From 5ee12abaa8f34c79abd17c7c377878d9864d96c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A7=83=E5=A4=B4=E7=81=AF=E7=AC=BC=E9=B1=BC?=
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 10:10:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
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Currently translated at 62.2% (6936 of 11142 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>
 po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po | 78 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index cb50e89..db74791 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-24 12:59+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-27 11:02+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -56751,19 +56751,19 @@ msgstr "--follow-parent"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:750
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This option is only relevant if we are tracking branches (using one of the repository layout options --trunk, --tags, --branches, --stdlayout). For each tracked branch, try to find out where its revision was copied from, and set a suitable parent in the first Git commit for the branch.  This is especially helpful when we're tracking a directory that has been moved around within the repository.  If this feature is disabled, the branches created by 'git svn' will all be linear and not share any history, meaning that there will be no information on where branches were branched off or merged.  However, following long/convoluted histories can take a long time, so disabling this feature may speed up the cloning process. This feature is enabled by default, use --no-follow-parent to disable it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ゆ쐣�②퇎甕ゅ늽��쉪�끻넻訝뗰펷鵝욜뵪餓볟틩躍껃��됮」阿뗤� --trunk��--tags��--branches��--stdlayout竊됵펽瑥ι�됮」�띷쐣�뤶퉱�귛�雅롦캀訝よ˙瓮잒릉�꾢늽��펽�묇뺄鴉싧컼瑥뺞돻�뷴츆�꾡엶溫®뎵�ф삸餓롥벆�뚦쨳�띄쉪竊뚦뭉�②��녷뵱�꾤К訝�轝� Git �먧벡訝��營��訝ゅ릦�귞쉪�뜹늽���� 壤볠닊餓ц퇎甕ょ쉪��퐬�①뎵�у틩訝�˙燁삣뒯瓦뉑뿶竊뚩퓳訝��밧갇�뜻쐣�ⓦ�� 倻귝옖獵곭뵪閭ㅵ뒣�쏙펽'git svn' �쎾뻠�꾢늽��컛�③깿��봇�㎫쉪竊뚥툖鴉싧뀻雅ヤ뻣鵝뺝럣�꿱�壤뺧펽瓦숁꼷�녕�訝띴폏�됦뻣鵝뺝뀽雅롥늽��˙�녷뵱�뽩릦亮띄쉪岳→겘�� 訝띹퓝竊뚩옙甕ゅ넇��/鸚띷쓡�꾢럣�꿨룾�썽�誤곩푽�욘뿶�댐펽��餓η쫨�②��잒꺗��꺗鴉싧뒥恙ュ뀑�녻퓝葉뗣�귟��잒꺗容섋�訝뷴맦�⑨펽鵝욜뵪 --no-follow-parent ��빳獵곭뵪若껁��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:753
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "config key: svn.followparent\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "config key: svn.followparent\n"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:755
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓낂뀓營�뻼餓띌�됮」"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:757
@@ -56775,19 +56775,19 @@ msgstr "svn.noMetadata"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:758
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "svn-remote.<name>.noMetadata"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "svn-remote.<�띸㎞>.noMetadata"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:760
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This gets rid of the 'git-svn-id:' lines at the end of every commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁졆弱긴툖鴉싧쑉驪뤸А�먧벡�꾣��롥눣�� 'git-svn-id:' 烏뚣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:765
