgstr "linkgit:git-status[1] linkgit:git-rm[1] linkgit:git-reset[1] linkgit:git
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:113 en/git-merge-tree.txt:28 en/git-merge.txt:376
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:38 en/git-mktree.txt:39 en/git-mv.txt:68
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:88 en/git-notes.txt:404 en/git-pack-objects.txt:410
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:22 en/git-patch-id.txt:60 en/git-prune-packed.txt:46
-#: en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254 en/git-push.txt:696
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442 en/git-rebase.txt:1284
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137 en/git-remote-ext.txt:124
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266 en/git-repack.txt:187
-#: en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78 en/git-rerere.txt:221
-#: en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218 en/git-revert.txt:144
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467 en/git-rm.txt:195
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155 en/git-shell.txt:105
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:49 en/git-pack-refs.txt:72 en/git-patch-id.txt:60
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:46 en/git-prune.txt:88 en/git-pull.txt:254
+#: en/git-push.txt:696 en/git-quiltimport.txt:63 en/git-read-tree.txt:442
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1284 en/git-receive-pack.txt:255 en/git-reflog.txt:137
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:124 en/git-remote-fd.txt:58 en/git-remote.txt:266
+#: en/git-repack.txt:187 en/git-replace.txt:160 en/git-request-pull.txt:78
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:221 en/git-reset.txt:502 en/git-restore.txt:218
+#: en/git-revert.txt:144 en/git-rev-list.txt:35 en/git-rev-parse.txt:467
+#: en/git-rm.txt:195 en/git-send-email.txt:525 en/git-send-pack.txt:155
+#: en/git-shell.txt:105 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:35 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:42
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:121 en/git-show-branch.txt:203 en/git-show-index.txt:51
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:185 en/git-show.txt:86 en/git-sh-setup.txt:94
 #: en/git-stage.txt:22 en/git-stash.txt:357 en/git-status.txt:442
@@ -6415,7 +6420,7 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-get-tar-commit-id.txt:30 en/git-grep.txt:368 en/git-gui.txt:121
 #: en/git-hash-object.txt:63 en/git-help.txt:204 en/git-http-backend.txt:277
 #: en/git-http-fetch.txt:56 en/git-http-push.txt:97 en/git-imap-send.txt:144
-#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:168
+#: en/git-index-pack.txt:118 en/git-init-db.txt:23 en/git-init.txt:171
 #: en/git-instaweb.txt:94 en/git-interpret-trailers.txt:390 en/git-log.txt:276
 #: en/git-ls-files.txt:251 en/git-ls-remote.txt:121 en/git-ls-tree.txt:105
 #: en/git-mailinfo.txt:101 en/git-mailsplit.txt:57 en/git-merge-base.txt:247
@@ -6424,17 +6429,16 @@ msgstr "GIT"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:114 en/git-merge-tree.txt:29 en/git-merge.txt:377
 #: en/git-mktag.txt:39 en/git-mktree.txt:40 en/git-mv.txt:69
 #: en/git-name-rev.txt:89 en/git-notes.txt:405 en/git-pack-objects.txt:411
-#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:23 en/git-patch-id.txt:61 en/git-prune-packed.txt:47
-#: en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255 en/git-push.txt:697
-#: en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443 en/git-rebase.txt:1285
-#: en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138 en/git-remote-ext.txt:125
-#: en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267 en/git-repack.txt:188
-#: en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79 en/git-rerere.txt:222
-#: en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219 en/git-revert.txt:145
-#: en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468 en/git-rm.txt:196
-#: en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156 en/git-shell.txt:106
-#: en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
