diff --git a/po/documentation.fr.po b/po/documentation.fr.po
index d86771ae8929d7e55cf771d62317306a3fb34689..3582bc3b8aba0a0e222977d7aa1827e95edc0a0e 100644
--- a/po/documentation.fr.po
+++ b/po/documentation.fr.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-16 23:08+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-16 12:28+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-26 22:55+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-30 17:29+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jean-No챘l Avila <jn.avila@free.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: Jean-No챘l Avila <jn.avila@free.fr>\n"
 "Language: fr\n"
@@ -7477,30 +7477,48 @@ msgstr "--exclude=<motif-de-chemin>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Don't apply changes to files matching the given path pattern. This can be useful when importing patchsets, where you want to exclude certain files or directories."
 msgstr ""
+"Ne pas appliquer les modifications aux fichiers correspondant au mod챔le de "
+"chemin donn챕. Cela peut 챗tre utile lors de l'importation d'ensembles de "
+"rustines, lorsque vous souhaitez exclure certains fichiers ou r챕pertoires."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:171
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "--include=<path-pattern>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "--include = <mod챔le-de-chemin>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:175
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Apply changes to files matching the given path pattern. This can be useful when importing patchsets, where you want to include certain files or directories."
 msgstr ""
+"Appliquer les modifications aux fichiers correspondant au mod챔le de chemin "
+"donn챕. Cela peut 챗tre utile lors de l'importation d'ensembles de rustines, "
+"lorsque vous souhaitez inclure certains fichiers ou r챕pertoires."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:181
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When `--exclude` and `--include` patterns are used, they are examined in the order they appear on the command line, and the first match determines if a patch to each path is used.  A patch to a path that does not match any include/exclude pattern is used by default if there is no include pattern on the command line, and ignored if there is any include pattern."
 msgstr ""
+"Lorsque des motifs `--exclude` et `--include` sont utilis챕s, ils sont "
+"examin챕s dans l'ordre o첫 ils apparaissent sur la ligne de commande, et la "
+"premi챔re correspondance d챕termine si une rustine est utilis챕e pour chaque "
+"chemin.  Une rustine pour un chemin qui ne correspond 횪 aucun motif d'"
+"inclusion/exclusion est utilis챕e par d챕faut s'il n'y a pas de motif "
+"d'inclusion sur la ligne de commande, et ignor챕e s'il y a un motif "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:189
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When applying a patch, ignore changes in whitespace in context lines if necessary.  Context lines will preserve their whitespace, and they will not undergo whitespace fixing regardless of the value of the `--whitespace` option. New lines will still be fixed, though."
 msgstr ""
+"Lors de l�셙pplication d�셵ne rustine, ignorer les modifications d�셞spaces "
+"blancs dans les lignes de contexte si n챕cessaire.  Les lignes contextatives "
+"pr챕serveront leurs espaces blancs, et elles ne subiront pas de correction d��"
+"espaces blancs quelle que soit la valeur de l�셭ption `--whitespace`. Les "
+"nouvelles lignes seront toutefois encore corrig챕es."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:190
@@ -7513,48 +7531,70 @@ msgstr "--whitespace=<action>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When applying a patch, detect a new or modified line that has whitespace errors.  What are considered whitespace errors is controlled by `core.whitespace` configuration.  By default, trailing whitespaces (including lines that solely consist of whitespaces) and a space character that is immediately followed by a tab character inside the initial indent of the line are considered whitespace errors."
 msgstr ""
+"Lors de l'application d'une rustine, d챕tecter une ligne nouvelle ou modifi챕e "
+"qui comporte des erreurs d'espacement.  Ce qui est consid챕r챕 comme des "
+"erreurs d'espacement est contr척l챕 par la configuration `core.whitespace`.  "
+"Par d챕faut, les espaces de fin de ligne (y compris les lignes qui ne sont "
+"compos챕es que d'espaces) et un caract챔re espace qui est imm챕diatement suivi "
+"d'un caract챔re de tabulation 횪 l'int챕rieur de l'indentation initiale de la "
+"ligne sont consid챕r챕s comme des erreurs d'espacement."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:202
 #, priority:100
 msgid "By default, the command outputs warning messages but applies the patch.  When `git-apply` is used for statistics and not applying a patch, it defaults to `nowarn`."
 msgstr ""
+"Par d챕faut, la commande 챕met des messages d'avertissement mais applique la "
+"rustine.  Lorsque `git-apply` est utilis챕 pour des statistiques et non pour "
+"appliquer une rustine, la valeur par d챕faut est `nowarn`."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:205
 #, priority:100
 msgid "You can use different `<action>` values to control this behavior:"
 msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez utiliser diff챕rentes valeurs de `<action>` pour contr척ler ce "
+"comportement :"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:207
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`nowarn` turns off the trailing whitespace warning."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`nowarn` d챕sactive l'alerte d'espace blanc."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:209
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`warn` outputs warnings for a few such errors, but applies the patch as-is (default)."