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This option can only be used for one-shot imports as 'git svn' will not be able to fetch again without metadata. Additionally, if you lose your '$GIT_DIR/svn/\\**/.rev_map.*' files, 'git svn' will not be able to rebuild them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�됮」�よ꺗�ⓧ틢訝�轝→�㎩��ο펽�졽맏倻귝옖亦→쐣�껅빊��펽'git svn' 弱녷뿞力뺝냽轝↑렩�뽧�귝�鸚뽳펽倻귝옖訝℡ㅁ雅� '$GIT_DIR/svn/\\**/.rev_map.*' �뉏뻑竊�'git svn' 弱녷뿞力뺡뇥兩뷴츆餓с��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:769
@@ -56799,7 +56799,7 @@ msgstr "The 'git svn log' command will not work on repositories using this, eith
 #: en/git-svn.txt:777
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This option is NOT recommended as it makes it difficult to track down old references to SVN revision numbers in existing documentation, bug reports, and archives.  If you plan to eventually migrate from SVN to Git and are certain about dropping SVN history, consider[git-filter-repo] instead.  filter-repo also allows reformatting of metadata for ease-of-reading and rewriting authorship info for non-\"svn.authorsFile\" users."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띶뻠溫�슴�②��됮」竊뚦썱訝뷴츆鴉싧��닻슻餓ε쑉�경쐣�뉑。�곲뵗瑥�뒫�듿뭽壤믤。訝�윥�얍댆 SVN 岳���덃쑍�루쉪�㎩폊�ⓦ�� 倻귝옖鵝좄��믤�瀯덁퍗 SVN 瓦곭㎉�� Git竊뚦뭉簾�츣誤곫붂凉� SVN �녶뤁竊뚩��껇솑[git-filter-repo]�괽ilter-repo 瓦섇뀅溫면뇥�경졏凉뤷뙑�껅빊��펽餓ζ뼶堊욥쁾瑥삼펽亮뜸맏�� \"svn.authorsFile\" �ⓩ댎�띶넍鵝쒑�끺에����"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:778
@@ -56817,13 +56817,13 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.useSvmProps"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:782
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This allows 'git svn' to re-map repository URLs and UUIDs from mirrors created using SVN::Mirror (or svk) for metadata."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁졆竊�'git svn' 弱김꺗餓롣슴�� SVN::Mirror 竊덃닑 svk竊됧닗兩븀쉪�껅빊��븳�뤶릎�띷뼭�졾컙餓볟틩 URL �� UUID��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:790
 #, priority:100
 msgid "If an SVN revision has a property, \"svm:headrev\", it is likely that the revision was created by SVN::Mirror (also used by SVK).  The property contains a repository UUID and a revision.  We want to make it look like we are mirroring the original URL, so introduce a helper function that returns the original identity URL and UUID, and use it when generating metadata in commit messages."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖 SVN 岳���덃쐣 \"svm:headrev\" 掠욄�㏆펽�숃�岳���덂푽��꺗��뵳 SVN::Mirror竊늆VK 阿잌쑉鵝욜뵪竊됧닗兩븀쉪�� 瑥ε콪�㎩똿�ヤ�訝や퍜佯� UUID �뚥�訝や엶溫®뎵�с�� �묇뺄�녘�若껆쐦壅룡씎�뤸삸�③븳�뤷렅冶� URL竊뚦썱閭ㅵ폊�δ틙訝�訝よ푷�⒴눦�경씎瓦붷썮�잌쭓翁ヤ뻥 URL �� UUID竊뚦뭉�ⓩ룓雅ㅶ텋��릎�잍닇�껅빊��뿶鵝욜뵪若껁��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:791
@@ -56841,7 +56841,7 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.useSvnsyncprops"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:796
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Similar to the useSvmProps option; this is for users of the svnsync(1) command distributed with SVN 1.4.x and later."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� useSvmProps �됮」映삡세竊쏃�귞뵪雅롣슴�③쉹 SVN 1.4.x �딀쎍遙섊뎵�у룕躍껆쉪 svnsync(1) �썰빱�꾤뵪�룔��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:797
