diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 311aa25007b565488789549a0d33b7b1e27beffb..711bcc5974b2d2c46b6bd6ad6fb14efa03c25248 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-27 02:33+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-02 00:50+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:769 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -13207,7 +13207,7 @@ msgstr "力ⓩ꼷�� \"git rebase \"�� \"git pull --rebase \"瓦뉒쮮訝�펽\"ours\"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:147
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This is because `rebase` is used in a workflow that treats the history at the remote as the shared canonical one, and treats the work done on the branch you are rebasing as the third-party work to be integrated, and you are temporarily assuming the role of the keeper of the canonical history during the rebase.  As the keeper of the canonical history, you need to view the history from the remote as `ours` (i.e. \"our shared canonical history\"), while what you did on your side branch as `theirs` (i.e. \"one contributor's work on top of it\")."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁삸�졽맏 \"rebase\"�ⓨ램鵝쒏탛葉뗤릎鵝욜뵪竊뚦츆弱녻퓶葉뗧쉪�녶뤁鰲녵맏�긴벴�꾥쭊�껃럣�뀐펽亮뜹컛�ⓧ퐷�띶뫝�띸쉪�녷뵱訝딀��싩쉪藥δ퐳鰲녵맏��誤곫빐�덄쉪寧т툒�밧램鵝쒙펽�뚥퐷�③뇥�썲릫瓦뉒쮮訝�쉨�뜻돽�끺틙鰲꾥똽�녶뤁若덃뒪�끿쉪鰲믦돯�� 鵝쒍맏鰲꾥똽�녶뤁�꾢츍�ㅸ�낉펽鵝좈�誤곩컛瓦쒐쮮�꾢럣�꿱쭍訝� \"ours\"竊덂뜵 \"�묇뺄�긴벴�꾥쭊�껃럣��\"竊됵펽�뚦컛鵝졾쑉堊㎬씁�녷뵱訝딁쉪藥δ퐳鰲녵맏 \"their\"竊덂뜵 \"訝�訝よ뇟���끻쑉訝딃씊��鵝쒐쉪藥δ퐳\"竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:148 en/git-worktree.txt:179
@@ -13219,37 +13219,37 @@ msgstr "-b <new-branch>"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:152
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Create a new branch named `<new-branch>`, start it at `<start-point>`, and check the resulting branch out; see linkgit:git-branch[1] for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ릫訝�\"<�겼늽��>\"�꾣뼭�녷뵱竊뚥퍗\"<壅루궧>\"凉�冶뗰펽亮뜻��뷰벨�잏쉪�녷뵱竊쏂��낁쭅 linkgit:git-branch[1]��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:153 en/git-worktree.txt:180
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "-B <new-branch>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-B <�겼늽��>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:159
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Creates the branch `<new-branch>`, start it at `<start-point>`; if it already exists, then reset it to `<start-point>`. And then check the resulting branch out.  This is equivalent to running \"git branch\" with \"-f\" followed by \"git checkout\" of that branch; see linkgit:git-branch[1] for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓�`<壅루궧>`凉�冶뗰펽�쎾뻠�녷뵱`<�겼늽��>`竊쎾쫩�쒎늽��럴瀯뤷춼�⑨펽�숅뇥營�맏`<壅루궧>`�귞꽫�롦��븀뵟�먪쉪�녷뵱�귟퓳�멨퐪雅롧뵪 \"-f\"�됮」 瓦먫죱 \"git branch\" 竊뚨꽫�롧뵪 \"git checkout\" 汝��븃��녷뵱竊쏂�鰲� linkgit:git-branch[1]��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:164
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When creating a new branch, set up \"upstream\" configuration. See \"--track\" in linkgit:git-branch[1] for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠�겼늽��뿶竊뚩쫨溫양쉰 \"訝딀만\"�띸쉰�귟��낁쭅 linkgit:git-branch[1] 訝�쉪 \"--track\"��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:174
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If no `-b` option is given, the name of the new branch will be derived from the remote-tracking branch, by looking at the local part of the refspec configured for the corresponding remote, and then stripping the initial part up to the \"*\".  This would tell us to use `hack` as the local branch when branching off of `origin/hack` (or `remotes/origin/hack`, or even `refs/remotes/origin/hack`).  If the given name has no slash, or the above guessing results in an empty name, the guessing is aborted.  You can explicitly give a name with `-b` in such a case."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖亦→쐣瀯쇿눣`-b`�됮」竊뚧뼭�녷뵱�꾢릫燁겼컛餓롨퓶葉뗨퇎甕ゅ늽��릎�ⓨ��뷸씎竊뚧뼶力뺞삸�η쐦訝븀쎑佯붺쉪瓦쒐쮮�띸쉰凉뺟뵪鰲꾥똽�꾣쑍�곈깿�놅펽�뜹릮�η┿�앭쭓�ⓨ늽竊뚨쎍�� \"*\"�귞뵳訝딂염��풓�븝펽�ⓧ퍗`origin/hack`竊덃닑`remotes/origin/hack`竊뚨뵚��`refs/remotes/origin/hack`竊됧늽��뿶竊뚦컛鵝욜뵪`hack`鵝쒍맏�у쑑�녷뵱�귛쫩�쒐퍢若싩쉪�띶춻亦→쐣�쒐봇竊뚧닑�끺툓瓦경렓役뗧쉪瀯볠옖���訝ょ㈉�랃펽�쇾폏瀯덃��ⓩ탩�귛쑉瓦숂쭕�끻넻訝뗰펽鵝졾룾餓η뵪`-b`�롧‘�곁퍢�뷰�訝ゅ릫耶쀣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:178 en/git-switch.txt:172
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Do not set up \"upstream\" configuration, even if the `branch.autoSetupMerge` configuration variable is true."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띹�營� \"訝딀만 \"�띸쉰竊뚦뜵鵝�`branch.autoSetupMerge`�띸쉰�섌뇧訝틊rue��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:179 en/git-switch.txt:87
@@ -13267,31 +13267,31 @@ msgstr "--no-guess"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:184 en/git-switch.txt:92
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If `<branch>` is not found but there does exist a tracking branch in exactly one remote (call it `<remote>`) with a matching name, treat as equivalent to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖亦→쐣�얍댆`<�녷뵱>`竊뚥퐜簾�츩�됦�訝よ퓶葉뗥늽��펷燁겻맏`<瓦쒐쮮�녷뵱>`竊됬쉪瓮잒릉�녷뵱耶섇쑉竊뚥툝�띸㎞�백뀓竊뚦닕鰲녵맏嶺됧릪雅�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:197 en/git-switch.txt:104
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If the branch exists in multiple remotes and one of them is named by the `checkout.defaultRemote` configuration variable, we'll use that one for the purposes of disambiguation, even if the `<branch>` isn't unique across all remotes. Set it to e.g. `checkout.defaultRemote=origin` to always checkout remote branches from there if `<branch>` is ambiguous but exists on the 'origin' remote. See also `checkout.defaultRemote` in linkgit:git-config[1]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖瑥ε늽��춼�ⓧ틢鸚싦릉瓦쒐쮮竊뚦뭉訝붷끀訝��訝ゆ삸��`checkout.defaultRemote`�띸쉰�섌뇧�썲릫�꾬펽訝뷰틙易덆솮閭㏛퉱竊뚧닊餓у컛鵝욜뵪瑥ε룜�륅펽�념슴`<�녷뵱>`�ⓩ��됭퓶葉뗤릎亮뜸툖����귛컛�띈�營�맏堊뗥쫩 `checkout.defaultRemote=origin`竊뚥빳堊욕쑉`<�녷뵱>`訝띷삇簾�퐜耶섇쑉雅�'origin'瓦쒐쮮�띰펽�삥삸餓롩궍�뚨��븃퓶葉뗥늽���귛뢿鰲� linkgit:git-config[1] 訝�쉪 `checkout.defaultRemote`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:199 en/git-switch.txt:106
 #, priority:240
 msgid "`--guess` is the default behavior. Use `--no-guess` to disable it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`--guess`��퍡溫ㅸ죱訝뷩�귚슴��`--no-guess`�η쫨�ⓨ츆��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:202 en/git-switch.txt:109
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The default behavior can be set via the `checkout.guess` configuration variable."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "容섋�烏뚥맏��빳�싪퓝`checkout.guess`�띸쉰�섌뇧溫양쉰��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:206
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Create the new branch's reflog; see linkgit:git-branch[1] for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠�겼늽��쉪凉뺟뵪�ε퓱竊쏂�鰲� linkgit:git-branch[1]��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:208 en/git-daemon.txt:156 en/git-switch.txt:82 en/git-worktree.txt:189
@@ -13303,7 +13303,7 @@ msgstr "--detach"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:214
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Rather than checking out a branch to work on it, check out a commit for inspection and discardable experiments.  This is the default behavior of `git checkout <commit>` when `<commit>` is not a branch name.  See the \"DETACHED HEAD\" section below for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝롥끀嶺얍눣訝�訝ゅ늽��씎藥δ퐳竊뚥툖倻귞��뷰�訝ゆ룓雅ㅶ씎瓦쏂죱汝��ε뭽��붂凉껆쉪若욇챿�귛퐪`<�먧벡>`訝띷삸訝�訝ゅ늽��릫�띰펽 瓦숁삸`git checkout <�먧벡>`�꾦퍡溫ㅸ죱訝븝펽�� 瑥�쭅訝뗩씊�� \"歷며┿�뜻�곻펷DETACHED HEAD竊�\"�ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:215 en/git-switch.txt:173
@@ -13315,31 +13315,31 @@ msgstr "--orphan <new-branch>"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:221
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Create a new 'orphan' branch, named `<new-branch>`, started from `<start-point>` and switch to it.  The first commit made on this new branch will have no parents and it will be the root of a new history totally disconnected from all the other branches and commits."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓�\"<壅루궧>\"凉�冶뗰펽�쎾뻠訝�訝ゆ뼭�� \"耶ㅵ꽴\"�녷뵱竊뚦뫝�띴맏\"<�겼늽��>\"竊뚦뭉�뉑뜟�계��녷뵱�� �②퓳訝ゆ뼭�녷뵱訝딁쉪寧т�轝→룓雅ㅵ컛亦→쐣�뜹늽��펽若껃컛���訝ゆ뼭�꾢럣�꿱돈�뱄펽訝롦��됧끀餓뽫쉪�녷뵱�뚧룓雅ㅵ츑�ⓩ뼪凉���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:226
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The index and the working tree are adjusted as if you had previously run `git checkout <start-point>`.  This allows you to start a new history that records a set of paths similar to `<start-point>` by easily running `git commit -a` to make the root commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "榮℡폊�뚦램鵝쒎뙷�꾥컘�닷갚�뤶퐷阿뗥뎺瓦먫죱`git checkout <壅루궧>`訝��룔�� 瓦쇿뀅溫멧퐷饔삥씭�곈�싪퓝瓦먫죱`git commit -a`�ε맦�ⓧ�訝ゆ뼭�꾢럣�뀐펽溫겼퐬訝�瀯꾤굳鴉쇌틢`<�계돈��>`�꾥러孃꾬펽瓦쏂죱�방룓雅ㅳ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:232
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This can be useful when you want to publish the tree from a commit without exposing its full history. You might want to do this to publish an open source branch of a project whose current tree is \"clean\", but whose full history contains proprietary or otherwise encumbered bits of code."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞퐷�녑룕躍껂�訝ゆ룓雅ㅶ젒�뚥툖�닻쑓�뜹츑�당쉪�녶뤁�띰펽瓦쇿갚孃덃쐣�ⓦ�귚퐷��꺗�녘퓳�룟걳�ε룕躍껂�訝ら」��쉪凉�繹먨늽��펽瓦쇾릉�녷뵱�꾢퐪�띷젒�� \"亮꿨���\"竊뚥퐜�뜹츑�당쉪�녶뤁�끻맜雅녵툜�됬쉪�뽩끀餓뽨�雅쎽빰�곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:239
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If you want to start a disconnected history that records a set of paths that is totally different from the one of `<start-point>`, then you should clear the index and the working tree right after creating the orphan branch by running `git rm -rf .` from the top level of the working tree.  Afterwards you will be ready to prepare your new files, repopulating the working tree, by copying them from elsewhere, extracting a tarball, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖鵝졿꺍��뒯訝�訝ゆ뼪凉��꾢럣�뀐펽溫겼퐬訝�瀯꾢츑�ⓧ툖�뚥틢`<壅루궧>`�꾥러孃꾬펽�d퉰鵝졾틪瑥ε쑉�쎾뻠耶ㅵ꽴�녷뵱�롧쳦�녔툍�ㅷ뇨凉뺝뭽藥δ퐳�븝펽餓롥램鵝쒎뙷�꾦《掠귟퓧烏�`git rm -rf .`�� 阿뗥릮鵝졾갚��빳�녶쨭鵝좂쉪�경뻼餓뜸틙竊뚪뇥�겼∥�끻램鵝쒎뙷竊뚦뒢力뺞삸餓롥끀餓뽩쑑�밧쨳�뜹츆餓э펽�먨룚訝�訝ゅ똿竊뚨춬嶺됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:245
 #, priority:240
 msgid "In sparse checkout mode, `git checkout -- <paths>` would update only entries matched by `<paths>` and sparse patterns in `$GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout`. This option ignores the sparse patterns and adds back any files in `<paths>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�①��뤹��뷸Æ凉뤶툔竊�`git checkout -- <瓮�푶>`弱녶룵�닸뼭��`<瓮�푶>`��`$GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout`訝�쉪葉��뤸Æ凉뤷뙶�띸쉪�←쎅�귟퓳訝ら�됮」恙썹븼雅녺��뤸Æ凉륅펽亮뜻렌�졾썮`<瓮�푶>`訝�쉪餓삡퐬�뉏뻑��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:247 en/git-rebase.txt:364 en/git-rebase.txt:649 en/git-reset.txt:76 en/git-restore.txt:87 en/git-submodule.txt:369 en/git-svn.txt:676 en/git-switch.txt:122 en/rev-list-options.txt:335
@@ -13351,25 +13351,25 @@ msgstr "--merge"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:256
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When switching branches, if you have local modifications to one or more files that are different between the current branch and the branch to which you are switching, the command refuses to switch branches in order to preserve your modifications in context.  However, with this option, a three-way merge between the current branch, your working tree contents, and the new branch is done, and you will be on the new branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ늾�℡늽��뿶竊뚦쫩�쒍퐷野밥�訝ゆ닑鸚싦릉�뉏뻑�꾣쑍�겻엶�밧쑉壤볟뎺�녷뵱�뚥퐷誤곩늾�®쉪�녷뵱阿뗩뿴��툖�뚨쉪竊뚦뫝餓ㅴ폏�믥퍦�뉑뜟�녷뵱竊뚥빳岳앯븰鵝좂쉪岳�뵻�끻��� �띈�뚳펽鵝욜뵪瓦쇾릉�됮」�롳펽弱긴폏�ⓨ퐪�띶늽���곦퐷�꾢램鵝쒎뙷�끻��뚧뼭�꾢늽��퉳�닺퓵烏뚥툒�밧릦亮띰펽阿뗥릮竊뚥퐷鴉싧쨪雅롦뼭�녷뵱��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:261 en/git-switch.txt:135