 msgstr ""
+"`warn` 챕met des avertissements pour quelques erreurs de ce type, mais "
+"applique la rustine tel quel (par d챕faut)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:213
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`fix` outputs warnings for a few such errors, and applies the patch after fixing them (`strip` is a synonym --- the tool used to consider only trailing whitespace characters as errors, and the fix involved 'stripping' them, but modern Gits do more)."
 msgstr ""
+"`fix` 챕met des avertissements pour quelques erreurs de ce type, et applique "
+"la rustine apr챔s les avoir corrig챕es (`strip` est un synonyme --- l'outil "
+"utilis챕 pour ne consid챕rer que les caract챔res d'espacement de fin de ligne "
+"comme des erreurs, et le correctif impliquait de les \"d챕pouiller\" "
+"(`stripping`), mais les Gits modernes font plus)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:215
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`error` outputs warnings for a few such errors, and refuses to apply the patch."
 msgstr ""
+"`error` g챕n챔re des avertissements pour quelques-unes de ces erreurs et "
+"refuse d'appliquer la rustine."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:216
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`error-all` is similar to `error` but shows all errors."
 msgstr ""
+"Le terme `error-all` est similaire 횪 `error` mais montre toutes les erreurs."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:217
@@ -7567,12 +7607,20 @@ msgstr "--inaccurate-eof"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Under certain circumstances, some versions of 'diff' do not correctly detect a missing new-line at the end of the file. As a result, patches created by such 'diff' programs do not record incomplete lines correctly. This option adds support for applying such patches by working around this bug."
 msgstr ""
+"Dans certaines circonstances, certaines versions de 'diff' ne d챕tectent pas "
+"correctement une nouvelle ligne manquante 횪 la fin du fichier. Par "
+"cons챕quent, les rustines cr챕챕es par ces programmes de 'diff' n'enregistrent "
+"pas correctement les lignes incompl챔tes. Cette option permet d'appliquer ces "
+"rustines en contournant ce bogue."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:229
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Report progress to stderr. By default, only a message about the current patch being applied will be printed. This option will cause additional information to be reported."
 msgstr ""
+"Afficher l'챕tat d'avancement sur stderr. Par d챕faut, seul un message "
+"concernant la rustine en cours d'application sera imprim챕. Cette option "
+"entra챤nera l'affichage d'informations suppl챕mentaires."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:230
@@ -7585,6 +7633,9 @@ msgstr "--recount"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers, but infer them by inspecting the patch (e.g. after editing the patch without adjusting the hunk headers appropriately)."
 msgstr ""
+"Ne pas se fier au nombre de lignes dans les en-t챗tes de sections, mais le "
+"d챕duire en inspectant la rustine (par exemple, apr챔s avoir modifi챕 la "
+"rustine sans avoir ajust챕 les en-t챗tes de section de mani챔re appropri챕e)."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:235
@@ -7597,12 +7648,17 @@ msgstr "--directory=<racine>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Prepend <root> to all filenames.  If a \"-p\" argument was also passed, it is applied before prepending the new root."
 msgstr ""
+"Pr챕fixer <racine> 횪 tous les noms de fichiers.  Si un argument \"-p\" a "
+"챕galement 챕t챕 pass챕, il est appliqu챕 avant de pr챕fixer la nouvelle racine."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-apply.txt:242
 #, priority:100
 msgid "For example, a patch that talks about updating `a/git-gui.sh` to `b/git-gui.sh` can be applied to the file in the working tree `modules/git-gui/git-gui.sh` by running `git apply --directory=modules/git-gui`."
 msgstr ""
+"Par exemple, une rustine qui parle de mettre 횪 jour `a/git-gui.sh` en `b/git-"
+"gui.sh` peut 챗tre appliqu챕e au fichier dans l'arbre de travail `modules/"
+"git-gui/git-gui.sh` en lan챌ant `git apply --directory=modules/git-gui`."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-apply.txt:243
@@ -7733,66 +7789,99 @@ msgstr "'git archimport' utilise beaucoup `tla` en arri챔re-plan pour acc챕der a
 #, priority:100
 msgid "For the initial import, 'git archimport' expects to find itself in an empty directory. To follow the development of a project that uses Arch, rerun 'git archimport' with the same parameters as the initial import to perform incremental imports."
 msgstr ""
+"Pour l'importation initiale, 'git archimport' s'attend 횪 se retrouver dans "
+"un r챕pertoire vide. Pour suivre le d챕veloppement d'un projet qui utilise "
+"Arch, relancez 'git archimport' avec les m챗mes param챔tres que l'importation "
+"initiale pour effectuer des importations incr챕mentales."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:49
 #, priority:100
 msgid "While 'git archimport' will try to create sensible branch names for the archives that it imports, it is also possible to specify Git branch names manually.  To do so, write a Git branch name after each <archive/branch> parameter, separated by a colon.  This way, you can shorten the Arch branch names and convert Arch jargon to Git jargon, for example mapping a \"PROJECT{litdd}devo{litdd}VERSION\" branch to \"master\"."