@@ -56853,7 +56853,7 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.rewriteRoot"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:803
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This allows users to create repositories from alternate URLs.  For example, an administrator could run 'git svn' on the server locally (accessing via file://) but wish to distribute the repository with a public http:// or svn:// URL in the metadata so users of it will see the public URL."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁졆竊뚨뵪�룟갚��빳�싪퓝�뜸퍟 URL �쎾뻠餓볟틩�� 堊뗥쫩竊뚨��녶몮��빳�ⓩ쑍�경쐨�▼솳訝딂퓧烏� 'git svn'竊덆�싪퓝 file://溫욥뿮竊됵펽鵝녶툕�쎾쑉�껅빊��릎�묈툋躍�쐣�у뀻 http:// �� svn:// URL �꾡퍜佯볩펽瓦숁졆�ⓩ댎弱김꺗�뗥댆�у뀻 URL��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:804
@@ -56865,7 +56865,7 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.rewriteUUID"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:809
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Similar to the useSvmProps option; this is for users who need to remap the UUID manually. This may be useful in situations where the original UUID is not available via either useSvmProps or useSvnsyncProps."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� useSvmProps �됮」映삡세竊뚪�귞뵪雅롩�誤곫뎸�③뇥�경삝弱� UUID �꾤뵪�룔�귛쑉�졿퀡�싪퓝 useSvmProps �� useSvnsyncProps �룟룚�잌쭓 UUID �꾣깄�듕툔竊뚩��됮」��꺗�욃만�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:810
@@ -56877,19 +56877,19 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.pushurl"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:819
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Similar to Git's `remote.<name>.pushurl`, this key is designed to be used in cases where 'url' points to an SVN repository via a read-only transport, to provide an alternate read/write transport. It is assumed that both keys point to the same repository. Unlike 'commiturl', 'pushurl' is a base path. If either 'commiturl' or 'pushurl' could be used, 'commiturl' takes precedence."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� Git �� `remote.<�띸㎞>.pushurl` 映삡세竊뚩����溫←뵪雅� 'url' �싪퓝�よ�鴉좄풏�뉐릲 SVN 餓볟틩�꾣깄�듸펽餓ζ룓堊쎾룱訝�燁띹�/�쇾폖渦볝�귛걞若싪퓳訝ㅴ릉��꺗�뉐릲�뚥�訝や퍜佯볝�귚툗 'commiturl' 訝띶릪竊�'pushurl' ���訝ゅ읃�ц러孃꾠�귛쫩�쒎룾餓δ슴�� 'commiturl' �� 'pushurl'竊뚦닕 'commiturl' 鴉섇뀍��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:820
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
 msgid "svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:828
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This disables potentially expensive checks to workaround broken symlinks checked into SVN by broken clients.  Set this option to \"false\" if you track a SVN repository with many empty blobs that are not symlinks.  This option may be changed while 'git svn' is running and take effect on the next revision fetched.  If unset, 'git svn' assumes this option to be \"true\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "閭ㅹ�됮」鴉싩쫨�ⓩ퐳�①쉪遙섆빰餓룡��ο펽餓θ㎗�녑썱若€댎塋�뜜�뤺�뚧��ε댆 SVN 訝�쉪寧�뤇�얏렏�꾦뿮窯섅�� 倻귝옖鵝좄옙甕ょ쉪 SVN �덃쑍佯볞릎�됧푽鸚싦툖��Е�룬벦�η쉪令� blob竊뚩�弱녷��됮」溫얌맏 \"false\"�� 瑥ι�됮」��쑉瓦먫죱 'git svn' �뜸엶�뱄펽亮뜹쑉訝뗤�訝ょ뎵�ц렩�뽪뿶�잍븞�� 倻귝옖訝띹�營�펽'git svn ' 弱녶걞若싪��됮」訝� \"true\"��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:829