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When a merge conflict happens, the index entries for conflicting paths are left unmerged, and you need to resolve the conflicts and mark the resolved paths with `git add` (or `git rm` if the merge should result in deletion of the path)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볟릦亮뜹넳囹곩룕�잍뿶竊뚦넳囹곮러孃꾤쉪榮℡폊�←쎅鴉싪˙�쇾툔竊뚥퐷��誤곮㎗�녑넳囹곻펽亮띄뵪`git add`�뉓�藥꿱㎗�녕쉪瓮�푶竊덂쫩�쒎릦亮뜹틪野쇠눜�좈솮瓮�푶竊뚦닕��`git rm`竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:264
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When checking out paths from the index, this option lets you recreate the conflicted merge in the specified paths."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞퍗榮℡폊訝���ε눣瓮�푶�띰펽瓦쇾릉�됮」溫⒳퐷�ⓩ뙁若싩쉪瓮�푶訝�뇥�겼닗兩뷴넳囹곭쉪�덂뭉��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:266
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When switching branches with `--merge`, staged changes may be lost."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볡뵪`--merge`�뉑뜟�녷뵱�띰펽��꺗鴉싦륭鸚깁샄餘득�㏛엶�밤��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:267 en/git-restore.txt:91 en/git-switch.txt:136
@@ -13388,19 +13388,19 @@ msgstr "訝롣툓�®쉪 `--merge` �됮」�멨릪竊뚥퐜�밧룜雅녶넳囹곩쓼�꾣샑鹽뷸뼶
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:279
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Interactively select hunks in the difference between the `<tree-ish>` (or the index, if unspecified) and the working tree.  The chosen hunks are then applied in reverse to the working tree (and if a `<tree-ish>` was specified, the index)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��`<�묊듁野배괌>`竊덃닑榮℡폊竊뚦쫩�쒏깹�됪뙁若싷펹�뚦램鵝쒎뙷阿뗩뿴�꾢량凉귚릎竊뚥벡雅믣폀�곈�됪떓��젃�� �됪떓�꾤쎅�뉏폏熬ュ룏�묈틪�ⓨ댆藥δ퐳�뷰툓竊덂쫩�쒏뙁若싦틙`<�묊듁野배괌>`竊뚦닕��뇨凉뺧펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:283
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This means that you can use `git checkout -p` to selectively discard edits from your current working tree. See the ``Interactive Mode'' section of linkgit:git-add[1] to learn how to operate the `--patch` mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁꼷�녕�鵝졾룾餓δ슴�� `git checkout -p` �ζ쐣�됪떓�겻륭凉껃퐪�띶램鵝쒎뙷訝딁쉪煐뽬풌�끻��귛뢿鰲� linkgit:git-add[1] �� \"雅믣뒯與▼폀''�ⓨ늽竊뚥틙鰲�`--patch`與▼폀倻귚퐬�띴퐳��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:286
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Note that this option uses the no overlay mode by default (see also `--overlay`), and currently doesn't support overlay mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "力ⓩ꼷竊뚩퓳訝ら�됮」容섋�鵝욜뵪�좄쫮�뽪Æ凉륅펷��쭅`--overlay`竊됵펽��뎺訝띷뵱�곮쫮�뽪Æ凉뤵��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:287 en/git-switch.txt:177
@@ -13412,7 +13412,7 @@ msgstr "--ignore-other-worktrees"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:292
 #, priority:240
 msgid "`git checkout` refuses when the wanted ref is already checked out by another worktree. This option makes it check the ref out anyway. In other words, the ref can be held by more than one worktree."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`git checkout`�ⓩ꺍誤곭쉪凉뺟뵪藥꿰퍘熬ュ룱訝�訝ゅ램鵝쒎뙷嶺얍눣�뜻땼瀯앫�귟퓳訝ら�됮」溫⒴츆�좄�倻귚퐬�썼쫨嶺얍눣瓦쇾릉凉뺟뵪�귝뜟�θ캕瑥댐펽瓦쇾릉凉뺟뵪��꺗熬ュ쩀訝ゅ램鵝쒎뙷�곫쐣��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:293 en/git-merge.txt:96
@@ -13430,13 +13430,13 @@ msgstr "--no-overwrite-ignore"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:298
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Silently overwrite ignored files when switching branches. This is the default behavior. Use `--no-overwrite-ignore` to abort the operation when the new branch contains ignored files."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ늾�℡늽��뿶�숅퍡�계쫮�뽬˙恙썹븼�꾣뻼餓뜰�귟퓳��퍡溫ㅸ죱訝뷩�귚슴�� `--no-overwrite-ignore` ��빳�ⓩ뼭�꾢늽��똿�ヨ˙恙썹븼�꾣뻼餓뜻뿶訝���띴퐳��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:308
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Using `--recurse-submodules` will update the content of all active submodules according to the commit recorded in the superproject. If local modifications in a submodule would be overwritten the checkout will fail unless `-f` is used. If nothing (or `--no-recurse-submodules`)  is used, submodules working trees will not be updated.  Just like linkgit:git-submodule[1], this will detach `HEAD` of the submodule."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪`--recurse-submodules`弱녷졊��댍窈밭쎅�꾣룓雅ㅸ�壤뺞쎍�경��됪뉵�①쉪耶먩Æ�쀧쉪�끻��귛쫩�쒎춴與▼쓼訝�쉪�у쑑岳�뵻鴉싪˙誤녺썣竊뚪솮�욂슴��`-f`竊뚦닕鴉싩��뷴컛鸚김뇰�귛쫩�쒍�阿덆꺗訝띴슴�⑨펷��`--no-recurse-submodules`竊됵펽耶먩Æ�쀧쉪藥δ퐳�뷴컛訝띴폏熬ユ쎍�겹��  弱긷깗linkgit:git-submodule[1]竊뚩퓳弱녶늽獵삣춴與▼쓼��`HEAD`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:309 en/git-restore.txt:121
@@ -13454,7 +13454,7 @@ msgstr "--no-overlay"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:316
 #, priority:240
 msgid "In the default overlay mode, `git checkout` never removes files from the index or the working tree.  When specifying `--no-overlay`, files that appear in the index and working tree, but not in `<tree-ish>` are removed, to make them match `<tree-ish>` exactly."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�③퍡溫ㅷ쉪誤녺썣與▼폀訝뗰펽`git checkout`訝띴폏餓롧뇨凉뺞닑藥δ퐳�뷰릎�좈솮�뉏뻑��  壤볠뙁若�`--no-overlay`�띰펽�븀렟�①뇨凉뺝뭽藥δ퐳�뷰릎竊뚥퐜訝띶쑉`<�묊듁野배괌>`訝�쉪�뉏뻑鴉싪˙�좈솮竊뚥빳鵝욕츆餓т툗`<�묊듁野배괌>`若뚦뀲�백뀓��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:330 en/git-rebase.txt:282 en/git-switch.txt:36
@@ -13466,37 +13466,37 @@ msgstr "<branch>"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:336
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Branch to checkout; if it refers to a branch (i.e., a name that, when prepended with \"refs/heads/\", is a valid ref), then that branch is checked out. Otherwise, if it refers to a valid commit, your `HEAD` becomes \"detached\" and you are no longer on any branch (see below for details)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "嶺얍눣�꾢늽��폑倻귝옖若껅뙁�꾣삸訝�訝ゅ늽��펷�념�訝ゅ릫耶쀯펽�ⓨ뎺�℡뒥訝� \"refs/heads/\"�띰펽���訝ゆ쐣�덄쉪 凉뺟뵪竊됵펽�d퉰瓦쇾릉�녷뵱弱김˙嶺얍눣�귛맔�숋펽倻귝옖若껅뙁�꾣삸訝�訝ゆ쐣�덄쉪�먧벡竊뚥퐷��`HEAD`弱긴폏\"�녺┿\"竊뚧��띰펽鵝졾갚訝띶냽�ⓧ뻣鵝뺜�訝ゅ늽��툓雅놅펷瑥�쭅訝뗦뻼竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:340
 #, priority:240
 msgid "You can use the `@{-N}` syntax to refer to the N-th last branch/commit checked out using \"git checkout\" operation. You may also specify `-` which is synonymous to `@{-1}`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝졾룾餓δ슴��`@{-N}`瑥�퀡�ζ뙁餓d슴�� \"git checkout \"�띴퐳汝��ε눣�η쉪寧촏訝ゆ��롧쉪�녷뵱�뽪삸�먧벡�귚퐷阿잌룾餓ζ뙁若�`-`竊뚦츆訝�`@{-1}`�뚥퉱��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:344 en/git-switch.txt:58
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:240
 msgid "As a special case, you may use `A...B` as a shortcut for the merge base of `A` and `B` if there is exactly one merge base. You can leave out at most one of `A` and `B`, in which case it defaults to `HEAD`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝쒍맏訝�燁띸돶餘딀깄�듸펽倻귝옖閭e��됦�訝ゅ릦亮뜹읃簾�竊뚥퐷��빳鵝욜뵪`A...B`鵝쒍맏`A`��`B`�꾢릦亮뜹읃簾��꾢엮�룡뼶凉뤵�귚퐷��鸚싧룾餓η쐛�ε쑉`A`��`B`訝�퍡溫ㅴ맏`HEAD`�꾡�訝ゅ늽����"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:345 en/git-switch.txt:39
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "<new-branch>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<�겼늽��>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:347 en/git-switch.txt:41
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Name for the new branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�겼늽��쉪�띸㎞��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:351
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The name of a commit at which to start the new branch; see linkgit:git-branch[1] for details. Defaults to `HEAD`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��뒯�겼늽��쉪�먧벡�띸㎞竊쏂�鰲� linkgit:git-branch[1]�귡퍡溫ㅴ맏 `HEAD`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:355 en/git-checkout.txt:363 en/git-restore.txt:47
@@ -13508,7 +13508,7 @@ msgstr "鵝쒍맏訝�燁띸돶餘딀깄�듸펽倻귝옖閭e��됦�訝ゅ릦亮뜹읃�곤펽鵝졾룾餓�
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:359
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Tree to checkout from (when paths are given). If not specified, the index will be used."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "嶺얍눣�꾣젒竊덂퐪瓮�푶瀯쇿츣�띰펹�귛쫩�쒏깹�됪뙁若싷펽弱녵슴�①뇨凉뺛��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:369 en/git-reset.txt:133 en/git-restore.txt:146
@@ -13526,13 +13526,13 @@ msgstr "�닷쩀瀯녻뒄瑥룟뢿鰲� linkgit:gitglossary[7] 訝�쉪 '瓮�푶鰲꾥똽' ��
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:373
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "歷며┿�뜻�곻펷DETACHED HEAD竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:377
 #, priority:240
 msgid "`HEAD` normally refers to a named branch (e.g. `master`). Meanwhile, each branch refers to a specific commit. Let's look at a repo with three commits, one of them tagged, and with branch `master` checked out:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`HEAD`�싧만�뉒쉪���訝ゅ늽��쉪凉뺟뵪竊덁풃倻�`master`竊됥�귛릪�띰펽驪뤶릉�녷뵱�뉒쉪���訝ょ돶若싩쉪�먧벡�귟��묇뺄�뗧쐦訝�訝ゆ쐣訝됦릉�먧벡�꾡퍜佯볩펽�뜸릎訝�訝よ˙�뉓�雅놅펽亮뜸툝�녷뵱`master`熬ユ��븝폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:386
@@ -13545,13 +13545,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "           HEAD竊�'master'�녷뵱�꾢폊�⑨펹\n            |\n            v\na---b---c  branch 'master'竊�'c' �먧벡�꾢폊�⑨펹\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0' 竊�'b' �먧벡�꾢폊�⑨펹\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:393
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When a commit is created in this state, the branch is updated to refer to the new commit. Specifically, 'git commit' creates a new commit `d`, whose parent is commit `c`, and then updates branch `master` to refer to new commit `d`. `HEAD` still refers to branch `master` and so indirectly now refers to commit `d`:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볟쑉瓦숂쭕�뜻�곦툔�쎾뻠訝�訝ゆ룓雅ㅶ뿶竊뚦늽��폏熬ユ쎍�겻빳凉뺟뵪�곁쉪�먧벡�귛끁鵝볠씎瑥댐펽'git commit'�쎾뻠雅녵�訝ゆ뼭�꾣룓雅�`d`竊뚦끀�띄벨��룓雅�`c`竊뚨꽫�롦쎍�겼늽��`master`餓ε폊�ⓩ뼭�꾣룓雅�`d`��`HEAD'餓띷뙁��`master'竊뚧�餓η렟�③뿴�ε쑑�뉐릲�먧벡`d`竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:396 en/git-checkout.txt:431 en/git-checkout.txt:448
@@ -13570,13 +13570,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "               HEAD 竊덃뙁��'master'�녷뵱竊�\n                |\n                v\na---b---c---d  �녷뵱'master' 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'d'竊�\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0' (�뉐릲�먧벡'b')\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:410
 #, priority:240
 msgid "It is sometimes useful to be able to checkout a commit that is not at the tip of any named branch, or even to create a new commit that is not referenced by a named branch. Let's look at what happens when we checkout commit `b` (here we show two ways this may be done):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�됪뿶�썲쩅嶺얍눣訝�訝や툖�ⓧ뻣鵝뺝뫝�띶늽��《塋�쉪�먧벡竊뚨뵚�녑닗兩뷰�訝や툖熬ュ뫝�띶늽��폊�①쉪�경룓雅ㅿ펽��푽�됬뵪�꾠�귟��묇뺄�η쐦�뗥퐪�묇뺄嶺얍눣�먧벡 `b`�뜸폏�묊뵟餓�阿덌펷瓦숅뇤�묇뺄掠뺟ㅊ雅녵륵燁띷뼶力뺧펹竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:414
@@ -13599,13 +13599,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "   HEAD 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'b'竊�\n    |\n    v\na---b---c---d  �녷뵱'master'竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'d'竊�\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0' (�뉐릲�먧벡'b')\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:428