 msgstr ""
+"Alors que 'git archimport' essaiera de cr챕er des noms de branches sensibles "
+"pour les archives qu'il importe, il est 챕galement possible de sp챕cifier "
+"manuellement les noms de branches Git.  Pour ce faire, 챕crivez un nom de "
+"branche Git apr챔s chaque param챔tre <archive/branche>, s챕par챕 par deux "
+"points.  De cette fa챌on, vous pouvez raccourcir les noms de branches Arch et "
+"convertir le jargon Arch en jargon Git, par exemple en faisant correspondre "
+"une branche \"PROJECT{litdd}devo{litdd}VERSION\" 횪 \"master\"."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:54
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Associating multiple Arch branches to one Git branch is possible; the result will make the most sense only if no commits are made to the first branch, after the second branch is created.  Still, this is useful to convert Arch repositories that had been rotated periodically."
 msgstr ""
+"Il est possible d'associer plusieurs branches Arch 횪 une branche Git ; le "
+"r챕sultat n'aura de sens que si aucun commit n'est pouss챕 sur la premi챔re "
+"branche, apr챔s la cr챕ation de la deuxi챔me branche.  N챕anmoins, cela est "
+"utile pour convertir les d챕p척ts Arch qui ont fait l'objet d'une rotation "
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:57
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "MERGES"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FUSIONS"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:63
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Patch merge data from Arch is used to mark merges in Git as well. Git does not care much about tracking patches, and only considers a merge when a branch incorporates all the commits since the point they forked. The end result is that Git will have a good idea of how far branches have diverged. So the import process does lose some patch-trading metadata."
 msgstr ""
+"Les donn챕es de fusion de rustines d'Arch sont utilis챕es pour marquer les "
+"fusions dans Git 챕galement. Git ne se soucie pas beaucoup du suivi des "
+"rustines, et ne consid챔re une fusion que lorsqu'une branche incorpore tous "
+"les commits depuis le point o첫 ils ont bifurqu챕. Le r챕sultat final est que "
+"Git aura une bonne id챕e de l'챕tendue de la divergence des branches. Le "
+"processus d'importation perd donc certaines m챕tadonn챕es d'챕change de "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:67
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Fortunately, when you try and merge branches imported from Arch, Git will find a good merge base, and it has a good chance of identifying patches that have been traded out-of-sequence between the branches."
 msgstr ""
+"Heureusement, lorsque vous essayez de fusionner des branches import챕es "
+"d'Arch, Git trouve une bonne base de fusion, et il a de bonnes chances "
+"d'identifier les rustines qui ont 챕t챕 챕chang챕s hors s챕quence entre les "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:73
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Display usage."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Afficher l'utilisation."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:76
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Verbose output."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sortie verbeuse."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:77
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "-T"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-T"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:80
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Many tags. Will create a tag for every commit, reflecting the commit name in the Arch repository."
 msgstr ""
+"Beaucoup d'챕tiquettes. Cr챕era une 챕tiquette pour chaque commit, refl챕tant le "
+"nom du commit dans le d챕p척t Arch."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:85
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Use the fast patchset import strategy.  This can be significantly faster for large trees, but cannot handle directory renames or permissions changes.  The default strategy is slow and safe."
 msgstr ""
+"Utiliser la strat챕gie d'importation rapide d'ensembles de rustines.  Cela "
+"peut 챗tre beaucoup plus rapide pour les grands arbres, mais ne permet pas de "
+"g챕rer les renommages de r챕pertoires ou les modifications de permissions.  La "
+"strat챕gie par d챕faut est lente et s청re."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:86 en/git-commit.txt:262 en/git-grep.txt:214 en/git-ls-files.txt:47 en/git-merge-index.txt:29
@@ -7805,48 +7894,61 @@ msgstr "-o"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Use this for compatibility with old-style branch names used by earlier versions of 'git archimport'.  Old-style branch names were category{litdd}branch, whereas new-style branch names are archive,category{litdd}branch{litdd}version.  In both cases, names given on the command-line will override the automatically-generated ones."
 msgstr ""
+"Utilisez-le pour assurer la compatibilit챕 avec les noms de branche 횪 "
+"l'ancienne utilis챕s par les versions ant챕rieures de 'git archimport'.  Les "
+"anciens noms de branches 챕taient categorie{litdd}branche, tandis que les "
+"nouveaux noms de branches sont archive,categorie{litdd}branche{litdd}"
+"version.  Dans les deux cas, les noms donn챕s sur la ligne de commande "
+"remplaceront les noms g챕n챕r챕s automatiquement."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:94
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "-D <depth>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-D <profondeur>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:98
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Follow merge ancestry and attempt to import trees that have been merged from.  Specify a depth greater than 1 if patch logs have been pruned."
 msgstr ""
+"Suivre l'ascendance de la fusion et essayer d'importer des arbres qui ont "
+"챕t챕 fusionn챕s.  Sp챕cifier une profondeur sup챕rieure 횪 1 si les journaux de "
+"rustine ont 챕t챕 챕lagu챕s."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:102
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Attempt to auto-register archives at `http://mirrors.sourcecontrol.net` This is particularly useful with the -D option."
 msgstr ""
+"Essayer d'enregistrer automatiquement les archives sur `http://mirrors."