@@ -56901,7 +56901,7 @@ msgstr "svn.pathnameencoding"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:834
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This instructs git svn to recode pathnames to a given encoding.  It can be used by windows users and by those who work in non-utf8 locales to avoid corrupted file names with non-ASCII characters.  Valid encodings are the ones supported by Perl's Encode module."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉒ㅊ git svn 弱녻러孃꾢릫�띷뼭煐뽫쟻訝븀퍢若싩쉪煐뽫쟻�� Windows �ⓩ댎�뚦쑉�� UTF8 �у쑑��쥊訝�램鵝쒐쉪�ⓩ댎��빳鵝욜뵪若껅씎�욕뀓�뉏뻑�띹˙�� ASCII 耶쀧Е�닷쓯�� �됪븞�꾤폋�곫삸 Perl �꾤폋�곫Æ�쀦���똻�꾤폋�곥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-svn.txt:835
@@ -56913,31 +56913,31 @@ msgstr "svn-remote.<name>.automkdirs"
 #: en/git-svn.txt:842
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Normally, the \"git svn clone\" and \"git svn rebase\" commands attempt to recreate empty directories that are in the Subversion repository.  If this option is set to \"false\", then empty directories will only be created if the \"git svn mkdirs\" command is run explicitly.  If unset, 'git svn' assumes this option to be \"true\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싧만竊�\"git svn clone\" �� \"git svn rebase\" �썰빱鴉싧컼瑥뺡뇥�겼닗兩� Subversion 餓볟틩訝�쉪令븀쎅壤뺛�� 倻귝옖弱녷��됮」溫얌맏 \"false\"竊뚪궍阿덂룵�됧쑉�얍폀瓦먫죱 \"git svn mkdirs\" �썰빱�뜻뎺鴉싧닗兩븀㈉��퐬�� 倻귝옖訝띹�營�펽'git svn' 弱녶걞若싪��됮」訝� \"true\"��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:847
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Since the noMetadata, rewriteRoot, rewriteUUID, useSvnsyncProps and useSvmProps options all affect the metadata generated and used by 'git svn'; they *must* be set in the configuration file before any history is imported and these settings should never be changed once they are set."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�긴틢 noMetadata�걊ewriteRoot�걊ewriteUUID�걏seSvnsyncProps �� useSvmProps �됮」�썰폏壤긷뱧 'git svn' �잍닇�뚥슴�①쉪�껅빊��펽�졿�恙낂』�ⓨ��δ뻣鵝뺝럣�꿱�壤뺜퉳�띶쑉�띸쉰�뉏뻑訝��營�퓳雅쏃�됮」竊뚩�뚥툝訝����營�릮弱긴툖孃쀦쎍�밤��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:851
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Additionally, only one of these options can be used per svn-remote section because they affect the 'git-svn-id:' metadata line, except for rewriteRoot and rewriteUUID which can be used together."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "閭ㅵ쨼竊뚧캀訝� svn-remote �ⓨ늽�よ꺗鵝욜뵪�뜸릎訝�訝ら�됮」竊뚦썱訝뷴츆餓т폏壤긷뱧 'git-svn-id:' �껅빊��죱竊뚥퐜 rewriteRoot �� rewriteUUID ��빳訝�壅룝슴�ⓦ��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:854
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뷸쑍鹽뷰풃"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:858
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Tracking and contributing to the trunk of a Subversion-managed project (ignoring tags and branches):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓮잒릉�뚩뇟�� Subversion 嶸←릤窈밭쎅�꾡말亮뀐펷恙썹븼�뉒��뚦늽��펹竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:876
