From 5639b2819f09d111b03f94a89b329c5cbf8b1b22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yajamon <>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2022 04:48:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 21.1% (2300 of 10862 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: yajamon <>
 po/documentation.ja.po | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/documentation.ja.po b/po/documentation.ja.po
index afff6e8..296078d 100644
--- a/po/documentation.ja.po
+++ b/po/documentation.ja.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # Jean-No챘l AVILA <>, 2020.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l 10n\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-15 21:49+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-25 21:28+0000\nLast-Translator: yajamon <>\nLanguage-Team: Japanese\nLanguage: ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git-manpages-l 10n\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-15 21:49+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-06 11:42+0000\nLast-Translator: yajamon <>\nLanguage-Team: Japanese\nLanguage: ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.14.1-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:763 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:140 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -60384,181 +60384,181 @@ msgstr "glob"
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:374
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Git treats the pattern as a shell glob suitable for consumption by fnmatch(3) with the FNM_PATHNAME flag: wildcards in the pattern will not match a / in the pathname.  For example, \"Documentation/{asterisk}.html\" matches \"Documentation/git.html\" but not \"Documentation/ppc/ppc.html\" or \"tools/perf/Documentation/perf.html\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Git ��걪��깙�욍꺖�녈굮�갌NM_PATHNAME �뺛꺀�겹굮�뉐츣�쀣걼 fnmatch(3) �ラ겑�쀣걼�룔궒�ャ궛��깣�ⓦ걮��돮�꾠겲�쇻�귙깙�욍꺖�념릎��꺈�ㅳ꺂�됥궖�쇈깋���곥깙�밧릫訝�겗 / �ャ겘�욁긿�곥걮�얇걵�볝��  堊뗣걟�겹��\"Documentation/{asterisk}.html\" �� \"Documentation/git.html\" �ャ깯�껁긽�쀣겲�쇻걣��\"Documentation/ppc/ppc.html\" �� \"tools/perf/Documentation/perf.html\" �ャ겘�욁긿�곥걮�얇걵�볝��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:377
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Two consecutive asterisks (\"`**`\") in patterns matched against full pathname may have special meaning:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "2�ㅹ�g텥�쀣걼�㏂궧�욍꺁�밤궚(\"`**`\")��깢�ャ깙�밧릫�ュ��쀣겍�욁긿�곥걲�뗣깙�욍꺖�녈겓�듽걚�╉�곭돶�γ겒�뤷뫑�믤똻�ㅵ졃�덀걣�귙굤�얇걲:"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:383
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A leading \"`**`\" followed by a slash means match in all directories. For example, \"`**/foo`\" matches file or directory \"`foo`\" anywhere, the same as pattern \"`foo`\". \"`**/foo/bar`\" matches file or directory \"`bar`\" anywhere that is directly under directory \"`foo`\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�덆젺�� \"`**/`\" ���곥걲�밤겍��깈�c꺃��깉�ゃ겓�욁긿�곥걲�뗣걪�ⓦ굮�뤷뫑�쀣겲�쇻�귚풃�덀겙��\"`**/foo`\" ��깢�▲궎�ャ겲�잆겘�뉎궍�с궚�덀꺁 \"`foo`\" ��뻣�뤵겗�닸��ャ깯�껁긽�쀣�곥깙�욍꺖�� \"`foo`\" �ⓨ릪�섅겎�쇻�� \"`**/foo/bar`\" ��깢�▲궎�ャ겲�잆겘�뉎궍�с궚�덀꺁 \"`bar`\" �뚣깈�c꺃��깉�� \"`foo`\" �답툔��뻣�뤵겗�닸��ャ걗�뗥졃�덀겓�욁긿�곥걮�얇걲��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:387