+"sourcecontrol.net`. Ceci est particuli챔rement utile avec l'option -D."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:103
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "-t <tmpdir>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-t <r챕p-temporaire>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:105
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Override the default tempdir."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Remplacer le r챕pertoire temporaire par d챕faut."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:107
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "<archive/branch>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<archive/branche>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archimport.txt:109
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Archive/branch identifier in a format that `tla log` understands."
 msgstr ""
+"Identificateur de l'archive/branche dans un format compr챕hensible par `tla "
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-archive.txt:2
@@ -7869,18 +7971,33 @@ msgid ""
 "\t      [--remote=<repo> [--exec=<git-upload-archive>]] <tree-ish>\n"
 "\t      [<path>...]\n"
 msgstr ""
+"'git archive' [--format=<fmt>] [--list] [--prefix=<pr챕fixe>/] [<extra>]\n"
+"\t      [-o <fichier> | --output=<fichier>] [--worktree-attributes]\n"
+"\t      [--remote=<d챕p척t> [--exec=<git-upload-archive>]] <arbre-esque>\n"
+"\t      [<chemin>...]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:23
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Creates an archive of the specified format containing the tree structure for the named tree, and writes it out to the standard output.  If <prefix> is specified it is prepended to the filenames in the archive."
 msgstr ""
+"Cr챕e une archive du format sp챕cifi챕 contenant l'arborescence de l'arbre "
+"nomm챕, et l'챕crit sur la sortie standard.  Si <pr챕fixe> est sp챕cifi챕, il  "
+"pr챕fixe le nom des fichiers dans l'archive."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:32
 #, priority:100
 msgid "'git archive' behaves differently when given a tree ID versus when given a commit ID or tag ID.  In the first case the current time is used as the modification time of each file in the archive.  In the latter case the commit time as recorded in the referenced commit object is used instead.  Additionally the commit ID is stored in a global extended pax header if the tar format is used; it can be extracted using 'git get-tar-commit-id'. In ZIP files it is stored as a file comment."
 msgstr ""
+"'git archive' se comporte diff챕remment lorsqu'on lui donne un ID d'arbre et "
+"lorsqu'on lui donne un ID de commit ou d'챕tiquette.  Dans le premier cas, "
+"l'heure actuelle est utilis챕e comme heure de modification de chaque fichier "
+"dans l'archive.  Dans le second cas, l'heure de validation enregistr챕e dans "
+"l'objet commit r챕f챕renc챕 est utilis챕e 횪 la place.  En outre, l'ID de commit "
+"est stock챕 dans un en-t챗te pax 챕tendu global si le format tar est utilis챕 ; "
+"il peut 챗tre extrait en utilisant 'git get-tar-commit-id'. Dans les fichiers "
+"ZIP, il est stock챕 sous forme de commentaire de fichier."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:36
@@ -7893,6 +8010,10 @@ msgstr "--format=<fmt>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Format of the resulting archive: 'tar' or 'zip'. If this option is not given, and the output file is specified, the format is inferred from the filename if possible (e.g. writing to \"foo.zip\" makes the output to be in the zip format). Otherwise the output format is `tar`."
 msgstr ""
+"Format de l'archive r챕sultante : 'tar' ou 'zip'. Si cette option n'est pas "
+"donn챕e, et que le fichier de sortie est sp챕cifi챕, le format est d챕duit du "
+"nom du fichier si possible (par exemple, en 챕crivant \"foo.zip\", la sortie "
+"sera au format zip). Sinon, le format de sortie est `tar`."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:44 en/git-branch.txt:172 en/git-config.txt:168 en/git-show-branch.txt:80 en/git-tag.txt:100
@@ -7904,7 +8025,7 @@ msgstr "--list"
 #: en/git-archive.txt:46
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Show all available formats."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Afficher tous les formats disponibles."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:50
@@ -7934,7 +8055,7 @@ msgstr "-o <fichier>"
 #: en/git-archive.txt:57
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Write the archive to <file> instead of stdout."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ecrire l'archive dans <fichier> au lieu de stdout."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:58
@@ -7947,6 +8068,10 @@ msgstr "--add-file=<fichier>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Add a non-tracked file to the archive.  Can be repeated to add multiple files.  The path of the file in the archive is built by concatenating the value for `--prefix` (if any) and the basename of <file>."