+#: en/git-pack-redundant.txt:50 en/git-pack-refs.txt:73 en/git-patch-id.txt:61
+#: en/git-prune-packed.txt:47 en/git-prune.txt:89 en/git-pull.txt:255
+#: en/git-push.txt:697 en/git-quiltimport.txt:64 en/git-read-tree.txt:443
+#: en/git-rebase.txt:1285 en/git-receive-pack.txt:256 en/git-reflog.txt:138
+#: en/git-remote-ext.txt:125 en/git-remote-fd.txt:59 en/git-remote.txt:267
+#: en/git-repack.txt:188 en/git-replace.txt:161 en/git-request-pull.txt:79
+#: en/git-rerere.txt:222 en/git-reset.txt:503 en/git-restore.txt:219
+#: en/git-revert.txt:145 en/git-rev-list.txt:36 en/git-rev-parse.txt:468
+#: en/git-rm.txt:196 en/git-send-email.txt:526 en/git-send-pack.txt:156
+#: en/git-shell.txt:106 en/git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt:36 en/git-sh-i18n.txt:43
 #: en/git-shortlog.txt:122 en/git-show-branch.txt:204 en/git-show-index.txt:52
 #: en/git-show-ref.txt:186 en/git-show.txt:87 en/git-sh-setup.txt:95
 #: en/git-stage.txt:23 en/git-stash.txt:358 en/git-status.txt:443
@@ -13079,7 +13083,7 @@ msgid "No checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:47 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
+#: en/git-clone.txt:148 en/git-init.txt:48 en/git-p4.txt:305 en/git.txt:149
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--bare"
 msgstr "--bare"
@@ -13169,7 +13173,7 @@ msgid "When given, and the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh, this sp
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:59 en/git-svn.txt:578
+#: en/git-clone.txt:205 en/git-init.txt:60 en/git-svn.txt:578
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--template=<template_directory>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13283,7 +13287,7 @@ msgid "All submodules which are cloned will use the status of the submodule's re
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:64
+#: en/git-clone.txt:288 en/git-init.txt:65
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--separate-git-dir=<git dir>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20970,7 +20974,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Active Branch LRU\n"
-"active_branches = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
+"active_branches  = 1 cur, 5 max\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block =
@@ -27257,208 +27261,212 @@ msgstr ""
 "\t  [--shared[=<轝딃솏>]] [��똾]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:25
-msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+#: en/git-init.txt:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial `HEAD` file that references the HEAD of the master branch is also created."
+msgid "This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a `.git` directory with subdirectories for `objects`, `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, and template files.  An initial branch without any commits will be created (see the `--initial-branch` option below for its name)."
 msgstr "�숃죱�뉏빱�껃돲兩뷰��뗧㈉�껯it�됧꽧竊뚦읃�т툓����뗥릫��`.git`�꾤쎅�꾬펽�ユ쐣`objects`,`refs/heads`,`refs/tags`�쇿뭬�뗥춴��똾竊뚦끀餓뽪Æ�욘첇旅덌펽瓮잋��뗦뙁��`master`�녷뵱Head�꾢닜冶�`HEAD`茹붹죭��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:28
+#: en/git-init.txt:29
 msgid "If the `$GIT_DIR` environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of `./.git` for the base of the repository."
 msgstr "倻귝옖�됭Þ若싩뮥罌껇츏��`$GIT_DIR`竊뚦뎴�껂슴�②˙�뉐츣�꾥러孃묕펽�뚥툖��`./.git`堊녶뻠塋뗥�됧꽧�꾢읃鹽롦첇旅덀��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:33
+#: en/git-init.txt:34
 msgid "If the object storage directory is specified via the `$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY` environment variable then the sha1 directories are created underneath - otherwise the default `$GIT_DIR/objects` directory is used."
 msgstr "倻귝옖object�꿨춼瓮�풌�됬텚�긺뮥罌껇츏��`$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY`���뉐츣竊뚦뎴SHA-1�꾤쎅�꾢컜�껇˙鼇�쉰�ⓨ끀佯뺜툔竊뚦맔�뉑쐝鵝욜뵪�먫Þ��`$GIT_DIR/objects`��똾��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:38
+#: en/git-init.txt:39
 msgid "Running 'git init' in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning 'git init' is to pick up newly added templates (or to move the repository to another place if --separate-git-dir is given)."