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A trailing \"`/**`\" matches everything inside. For example, \"`abc/**`\" matches all files inside directory \"abc\", relative to the location of the `.gitignore` file, with infinite depth."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ュ갼�� \"`/**`\" ���곥걹��릎�ャ걗�뗣걲�밤겍��깢�▲궎�ャ겓�욁긿�곥걮�얇걲�귚풃�덀겙��\"`abc/**`\" ��깈�c꺃��깉�� \"abc\" �끹겗�쇻겧�╉겗�뺛궊�ㅳ꺂�ャ깯�껁긽�쀣겲�쇻�귙걪�뚣겘 `.gitignore` �뺛궊�ㅳ꺂��퐤營�걢�됥겗�멨��묆궧�㎯�곫런�뺛겘�↓솏�㎯걲��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:391
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A slash followed by two consecutive asterisks then a slash matches zero or more directories. For example, \"`a/**/b`\" matches \"`a/b`\", \"`a/x/b`\", \"`a/x/y/b`\" and so on."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ュ갼餓ε쨼�㎯겗 \"`/**`\" ����0�뗤빳訝듽겗�뉎궍�с궚�덀꺁�ャ깯�껁긽�쀣겲�쇻�귚풃�덀겙��\"`a/**/b`\" �� \"`a/b`\", \"`a/x/b`\", \"`a/x/y/b`\" �ⓦ걚�c걼�룟릦�ャ깯�껁긽�쇻굥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:393
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Other consecutive asterisks are considered invalid."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�볝굦�됦빳鸚뽧겗�g텥�쀣걼�㏂궧�욍꺁�밤궚��꽒�밤겏�쇻굥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:395
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Glob magic is incompatible with literal magic."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�겹꺆�뽧겗邀붹퀡��춸力뺛겏雅믤룢�㎯걣�귙굤�얇걵�볝��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:396
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "attr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "attr"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:402
 #, priority:310
 msgid "After `attr:` comes a space separated list of \"attribute requirements\", all of which must be met in order for the path to be considered a match; this is in addition to the usual non-magic pathspec pattern matching.  See linkgit:gitattributes[5]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`attr:` ��풄�ャ겘�밤깪�쇈궧�㎩뙷�뉎굢�뚣걼�뚦콪�㎬쫨餓뜰�띲겗�ゃ궧�덀걣泳싥걤�곥깙�밤걣�욁긿�곥걮�잆겏�욍겒�뺛굦�뗣걼�곥겓���곥걪�뚣굢��쫨餓뜰걣�쇻겧����잆걬�뚣겒�묆굦�겹겒�듽겲�쎼굯�귙걪�뚣겘�곫솹�싥겗邀붹퀡��겒�꾠깙�밤궧�싥긿�� �묆궭�쇈꺍 �욁긿�곥꺍�겹겓瓦썲뒥�뺛굦�얇걲��  linkgit:gitattributes[5]�믣뢿�㎯걮�╉걦�졼걬�꾠��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:405
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Each of the attribute requirements for the path takes one of these forms:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묆궧��릢掠욄�㎬쫨餓뜰겘�곥걪�뚣굢��걚�싥굦�뗣겗壤℡폀�믡겏��:"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:407
 #, priority:310
 msgid "\"`ATTR`\" requires that the attribute `ATTR` be set."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"`ATTR`\" ���곩콪�� `ATTR` �믦Þ若싥걲�뗣걪�ⓦ굮誤곫콆�쀣겲�쇻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:409
 #, priority:310
 msgid "\"`-ATTR`\" requires that the attribute `ATTR` be unset."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"`-ATTR`\" ���곩콪�� `ATTR` ��Þ若싥굮鰲i솮�쇻굥�볝겏�믦쫨黎귙걮�╉걚�얇걲��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:412
 #, priority:310
 msgid "\"`ATTR=VALUE`\" requires that the attribute `ATTR` be set to the string `VALUE`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"`ATTR=VALUE`\" ���곩콪�� `ATTR` �ユ뻼耶쀥닓 `VALUE` �믦Þ若싥걲�뗣걪�ⓦ굮誤곫콆�쀣겍�꾠겲�쇻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:415
 #, priority:310
 msgid "\"`!ATTR`\" requires that the attribute `ATTR` be unspecified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"`!ATTR`\" ���곩콪�� `ATTR` �뚧뙁若싥걬�뚣겍�꾠겒�꾠걪�ⓦ굮誤곫콆�쀣겍�꾠겲�쇻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:418