 msgstr ""
+"Ajouter un fichier non suivi 횪 l'archive.  Peut 챗tre r챕p챕t챕 pour ajouter "
+"plusieurs fichiers.  Le chemin du fichier dans l'archive est construit en "
+"concat챕nant la valeur de `--prefix` (le cas 챕ch챕ant) et le nom de base de "
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:64
@@ -7959,30 +8084,39 @@ msgstr "--worktree-attributes"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Look for attributes in .gitattributes files in the working tree as well (see <<ATTRIBUTES>>)."
 msgstr ""
+"Rechercher 챕galement les attributs dans les fichiers .gitattributs de "
+"l'arbre de travail (voir <<ATTRIBUTES>>)."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:68
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "<extra>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<extra>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:71
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This can be any options that the archiver backend understands.  See next section."
 msgstr ""
+"Il peut s'agir de n'importe quelle option que le moteur de l'archiveur "
+"comprend.  Voir la section suivante."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:72
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "--remote=<repo>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "--remote=<d챕p척t>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:78
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Instead of making a tar archive from the local repository, retrieve a tar archive from a remote repository. Note that the remote repository may place restrictions on which sha1 expressions may be allowed in `<tree-ish>`. See linkgit:git-upload-archive[1] for details."
 msgstr ""
+"Au lieu de cr챕er une archive tar 횪 partir du d챕p척t local, r챕cup챕rer une "
+"archive tar 횪 partir d'un d챕p척t distant. Notez que le d챕p척t distant peut "
+"imposer des restrictions sur les expressions sha1 qui peuvent 챗tre "
+"autoris챕es dans `<arbre-esque>`. Voir linkgit:git-upload-archive[1] pour "
+"plus de d챕tails."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:79
@@ -7995,6 +8129,8 @@ msgstr "--exec=<git-upload-archive>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Used with --remote to specify the path to the 'git-upload-archive' on the remote side."
 msgstr ""
+"Utilis챕 avec --remote pour sp챕cifier le chemin d'acc챔s 횪 'git-upload-"
+"archive' du c척t챕 distant."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:83 en/git-checkout.txt:354 en/git-diff-index.txt:26 en/git-diff-tree.txt:29 en/git-ls-tree.txt:38 en/git.txt:358
@@ -8006,7 +8142,7 @@ msgstr "<arbre-esque>"
 #: en/git-archive.txt:85
 #, priority:100
 msgid "The tree or commit to produce an archive for."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "L'arbre ou le commit pour lequel produire une archive ."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:86
@@ -8019,18 +8155,21 @@ msgstr "<chemin>"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Without an optional path parameter, all files and subdirectories of the current working directory are included in the archive.  If one or more paths are specified, only these are included."
 msgstr ""
+"Sans param챔tre de chemin optionnel, tous les fichiers et sous-r챕pertoires du "
+"r챕pertoire de travail actuel sont inclus dans l'archive.  Si un ou plusieurs "
+"chemins sont sp챕cifi챕s, seuls ceux-ci sont inclus."
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-archive.txt:92
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-archive.txt:95
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "zip"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "zip"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:96 en/git-diff-files.txt:28 en/git-diff.txt:129
@@ -8042,7 +8181,7 @@ msgstr "-0"
 #: en/git-archive.txt:98
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Store the files instead of deflating them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stocker les fichiers au lieu de les compresser."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:98
@@ -8055,78 +8194,106 @@ msgstr "-9"
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Highest and slowest compression level.  You can specify any number from 1 to 9 to adjust compression speed and ratio."
 msgstr ""
+"Niveau de compression le plus 챕lev챕 et le plus lent.  Vous pouvez sp챕cifier "
+"un nombre quelconque de 1 횪 9 pour ajuster la vitesse et le ratio de "
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:106
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "tar.umask"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tar.umask"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:113
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This variable can be used to restrict the permission bits of tar archive entries.  The default is 0002, which turns off the world write bit.  The special value \"user\" indicates that the archiving user's umask will be used instead.  See umask(2) for details.  If `--remote` is used then only the configuration of the remote repository takes effect."
 msgstr ""
+"Cette variable peut 챗tre utilis챕e pour limiter les bits de permission des "
+"entr챕es d'archives tar.  La valeur par d챕faut est 0002, ce qui d챕sactive le "
+"bit d'챕criture g챕n챕rale.  La valeur sp챕ciale \"user\" indique que l'umask de "
+"l'utilisateur d'archivage sera utilis챕 횪 la place.  Voir umask(2) pour plus "
+"de d챕tails.  Si `--remote` est utilis챕 alors seule la configuration du d챕p척t "
+"distant prend effet."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:114
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "tar.<format>.command"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tar.<format>.command"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:123
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This variable specifies a shell command through which the tar output generated by `git archive` should be piped. The command is executed using the shell with the generated tar file on its standard input, and should produce the final output on its standard output. Any compression-level options will be passed to the command (e.g., \"-9\"). An output file with the same extension as `<format>` will be use this format if no other format is given."