 msgstr "�①뤎�됬쉪�됧꽧�룩죱'git init'��푽若됧뀲�꾠�귛츆訝╊툖�껇쫮�뗦럦藥꿨춼�①쉪茹붹죭�귡뇥�겼윿烏�'git init'��訝삭쫨�꾢렅�좑펽��렮�뽩풓�겼쥭�꾣Æ�욘첇旅�(�뽪삸�졽툓 --separate-git-dir 弱뉐�됧꽧燁삣댆�╊��뗤퐤營�)��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:46
+#: en/git-init.txt:47
 msgid "Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed."
 msgstr "�ゆ쐝�겼눣��い�뚩��딂쮭��폑�뜸퍟雍멨눣鼇딀겘�녷쐝熬ラ겗�썬��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:51
+#: en/git-init.txt:52
 msgid "Create a bare repository. If `GIT_DIR` environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory."
 msgstr "�드뻠訝��뗨8�됧꽧�귛쫩�쒐뮥罌껇츏��`GIT_DIR`�よ˙鼇�츣 竊뚦뎴�껇Þ營�쑉�뜹뎺鵝쒏���똾訝뗣��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:52
+#: en/git-init.txt:53
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--object-format=<format>"
 msgstr "--object-format=<�쇔폀>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:56
+#: en/git-init.txt:57
 msgid "Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the repository.  The valid values are 'sha1' and (if enabled) 'sha256'.  'sha1' is the default."
 msgstr "�뉐츣�됧벴�꾤돥餓뜻졏凉�(�쒏퉲轢붺츞力�)�귛룾餓ζ뙁若싩궨'sha1'�뽪삸'sha256'(�됧븶�①쉪屋�)�귡젏鼇��쇘궨'sha1'��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:63
+#: en/git-init.txt:64
 msgid "Specify the directory from which templates will be used.  (See the \"TEMPLATE DIRECTORY\" section below.)"
 msgstr "�뉐츣�ⓩ뼹�뽩풓與→씮茹붹죭�꾤쎅��(獄뗥룂�껂툔�®쉪\"與→씮茹붹죭��똾\"塋좂���)"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:70
+#: en/git-init.txt:71
 msgid "Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either `$GIT_DIR` or `./.git/`, create a text file there containing the path to the actual repository.  This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository."
 msgstr "訝띴슴��`$GIT_DIR`�뽪삸`./.git/`鵝쒐궨�앭쭓�뽩�됧꽧�꾥러孃묕펽�뚧삸�드뻠訝��뗥꽧耶섇��쎾�됧꽧瓮�풌�꾣첇旅덀�귡�쇿�뗦첇旅덃쐝鵝쒐궨蘊뉑뼑楹사뎠�①쳦�껯it�룟풌竊뚪�g탳�겼�됧꽧��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:72
+#: en/git-init.txt:73
 msgid "If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path."
 msgstr "倻귝옖�띷뼭�앭쭓�뽳펽�됧꽧�뉑쐝熬ョ㎉�경뙁若싩쉪瓮�풌��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:73
+#: en/git-init.txt:74
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
 #| msgid "-b <branch-name"
 msgid "-b <branch-name>"
 msgstr "-b <�녷뵱�띸㉠"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:74
+#: en/git-init.txt:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--initial-branch=<branch-name>"
 msgstr "--initial-branch=<�녷뵱�띸㉠>"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:78
-msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+#: en/git-init.txt:81
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name: `master`."
+msgid "Use the specified name for the initial branch in the newly created repository.  If not specified, fall back to the default name (currently `master`, but this is subject to change in the future; the name can be customized via the `init.defaultBranch` configuration variable)."
 msgstr "�뷸뼭�든쉪�됧꽧�뉐츣�앭쭓�녷뵱�꾢릫葉긱�귟떏亦믤쐣�뉐츣竊뚦갚�껈���뚥슴�③젏鼇�릫葉�'master'��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:79
+#: en/git-init.txt:82
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 msgstr "--shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx)]"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:87
+#: en/git-init.txt:90
 msgid "Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users.  This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.  When specified, the config variable \"core.sharedRepository\" is set so that files and directories under `$GIT_DIR` are created with the requested permissions.  When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2)."