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Note that when matching against a tree object, attributes are still obtained from working tree, not from the given tree object."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�꾠꺁�쇈궕�뽧궦�㎯궚�덀겓野얇걮�╉깯�껁긽�녈궛�믦죱�녶졃�덀�곩콪�㎯겘訝롢걟�됥굦�잆깂�ゃ꺖�ゃ깣�멥궒��깉�뗣굢�㎯겘�ゃ걦�곥꺈�쇈궘�녈궛�꾠꺁�쇈걢�됧룚孃쀣걬�뚣굥�볝겏�ユ낏�뤵걮�╉걦�졼걬�꾠��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:419
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "exclude"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "exclude"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:425
 #, priority:310
 msgid "After a path matches any non-exclude pathspec, it will be run through all exclude pathspecs (magic signature: `!` or its synonym `^`). If it matches, the path is ignored.  When there is no non-exclude pathspec, the exclusion is applied to the result set as if invoked without any pathspec."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묆궧�뚥퐬�됥걢��씆�ㅵ쨼�묆궧�밤깪�껁궚�ャ깯�껁긽�쀣걼孃뚣�곥걲�밤겍��솮鸚뽧깙�밤궧�싥긿�� (�욁궦�껁궚�룔궛�띲긽��: `!` �얇걼��걹��릪獰⑵첑 `^`) �믧�싥걮��츪烏뚣걬�뚣굥�볝겏�ャ겒�듽겲�쇻�귙깯�껁긽�쀣걼�닷릦�곥걹��깙�밤겘�↑쫿�뺛굦�얇걲��  �욇솮鸚뽧깙�밤궧�싥긿��걣�ゃ걚�닷릦���곥깙�밤궧�싥긿��겒�쀣겎壅룟땿�뺛굦�잌졃�덀겏�뚣걯�덀걝�ャ�곭탳�쒌궩�껁깉�ラ솮鸚뽧걣�⑴뵪�뺛굦�얇걲��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:427
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_parent]]parent"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_parent]]誤� (parent)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:431
 #, priority:310
 msgid "A <<def_commit_object,commit object>> contains a (possibly empty) list of the logical predecessor(s) in the line of development, i.e. its parents."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<<def_commit_object,�녈깱�껁깉�ゃ깣�멥궒��깉>> ���곲뼀�뷩꺀�ㅳ꺍�ャ걡�묆굥獄뽫릤�꾠겒�덅죱�끹�곥걲�ゃ굩�▲걹��┴�� (令뷩걢�귙걮�뚣겒��) �ゃ궧�덀굮�ャ굯�㎯걚�얇걲��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:432
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_pickaxe]]pickaxe"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_pickaxe]]�ㅳ굥��걮 (pickaxe)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:438
 #, priority:310
 msgid "The term <<def_pickaxe,pickaxe>> refers to an option to the diffcore routines that help select changes that add or delete a given text string. With the `--pickaxe-all` option, it can be used to view the full <<def_changeset,changeset>> that introduced or removed, say, a particular line of text. See linkgit:git-diff[1]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<<def_pickaxe,�ㅳ굥��걮>> �ⓦ걚�녺뵪沃욁겘�곦툗�덀굢�뚣걼�녴궘�밤깉�뉐춻�쀣굮瓦썲뒥�얇걼��뎷�ㅳ걲�뗥쨯�담굮�멩뒢�쇻굥��겓壤밭쳦�� diffcore �ャ꺖�곥꺍��궕�쀣궥�㎯꺍��걪�ⓦ굮�뉎걮�얇걲�� `--pickaxe-all` �ゃ깤�룔깾�녈굮鵝욍걝�ⓦ�곦풃�덀겙�밧츣��죱�믦옙�졼걮�잆굤�딃솮�쀣걼�듽걮�� <<def_changeset,�곥궒�녈궦�삠긿��>> �믡걲�밤겍烏①ㅊ�쇻굥�볝겏�뚣겎�띲겲�쇻�굃inkgit:git-diff[1] �믣뢿�㎯걮�╉걦�졼걬�꾠��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:439
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_plumbing]]plumbing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_plumbing]]�띸� (plumbing)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:441
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Cute name for <<def_core_git,core Git>>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<<def_core_git,core Git>>��걢�뤵걚�꾢릫�띲겎�쇻��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:442
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_porcelain]]porcelain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_porcelain]]髥곩솳 (porcelain)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:447