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Notice that regardless of which checkout command we use, `HEAD` now refers directly to commit `b`. This is known as being in detached `HEAD` state.  It means simply that `HEAD` refers to a specific commit, as opposed to referring to a named branch. Let's see what happens when we create a commit:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽�좄��묇뺄鵝욜뵪�ゆ씉瀯볢뇹�썰빱竊�`HEAD`�겼쑉�썹쎍�ζ뙁�묉룓雅�`b`�귟퓳弱길삸��瘟볡쉪�녺┿��`HEAD'�뜻�곥��  瓦숁꼷�녕�竊�`HEAD`�뉐릲訝�訝ょ돶若싩쉪�먧벡竊뚩�뚥툖��뙁�묇�訝ゅ뫝�띸쉪�녷뵱�귟��묇뺄�뗧쐦�쎾뻠�먧벡�뜹룕�잋틙餓�阿덌폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:441
@@ -13620,13 +13620,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "     HEAD 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'e'竊�\n      |\n      v\n      e\n     /\na---b---c---d  branch 'master' 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'d'竊�\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0' 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'b'竊�\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:445
 #, priority:240
 msgid "There is now a new commit `e`, but it is referenced only by `HEAD`. We can of course add yet another commit in this state:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�겼쑉�됦�訝ゆ뼭�꾣룓雅�`e`竊뚥퐜若껃룵熬�`HEAD`��凉뺟뵪�귛퐪�띰펽�묇뺄��빳�②퓳訝ょ듁�곦툔�띶쥭�졽�訝ゆ룓雅ㅿ폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:458
@@ -13641,13 +13641,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\t HEAD竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'f'竊됥��\n\t  |\n\t  v\n      e--f\n     /\na--b--c--d �녷뵱\"master\"竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'d'竊됥��\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0'竊덃뙁�묉룓雅�'b'竊됥��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:462
 #, priority:240
 msgid "In fact, we can perform all the normal Git operations. But, let's look at what happens when we then checkout `master`:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "雅뗥츩訝딉펽�묇뺄��빳�㎬죱���됪�躍며쉪 Git �띴퐳�귚퐜��펽溫⒵닊餓х쐦�뗥퐪�묇뺄嶺얍눣`master`�뜸폏�묊뵟餓�阿덌폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:465
@@ -13666,13 +13666,13 @@ msgid ""
 "    ^\n"
 "    |\n"
 "  tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b')\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "               HEAD竊덃뙁�묈늽�� 'master'竊�\n      e---f     |\n     /          v\na---b---c---d  branch 'master' 竊덃뙁�묉룓雅� 'd'竊�\n    ^\n    |\n  tag 'v2.0' (�뉐릲�먧벡 'b')\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:480
 #, priority:240
 msgid "It is important to realize that at this point nothing refers to commit `f`. Eventually commit `f` (and by extension commit `e`) will be deleted by the routine Git garbage collection process, unless we create a reference before that happens. If we have not yet moved away from commit `f`, any of these will create a reference to it:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띹쫨�꾣삸誤곫꼷瑥녶댆竊뚦쑉瓦쇾��밥툓竊뚧깹�됦뻣鵝뺝폊�ⓩ삸�뉐릲�먧벡`f`�꾠�귝�瀯덌펽�먧벡 `f`竊덁빳�딀룓雅� `e`竊됦폏熬� Git �꾡풃烏뚦엪�얍썮�띄쮮佯뤷닠�ㅿ펽�ㅹ씆�묇뺄�②퓳阿뗥뎺�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ폊�ⓦ�귛쫩�쒏닊餓ц퓲亦→쐣獵삣��먧벡 `f`竊뚥빳訝뗤뻣鵝뺜�訝ゆ뱧鵝쒒꺗鴉싧닗兩뷰�訝ゅ�若껆쉪凉뺟뵪竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:485
@@ -13690,25 +13690,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:490
 #, priority:240
 msgid "creates a new branch `foo`, which refers to commit `f`, and then updates `HEAD` to refer to branch `foo`. In other words, we'll no longer be in detached `HEAD` state after this command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠訝�訝ゆ뼭�꾢늽��`foo`竊뚧뙁�묉룓雅�`f`竊뚨꽫�롦쎍��`HEAD`竊뚧뙁�묈늽��`foo`�귝뜟�θ캕瑥댐펽瓦숁씉�썰빱阿뗥릮竊뚧닊餓у컛訝띶냽鸚꾡틢�녺┿��`HEAD`�뜻�곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:493
 #, priority:240
 msgid "similarly creates a new branch `foo`, which refers to commit `f`, but leaves `HEAD` detached."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "映삡세�꾬펽�쎾뻠訝�訝ゆ뼭�꾢늽��`foo`竊뚦츆�뉐릲�먧벡`f`竊뚥퐜弱�`HEAD`�녺┿�뷸씎��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:496
 #, priority:240
 msgid "creates a new tag `foo`, which refers to commit `f`, leaving `HEAD` detached."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠訝�訝ゆ뼭�꾣젃嶺�`foo`竊뚧뙁�묉룓雅�`f`竊뚩�`HEAD`鸚꾡틢�녺┿�뜻�곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:501
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If we have moved away from commit `f`, then we must first recover its object name (typically by using git reflog), and then we can create a reference to it. For example, to see the last two commits to which `HEAD` referred, we can use either of these commands:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�묇뺄藥꿰퍘獵삣�雅�`f'�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�d퉰�묇뺄恙낂』腰뽩뀍�℡쨳若껆쉪野배괌�띸㎞竊덆�싧만鵝욜뵪git reflog竊됵펽�뜹릮�묇뺄��빳�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ�若껆쉪凉뺟뵪�귚풃倻귨펽誤곫윥��`HEAD`�뉐릲�꾣��롣륵訝ゆ룓雅ㅿ펽�묇뺄��빳鵝욜뵪餓δ툔餓삡��썰빱竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:505
@@ -13722,21 +13722,21 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:508
-#, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "溫븀궧易덃�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:518
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When there is only one argument given and it is not `--` (e.g. `git checkout abc`), and when the argument is both a valid `<tree-ish>` (e.g. a branch `abc` exists) and a valid `<pathspec>` (e.g. a file or a directory whose name is \"abc\" exists), Git would usually ask you to disambiguate.  Because checking out a branch is so common an operation, however, `git checkout abc` takes \"abc\" as a `<tree-ish>` in such a situation.  Use `git checkout -- <pathspec>` if you want to checkout these paths out of the index."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볟룵�됦�訝ゅ뢿�겻툝訝띷삸`--`�띰펷堊뗥쫩`git checkout abc`竊됵펽壤볟뢿�경뿢��쐣�덄쉪`<�묊듁野배괌>`竊덁풃倻귛늽��`abc`耶섇쑉竊됧룉��쐣�덄쉪`<瓮�푶鰲꾥똽>`竊덁풃倻귝뻼餓뜻닑��퐬�꾢릫燁겻맏 \"abc \"耶섇쑉竊됵펽Git�싧만鴉싪쫨黎귚퐷瓦쏂죱�뷴늽��  �졽맏嶺얍눣�녷뵱��푽躍멱쭅�꾣뱧鵝쒙펽`git checkout abc`�②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔�� \"abc \"鵝쒍맏`<�묊듁野배괌>`��  倻귝옖鵝졿꺍餓롧뇨凉뺜릎嶺얍눣瓦쇾틳瓮�푶竊뚩�鵝욜뵪`git checkout --<瓮�푶鰲꾥똽>`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:525
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The following sequence checks out the `master` branch, reverts the `Makefile` to two revisions back, deletes `hello.c` by mistake, and gets it back from the index."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뗩씊�꾢틣�쀦��δ틙 \"master \"�녷뵱竊뚦컛 \"Makefile \"�℡쨳�겻륵訝や엶溫®뎵竊뚪뵗瑥�쑑�좈솮雅� \"hello.c\"竊뚦뭉餓롧뇨凉뺜릎�뽩썮若껁��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:531
@@ -13756,7 +13756,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:534
 #, priority:240
 msgid "switch branch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�됪떓�녷뵱"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:535 en/git-restore.txt:164
@@ -13768,13 +13768,13 @@ msgstr "弱녵�訝ゆ뻼餓뜸퍗�╊�訝ゆ룓雅ㅴ릎�뽩눣"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:536
 #, priority:240
 msgid "restore `hello.c` from the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓롧뇨凉뺜릎�℡쨳`hello.c`"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:539
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If you want to check out _all_ C source files out of the index, you can say"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖鵝졿꺍餓롧뇨凉뺜릎汝���_����_�껩繹먩뻼餓띰펽鵝졾룾餓θ퓳��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:542
@@ -13786,13 +13786,13 @@ msgstr "$ git checkout -- '*.c'\n"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:548
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Note the quotes around `*.c`.  The file `hello.c` will also be checked out, even though it is no longer in the working tree, because the file globbing is used to match entries in the index (not in the working tree by the shell)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "力ⓩ꼷 `*.c `�ⓨ쎍�꾢폊�룔��  �뉏뻑`hello.c`阿잌컛熬ユ��븝펽弱썹�若껃럴瀯뤶툖�ⓨ램鵝쒏젒訝�틙竊뚦썱訝뷸뻼餓띌�싮뀓寧�˙�ⓩ씎�백뀓榮℡폊訝�쉪�←쎅竊덁툖��램鵝쒎뙷訝�쉪shell竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:552
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If you have an unfortunate branch that is named `hello.c`, this step would be confused as an instruction to switch to that branch.  You should instead write:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖訝띶뭏鵝졿쐣訝�訝ゅ늽��˙�썲릫訝� \"hello.c\"竊뚩퓳訝�閭δ폏瑥��訝뷴늾�℡댆瑥ε늽��쉪�뉏빱��  鵝졾틪瑥θ퓳�룟넍竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:555
@@ -13804,7 +13804,7 @@ msgstr "$ git checkout -- hello.c\n"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:559 en/git-switch.txt:203
 #, priority:240
 msgid "After working in the wrong branch, switching to the correct branch would be done using:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�③뵗瑥�쉪�녷뵱藥δ퐳�롳펽�뉑뜟�경�簾�쉪�녷뵱弱녵슴�⑨폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:562
@@ -13816,7 +13816,7 @@ msgstr "$ git checkout mytopic\n"
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:567
 #, priority:240
 msgid "However, your \"wrong\" branch and correct `mytopic` branch may differ in files that you have modified locally, in which case the above checkout would fail like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띈�뚳펽鵝좂쉪 \"�숃�\"�녷뵱�뚧�簾�쉪`mytopic`�녷뵱��꺗�ⓧ퐷�у쑑岳�뵻�꾣뻼餓뜸릎耶섇쑉藥�펰竊뚦쑉瓦숂쭕�끻넻訝뗰펽訝딂염汝��뷰폏鸚김뇰竊뚦깗瓦숁졆竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:571
@@ -13832,7 +13832,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:575 en/git-switch.txt:219
 #, priority:240
 msgid "You can give the `-m` flag to the command, which would try a three-way merge:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝졾룾餓η퍢�썰빱�졽툓 `-m`�뉐퓱竊뚩퓳�룟갚��빳弱앲캊訝됪뼶�덂뭉雅놅폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:579
@@ -13848,13 +13848,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:584 en/git-switch.txt:228
 #, priority:240
 msgid "After this three-way merge, the local modifications are _not_ registered in your index file, so `git diff` would show you what changes you made since the tip of the new branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②퓳訝や툒�밧릦亮뜸퉳�롳펽�у쑑�꾡엶�밧뭉�뚧깹�됥�띸쇉溫겼쑉鵝좂쉪榮℡폊�뉏뻑訝�펽��餓�`git diff`鴉싨샑鹽뷰퐷�ⓩ뼭�녷뵱�꾣룓鹽뷰툔�싦틙�や틳岳�뵻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:587
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When a merge conflict happens during switching branches with the `-m` option, you would see something like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞슴��`-m`�됮」�뉑뜟�녷뵱�뜹룕�잌릦亮뜹넳囹곻펽鵝졽폏�뗥댆映삡세瓦숁졆�꾣깄�듸폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:593
@@ -13874,7 +13874,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:599
 #, priority:240
 msgid "At this point, `git diff` shows the changes cleanly merged as in the previous example, as well as the changes in the conflicted files.  Edit and resolve the conflict and mark it resolved with `git add` as usual:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②퓳訝��밥툓竊�`git diff`�양ㅊ雅녵툗�띺씊�꾡풃耶먧��룟묾���겼릦亮띄쉪岳�뵻竊뚥빳�듿넳囹곫뻼餓뜸릎�꾡엶�밤��  煐뽬풌亮띈㎗�녑넳囹곻펽溫⒴릮�뤷�躍멧��루뵪`git add`�뉓�藥꿱㎗�놂폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-checkout.txt:603
@@ -26101,7 +26101,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:27 en/merge-options.txt:93
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "--log[=<n>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "--log[=<n>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fmt-merge-msg.txt:33
@@ -26277,7 +26277,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:64 en/git-tag.txt:129
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Respect any colors specified in the `--format` option. The `<when>` field must be one of `always`, `never`, or `auto` (if `<when>` is absent, behave as if `always` was given)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱딃뇥`--format`�됮」訝�뙁若싩쉪餓삡퐬窯쒑돯��`<餓�阿덃뿶��>`耶쀦�恙낂』��`always`��`never`��`auto`阿뗤�竊덂쫩�쒏깹��`<餓�阿덃뿶��>`竊뚦닕烏①렟訝�`always`竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-for-each-ref.txt:65