 msgstr ""
+"Cette variable sp챕cifie une commande shell 횪 travers laquelle la sortie tar "
+"g챕n챕r챕e par `git archive` doit 챗tre envoy챕e. La commande est ex챕cut챕e en "
+"utilisant le shell avec le fichier tar g챕n챕r챕 sur son entr챕e standard, et "
+"devrait produire la sortie finale sur sa sortie standard. Toute option de "
+"niveau de compression sera pass챕e 횪 la commande (par exemple, \"-9\"). Un "
+"fichier de sortie avec la m챗me extension que `<format>` utilisera ce format "
+"si aucun autre format n'est donn챕."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:126
 #, priority:100
 msgid "The \"tar.gz\" and \"tgz\" formats are defined automatically and default to `gzip -cn`. You may override them with custom commands."
 msgstr ""
+"Les formats \"tar.gz\" et \"tgz\" sont d챕finis automatiquement et se "
+"pr챕sentent par d챕faut sous la forme `gzip -cn`. Vous pouvez les remplacer "
+"par des commandes personnalis챕es."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:127
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "tar.<format>.remote"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tar.<format>.remote"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:132
 #, priority:100
 msgid "If true, enable `<format>` for use by remote clients via linkgit:git-upload-archive[1]. Defaults to false for user-defined formats, but true for the \"tar.gz\" and \"tgz\" formats."
 msgstr ""
+"Si vrai, activer `<format>` pour une utilisation par des clients distants "
+"via linkgit:git-upload-archive[1]. Par d챕faut 횪 faux pour les formats "
+"d챕finis par l�셵tilisateur, mais vrai pour les formats 짬혻tar.gz혻쨩 et 짬혻tgz혻쨩."
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-archive.txt:135
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATTRIBUTS"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:137
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "export-ignore"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "export-ignore"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:140
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Files and directories with the attribute export-ignore won't be added to archive files.  See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."
 msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers et r챕pertoires avec l'attribut export-ignore ne seront pas "
+"ajout챕s aux fichiers d'archives.  Voir linkgit:gitattributes[5] pour plus de "
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-archive.txt:141
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "export-subst"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "export-subst"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:145
 #, priority:100
 msgid "If the attribute export-subst is set for a file then Git will expand several placeholders when adding this file to an archive.  See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."
 msgstr ""
+"Si l'attribut export-subst est d챕fini pour un fichier, Git d챕veloppera "
+"plusieurs caract챔res de remplissage lors de l'ajout de ce fichier 횪 une "
+"archive.  Voir linkgit:gitattributes[5] pour plus de d챕tails."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-archive.txt:153
@@ -45207,7 +45374,13 @@ msgstr "--exclude=<motif-glob>"
 #: en/git-rev-parse.txt:193 en/rev-list-options.txt:173
 #, priority:260
 msgid "Do not include refs matching '<glob-pattern>' that the next `--all`, `--branches`, `--tags`, `--remotes`, or `--glob` would otherwise consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns up to the next `--all`, `--branches`, `--tags`, `--remotes`, or `--glob` option (other options or arguments do not clear accumulated patterns)."
-msgstr "Ne pas inclure les r챕f챕rences correspondant 횪'<glob-pattern>' que les `--all`, `--branches`, `--tags`, `--remotes`, ou `--glob` suivantes consid챕reraient autrement. Les r챕p챕titions de cette option accumulent les motifs d'exclusion jusqu'횪 la prochaine option `--all`, `--branches`, `--tags`, `--tags`, `--remotes` ou `--glob` (les autres options ou arguments n'챕liminent pas les motifs accumul챕s)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne pas inclure les r챕f챕rences correspondant 횪'<glob-pattern>' que les `--all`"
+", `--branches`, `--tags`, `--remotes`, ou `--glob` suivantes consid챕reraient "
+"autrement. Les r챕p챕titions de cette option accumulent les motifs d'exclusion "
+"jusqu'횪 la prochaine option `--all`, `--branches`, `--tags`, `--remotes` ou "
+"`--glob` (les autres options ou arguments n'챕liminent pas les motifs "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rev-parse.txt:199 en/rev-list-options.txt:179
diff --git a/po/documentation.ru.po b/po/documentation.ru.po
index 2984385a1255f7481f665ca0c5840208dc453831..703610232f6fd2eb23016b3d446381f88c78ae52 100644
--- a/po/documentation.ru.po
+++ b/po/documentation.ru.po
@@ -2,19 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2019
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-16 23:08+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 02:40+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 槻筠�筠極 槻筠�筠極棘勻龜� <cranium256@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
-"Language: ru\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.3-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-26 22:55+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-16 04:29+0000\nLast-Translator: Golubev Alexander <fatzer2@gmail.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: ru\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.4-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:679 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:47 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:126 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -5696,6 +5684,12 @@ msgstr "--server-option=<棘極�龜�>"
 #, priority:300
 msgid "Transmit the given string to the server when communicating using protocol version 2.  The given string must not contain a NUL or LF character.  The server's handling of server options, including unknown ones, is server-specific.  When multiple `--server-option=<option>` are given, they are all sent to the other side in the order listed on the command line."