 msgstr "�뉐츣�껯it�됧꽧��쑉鸚싧�뗤슴�②�끺퉳�볟뀻雅ワ펽�숁쐝�곮㉠掠ф뼹�멨릪獰ㅷ탡�꾡슴�②�끻컢�쇿�뗥�됧꽧�③�곥�귝뙁若싨셽竊뚨탡�뗥룂��\"core.sharedRepository\"弱뉑쐝熬ヨÞ若싷펽溫볟쑉`$GIT_DIR`佯뺜툔�꾣첇旅덂뭽��똾鵝욜뵪�뉐츣�꾣쵈�먧푺�드뻠�귞빒亦믤쐣�뉐츣�귨펽Git�껂슴�쮞mask(2)���욃젿�꾣쵈�먦��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:90
+#: en/git-init.txt:93
 msgid "The option can have the following values, defaulting to 'group' if no value is given:"
 msgstr "�쇿�뗩겦�끻룾餓ε뒥訝듾툔�쀦빖�쇽펽�δ툖永��쇽펽�뉔젏鼇�쐝鵝욜뵪'group'竊�"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:92
+#: en/git-init.txt:95
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'umask' (or 'false')"
 msgstr "'umask' (�뽪삸 'false')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:96
+#: en/git-init.txt:99
 msgid "Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when `--shared` is not specified."
 msgstr "鵝욜뵪umask(2)�욃젿�꾣쵈�먦�귚튋��빒亦믤쐣�뉐츣`--shared`�귞쉪�먫Þ�쇈��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:97
+#: en/git-init.txt:100
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'group' (or 'true')"
 msgstr "'group' (�뽪삸 'true')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:105
+#: en/git-init.txt:108
 msgid "Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits (e.g. if umask is '0022', using 'group' will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See '0xxx' for how to exactly specify the repository permissions."
 msgstr "溫볟�됧꽧溫딀닇獰ㅷ탡�����(�꾣쐣g+sx竊뚦썱�튵it獰ㅷ탡��꺗訝�씆���됦슴�②�끿쉪訝사쑈永�)�귡�숂뵪�쇗붂野у렅�ц펱�뷴츎�①쉪umask(2)轝딃솏�귟쳦力ⓩ꼷竊똵mask餓띸꽫�껈겑�ⓩ뼹�뜸퍟轝딃솏(�됦풃堊녻お竊� �턷mask��'0022'��,鵝욜뵪'group'訝╊툖�껆㎉�ㅵ끀餓뽨슴�②��(non-group)�꾥��뽪쵈�먦�귟쳦�껈뼮'0xxx'堊녺윥�볟쫩鵝뺟꼐閻뷸뙁若싧�됧벴�꾣쵈�먦��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:106
+#: en/git-init.txt:109
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'all' (or 'world' or 'everybody')"
 msgstr "'all' (�� 'world' �뽪삸 'everybody')"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:109
+#: en/git-init.txt:112
 msgid "Same as 'group', but make the repository readable by all users."
 msgstr "瓮�'group'鸚㎬눜�멨릪竊뚥퐜�껂슴�됧벴��˙���됦슴�②�낁��뽧��"
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:110
+#: en/git-init.txt:113
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "'0xxx'"
 msgstr "'0xxx'"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:117
+#: en/git-init.txt:120
 msgid "'0xxx' is an octal number and each file will have mode '0xxx'. '0xxx' will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen permissions as 'group' and 'all' does). '0640' will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or accessible to others. '0660' will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to others."
 msgstr "'0xxx' ���뗥뀵�꿜퐤�멨춻竊뚩�뚦릢�뗦첇旅덆꺗�껅뱚�됪쵈��'0xxx'��'0xxx'�껇쫮�뗦럦鵝욜뵪�끿쉪umask(2)��(�뚥툝訝╊툖�뢦roup瓮웏ll訝�與f쐝�얍�轝딃솏)��'0640'�껃돲兩븀쑈永꾢룾溫�竊뚥퐜獰ㅷ탡訝띶룾野ワ펽�뜸퍟雅뷰튋訝띶룾耶섇룚�꾢�됧꽧��'0660'�껃돲兩븀빒�띴슴�②�낁늾獰ㅷ탡������竊뚥퐜��끀餓뽨볶�→퀡耶섇룚�꾢�됧꽧��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:122
+#: en/git-init.txt:125
 msgid "By default, the configuration flag `receive.denyNonFastForwards` is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push into it."