@@ -29473,7 +29473,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-gui.txt:31 en/git-p4.txt:63 en/git-remote.txt:44 en/git-rerere.txt:32 en/git-shell.txt:25 en/git-stash.txt:51 en/git-submodule.txt:33 en/git-svn.txt:29 en/git-worktree.txt:65
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "COMMANDS"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�썰빱"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-gui.txt:32
@@ -35085,55 +35085,55 @@ msgstr "git-mergetool - Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge con
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:12
 #, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "'git mergetool' [--tool=<tool>] [-y | --[no-]prompt] [<file>...]\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git mergetool' [--tool=<藥ε끁>] [-y |-[no-]prompt] [<�뉏뻑>...] ��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:18
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Use `git mergetool` to run one of several merge utilities to resolve merge conflicts.  It is typically run after 'git merge'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪`git mergetool`�θ퓧烏뚦뇿訝ゅ릦亮뜹램�룝릎�꾡�訝ゆ씎鰲e넶�덂뭉�꿰챳��  若껈�싧만�� \"git merge \"阿뗥릮瓦먫죱��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:24
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If one or more <file> parameters are given, the merge tool program will be run to resolve differences on each file (skipping those without conflicts).  Specifying a directory will include all unresolved files in that path.  If no <file> names are specified, 'git mergetool' will run the merge tool program on every file with merge conflicts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖瀯쇿눣訝�訝ゆ닑鸚싦릉<�뉏뻑>�귝빊竊뚦릦亮뜹램�루쮮佯뤶폏瓦먫죱餓θ㎗�녔캀訝ゆ뻼餓띄쉪藥�펰竊덅럼瓦뉔궍雅쎿깹�됧넳囹곭쉪�뉏뻑竊됥��  �뉐츣訝�訝ょ쎅壤뺝컛�끾떖瑥θ러孃꾡릎���됪쑋鰲e넶�꾣뻼餓뜰��  倻귝옖亦→쐣�뉐츣<�뉏뻑>�띸㎞竊�'git mergetool'弱녶�驪뤶릉�됧릦亮뜹넳囹곭쉪�뉏뻑瓦먫죱�덂뭉藥ε끁葉뗥틣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:33
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Use the merge resolution program specified by <tool>.  Valid values include emerge, gvimdiff, kdiff3, meld, vimdiff, and tortoisemerge. Run `git mergetool --tool-help` for the list of valid <tool> settings."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪��<藥ε끁>�뉐츣�꾢릦亮띈㎗�녕쮮佯뤵��  �됪븞�쇔똿�� emerge�갾vimdiff�걃diff3�걅eld�걐imdiff �� tortoisemerge�귟퓧烏�`git mergetool --tool-help`餓θ렩孃쀦쐣�덄쉪<藥ε끁>溫양쉰�쀨〃��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:38
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If a merge resolution program is not specified, 'git mergetool' will use the configuration variable `merge.tool`.  If the configuration variable `merge.tool` is not set, 'git mergetool' will pick a suitable default."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖亦→쐣�뉐츣�덂뭉鰲e넶葉뗥틣竊�'git mergetool'弱녵슴�③뀓營�룜��`merge.tool`��  倻귝옖�띸쉰�섌뇧`merge.tool`亦→쐣溫양쉰竊�'git mergetool'弱녻눎烏뚧뙌�됦�訝ゅ릦�귞쉪葉뗥틣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:44
 #, priority:240
 msgid "You can explicitly provide a full path to the tool by setting the configuration variable `mergetool.<tool>.path`. For example, you can configure the absolute path to kdiff3 by setting `mergetool.kdiff3.path`. Otherwise, 'git mergetool' assumes the tool is available in PATH."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝졾룾餓ι�싪퓝溫양쉰�띸쉰�섌뇧`mergetool.<藥ε끁>.path`�ζ삇簾�룓堊쎾램�루쉪若뚧빐瓮�푶�귚풃倻귨펽鵝졾룾餓ι�싪퓝溫양쉰`mergetool.kdiff3.path`�ι뀓營췮diff3�꾤퍦野배러孃꾠�귛맔�숋펽\"git mergetool\"鴉싧걞若싪�藥ε끁�쭾ATH訝�뀓營�퓝��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:49
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Instead of running one of the known merge tool programs, 'git mergetool' can be customized to run an alternative program by specifying the command line to invoke in a configuration variable `mergetool.<tool>.cmd`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싪퓝�③뀓營�룜��`mergetool.<藥ε끁>.cmd`訝�뙁若싪컘�①쉪�썰빱烏뚳펽'git mergetool'��빳餓f쎘瓦먫죱訝�訝ゅ럴�η쉪�덂뭉藥ε끁葉뗥틣竊뚥퍗�뚧뙁若싪퓧烏뚦룱訝�訝ょ쮮佯뤵��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:60
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When 'git mergetool' is invoked with this tool (either through the `-t` or `--tool` option or the `merge.tool` configuration variable) the configured command line will be invoked with `$BASE` set to the name of a temporary file containing the common base for the merge, if available; `$LOCAL` set to the name of a temporary file containing the contents of the file on the current branch; `$REMOTE` set to the name of a temporary file containing the contents of the file to be merged, and `$MERGED` set to the name of the file to which the merge tool should write the result of the merge resolution."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤�'git mergetool'訝롨�藥ε끁訝�壅룩˙瘟껆뵪�띰펷�싪퓝`-t`��`--tool`�됮」��`merge.tool`�띸쉰�섌뇧竊됵펽�띸쉰�꾢뫝餓ㅸ죱弱녻˙瘟껆뵪竊�`$BASE`熬ヨ�營�맏訝닸뿶�뉏뻑�꾢릫燁곤펽�끻맜�덂뭉�꾢뀻�뚦읃簾�竊덂쫩�쒏쐣�꾥캕竊됵폑`$LOCAL`熬ヨ�營�맏�끻맜壤볟뎺�녷뵱訝딁쉪�뉏뻑�끻��꾡릿�뜻뻼餓뜹릫燁곤폑`$REMOTE`熬ヨ�營�맏�끻맜誤곩릦亮뜻뻼餓뜹냵若밭쉪訝닸뿶�뉏뻑�띸㎞竊뚥빳�듿릦亮뜹램�룟틪瑥ε컛�덂뭉�꾤퍜�쒎넍��`$MERGED`溫양쉰�꾣뻼餓뜸릎��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:66
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If the custom merge tool correctly indicates the success of a merge resolution with its exit code, then the configuration variable `mergetool.<tool>.trustExitCode` can be set to `true`.  Otherwise, 'git mergetool' will prompt the user to indicate the success of the resolution after the custom tool has exited."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�ゅ츣阿됧릦亮뜹램�룩꺗鸚잍�簾�쑑�ⓨ끀���뷰빰�곫뙁鹽뷴릦亮뜻닇�잞펽�d퉰�띸쉰�섌뇧`mergetool.<藥ε끁>.trustExitCode`��빳熬ヨ�營�맏`true`��  ��닕竊�'git mergetool'弱녶쑉�ⓩ댎�②눎若싦퉱藥ε끁���뷴릮烏ⓩ삇鰲e넶�먨뒣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:69
@@ -35145,13 +35145,13 @@ msgstr "�볟뜲�뷴룾餓ε뭽\"--tool\"�썰빱訝�壅룝슴�①쉪merge藥ε끁�쀨〃��"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:77
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Don't prompt before each invocation of the merge resolution program.  This is the default if the merge resolution program is explicitly specified with the `--tool` option or with the `merge.tool` configuration variable."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓩ캀轝↑컘�ⓨ릦亮띈㎗�녕쮮佯뤶퉳�띴툖鴉싨룓鹽뷩��  倻귝옖��`--tool`�됮」��`merge.tool`�띸쉰�섌뇧�롧‘�뉐츣雅녶릦亮띈㎗�녕쮮佯륅펽容섋�弱길삸瓦숂쭕�싨퀡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:81
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Prompt before each invocation of the merge resolution program to give the user a chance to skip the path."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓩ캀轝↑컘�ⓨ릦亮띈㎗�녕쮮佯뤷뎺�먪ㅊ竊뚩��ⓩ댎�됪쑛鴉싪럼瓦뉓�瓮�푶��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:83
@@ -35163,7 +35163,7 @@ msgstr "--gui"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:89
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When 'git-mergetool' is invoked with the `-g` or `--gui` option the default merge tool will be read from the configured `merge.guitool` variable instead of `merge.tool`. If `merge.guitool` is not set, we will fallback to the tool configured under `merge.tool`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤�'git-mergetool'餓�`-g`��`--gui`�됮」瘟껆뵪�띰펽容섋��꾢릦亮뜹램�룟컛餓롩뀓營�쉪`merge.guitool`�섌뇧瑥삣룚竊뚩�뚥툖��`merge.tool`�귛쫩��`merge.guitool`亦→쐣溫양쉰竊똤it弱녵폏鵝욜뵪`merge.tool`�띸쉰�꾢램�룔��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:90
@@ -35175,37 +35175,37 @@ msgstr "--no-gui"
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:94
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This overrides a previous `-g` or `--gui` setting and reads the default merge tool will be read from the configured `merge.tool` variable."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇿컛誤녺썣阿뗥뎺��`-g`��`-gui`溫양쉰竊뚦뭉弱녵퍗�띸쉰��`merge.tool`�섌뇧瑥삣룚容섋��꾢릦亮뜹램�룔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:101
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Process files in the order specified in the <orderfile>, which has one shell glob pattern per line.  This overrides the `diff.orderFile` configuration variable (see linkgit:git-config[1]).  To cancel `diff.orderFile`, use `-O/dev/null`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�됬뀱 <窈뷴틣�뉏뻑> 訝�뙁若싩쉪窈뷴틣鸚꾤릤�뉏뻑竊뚧캀烏뚧쐣訝�訝� shell�백뀓與▼폀��  瓦쇾폏誤녺썣 `diff.orderFile` �띸쉰�꾢룜�륅펷鰲� linkgit:git-config[1]竊됥��  ��빳鵝욜뵪鵝욜뵪 `-O/dev/null`�뽪텋 `diff.orderFile`��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:111
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝닸뿶�뉏뻑"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:115
 #, priority:240
 msgid "`git mergetool` creates `*.orig` backup files while resolving merges.  These are safe to remove once a file has been merged and its `git mergetool` session has completed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`git mergetool`�②㎗�녑릦亮띌뿮窯섉뿶�쎾뻠`*.orig`鸚뉏뻥�뉏뻑��  訝���뻼餓띈˙�덂뭉竊뚦뭉訝붷끀`git mergetool`鴉싪캕若뚧닇竊뚩퓳雅쎿뻼餓뜹갚��빳若됧뀲�겼닠�ㅳ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:119
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Setting the `mergetool.keepBackup` configuration variable to `false` causes `git mergetool` to automatically remove the backup as files are successfully merged."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱�`mergetool.keepBackup`�띸쉰�섌뇧溫양쉰訝�`false`鴉싦슴`git mergetool`�ⓩ뻼餓뜻닇�잌릦亮뜹릮�ゅ뒯�좈솮鸚뉏뻥��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:121
-#, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�롧ク�밧츣�먪ㅊ"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-mergetool.txt:124 en/mergetools-merge.txt:29
@@ -35725,7 +35725,7 @@ msgstr "git-merge - Join two or more development histories together"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:18
-#, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid ""
 "'git merge' [-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit]\n"
 "\t[--no-verify] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]]\n"
@@ -35733,19 +35733,19 @@ msgid ""
 "\t[--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [-F <file>]\n"
 "\t[--into-name <branch>] [<commit>...]\n"
 "'git merge' (--continue | --abort | --quit)\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git merge' [-n] [-stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit] [--[no-] edit\n\t[--no-verify] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]] ��\n\t[--[no-]allow-unrelated-histories] [--[no-]allow-unrelated-histories]��\n\t[--[no-]reer-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [-F <file>] ��\n\t[--into-name <branch>] [<commit>...竊�\n'git merge' (--continue |-abort |-quit)\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:26
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Incorporates changes from the named commits (since the time their histories diverged from the current branch) into the current branch.  This command is used by 'git pull' to incorporate changes from another repository and can be used by hand to merge changes from one branch into another."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녷뙁若싩쉪�먧벡�끻�竊덁퍗若껂뺄�꾢럣�꿜툗壤볟뎺�녷뵱�멨늽獵삥뿶壅뤄펹亮뜹뀯壤볟뎺�녷뵱��  瓦숁씉�썰빱熬� \"git pull \"�ⓩ씎�덂뭉�╊�訝や퍜佯볡쉪�밧뒯竊뚥튋��빳�ⓩ뎸弱녵�訝ゅ늽��쉪�밧뒯�덂뭉�겼룱訝�訝ゅ늽����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:29 en/git-pull.txt:43
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Assume the following history exists and the current branch is \"`master`\":"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉓�耶섇쑉餓δ툔�녶뤁竊뚥툝壤볟뎺�녷뵱訝�\"`master`\"竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:34
@@ -35754,13 +35754,13 @@ msgid ""
 "\t  A---B---C topic\n"
 "\t /\n"
 "    D---E---F---G master\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\t  A---B---C topic\n\t /\n    D---E---F---G master\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:42