@@ -56959,13 +56959,13 @@ msgid ""
 "\tgit svn dcommit\n"
 "# Append svn:ignore settings to the default Git exclude file:\n"
 "\tgit svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# �뗩쉮訝�訝や퍜佯볩펷映삡세 git clone竊됵폏\n\tgit svn clone\n# 瓦쎾뀯�겼뀑�녵퍜佯볡쉪�뉏뻑鸚뱄폏\n\tcd trunk\n# �� git branch �띷А簾����뎺�� master竊덁말竊됧늽��툓\n\tgit branch\n# 弱녵�雅쎾램鵝쒑퓵烏뚧쑍�곁쉪 Git �먧벡\n\tgit commit ...\n# �먧벡�� SVN �꾢냵若뱄펽�방뜮\n# SVN 訝�쉪���경쎍�뱄폏\n\tgit svn rebase\n# �겼쑉弱놅펷阿뗥뎺�� Git �먧벡�꾬펹岳�뵻�먧벡�� SVN��\n# �뚧뿶�ゅ뒯�닸뼭�①쉪藥δ퐳 HEAD竊�\n\tgit svn dcommit\n# 弱� svn:ignore 溫양쉰�꾢뒥�곈퍡溫ㅷ쉪 Git �믧솮�뉏뻑\n\tgit svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:880
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Tracking and contributing to an entire Subversion-managed project (complete with a trunk, tags and branches):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓮잒릉�뚦뢿訝롦빐訝� Subversion 嶸←릤�꾦」��펷�끾떖訝삣묾�곫젃嶺얍뭽�녷뵱竊됵폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:895
@@ -56984,13 +56984,13 @@ msgid ""
 "\tgit reset --hard svn/trunk\n"
 "# You may only dcommit to one branch/tag/trunk at a time.  The usage\n"
 "# of dcommit/rebase/show-ignore should be the same as above.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# �ⓩ젃�� SVN ��퐬躍껃��뗩쉮訝�訝や퍜佯볩펷訝� git clone 映삡세竊됵폏\n\tgit svn clone --stdlayout --prefix svn/\n# �뽬�낉펽倻귝옖餓볟틩鵝욜뵪�욄젃�녺쎅壤뺝툋掠�竊�\n\tgit svn clone -T tr -b branch -t tag --prefix svn/\n# �η쐦�ⓨ뀑�녺쉪���됧늽��뭽�뉒�竊�\n\tgit branch -r\n# �� SVN 訝�닗兩뷰�訝ゆ뼭�녷뵱\n\tgit svn branch waldo\n# �띸쉰�①쉪訝삣늽��맏 trunk竊덃닑餓삡퐬�뜸퍟�녷뵱竊뚨뵪�귛퐪�꾢릫燁경쎘�� 'trunk'\n# �욘뜟訝뷴릦�귞쉪�띸㎞竊됵폏\n\tgit reset --hard svn/trunk\n# 訝�轝▼룵�썸룓雅ㅵ댆訝�訝ゅ늽��/�뉒�/訝삣묾�� 鵝욜뵪\n# dcommit/rebase/show-ignore �꾤뵪力뺝틪訝롣툓瓦곁쎑�뚣��\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:903
 #, priority:100
 msgid "The initial 'git svn clone' can be quite time-consuming (especially for large Subversion repositories). If multiple people (or one person with multiple machines) want to use 'git svn' to interact with the same Subversion repository, you can do the initial 'git svn clone' to a repository on a server and have each person clone that repository with 'git clone':"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���앯쉪 'git svn clone' ��꺗�멨퐪�쀦뿶竊덂갇�뜻삸野밥틢鸚㎩엹 Subversion 餓볟틩竊됥�귛쫩�쒎쩀雅븝펷�뽨�雅뷸떏�됧쩀�경쑛�⑨펹�녕뵪 'git svn' 訝롥릪訝�訝� Subversion 餓볟틩雅ㅴ틨竊뚦룾餓ε뀍�� 'git svn clone' �뗩쉮�띶뒦�ⓧ툓�꾡퍜佯볩펽�뜹릮溫⒵캀訝や볶�� 'git clone' �뗩쉮瑥δ퍜佯볩폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:924
@@ -57015,79 +57015,79 @@ msgid ""
 "\tgit svn init [options...]\n"
 "# Pull the latest changes from Subversion\n"
 "\tgit svn rebase\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# �ⓩ쐨�▼솳訝딂퓵烏뚦닜冶뗥���\n\tssh server \"cd /pub && git svn clone [options...]\"\n# �뗩쉮�경쑍�� - 簾�퓷 refs/remotes/ 令븅뿴訝롦쐨�▼솳訝���\n\tmkdir project\n\tcd project\n\tgit init\n\tgit remote add origin server:/pub/project\n\tgit config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch '+refs/remotes/*:refs/remotes/*'\n\tgit fetch\n# �꿩�弱녷씎餓롨퓶葉� Git �띶뒦�②렩��/�됧룚��\n# �묇뺄�ゆ꺍�ⓨ컛�η쉪�닸뼭訝�슴�� git svn\n\tgit config --remove-section remote.origin\n# 餓롥닖�싪렩�뽫쉪�녷뵱訝�닗兩뷰�訝ゆ쑍�겼늽��\n\tgit checkout -b master FETCH_HEAD\n# �ⓩ쑍�겼닜冶뗥뙑 \"git svn\"竊덄‘岳앬슴�①쎑�뚨쉪 URL ��\n--stdlayout/-T/-b/-t/-t--prefix �됮」竊됥��\n\tgit svn init [options...]\n# 餓� Subversion �됧룚���겻엶��\n\tgit svn rebase\n"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:927