 msgstr ""
+"�筠�筠畇逵�� 畇逵戟戟�� ���棘克� 戟逵 �筠�勻筠� 極�龜 棘閨劇筠戟筠 畇逵戟戟�劇龜 極棘 極�棘�棘克棘剋� 勻筠��龜龜 2. "
+"�逵戟戟逵� ���棘克逵 戟筠 畇棘剋菌戟逵 �棘畇筠�菌逵�� �龜劇勻棘剋� NUL 龜剋龜 LF. 龜棘 克逵克 �筠�勻筠� 閨�畇筠� "
+"棘閨�逵閨逵��勻逵�� ��龜 棘極�龜龜, 勻 �棘劇 �龜�剋筠 戟筠龜鈞勻筠��戟�筠, 鈞逵勻龜�龜� �棘剋�克棘 棘� �筠�勻筠�逵. "
+"��剋龜 極逵�逵劇筠�� `--server-option = <option>` �克逵鈞逵戟 戟筠�克棘剋�克棘 �逵鈞, �棘 勻�筠 ��龜 "
+"���棘克龜 棘�極�逵勻剋����� 畇��均棘橘 ��棘�棘戟筠 勻 �棘劇 極棘��畇克筠, 勻 克棘�棘�棘劇 棘戟龜 �克逵鈞逵戟戟棘劇 勻 "
+"克棘劇逵戟畇戟棘橘 ���棘克筠."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/fetch-options.txt:263
@@ -5808,18 +5802,34 @@ msgstr "���鬼����"
 #, priority:300
 msgid "This command updates the index using the current content found in the working tree, to prepare the content staged for the next commit.  It typically adds the current content of existing paths as a whole, but with some options it can also be used to add content with only part of the changes made to the working tree files applied, or remove paths that do not exist in the working tree anymore."
 msgstr ""
+"葵�逵 克棘劇逵戟畇逵 棘閨戟棘勻剋�筠� 龜戟畇筠克�, 棘�戟棘勻�勻逵��� 戟逵 �筠克��筠劇 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘劇 �逵閨棘�筠均棘 "
+"克逵�逵剋棘均逵, ��棘閨� 極棘畇均棘�棘勻龜�� �極龜�棘克 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘 畇剋� �剋筠畇���筠均棘 克棘劇劇龜�逵. �閨��戟棘 "
+"棘戟逵 畇棘閨逵勻剋�筠� �筠克��筠筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 ���筠��勻���龜� �逵橘剋棘勻 克逵克 筠畇龜戟棘筠 �筠剋棘筠, 戟棘 "
+"極�龜 極�龜劇筠戟筠戟龜龜 棘極�筠畇筠剋�戟戟�� 極逵�逵劇筠��棘勻 筠� �逵克菌筠 劇棘菌戟棘 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵�� 畇剋� "
+"龜戟畇筠克�龜�棘勻逵戟龜� �棘剋�克棘 �逵��龜 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘, 龜劇筠��龜��� 勻 �逵閨棘�筠劇 克逵�逵剋棘均筠, 龜剋龜 "
+"�畇逵剋筠戟龜� 極��筠橘, 克棘�棘��筠 閨棘剋筠筠 戟筠 ���筠��勻��� 勻 �逵閨棘�筠劇 克逵�逵剋棘均筠."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:31
 #, priority:300
 msgid "The \"index\" holds a snapshot of the content of the working tree, and it is this snapshot that is taken as the contents of the next commit.  Thus after making any changes to the working tree, and before running the commit command, you must use the `add` command to add any new or modified files to the index."
 msgstr ""
+"龜逵克 戟逵鈞�勻逵筠劇�橘 짬龜戟畇筠克�쨩 �棘畇筠�菌龜� �戟龜劇棘克 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘均棘 �逵閨棘�筠均棘 克逵�逵剋棘均逵, 龜 "
+"龜劇筠戟戟棘 ��棘� �戟龜劇棘克 龜�極棘剋�鈞�筠��� 勻 克逵�筠��勻筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘均棘 極棘�剋筠畇���筠均棘 克棘劇劇龜�逵. "
+"龜逵克龜劇 棘閨�逵鈞棘劇, 極棘�剋筠 勻戟筠�筠戟龜� 剋�閨�� 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘 勻 �逵閨棘�龜橘 克逵�逵剋棘均 龜 極筠�筠畇 "
+"鈞逵極��克棘劇 克棘劇逵戟畇� commit 勻� 畇棘剋菌戟� 畇棘閨逵勻龜�� 剋�閨�筠 戟棘勻�筠 龜剋龜 龜鈞劇筠戟�戟戟�筠 �逵橘剋� "
+"勻 龜戟畇筠克� � 極棘劇棘��� 克棘劇逵戟畇� `add`."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:36
 #, priority:300
 msgid "This command can be performed multiple times before a commit.  It only adds the content of the specified file(s) at the time the add command is run; if you want subsequent changes included in the next commit, then you must run `git add` again to add the new content to the index."