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Then \"`git merge topic`\" will replay the changes made on the `topic` branch since it diverged from `master` (i.e., `E`) until its current commit (`C`) on top of `master`, and record the result in a new commit along with the names of the two parent commits and a log message from the user describing the changes. Before the operation, `ORIG_HEAD` is set to the tip of the current branch (`C`)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뜹릮\"`git merge topic`\"弱녽뇥��`topic`�녷뵱餓�`master`竊덂뜵`E`竊됧늽役곩댆`master`阿뗤툓�꾢퐪�띷룓雅ㅿ펷`C`竊됪��싩쉪岳�뵻竊뚦뭉弱녺퍜�쒍툗訝ㅴ릉�뜻룓雅ㅷ쉪�띸㎞�뚨뵪�룡룒瓦겻엶�밭쉪�ε퓱岳→겘訝�壅룩�壤뺝쑉訝�訝ゆ뼭�먧벡訝��귛쑉�띴퐳阿뗥뎺竊�`ORIG_HEAD`熬ヨ�營�맏壤볟뎺�녷뵱竊�`C`竊됬쉪窈띄ク��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:47
@@ -35769,13 +35769,13 @@ msgid ""
 "\t  A---B---C topic\n"
 "\t /         \\\n"
 "    D---E---F---G---H master\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\t  A---B---C topic\n\t /         \\\n    D---E---F---G---H master\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:56
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The second syntax (\"`git merge --abort`\") can only be run after the merge has resulted in conflicts. 'git merge --abort' will abort the merge process and try to reconstruct the pre-merge state. However, if there were uncommitted changes when the merge started (and especially if those changes were further modified after the merge was started), 'git merge --abort' will in some cases be unable to reconstruct the original (pre-merge) changes. Therefore:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "寧т틠燁띹�力뺧펷\"`git merge --abort`\"竊됧룵�썲쑉�덂뭉野쇠눜�꿰챳�롨퓧烏뚣��\"git merge --abort\"弱녵릎閭℡릦亮띈퓝葉뗰펽亮뜹컼瑥뺡뇥兩뷴릦亮뜹뎺�꾤듁�곥�귞꽫�뚳펽倻귝옖�덂뭉凉�冶뗦뿶�됪쑋�먧벡�꾡엶�뱄펷�밧닽��쫩�쒑퓳雅쎽엶�밧쑉�덂뭉凉�冶뗥릮熬ヨ퓵訝�閭δ엶�뱄펹竊�'git merge --abort'�ⓩ윇雅쎿깄�듕툔弱녷뿞力뺡뇥兩뷴렅冶뗰펷�덂뭉�랃펹岳�뵻�귛썱閭ㅿ폏"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:60
@@ -35784,25 +35784,25 @@ msgid ""
 "*Warning*: Running 'git merge' with non-trivial uncommitted changes is\n"
 "discouraged: while possible, it may leave you in a state that is hard to\n"
 "back out of in the case of a conflict.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*鈺�몜*竊싧쑉�욇뇥誤곭쉪�ゆ룓雅ㅷ쉪岳�뵻訝�퓧烏� \"git merge \"��툖��룚�꾠��\n訝띺폆�김퓳�룟걳竊싪쇋�뜻쐣��꺗竊뚥퐜若껃룾�썰폏溫⒳퐷鸚꾡틢訝�訝ゅ푽�얍쑉�꿰챳訝�걿鸚띸쉪�뜻�곥��\n亮뜸툝倻귝옖�묊뵟�꿰챳�꾥캕鴉싧쨪雅롣�訝ゅ푽�얗���븀쉪�뜻�곥��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:63
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The third syntax (\"`git merge --continue`\") can only be run after the merge has resulted in conflicts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "寧т툒燁띹�力뺧펷\"`git merge --continue`\"竊됧룵�썲쑉�덂뭉野쇠눜�꿰챳�롨퓧烏뚣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:73
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Set the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is created)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "溫양쉰�ⓧ틢�덂뭉�먧벡�꾣룓雅ㅴ에��펷倻귝옖�쎾뻠雅녵�訝ょ쉪瑥앾펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:76 en/git-merge.txt:93
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If `--log` is specified, a shortlog of the commits being merged will be appended to the specified message."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�뉐츣雅�`--log`竊뚧��ⓨ릦亮띄쉪�먧벡�꾤���뿥恙쀥컛熬ラ셿�졾댆�뉐츣�꾣텋��릎��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:80
@@ -35814,31 +35814,31 @@ msgstr "The 'git fmt-merge-msg' command can be used to give a good default for a
 #: en/git-merge.txt:85
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Prepare the default merge message as if merging to the branch `<branch>`, instead of the name of the real branch to which the merge is made."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�녶쨭容섋��꾢릦亮뜸에��펽弱긷깗�덂뭉�겼늽��`<�녷뵱>`訝��뤄펽�뚥툖��쐿閭h쫨�덂뭉�꾢늽��릫燁겹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:90
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Read the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is created)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥삣룚�ⓧ틢�덂뭉�먧벡�꾣룓雅ㅴ에��펷倻귝옖�쎾뻠雅놅펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:100
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Silently overwrite ignored files from the merge result. This is the default behavior. Use `--no-overwrite-ignore` to abort."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "容섋�鴉싮쓾容섇쑑誤녺썣�덂뭉瀯볠옖訝�˙恙썹븼�꾣뻼餓뜰�귚슴��`--no-overwrite-ignore`�η퍑閭㏂��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:105
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Abort the current conflict resolution process, and try to reconstruct the pre-merge state. If an autostash entry is present, apply it to the worktree."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝��壤볟뎺�꾢넳囹곮㎗�녘퓝葉뗰펽亮뜹컼瑥뺡뇥兩뷴릦亮뜹뎺�꾤듁�곥�귛램鵝쒎뙷鴉싪눎�ⓨ틪�②눎�ⓨ춼�ⓩ씉����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:110
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If there were uncommitted worktree changes present when the merge started, 'git merge --abort' will in some cases be unable to reconstruct these changes. It is therefore recommended to always commit or stash your changes before running 'git merge'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�덂뭉凉�冶뗦뿶�됪쑋�먧벡�꾢램鵝쒎뙷�섇뙑竊�'git merge --abort'�ⓩ윇雅쎿깄�듕툔弱녷뿞力뺡뇥�계퓳雅쎾룜�뽧�귛썱閭ㅿ펽兩븃��②퓧烏�'git merge'阿뗥뎺竊뚥�若싪쫨�먧벡�뽩궓耶섆퐷�꾡엶�밤��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:116
@@ -35850,157 +35850,157 @@ msgstr "'git merge --abort' is equivalent to 'git reset --merge' when `MERGE_HEA
 #: en/git-merge.txt:121
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Forget about the current merge in progress. Leave the index and the working tree as-is. If `MERGE_AUTOSTASH` is present, the stash entry will be saved to the stash list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "恙섋�壤볟뎺閭e쑉瓦쏂죱�꾢릦亮뜰�귟�榮℡폊�뚦램鵝쒎뙷岳앮똻�잍졆�귛쫩��`MERGE_AUTOSTASH`耶섇쑉竊뚦궓�뤷틩�←쎅弱녻˙岳앭춼�겼궓�뤷틩�쀨〃��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:126
 #, priority:240
 msgid "After a 'git merge' stops due to conflicts you can conclude the merge by running 'git merge --continue' (see \"HOW TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS\" section below)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�� \"git merge \"�졾넳囹곮�뚦걶閭℡릮竊뚥퐷��빳�싪퓝瓦먫죱 \"git merge --continue \"�η퍜�잌퐪�띶릦亮띰펷鰲곦툔�� \"倻귚퐬鰲e넶�꿰챳\"�ⓨ늽竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:131
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Commits, usually other branch heads, to merge into our branch.  Specifying more than one commit will create a merge with more than two parents (affectionately called an Octopus merge)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�먧벡竊뚪�싧만��끀餓뽩늽��킓兀d볶竊뚦릦亮뜹댆�묇뺄�꾢늽��릎�� �뉐츣鸚싦릉�먧벡弱녶닗兩뷴끁�됦륵訝や빳訝딁댍窈밭쉪�덂뭉竊덁볏�뉐쑑燁겻맏�ョ닼/鸚싪러�덂뭉竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:135
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If no commit is given from the command line, merge the remote-tracking branches that the current branch is configured to use as its upstream.  See also the configuration section of this manual page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�썰빱烏뚧깹�됬퍢�뷸룓雅ㅿ펽�쇿릦亮뜹퐪�띶늽��˙�띸쉰訝뷰툓歷며쉪瓦쒐쮮瓮잒릉�녷뵱��  �귟쭅�ф뎸�뚪〉�꾦뀓營�깿�녴��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:139
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When `FETCH_HEAD` (and no other commit) is specified, the branches recorded in the `.git/FETCH_HEAD` file by the previous invocation of `git fetch` for merging are merged to the current branch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볠뙁若�`FETCH_HEAD`竊덃깹�됧끀餓뽪룓雅ㅿ펹�띰펽阿뗥뎺瘟껆뵪 `git fetch`瓦쏂죱�덂뭉�띈�壤뺝쑉`.git/FETCH_HEAD`�뉏뻑訝�쉪�녷뵱鴉싪˙�덂뭉�겼퐪�띶늽����"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:142
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�덂뭉�띷���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:150
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Before applying outside changes, you should get your own work in good shape and committed locally, so it will not be clobbered if there are conflicts.  See also linkgit:git-stash[1].  'git pull' and 'git merge' will stop without doing anything when local uncommitted changes overlap with files that 'git pull'/'git merge' may need to update."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ틪�ⓨ쨼�①쉪岳�뵻阿뗥뎺竊뚥퐷佯붻��딂눎藥긺쉪藥δ퐳�싧�竊뚦뭉�ⓩ쑍�경룓雅ㅿ펽瓦숁졆�ⓩ쐣�꿰챳�꾣뿶�쇿갚訝띴폏熬ユ돀阿긴틙��  �귟쭅 linkgit:git-stash[1]��  \"git pul \"�� \"git merge \"鴉싧쑉�у쑑�ゆ룓雅ㅷ쉪岳�뵻訝� \"git pull\"/\"git merge \"��꺗��誤곫쎍�곁쉪�뉏뻑�띶룧�뜸폏訝띶걳餓삡퐬�띴퐳竊뚨쳦�녑걶閭㏂��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:156
 #, priority:240
 msgid "To avoid recording unrelated changes in the merge commit, 'git pull' and 'git merge' will also abort if there are any changes registered in the index relative to the `HEAD` commit.  (Special narrow exceptions to this rule may exist depending on which merge strategy is in use, but generally, the index must match HEAD.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뷰틙�욕뀓�ⓨ릦亮뜻룓雅ㅴ릎溫겼퐬訝띸쎑�녕쉪�섇뙑竊�'git pull'��'git merge'阿잋폏�①쎑野밥틢`HEAD`�먧벡�꾤뇨凉뺜릎耶섇쑉餓삡퐬�섇뙑�뜸릎閭㏂��  (�방뜮鵝욜뵪�꾢릦亮띄춺�ο펽瓦쇾�鰲꾢닕��꺗耶섇쑉�방츏�꾤떗阿됦풃鸚뽳펽鵝녵��ф씎瑥댐펽榮℡폊恙낂』訝랧EAD�멨뙶�띲��)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:159
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If all named commits are already ancestors of `HEAD`, 'git merge' will exit early with the message \"Already up to date.\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖���됧뫝�띸쉪�먧벡�썲럴瀯뤸삸`HEAD`�꾤쪝�덌펽'git merge'弱녷룓�띺���븝펽�먪ㅊ \"藥꿰퍘����곁쉪��\""
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:161
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "恙ヨ퓵凉뤷릦亮�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:171
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Often the current branch head is an ancestor of the named commit.  This is the most common case especially when invoked from 'git pull': you are tracking an upstream repository, you have committed no local changes, and now you want to update to a newer upstream revision.  In this case, a new commit is not needed to store the combined history; instead, the `HEAD` (along with the index) is updated to point at the named commit, without creating an extra merge commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싧만�끻넻訝뗰펽壤볟뎺�꾢늽��ㅄ��뙁若싨룓雅ㅷ쉪曄뽩뀍��  瓦숁삸��躍멱쭅�꾣깄�듸펽�밧닽��퐪餓�'git pull'瘟껆뵪�띰폏鵝졿��②퇎甕や�訝や툓歷멧퍜佯볩펽鵝졿깹�됪룓雅ㅶ쑍�곁쉪岳�뵻竊뚨렟�ⓧ퐷�녔쎍�겼댆訝�訝ゆ쎍�곁쉪訝딀만�덃쑍��  �②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚥툖��誤곫뼭�꾣룓雅ㅶ씎耶섇궓�덂뭉�녶뤁竊쏁쎑�랃펽`HEAD`竊덅퓹�뚨뇨凉뺧펹熬ユ쎍�겻맏�뉐릲�뉐츣�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�뚥툖��誤곩닗兩븅쥫鸚뽫쉪�덂뭉�먧벡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:173
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This behavior can be suppressed with the `--no-ff` option."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숂쭕烏뚥맏��빳�싪퓝`--no-ff`�됮」�ζ뒔�뜰��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:175
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "TRUE MERGE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "閭g‘�꾢릦亮�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:180
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Except in a fast-forward merge (see above), the branches to be merged must be tied together by a merge commit that has both of them as its parents."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ㅴ틙恙ヨ퓵�덂뭉竊덅쭅訝딀뻼竊됵펽熬ュ릦亮띄쉪�녷뵱恙낂』�긴�訝や빳若껂뺄訝ㅴ릉訝븀댍�녷뵱�꾢릦亮뜻룓雅ㅶ뜂瀯묈쑉訝�壅룔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:185
 #, priority:240
 msgid "A merged version reconciling the changes from all branches to be merged is committed, and your `HEAD`, index, and working tree are updated to it.  It is possible to have modifications in the working tree as long as they do not overlap; the update will preserve them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝�訝よ컘�뚥틙���됭쫨�덂뭉�꾢늽��쉪岳�뵻�꾢릦亮띄뎵�ц˙�먧벡竊뚥퐷��`HEAD`�곭뇨凉뺝뭽藥δ퐳�뷴컛�닸뼭�계퓳訝ょ뎵�с��  �ⓨ램鵝쒎뙷訝�룾餓ζ쐣訝�雅쎽엶�뱄펽�よ쫨若껂뺄訝띺뇥�좑폑�닸뼭弱녵퓷�숃퓳雅쎽엶�밤��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:188