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "REBASE VS. PULL/MERGE 竊덂룜�뷰툗�됧룚/�덂뭉野방캈竊�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:933
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Prefer to use 'git svn rebase' or 'git rebase', rather than 'git pull' or 'git merge' to synchronize unintegrated commits with a 'git svn' branch. Doing so will keep the history of unintegrated commits linear with respect to the upstream SVN repository and allow the use of the preferred 'git svn dcommit' subcommand to push unintegrated commits back into SVN."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鴉섇뀍鵝욜뵪 'git svn rebase' �� 'git rebase'竊뚩�뚥툖�� 'git pull' �� 'git merge' �ε릪閭ζ쑋�닷릦�먧벡訝� 'git svn' �녷뵱�귟퓳�룟걳弱녵슴�ゆ빐�덃룓雅ㅷ쉪�녶뤁訝롣툓歷� SVN 餓볟틩岳앮똻瀛욘�㎩뀽楹삼펽亮뜹뀅溫멧슴�③쫿�됬쉪 'git svn dcommit' 耶먨뫝餓ㅵ컛�ゆ빐�덃룓雅ㅶ렓�� SVN��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:941
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Originally, 'git svn' recommended that developers pulled or merged from the 'git svn' branch.  This was because the author favored `git svn set-tree B` to commit a single head rather than the `git svn set-tree A..B` notation to commit multiple commits. Use of 'git pull' or 'git merge' with `git svn set-tree A..B` will cause non-linear history to be flattened when committing into SVN and this can lead to merge commits unexpectedly reversing previous commits in SVN."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "���앾펽'git svn' 兩븃�凉��묋�끺퍗 'git svn' �녷뵱�됧룚�뽩릦亮뜰�� 瓦숁삸�졽맏鵝쒑�끻�얍릲雅롧뵪 `git svn set-tree B` �ζ룓雅ㅵ뜒訝ゅㅄ竊뚩�뚥툖��뵪 `git svn set-tree A..B` �ζ룓雅ㅵ쩀訝ゅㅄ�귚슴�� 'git pull' �� 'git merge' �� `git svn set-tree A..B` 鴉싧��닻씆瀛욘�㎩럣�꿨쑉�먧벡�� SVN �띈˙�곩뭄�뽳펽瓦쇿룾�썰폏野쇠눜�덂뭉�먧벡�뤷쨼�겼쑉 SVN 訝��녻쉬阿뗥뎺�꾣룓雅ㅳ��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:943
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�덂뭉瓮잒릉"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:950
 #, priority:100
 msgid "While 'git svn' can track copy history (including branches and tags) for repositories adopting a standard layout, it cannot yet represent merge history that happened inside git back upstream to SVN users.  Therefore it is advised that users keep history as linear as possible inside Git to ease compatibility with SVN (see the CAVEATS section below)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�썹꽫 'git svn' ��빳瓮잒릉�뉒뵪�뉐뇛躍껃��꾡퍜佯볡쉪鸚띶댍�녶뤁竊덂똿�у늽��뭽�뉓�竊됵펽鵝녶츆瓦섆툖�썲컛�묊뵟�� git �낂깿�꾢릦亮뜹럣�꿨썮繹�댆 SVN �ⓩ댎�꾡툓歷멥�� �졿�竊뚧닊餓у뻠溫�뵪�룟갹��꺗�� Git �낂깿岳앮똻瀛욘�㎫쉪�녶뤁溫겼퐬竊뚥빳�밥씩訝� SVN �쇔�竊덅쭅訝뗦뻼 �쒏낏�뤶틟窈밟�� �ⓨ늽竊됥��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-svn.txt:952
 #, no-wrap, priority:100
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鸚꾤릤 svn �녷뵱"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:960
 #, priority:100