 msgstr ""
+"葵�� 克棘劇逵戟畇� 劇棘菌戟棘 勻�極棘剋戟龜�� 戟筠�克棘剋�克棘 �逵鈞 極筠�筠畇 克棘劇劇龜�棘劇. �筠極棘��筠畇��勻筠戟戟棘 勻棘 "
+"勻�筠劇� 勻�極棘剋戟筠戟龜� ��逵 克棘劇逵戟畇� �棘剋�克棘 畇棘閨逵勻剋�筠� �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 �克逵鈞逵戟戟棘均棘 �逵橘剋逵 "
+"(棘勻); 筠�剋龜 勻� �棘�龜�筠, ��棘閨� 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜�, �畇筠剋逵戟戟�筠 極棘�剋筠 鈞逵極��克逵 棘戟棘橘, 閨�剋龜 "
+"勻克剋��筠戟� 勻 �剋筠畇���龜橘 克棘劇劇龜�, 勻� 畇棘剋菌戟� 鈞逵極���龜�� `git add` 筠�� �逵鈞, ��棘閨� "
+"畇棘閨逵勻龜�� 戟棘勻棘筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 勻 龜戟畇筠克�."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:39
@@ -5832,6 +5842,14 @@ msgstr "�棘劇逵戟畇逵 `git status` 劇棘菌筠� 閨��� 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵戟逵
 #, priority:300
 msgid "The `git add` command will not add ignored files by default.  If any ignored files were explicitly specified on the command line, `git add` will fail with a list of ignored files.  Ignored files reached by directory recursion or filename globbing performed by Git (quote your globs before the shell) will be silently ignored.  The 'git add' command can be used to add ignored files with the `-f` (force) option."
 msgstr ""
+"�棘劇逵戟畇逵 `git add` 極棘 �劇棘剋�逵戟龜� 戟筠 畇棘閨逵勻剋�筠� 龜均戟棘�龜��筠劇�筠 �逵橘剋�. ��剋龜 克逵克龜筠-"
+"剋龜閨棘 龜均戟棘�龜��筠劇�筠 �逵橘剋� 閨�剋龜 �勻戟棘 �克逵鈞逵戟� 勻 克棘劇逵戟畇戟棘橘 ���棘克筠, `git add` "
+"鈞逵勻筠��龜��� 棘�龜閨克棘橘 �棘 �極龜�克棘劇 龜均戟棘�龜��筠劇�� �逵橘剋棘勻. �均戟棘�龜��筠劇�筠 �逵橘剋�, "
+"戟逵橘畇筠戟戟�筠 勻 �筠鈞�剋��逵�筠 �筠克���龜勻戟棘均棘 棘閨�棘畇逵 克逵�逵剋棘均棘勻 龜剋龜 極棘畇��逵戟棘勻克龜 "
+"�逵閨剋棘戟棘勻 龜劇�戟 (globbing), 克棘�棘��筠 勻�極棘剋戟�筠� �逵劇 Git (鈞逵克剋��龜�筠 �逵閨剋棘戟 勻 "
+"克逵勻��克龜, ��棘閨� 棘戟 戟筠 棘閨�逵閨逵��勻逵剋�� 棘閨棘剋棘�克棘橘), 閨�畇�� 極�棘龜均戟棘�龜�棘勻逵戟� 閨筠鈞 "
+"勻�勻棘畇逵 畇棘極棘剋戟龜�筠剋�戟�� �勻筠畇棘劇剋筠戟龜橘. �逵��逵勻龜�� 克棘劇逵戟畇� `git add` 棘閨�逵閨逵��勻逵�� "
+"龜均戟棘�龜��筠劇�筠 �逵橘剋� 劇棘菌戟棘 � 極棘劇棘��� 極逵�逵劇筠��逵 `-f` (force, 極�龜戟�畇龜�筠剋�戟棘)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:49
@@ -49265,18 +49283,6 @@ msgid ""
 "'git submodule' [--quiet] sync [--recursive] [--] [<path>...]\n"
 "'git submodule' [--quiet] absorbgitdirs [--] [<path>...]\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] [--cached]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] add [<options>] [--] <repository> [<path>]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] status [--cached] [--recursive] [--] [<path>...]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] init [--] [<path>...]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] deinit [-f|--force] (--all|[--] <path>...)\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] update [<options>] [--] [<path>...]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] set-branch [<options>] [--] <path>\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] set-url [--] <path> <newurl>\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] summary [<options>] [--] [<path>...]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] foreach [--recursive] <command>\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] sync [--recursive] [--] [<path>...]\n"
-"'git submodule' [--quiet] absorbgitdirs [--] [<path>...]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-submodule.txt:29