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When it is not obvious how to reconcile the changes, the following happens:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞툖歷끾쪡倻귚퐬瘟껃뭽瓦쇾틳�섇뙑�띰펽弱긴폏�묊뵟餓δ툔�끻넻竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:190
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The `HEAD` pointer stays the same."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`HEAD`�꾣뙁�덁퓷�곦툖�섅��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:191
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The `MERGE_HEAD` ref is set to point to the other branch head."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`MERGE_HEAD`�귝빊熬ヨ�營�맏�뉐릲�╊�訝ゅ늽��ㅄ�ⓦ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:193
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Paths that merged cleanly are updated both in the index file and in your working tree."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�덂뭉亮꿨��꾥러孃꾢쑉榮℡폊�뉏뻑�뚥퐷�꾢램鵝쒎뙷訝�꺗�닸뼭雅녴��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:199
 #, priority:240
 msgid "For conflicting paths, the index file records up to three versions: stage 1 stores the version from the common ancestor, stage 2 from `HEAD`, and stage 3 from `MERGE_HEAD` (you can inspect the stages with `git ls-files -u`).  The working tree files contain the result of the \"merge\" program; i.e. 3-way merge results with familiar conflict markers `<<<` `===` `>>>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밥틢�꿰챳�꾥러孃꾬펽榮℡폊�뉏뻑��鸚싪�壤뺜툒訝ょ뎵�э폏寧�1�뜻�耶섇궓�θ눎�긷릪曄뽩뀍�꾤뎵�э펽寧�2�뜻��θ눎`HEAD`竊뚨К3�뜻��θ눎`MERGE_HEAD`竊덁퐷��빳��`git ls-files -u`汝��θ퓳雅쏃샄餘듸펹��  藥δ퐳�뷸뻼餓뜹똿�ヤ틙\"�덂뭉\"葉뗥틣�꾤퍜�쒙폑�녑를�됬넖�됬쉪�꿰챳�뉓�`<<<` `===``>>>`�꾡툒�밧릦亮띄퍜�쒌��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:203
 #, priority:240
 msgid "No other changes are made.  In particular, the local modifications you had before you started merge will stay the same and the index entries for them stay as they were, i.e. matching `HEAD`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "亦→쐣�뜸퍟�섇뙑��  �밧닽��펽鵝졾쑉凉�冶뗥릦亮뜸퉳�띸쉪�у쑑岳�뵻弱녵퓷�곦툖�섓펽若껂뺄�꾤뇨凉뺞씉��퓷�곩렅�뤄펽�녑뙶��`HEAD`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:206
 #, priority:240
 msgid "If you tried a merge which resulted in complex conflicts and want to start over, you can recover with `git merge --abort`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖鵝졾컼瑥뺟쉪�덂뭉野쇠눜雅녶쨳�귞쉪�꿰챳竊뚦뭉�녜뇥�겼�冶뗰펽鵝졾룾餓η뵪`git merge --abort`�℡쨳��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:208
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "MERGING TAG"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�덂뭉�뉒�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:215
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When merging an annotated (and possibly signed) tag, Git always creates a merge commit even if a fast-forward merge is possible, and the commit message template is prepared with the tag message.  Additionally, if the tag is signed, the signature check is reported as a comment in the message template. See also linkgit:git-tag[1]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볟릦亮뜸�訝ゆ쐣力③뇢�꾬펷��꺗��쐣嶺얍릫�꾬펹�뉒��띰펽�념슴��빳瓦쏂죱恙ラ�잌릦亮띰펽Git阿잋폏�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ릦亮뜻룓雅ㅿ펽亮뜸툝鴉싦�壅룟뇛鸚뉑룓雅ㅶ텋��Æ�욕뭽�뉒�易덃겘��  閭ㅵ쨼竊뚦쫩�쒏젃嶺얏쐣嶺얍릫竊뚨��띷��δ폏�ⓩ텋��Æ�요릎鵝쒍맏力③뇢�ε몜�귛뢿鰲� linkgit:git-tag[1]��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:219
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When you want to just integrate with the work leading to the commit that happens to be tagged, e.g. synchronizing with an upstream release point, you may not want to make an unnecessary merge commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞퐷�ゆ꺍訝롦겙也썼˙�뉓��꾣룓雅ㅷ쉪藥δ퐳�닷릦�띰펽驪붷쫩瑥답툗訝딀만�묈툋�밧릪閭ο펽鵝졾룾�썰툖�녑걳訝�訝や툖恙낁쫨�꾢릦亮뜻룓雅ㅳ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:223
 #, priority:240
 msgid "In such a case, you can \"unwrap\" the tag yourself before feeding it to `git merge`, or pass `--ff-only` when you do not have any work on your own. e.g."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚥퐷��빳�ⓩ뒍�뉒��곩뀯`git merge`阿뗥뎺�ゅ런 \"鰲e똿\"竊뚧닑�끻쑉�ゅ런亦→쐣餓삡퐬藥δ퐳�꾣뿶�숃�營�`--ff-only`竊뚦쫩訝뗤풃��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:228
@@ -36009,25 +36009,25 @@ msgid ""
 "git fetch origin\n"
 "git merge v1.2.3^0\n"
 "git merge --ff-only v1.2.3\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git fetch origin\ngit merge v1.2.3^0\ngit merge --ff-only v1.2.3\n"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:232
-#, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�꿰챳��쫩鵝뺝눣�곁쉪"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:241
 #, priority:240
 msgid "During a merge, the working tree files are updated to reflect the result of the merge.  Among the changes made to the common ancestor's version, non-overlapping ones (that is, you changed an area of the file while the other side left that area intact, or vice versa) are incorporated in the final result verbatim.  When both sides made changes to the same area, however, Git cannot randomly pick one side over the other, and asks you to resolve it by leaving what both sides did to that area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ릦亮띈퓝葉뗤릎竊뚦램鵝쒎뙷�뉏뻑熬ユ쎍�겻빳�띷삝�덂뭉�꾤퍜�쒌��  �ⓨ��긷릪曄뽩뀍�꾤뎵�ф��싩쉪岳�뵻訝�펽�욇뇥�좂쉪岳�뵻竊덂뜵鵝졿뵻�섆틙�뉏뻑�꾣윇訝ゅ뙷�잞펽�뚦룱訝��밧닕岳앯븰雅녻��뷴윜竊뚦룏阿뗤벧�띰펹鴉싪˙�먨춻瀛녑뀯��瀯덄퍜�쒍릎��  �띈�뚳펽壤볟룎�백꺗野밧릪訝��뷴윜瓦쏂죱雅녵엶�방뿶竊똆it訝띹꺗�뤸쑛�곈�됪떓訝��배�뚥툖��룱訝��뱄펽�뚧삸誤곫콆鵝좈�싪퓝岳앯븰�뚧뼶野배��뷴윜�꾡엶�방씎鰲e넶瓦쇾릉��쥦��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:244
 #, priority:240
 msgid "By default, Git uses the same style as the one used by the \"merge\" program from the RCS suite to present such a conflicted hunk, like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽Git鵝욜뵪訝랹CS也쀤뻑訝�쉪 \"merge\"葉뗥틣�멨릪�꾣졆凉뤸씎�덄렟瓦숁졆訝�訝ゆ쐣�꿰챳�꾢ㄷ�쀯펽�뤺퓳�뤄폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:256
@@ -36043,25 +36043,25 @@ msgid ""
 "Git makes conflict resolution easy.\n"
 ">>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n"
 "And here is another line that is cleanly resolved or unmodified.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숅뇤��툗�긷릪�꾤쪝�덄쎑驪붹깹�됧룜�뽫쉪烏뚣��\n曄뽩뀍亦→쐣�섇뙑竊뚧닑�끻썱訝뷴룵�됦��밧룕�잋틙�섇뙑�뚦풓�겼묾���꾥㎗�녈��\n�뽬�끻썱訝뷰륵渦백꺗�됬쎑�뚨쉪�섇뙑�뚩˙亮꿨��계㎗�념틙��\n<<<<<<< yours:sample.txt\n�꿰챳�꾥㎗�녔삸�곈슻�꾬폑\n溫⒵닊餓у렮兀�돥�㎯��\n=======\nGit溫⒴넳囹곮㎗�녑룜孃쀧��뺛��\n>>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n�뚩퓳�뚧삸�╊�烏뚦묾���⑵맼�꾥㎗�녔닑�や엶�밭쉪�끻���\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:261
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The area where a pair of conflicting changes happened is marked with markers `<<<<<<<`, `=======`, and `>>>>>>>`.  The part before the `=======` is typically your side, and the part afterwards is typically their side."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묊뵟訝�野밧넳囹곩룜�뽫쉪�뷴윜熬ユ젃溫겻맏`<<<<<<<`��`=======`��`>>>>>>>`��  `=======`阿뗥뎺�꾦깿�녽�싧만��퐷�싩쉪岳�뵻竊뚩�뚥퉳�롧쉪�ⓨ늽�싧만��닽雅븀쉪岳�뵻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:267
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The default format does not show what the original said in the conflicting area.  You cannot tell how many lines are deleted and replaced with Barbie's remark on your side.  The only thing you can tell is that your side wants to say it is hard and you'd prefer to go shopping, while the other side wants to claim it is easy."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "容섋��꾣졏凉뤷뭉訝띷샑鹽뷴렅�뉐쑉�꿰챳�븃�雅녵�阿덀��  鵝졿뿞力뺟윥�볠쐣鸚싧컩烏뚩˙�좈솮竊뚦뭉熬ユ쎘�€닇鵝졿뼶�꾥뒴驪붷쮦夜껆쉪鼇�溫뷩��  鵝졾뵱訝��썹윥�볡쉪��펽鵝졿뼶�녘�瓦쇿푽�억펽鵝졿쎍�욘꼷�삭눌�⑼펽�뚦룱訝��밧닕�녘�瓦쇿푽若방삌��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:271
 #, priority:240
 msgid "An alternative style can be used by setting the \"merge.conflictStyle\" configuration variable to either \"diff3\" or \"zdiff3\".  In \"diff3\" style, the above conflict may look like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싪퓝弱� \"merge.conflictStyle \"�띸쉰�섌뇧溫양쉰訝� \"diff3 \"�� \"zdiff3\"竊뚦룾餓δ슴�ⓨ룱訝�燁띺즼�쇈��  �� \"diff3 \"繇롦졏訝�펽訝딂염�꿰챳��꺗�뗨돈�ε깗瓦숁졆竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:287
@@ -36081,7 +36081,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Git makes conflict resolution easy.\n"
 ">>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n"
 "And here is another line that is cleanly resolved or unmodified.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숅뇤��툗�긷릪�꾤쪝�덄쎑驪붹깹�됧룜�뽫쉪烏뚣��\n曄뽩뀍亦→쐣�섇뙑竊뚧닑�끻썱訝뷴룵�됦��밧룕�잋틙�섇뙑�뚦풓�겻틙亮꿨��꾥㎗�녈��\n<<<<<<< yours:sample.txt\n�뽩묾���계㎗�념틙竊뚦썱訝뷴룎�백꺗餓ε릪�루쉪�밧폀�밧룜雅녴��\n�꿰챳�꾥㎗�녔삸孃덆슻�꾬폑\n溫⒵닊餓у렮兀�돥�㎯��\n||||||| base:sample.txt\n�뽩묾���⑵맼�계㎗�념틙竊뚦썱訝뷴룎�밭쉪�섇뙑�썰��룔��\n�꿰챳�꾥㎗�녔삸孃덆슻�꾠��\n=======\n�뽩묾���⑵맼�계㎗�념틙竊뚦썱訝뷴룎�백꺗�됬쎑�뚨쉪�섇뙑��\nGit鵝욕넳囹곮㎗�녑룜孃쀥��볝��\n>>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n�뚩퓳�뚧삸�╊�烏뚩˙亮꿨��계㎗�녔닑�や엶�밭쉪��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:290
@@ -36092,7 +36092,7 @@ msgstr "\"�덂뭉�꾢량凉�\" �꾣졏凉뤷쫩訝뗰폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:305
-#, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid ""
 "Here are lines that are either unchanged from the common\n"
 "ancestor, or cleanly resolved because only one side changed,\n"
@@ -36107,49 +36107,49 @@ msgid ""
 "Git makes conflict resolution easy.\n"
 ">>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n"
 "And here is another line that is cleanly resolved or unmodified.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숅뇤��툗�긷릪�꾤쪝�덄쎑驪붹깹�됧룜�뽫쉪烏뚣��\n曄뽩뀍亦→쐣�섇뙑竊뚧닑�끻썱訝뷴룵�됦��밧룕�잋틙�섇뙑�뚦풓�겼묾���꾥㎗�녈��\n�뽬�끻썱訝뷰륵渦백꺗�됬쎑�뚨쉪�섇뙑�뚩˙亮꿨��계㎗�념틙��\n<<<<<<< yours:sample.txt\n�꿰챳�꾥㎗�녔삸�곈슻�꾬폑\n溫⒵닊餓у렮兀�돥�㎯��\n||||||| base:sample.txt\n�뽩묾���⑵맼�계㎗�놂펽�졽맏�뚧뼶�꾢룜�뽭꺗訝��룔��\n�꿰챳�꾥㎗�녔삸孃덆슻�꾠��\n=======\nGit溫⒴넳囹곮㎗�녑룜孃쀧��뺛��\n>>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt\n�뚩퓳�뚧삸�╊�烏뚩˙亮꿨��계㎗�녔닑�や엶�밭쉪�끻���\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:313
 #, priority:240
 msgid "In addition to the `<<<<<<<`, `=======`, and `>>>>>>>` markers, it uses another `|||||||` marker that is followed by the original text.  You can tell that the original just stated a fact, and your side simply gave in to that statement and gave up, while the other side tried to have a more positive attitude.  You can sometimes come up with a better resolution by viewing the original."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ㅴ틙`<<<<<<<`��`=======`��`>>>>>>>`�뉓�鸚뽳펽若껇퓲鵝욜뵪雅녶룱訝�訝�`|||||||`�뉓�竊뚦릮�€삸�잍뻼��  鵝졾룾餓η쐦�븝펽�잍뻼�ゆ삸�덅염雅녵�訝や틟若욑펽�뚥퐷�꾡��밧룵��콌�띴틢瓦쇾릉�덅염�뚧붂凉껂틙竊뚩�뚦룱訝��밧닕瑥뺝쎗�됦�訝ゆ쎍燁�엨�꾣�곩벧��  鵝졿쐣�뜹룾餓ι�싪퓝�η쐦�잍뻼孃쀥눣訝�訝ゆ쎍也썹쉪鰲e넶�방죭��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-merge.txt:316
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귚퐬鰲e넶�꿰챳"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:319
 #, priority:240
 msgid "After seeing a conflict, you can do two things:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뗥댆�꿰챳�롳펽鵝졾룾餓ε걳訝ㅴ뻑雅뗰폏"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:324
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Decide not to merge.  The only clean-ups you need are to reset the index file to the `HEAD` commit to reverse 2. and to clean up working tree changes made by 2. and 3.; `git merge --abort` can be used for this."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�녑츣訝띹퓵烏뚦릦亮뜰��  �����誤곫툍�녺쉪��컛榮℡폊�뉏뻑�띸쉰訝�`HEAD`�먧벡竊뚥빳�녻쉬2.竊뚦뭉歷끿릤2.��3.野밧램鵝쒏젒�꾡엶�뱄폑��빳��`git merge --abort`�ε걳瓦쇾뻥藥δ퐳��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:331
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Resolve the conflicts.  Git will mark the conflicts in the working tree.  Edit the files into shape and 'git add' them to the index.  Use 'git commit' or 'git merge --continue' to seal the deal. The latter command checks whether there is a (interrupted) merge in progress before calling 'git commit'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鰲e넶�꿰챳��  Git鴉싧쑉藥δ퐳�묇툓�뉓��꿰챳��  弱녷뻼餓띄폋渦묉닇壤�펽�뜹릮'git add'若껂뺄�곁뇨凉뺜릎��  鵝욜뵪'git commit'��'git merge --continue'鰲e넶�귛릮訝�訝ゅ뫝餓ㅵ쑉瘟껆뵪'git commit'阿뗥뎺鴉싨��ζ삸��쐣訝�訝わ펷訝�뼪�꾬펹�덂뭉閭e쑉瓦쏂죱��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:333