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Cute name for programs and program suites depending on <<def_core_git,core Git>>, presenting a high level access to core Git. Porcelains expose more of a <<def_SCM,SCM>> interface than the <<def_plumbing,plumbing>>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<<def_core_git,core Git>>�ヤ풚耶섅걲�뗣깤��궛�⒲깲�꾠깤��궛�⒲깲�밤궎�쇈깉��걢�뤵걚�꾢릫�띲겎�갷ore Git�멥겗�뤵궎�с깧�ャ겒�㏂궚�삠궧�믤룓鹽뷩걮�얇걲�귞즯�ⓦ겘 <<def_plumbing,�띸�>> �덀굤�귛쩀�뤵겗 <<def_SCM,SCM>> �ㅳ꺍�욍깢�㎯꺖�밤굮�ч뼀�쀣겲�쇻��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:448
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_per_worktree_ref]]per-worktree ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_per_worktree_ref]]��꺖��깂�ゃ꺖�붵겏��뢿�� (per-worktree ref)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:453
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Refs that are per-<<def_worktree,worktree>>, rather than global.  This is presently only <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> and any refs that start with `refs/bisect/`, but might later include other unusual refs."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�겹꺆�쇈깘�ャ겎��겒�뤵��<<def_worktree,��꺖��깂�ゃ꺖>>�붵겏��뢿�㎯��  �얍쑉�� <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> �� `refs/bisect/` �㎩쭓�얇굥�귞뀱��겳�㎯걲�뚣�곩컛�η쉪�ャ겘餓뽧겗�띲걮�꾢뢿�㎯굚�ャ겲�뚣굥�뗣굚�쀣굦�얇걵�볝��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:454
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_pseudoref]]pseudoref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_pseudoref]]�묇세�귞뀱 (pseudoref)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:469
 #, priority:310
 msgid "Pseudorefs are a class of files under `$GIT_DIR` which behave like refs for the purposes of rev-parse, but which are treated specially by git.  Pseudorefs both have names that are all-caps, and always start with a line consisting of a <<def_SHA1,SHA-1>> followed by whitespace.  So, HEAD is not a pseudoref, because it is sometimes a symbolic ref.  They might optionally contain some additional data.  `MERGE_HEAD` and `CHERRY_PICK_HEAD` are examples.  Unlike <<def_per_worktree_ref,per-worktree refs>>, these files cannot be symbolic refs, and never have reflogs.  They also cannot be updated through the normal ref update machinery.  Instead, they are updated by directly writing to the files.  However, they can be read as if they were refs, so `git rev-parse MERGE_HEAD` will work."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�묇세�귞뀱�� `$GIT_DIR` 餓δ툔�ャ걗�뗣깢�▲궎�ャ겗窈욁겎�걊ev-parse ��쎅�꾠겎�� refs ��굠�녴겓��굥�욁걚�얇걲�뚣�갾it �㎯겘�밧닪�ユ돮�뤵굦�뗣굚��겎�쇻��  �묇세�귞뀱��걚�싥굦�귛ㄷ�뉐춻��릫�띲굮�곥걾�곩만�� <<def_SHA1,SHA-1>> �①㈉�썸뻼耶쀣걢�됥겒�뗨죱�㎩쭓�얇굤�얇걲��  �ㅳ겲�듽�갎EAD��궥�녈깭�ゃ긿��뢿�㎯겏�ゃ굥�닷릦�귙걗�뗣겗�㎯�곭뼇鴉쇔뢿�㎯겎��걗�듽겲�쎼굯��  �앫굦�됥겘�ゃ깤�룔깾�녈겎�꾠걦�ㅳ걢��옙�졼깈�쇈궭�믣맜���뗣굚�쀣굦�얇걵�볝��  `MERGE_HEAD` �� `CHERRY_PICK_HEAD` �뚣걹��풃�ャ겒�듽겲�쇻��  <<def_per_worktree_ref,��꺖��깂�ゃ꺖�붵겏��뢿��>> �ⓦ겘�겹겒�듽�곥걪�뚣굢��깢�▲궎�ャ겘�룔꺍�쒌꺁�껁궚�귞뀱�ャ겘�ゃ굤�덀걳�곩뢿�㎯꺆�겹굚�곥걾�덀겲�쎼굯��  �얇걼�곲�싧만��뢿�㎯겗�닸뼭艅잍쭓�ャ굠�c겍�닸뼭�뺛굦�뗣걪�ⓦ굚�귙굤�얇걵�볝��  餓c굩�듽겓�곥깢�▲궎�ャ겓�닸렏�멥걤渦쇈��볝겏�ャ굠�c겍�닸뼭�뺛굦�얇걲��  �쀣걢�쀣�곥걪�뚣굢��걗�잆걢�귛뢿�㎯겎�귙굥�뗣겗�덀걝�ヨき���볝겏�뚣겎�띲굥��겎�� `git rev-parse MERGE_HEAD` ��땿鵝쒌걮�얇걲��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:470
 #, no-wrap, priority:310
 msgid "[[def_pull]]pull"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[[def_pull]]�쀣꺂 (pull)"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/glossary-content.txt:473