 msgstr "�③젏鼇�릎竊뚦뀻雅ュ�됧벴�꾥Þ若싨뿓與� receive.denyNonFastForwards��˙�잏뵪�꾬펽��餓δ퐷�→퀡凉룟댍鵝욜뵪�욃엮�꿴�꿱죱�③�곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:125
+#: en/git-init.txt:128
 msgid "If you provide a 'directory', the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created."
 msgstr "倻귝옖鵝졾쑉�뉏빱訝�룓堊쎽틙'��똾'竊뚩�뚧���똾訝띶춼�①쉪屋깍펽若껃뎴�껇˙�드뻠��"
 #. type: Title -
-#: en/git-init.txt:127
+#: en/git-init.txt:130
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr "與←뎵茹붹죭��똾"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:131
+#: en/git-init.txt:134
 msgid "Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the `$GIT_DIR` after it is created."
 msgstr "訝�씆餓ι퍧鵝쒐궨�띸㉠�뗩젺�꾣첇旅덂뭽��똾弱뉑쐝��`$GIT_DIR`熬ュ돲兩뷴풄竊뚩˙筽뉓=�겼끀訝���"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:133
+#: en/git-init.txt:136
 msgid "The template directory will be one of the following (in order):"
 msgstr "與→씮��똾弱뉒궨訝뗥닓�뜸�竊덁풚�㏝젂佯륅펹竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:135
+#: en/git-init.txt:138
 msgid "the argument given with the `--template` option;"
 msgstr "�③겦��`--template`訝�˙永╊틛�꾢폊��;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:137
+#: en/git-init.txt:140
 msgid "the contents of the `$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR` environment variable;"
 msgstr "�겼쥊溫딀빖`$GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR`訝�쉪�㎩�;"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:139
+#: en/git-init.txt:142
 msgid "the `init.templateDir` configuration variable; or"
 msgstr "鼇�츣溫딀빖`init.templateDir`; �뽪삸"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:141
+#: en/git-init.txt:144
 msgid "the default template directory: `/usr/share/git-core/templates`."
 msgstr "�먫Þ與→씮��똾竊�`/usr/share/git-core/templates`��"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:144
+#: en/git-init.txt:147
 msgid "The default template directory includes some directory structure, suggested \"exclude patterns\" (see linkgit:gitignore[5]), and sample hook files."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:147
+#: en/git-init.txt:150
 msgid "The sample hooks are all disabled by default. To enable one of the sample hooks rename it by removing its `.sample` suffix."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:149
+#: en/git-init.txt:152
 msgid "See linkgit:githooks[5] for more general info on hook execution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Labeled list
-#: en/git-init.txt:153
+#: en/git-init.txt:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Start a new Git repository for an existing code base"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: delimited block -
-#: en/git-init.txt:160
+#: en/git-init.txt:163
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "$ cd /path/to/my/codebase\n"
@@ -27472,17 +27480,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "$ git commit    <3>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:163
+#: en/git-init.txt:166
 msgid "Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:164
+#: en/git-init.txt:167
 msgid "Add all existing files to the index."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-init.txt:165
+#: en/git-init.txt:168
 msgid "Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history."
 msgstr ""
@@ -33576,28 +33584,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Older documentation written before the packed-refs mechanism was introduced may still say things like \".git/refs/heads/<branch> file exists\" when it means \"branch <branch> exists\"."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Title =
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
-msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:7
-msgid "git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:13
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "'. \"$(git --exec-path)/git-parse-remote\"'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/git-parse-remote.txt:20
-msgid "This script is included in various scripts to supply routines to parse files under $GIT_DIR/remotes/ and $GIT_DIR/branches/ and configuration variables that are related to fetching, pulling and pushing."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-patch-id.txt:2
 #, no-wrap
@@ -59610,6 +59596,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "[[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.]"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "git-parse-remote(1)"
+#~ msgstr "git-parse-remote(1)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~| msgid "--text"
 #~ msgid ""