 #, priority:240
 msgid "You can work through the conflict with a number of tools:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝졾룾餓η뵪訝�雅쎾램�룡씎鰲e넶�꿰챳竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:336
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Use a mergetool.  `git mergetool` to launch a graphical mergetool which will work you through the merge."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪訝�訝챡ergetool��  `git mergetool`��뒯訝�訝ゅ쎗壤℡뙑�꼖ergetool竊뚦츆弱녶리�⒳퐷若뚧닇�덂뭉藥δ퐳��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:340
@@ -36161,13 +36161,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-merge.txt:344
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Look at the diffs from each branch. `git log --merge -p <path>` will show diffs first for the `HEAD` version and then the `MERGE_HEAD` version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뗧쐦驪뤶릉�녷뵱�꾢량凉귙��`git log --merge -p <瓮�푶>`弱녽쫿�덃샑鹽�`HEAD`�덃쑍�꾢량凉귨펽�뜹릮��`MERGE_HEAD`�덃쑍��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:349
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Look at the originals.  `git show :1:filename` shows the common ancestor, `git show :2:filename` shows the `HEAD` version, and `git show :3:filename` shows the `MERGE_HEAD` version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뗤�訝뗥렅餓뜰��  `git show :1:filename`�양ㅊ�긷릪�꾤쪝�덌펽`git show :2:filename`�양ㅊ`HEAD`�덃쑍竊�`git show :3:filename`�양ㅊ`MERGE_HEAD`�덃쑍��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-merge.txt:356
@@ -51354,57 +51354,57 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:21
-#, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, priority:240
 msgid "For commits it shows the log message and textual diff. It also presents the merge commit in a special format as produced by 'git diff-tree --cc'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밥틢�먧벡竊뚦츆�양ㅊ�ε퓱岳→겘�뚧뻼�у량凉귙�귛뭉鴉싦빳訝�燁띸돶餘딁쉪�쇔폀�양ㅊ�덂뭉�먧벡竊뚦갚�� \"git diff-tree --cc \"��雅㎫뵟�꾡에��궍�룔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:23
 #, priority:240
 msgid "For tags, it shows the tag message and the referenced objects."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밥틢�뉒�竊뚦츆�양ㅊ�뉒�岳→겘�뚦폊�①쉪野배괌��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:26
 #, priority:240
 msgid "For trees, it shows the names (equivalent to 'git ls-tree' with --name-only)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밥틢��퐬�묕펽若껅샑鹽뷴릫耶쀯펷�멨퐪雅�'git ls-tree'曆삣뒥雅�--name-only�됮」竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:28
 #, priority:240
 msgid "For plain blobs, it shows the plain contents."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밥틢���싦틠瓦쎾댍野배괌竊뚦츆�양ㅊ���싧냵若밤��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:31
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The command takes options applicable to the 'git diff-tree' command to control how the changes the commit introduces are shown."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ε뫝餓ㅹ뇞�③�귞뵪雅�'git diff-tree'�썰빱�꾦�됮」�ζ렒�뜻룓雅ㅶ�躍�씎�꾢룜�뽫쉪�양ㅊ�밧폀��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:33
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This manual page describes only the most frequently used options."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ф뎸�뚪〉�ゆ룒瓦겻틙��躍며뵪�꾦�됮」��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:37
 #, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "<object>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<野배괌>..."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:41
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The names of objects to show (defaults to 'HEAD').  For a more complete list of ways to spell object names, see \"SPECIFYING REVISIONS\" section in linkgit:gitrevisions[7]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "誤곫샑鹽븀쉪野배괌�꾢릫燁곤펷容섋�訝�'HEAD'竊됥��  �닷츑�당쉪野배괌�띸㎞�쇔넍�밧폀�쀨〃竊뚩��귟쭅 linkgit:gitrevisions[7] 訝�쉪 \"�밧닽岳��\" �ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:52
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The options below can be used to change the way `git show` generates diff output."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뗩씊�꾦�됮」��빳�ⓩ씎�밧룜`git show`�잍닇藥�펰渦볟눣�꾣뼶凉뤵��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:63
@@ -51416,7 +51416,7 @@ msgstr "`git show v1.0.0`"
 #: en/git-show.txt:66
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Shows the tag `v1.0.0`, along with the object the tags points at."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ�뉒�`v1.0.0`竊뚥빳�딀젃嶺얏뙁�묊쉪野배괌��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:67
@@ -51428,7 +51428,7 @@ msgstr "`git show v1.0.0^{tree}`"
 #: en/git-show.txt:69
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Shows the tree pointed to by the tag `v1.0.0`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ�뉒�`v1.0.0`���뉐릲�꾣젒��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:70
@@ -51440,19 +51440,19 @@ msgstr "`git show -s --format=%s v1.0.0^{commit}`"
 #: en/git-show.txt:73
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Shows the subject of the commit pointed to by the tag `v1.0.0`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ�길젃嶺�`v1.0.0`�뉐릲�꾣룓雅ㅷ쉪訝삯쥦��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:74
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "`git show next~10:Documentation/README`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`git show next~10:Documentation/README`"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-show.txt:78
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Shows the contents of the file `Documentation/README` as they were current in the 10th last commit of the branch `next`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ`Documentation/README`�뉏뻑�꾢냵若뱄펽�졽맏若껂뺄�ⓨ늽��`next`�꾣���10轝→룓雅ㅴ릎��퐪�띸쉪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-show.txt:79
@@ -51464,7 +51464,7 @@ msgstr "`git show master:Makefile master:t/Makefile`"
 #: en/git-show.txt:82
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Concatenates the contents of said Makefiles in the head of the branch `master`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녵툓瓦캫akefiles�꾢냵若밥림�붷쑉�녷뵱`master`�꾢ㅄ�ⓦ��"
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-sh-setup.txt:2
@@ -51674,11 +51674,11 @@ msgstr "git-stash(1)"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:7
 #, priority:240
 msgid "git-stash - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git-stash - 弱녶룜�뽬뿈�ⓧ�訝よ꼷藥δ퐳�뷰릎"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:26
-#, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
+#, fuzzy, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid ""
 "'git stash' list [<log-options>]\n"
 "'git stash' show [-u | --include-untracked | --only-untracked] [<diff-options>] [<stash>]\n"
@@ -51695,25 +51695,25 @@ msgid ""
 "'git stash' clear\n"
 "'git stash' create [<message>]\n"
 "'git stash' store [(-m | --message) <message>] [-q | --quiet] <commit>\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git stash' list [<log-options>]\n'git stash' show [-u | --include-untracked | --only-untracked] [<diff-options>] [<stash>]\n'git stash' drop [-q | --quiet] [<stash>]\n'git stash' pop [--index] [-q | --quiet] [<stash>]\n'git stash' apply [--index] [-q | --quiet] [<stash>]\n'git stash' branch <branchname> [<stash>]\n'git stash' [push [-p | --patch] [-S | --staged] [-k | --[no-]keep-index] [-q | --quiet]\n\t     [-u | --include-untracked] [-a | --all] [(-m | --message) <message>]\n\t     [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]]\n\t     [--] [<pathspec>...]]\n'git stash' save [-p | --patch] [-S | --staged] [-k | --[no-]keep-index] [-q | --quiet]\n\t     [-u | --include-untracked] [-a | --all] [<message>]\n'git stash' clear\n'git stash' create [<message>]\n'git stash' store [(-m | --message) <message>] [-q | --quiet] <commit>\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:34
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Use `git stash` when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory.  The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the `HEAD` commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞퐷�녘�壤뺝램鵝쒐쎅壤뺝뭽榮℡폊�꾢퐪�띸듁�곻펽鵝녶룉�녑썮�겻�訝ゅ묾���꾢램鵝쒐쎅壤뺞뿶竊뚩�鵝욜뵪`git stash`��  瑥ε뫝餓ㅵ컛鵝좂쉪�у쑑岳�뵻岳앭춼壅룡씎竊뚦뭉弱녶램鵝쒐쎅壤뺠퓲�잋맏訝�`HEAD`�먧벡�멨뙶�띲��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:42
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:240
 msgid "The modifications stashed away by this command can be listed with `git stash list`, inspected with `git stash show`, and restored (potentially on top of a different commit) with `git stash apply`.  Calling `git stash` without any arguments is equivalent to `git stash push`.  A stash is by default listed as \"WIP on 'branchname' ...\", but you can give a more descriptive message on the command line when you create one."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�썰빱��耶섇궓�꾡엶�밧룾餓η뵪`git stash list`�쀥눣竊뚨뵪`git stash show`汝��ο펽��`git stash apply`�℡쨳竊덂룾�썸삸�ⓧ툖�뚨쉪�먧벡阿뗤툓竊됥��  �ⓩ깹�됦뻣鵝뺝뢿�곁쉪�끻넻訝뗨컘��`git stash`嶺됧릪雅�`git stash push`��  容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽�②뿈佯볢˙�쀤맏 \"WIP on 'branchname' ...\"竊뚥퐜鵝졾룾餓ε쑉�쎾뻠�②뿈佯볠뿶�ⓨ뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�퍢�뷸쎍鸚싨룒瓦경�㏛에����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:49
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The latest stash you created is stored in `refs/stash`; older stashes are found in the reflog of this reference and can be named using the usual reflog syntax (e.g. `stash@{0}` is the most recently created stash, `stash@{1}` is the one before it, `stash@{2.hours.ago}` is also possible). Stashes may also be referenced by specifying just the stash index (e.g. the integer `n` is equivalent to `stash@{n}`)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝졿�瓦묈닗兩븀쉪�②뿈佯볢˙岳앭춼��`refs/stash`訝�폑�㎫쉪�②뿈佯볟룾餓ε쑉瓦쇾릉凉뺟뵪�꾢폊�ⓩ뿥恙쀤릎�얍댆竊뚦뭉訝붷룾餓δ슴�③�싧만�꾢폊�ⓩ뿥恙쀨�力뺞씎�썲릫竊덁풃倻귨펽`stash@{0}`���瓦묈닗兩븀쉪�②뿈佯볩펽`stash@{1}`��츆阿뗥뎺�꾢궓�뤷틩竊�`stash@{2.hours.ago}`阿잍삸��빳�꾬펹�귚튋��빳�싪퓝�뉐츣�②뿈佯볡쉪榮℡폊�ε폊�ⓨ궓�뤷틩竊덁풃倻귨펽�닸빊`n`嶺됧릪雅�`stash@{n}`竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:53
@@ -51725,37 +51725,37 @@ msgstr "push [-p|--patch] [-S|--staged] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-u|--include-unt
 #: en/git-stash.txt:59
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Save your local modifications to a new 'stash entry' and roll them back to HEAD (in the working tree and in the index).  The <message> part is optional and gives the description along with the stashed state."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녵퐷�꾣쑍�겻엶�밥퓷耶섇댆訝�訝ゆ뼭�� \"耶섇궓�←쎅 \"訝�펽亮뜹컛若껂뺄�욄퍣�� HEAD竊덂쑉藥δ퐳�뷴뭽榮℡폊訝�펹��  <岳→겘>�ⓨ늽��룾�됬쉪竊뚦츆瀯쇿눣雅녷룒瓦겼뭽�②뿈�꾤듁�곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:65
 #, priority:240
 msgid "For quickly making a snapshot, you can omit \"push\".  In this mode, non-option arguments are not allowed to prevent a misspelled subcommand from making an unwanted stash entry.  The two exceptions to this are `stash -p` which acts as alias for `stash push -p` and pathspec elements, which are allowed after a double hyphen `--` for disambiguation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뷰틙恙ラ�잌댍鵝쒎엮�㏆펽鵝졾룾餓η쐛�� \"push\"��  �②퓳燁띷Æ凉뤶툔竊뚪씆�됮」�귝빊��툖�곮��꾬펽餓ι삻閭€떬�숅뵗瑥�쉪耶먨뫝餓ㅴ벨�잋툖��誤곭쉪�②뿈�←쎅��  瓦숁뼶�®쉪訝ㅴ릉堊뗥쨼��`stash -p`竊뚦츆鵝쒍맏`stash push -p`�꾢닽�랃펽餓ε룋訝뷸텋�ㅶ�阿됧뀅溫멨쑉�뚩퓹耶쀧Е`--`阿뗥릮�꾥러孃꾥쭊�껃뀇榮졼��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:66
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "save [-p|--patch] [-S|--staged] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-q|--quiet] [<message>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "save [-p|--patch] [-S|--staged] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-q|--quiet] [<岳→겘>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:72
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This option is deprecated in favour of 'git stash push'.  It differs from \"stash push\" in that it cannot take pathspec.  Instead, all non-option arguments are concatenated to form the stash message."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ι�됮」藥꿱˙凉껆뵪竊뚧뵻訝� \"git stash push\"��  若껂툗 \"stash push \"�꾡툖�뚥퉳鸚꾢쑉雅롳펽若껂툖�썸렏�쀨러孃꾥쭊�껁��  �뽬�뚥빰阿뗧쉪��펽���됮씆�됮」�꾢뢿�곈꺗熬ヤ림�붻돈�ο펽壤€닇�②뿈易덃겘��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:73
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "list [<log-options>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "list [<�ε퓱�됮」>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:80
 #, priority:240
 msgid "List the stash entries that you currently have.  Each 'stash entry' is listed with its name (e.g. `stash@{0}` is the latest entry, `stash@{1}` is the one before, etc.), the name of the branch that was current when the entry was made, and a short description of the commit the entry was based on."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쀥눣鵝좂쎅�띷떏�됬쉪�②뿈��퐬��  驪뤶릉 \"�②뿈��퐬 \"�썲닓�뷰틙若껆쉪�띶춻竊덁풃倻귨펽`stash@{0}`����곁쉪�←쎅竊�`stash@{1}`��퉳�띸쉪�←쎅竊뚨춬嶺됵펹竊뚧씉��벨�잍뿶�꾢늽��릫燁곤펽餓ε룋瑥ζ씉����뷰틢�꾣룓雅ㅷ쉪嶸���룒瓦겹��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-stash.txt:84
@@ -51771,19 +51771,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-stash.txt:88
 #, priority:240
 msgid "The command takes options applicable to the 'git log' command to control what is shown and how. See linkgit:git-log[1]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ε뫝餓ㅹ뇞�③�귞뵪雅� 'git log' �썰빱�꾦�됮」�ζ렒�뜻샑鹽븀쉪�끻��뚧뼶凉뤵�귛뢿鰲� linkgit:git-log[1]��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:89
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "show [-u|--include-untracked|--only-untracked] [<diff-options>] [<stash>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "show [-u|--include-untracked|--only-untracked] [<diff�됮」>] [<�②뿈��퐬>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:101
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Show the changes recorded in the stash entry as a diff between the stashed contents and the commit back when the stash entry was first created.  By default, the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to 'git diff' (e.g., `git stash show -p stash@{1}` to view the second most recent entry in patch form).  If no `<diff-option>` is provided, the default behavior will be given by the `stash.showStat`, and `stash.showPatch` config variables. You can also use `stash.showIncludeUntracked` to set whether `--include-untracked` is enabled by default."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ兀�뿈訝��壤뺟쉪岳�뵻竊뚥퐳訝븃눔�뤷냵若밥툗兀�뿈佯볠씉��쫿轝▼닗兩뷸뿶�꾣룓雅ㅴ퉳�당쉪藥�펰��  容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽瑥ε뫝餓ㅶ샑鹽튲iff瀯잒�竊뚥퐜若껂폏�ε룛 \"git diff \"藥꿰윥�꾡뻣鵝뺞졏凉륅펷堊뗥쫩竊�`git stash show -p stash@{1}`餓θ‥訝곩숱凉뤸윥�뗧К雅뚧씉���경씉��펹��  倻귝옖亦→쐣�먧풘`<diff�됮」>`竊뚪퍡溫ㅸ죱訝뷴컛��`stash.showStat`��`stash.showPatch`�띸쉰�섌뇧瀯쇿눣�귚퐷阿잌룾餓δ슴��`stash.showIncludeUntracked`�θ�營�삸��퍡溫ㅵ맦��`--include-untracked`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:102
@@ -51795,13 +51795,13 @@ msgstr "pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:108
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Remove a single stashed state from the stash list and apply it on top of the current working tree state, i.e., do the inverse operation of `git stash push`. The working directory must match the index."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓롨눔�뤷틩�쀨〃訝�㎉�ㅴ�訝ゅ뜒訝��꾥눔�뤹듁�곻펽亮뜹컛�뜹틪�ⓧ틢壤볟뎺藥δ퐳�븀듁�곦퉳訝딉펽阿잌갚��걳`git stash push`�꾦�녶릲�띴퐳�귛램鵝쒐쎅壤뺝퓚窈삡툗榮℡폊�백뀓��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:112
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Applying the state can fail with conflicts; in this case, it is not removed from the stash list. You need to resolve the conflicts by hand and call `git stash drop` manually afterwards."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "佯붺뵪�뜻�곩룾�썰폏�졽맏�꿰챳�뚦ㅁ兀ο폑�②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚦츆訝띴폏熬ヤ퍗兀�뿈佯볟닓烏ⓧ릎�좈솮�귚퐷��誤곫뎸�②㎗�녑넳囹곻펽亮뜹쑉阿뗥릮瘟껆뵪 `git stash drop`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:113
@@ -51813,25 +51813,25 @@ msgstr "apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:118
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Like `pop`, but do not remove the state from the stash list. Unlike `pop`, `<stash>` may be any commit that looks like a commit created by `stash push` or `stash create`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�� `pop` 訝��뤄펽鵝녵툖餓롨눔�뤷틩�쀨〃訝�닠�ㅸ��뜻�곥�귚툗`pop`訝띶릪竊�`<兀�뿈窈�>`��빳��뻣鵝뺟쐦壅룡씎�뤹뵳`stash push`��`stash create`�쎾뻠�꾣룓雅ㅳ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:119
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "branch <branchname> [<stash>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "branch <�녷뵱��> [<兀�뿈窈�>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:126
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Creates and checks out a new branch named `<branchname>` starting from the commit at which the `<stash>` was originally created, applies the changes recorded in `<stash>` to the new working tree and index.  If that succeeds, and `<stash>` is a reference of the form `stash@{<revision>}`, it then drops the `<stash>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠亮뜻��δ�訝ゅ릫訝� `<�녷뵱��>` �꾣뼭�녷뵱竊뚥퍗���앭닗兩� `<兀�뿈窈�>` �꾣룓雅ㅵ�冶뗰펽弱� `<兀�뿈窈�>` 訝��壤뺟쉪岳�뵻佯붺뵪�경뼭�꾢램鵝쒏젒�뚨뇨凉뺛��  倻귝옖�먨뒣雅놅펽亮뜸툝`<兀�뿈窈�>`��`stash@{<�덃쑍>}`壤℡폀�꾢폊�⑨펽�d퉰若껃컛�좈솮`<兀�뿈窈�>`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:132
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This is useful if the branch on which you ran `git stash push` has changed enough that `git stash apply` fails due to conflicts. Since the stash entry is applied on top of the commit that was HEAD at the time `git stash` was run, it restores the originally stashed state with no conflicts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖鵝좄퓧烏� `git stash push` �꾢늽��룕�잋틙擁녑쩅�꾢룜�뽳펽餓θ눛雅� `git stash apply` �졾넳囹곮�뚦ㅁ兀ο펽�d퉰瓦쇿갚孃덃쐣�ⓦ�귞뵳雅롨눔�뤸씉��삸�②퓧烏� `git stash` �띄쉪壤볟뎺�녷뵱�먧벡阿뗤툓佯붺뵪�꾬펽若껅깹�됧넳囹곩쑑�℡쨳雅녷��앯쉪兀�뿈�뜻�곥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:133
@@ -51843,19 +51843,19 @@ msgstr "歷낂솮"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:137
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Remove all the stash entries. Note that those entries will then be subject to pruning, and may be impossible to recover (see 'Examples' below for a possible strategy)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�좈솮���됬쉪兀�뿈�←쎅�귞쎍�ε늾��뻣鵝뺠걫楹삼펽�뚥툝��꺗�졿퀡�℡쨳竊덂룾�썹쉪嶺뽫븼鰲곦툔�®쉪 \"堊뗥춴\"竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:138
 #, no-wrap, priority:240
 msgid "drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Drop [-q|--quite] [<兀�뿈窈�>]"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:141
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Remove a single stash entry from the list of stash entries."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓롨눔�뤸씉��닓烏ⓧ릎�좈솮訝�訝ゅ뜒訝��꾥눔�뤸씉����"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:142 en/git-update-ref.txt:108
@@ -51867,7 +51867,7 @@ msgstr "create"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:149
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Create a stash entry (which is a regular commit object) and return its object name, without storing it anywhere in the ref namespace.  This is intended to be useful for scripts.  It is probably not the command you want to use; see \"push\" above."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠訝�訝よ눔�뤸씉��펷瓦숁삸訝�訝ゆ솹�싩쉪�먧벡野배괌竊됵펽亮띈퓭�욃끀野배괌�띸㎞竊뚩�뚥툖弱녶끀耶섇궓�ⓨ폊�ⓨ뫝�띸㈉�당쉪餓삡퐬�경뼶��  瓦숁삸訝뷰틙野배꽊�ф쐣�ⓦ��  鵝졾룾�썰툖�녕뵪瓦쇾릉�썰빱竊쎾룾餓η쐦�뗥뎺�®쉪 \"push\"��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:150
@@ -51879,19 +51879,19 @@ msgstr "�녶틭"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:156
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Store a given stash created via 'git stash create' (which is a dangling merge commit) in the stash ref, updating the stash reflog.  This is intended to be useful for scripts.  It is probably not the command you want to use; see \"push\" above."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녽�싪퓝'git stash create'竊덅퓳���訝ゆ궗令븀쉪�덂뭉�먧벡竊됧닗兩븀쉪�밧츣兀�뿈佯볟춼�ⓨ쑉兀�뿈佯볟폊�ⓧ릎竊뚧쎍�계눔�뤷틩�귟�껅뻼餓뜰��  瓦숁삸訝뷰틙野배꽊�ф쐣�ⓦ��  瓦숁씉�썰빱��꺗訝띷삸鵝졿꺍誤곭쉪竊쏂쭅訝딀뻼\"push\"��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:162 en/git-stash.txt:193 en/git-stash.txt:199 en/git-stash.txt:214
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This option is only valid for `push` and `save` commands."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�됮」�ゅ�`push`��`save`�썰빱�됪븞��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:165
 #, priority:240
 msgid "All ignored and untracked files are also stashed and then cleaned up with `git clean`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���됭˙恙썹븼�꾢뭽�よ˙瓦썼릉�꾣뻼餓뜸튋熬ヨ눔�뤺돈�ο펽�뜹릮��`git clean`�ζ툍�녴��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:167
@@ -51909,13 +51909,13 @@ msgstr "--no-include-untracked"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:172
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When used with the `push` and `save` commands, all untracked files are also stashed and then cleaned up with `git clean`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞툗`push`��`save`�썰빱訝�壅룝슴�ⓩ뿶竊뚧��됪쑋熬ヨ옙甕ょ쉪�뉏뻑阿잒˙兀�뿈壅룡씎竊뚨꽫�롧뵪`git clean`�ζ툍�녴��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:175
 #, priority:240
 msgid "When used with the `show` command, show the untracked files in the stash entry as part of the diff."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞툗`show`�썰빱訝�壅룝슴�ⓩ뿶竊뚧샑鹽븃눔�뤷틩�←쎅訝�쑋熬ヨ옙甕ょ쉪�뉏뻑鵝쒍맏藥�펰�꾡��ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:176
@@ -51927,25 +51927,25 @@ msgstr "--only-untracked"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:178
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This option is only valid for the `show` command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�됮」�ゅ�`show`�썰빱�됪븞��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:180
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Show only the untracked files in the stash entry as part of the diff."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ゆ샑鹽븃눔�뤷틩�←쎅訝�쑋熬ヨ옙甕ょ쉪�뉏뻑鵝쒍맏藥�펰�꾡��ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:183
 #, priority:240
 msgid "This option is only valid for `pop` and `apply` commands."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�됮」�ゅ�`pop`��`apply`�썰빱�됪븞��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:188
 #, priority:240
 msgid "Tries to reinstate not only the working tree's changes, but also the index's ones. However, this can fail, when you have conflicts (which are stored in the index, where you therefore can no longer apply the changes as they were originally)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띴퍎瑥뺝쎗�℡쨳藥δ퐳�븀쉪�섇뙑竊뚩�뚥툝�℡쨳榮℡폊�꾢룜�뽧�귞꽫�뚳펽瓦쇿룾�썰폏�ⓨ눣�겼넳囹곫뿶鸚김뇰竊덅퓳雅쎾넳囹곮˙耶섇궓�①뇨凉뺜릎竊뚦썱閭ㅴ퐷訝띹꺗�띷뙃�잍씎�꾣뼶凉뤷틪�②퓳雅쎾룜�뽳펹��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-stash.txt:190
@@ -51963,7 +51963,7 @@ msgstr "--no-keep-index"
 #: en/git-stash.txt:195
 #, priority:240
 msgid "All changes already added to the index are left intact."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���됧럴瀯뤸렌�졾댆榮℡폊訝�쉪�섇뙑�썰퓷�곩렅�룔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-stash.txt:207