 msgid "If 'git svn' is configured to fetch branches (and --follow-branches is in effect), it sometimes creates multiple Git branches for one SVN branch, where the additional branches have names of the form 'branchname@nnn' (with nnn an SVN revision number).  These additional branches are created if 'git svn' cannot find a parent commit for the first commit in an SVN branch, to connect the branch to the history of the other branches."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖 'git svn' 熬ラ뀓營�맏�룟룚�녷뵱竊덁툝 --follow-branches �됪븞竊됵펽若껅쐣�뜸폏訝뷰�訝� SVN �녷뵱�쎾뻠鸚싦릉 Git �녷뵱竊뚩퓳雅쏃셿�졾늽��쉪�띸㎞訝� 'branchname@nnn'竊늧nn 訝� SVN 岳���덃쑍�뤄펹�� 倻귝옖 'git svn' �졿퀡訝� SVN �녷뵱�꾤К訝�轝→룓雅ㅶ돻�곁댍�먧벡竊뚦갚鴉싧닗兩븃퓳雅쏃셿�졾늽��펽餓δ씩弱녻��녷뵱訝롥끀餓뽩늽��쉪�녶뤁瓦욄렏壅룡씎��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:976
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Normally, the first commit in an SVN branch consists of a copy operation. 'git svn' will read this commit to get the SVN revision the branch was created from. It will then try to find the Git commit that corresponds to this SVN revision, and use that as the parent of the branch. However, it is possible that there is no suitable Git commit to serve as parent.  This will happen, among other reasons, if the SVN branch is a copy of a revision that was not fetched by 'git svn' (e.g. because it is an old revision that was skipped with `--revision`), or if in SVN a directory was copied that is not tracked by 'git svn' (such as a branch that is not tracked at all, or a subdirectory of a tracked branch). In these cases, 'git svn' will still create a Git branch, but instead of using an existing Git commit as the parent of the branch, it will read the SVN history of the directory the branch was copied from and create appropriate Git commits.  This is indicated by the message \"Initializing parent: <branchname>\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싧만竊똕VN �녷뵱�꾤К訝�轝→룓雅ㅵ똿�у쨳�뜻뱧鵝쒌��'git svn' 鴉싪��뽬��먧벡竊뚥빳�룟풓�쎾뻠�녷뵱�� SVN �덃쑍�귞꽫�롳펽若껂폏弱앲캊�얍댆訝롨� SVN �덃쑍�멨�佯붺쉪 Git �먧벡竊뚦뭉弱녶끀鵝쒍맏�녷뵱�꾤댍�녷뵱�귚툖瓦뉛펽阿잍쐣��꺗亦→쐣�덆�귞쉪 Git �먧벡鵝쒍맏�뜹늽���� �ㅵ끀餓뽩렅�졾쨼竊뚦쫩�� SVN �녷뵱���訝や엶溫®뎵�х쉪��쑍竊뚩�� 'git svn' 亦→쐣�룟룚瑥δ엶溫®뎵�э펷堊뗥쫩竊뚦썱訝뷴츆���訝ょ뵪 `--revision` 瓮녘퓝�꾣뿧岳���덃쑍竊됵펽�뽬�끻쑉 SVN 訝�쨳�뜸틙訝�訝� 'git svn' 訝띹퇎甕ょ쉪��퐬竊덁풃倻귚�訝ゆ졊�т툖瓮잒릉�꾢늽��펽�뽬�끺�訝ゅ럴瓮잒릉�녷뵱�꾢춴��퐬竊됵펽弱긴폏�븀렟瓦숂쭕�끻넻�귛쑉瓦숂쭕�끻넻訝뗰펽'git svn' 餓띴폏�쎾뻠訝�訝� Git �녷뵱竊뚥퐜若껂툖鴉싦슴�①렟�됬쉪 Git �먧벡鵝쒍맏瑥ε늽��쉪�뜻룓雅ㅿ펽�뚧삸鴉싪��뽬��녷뵱熬ュ쨳�띄쉪��퐬�� SVN �녶뤁溫겼퐬竊뚦뭉�쎾뻠�귛퐪�� Git �먧벡�� 岳→겘 \"Initializing parent:<�녷뵱��>\"岳→겘�θ〃鹽뷩��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:983
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Additionally, it will create a special branch named '<branchname>@<SVN-Revision>', where <SVN-Revision> is the SVN revision number the branch was copied from.  This branch will point to the newly created parent commit of the branch.  If in SVN the branch was deleted and later recreated from a different version, there will be multiple such branches with an '@'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "閭ㅵ쨼竊뚦츆瓦섆폏�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ릫訝� '<�녷뵱��>@<SVN-�덃쑍>' �꾤돶餘듿늽��펽�뜸릎 <SVN-�덃쑍> ����녷뵱鸚띶댍�ょ쉪 SVN �덃쑍�룔�� 瑥ε늽��컛�뉐릲瑥ε늽��뼭�쎾뻠�꾤댍�먧벡�� 倻귝옖瑥ε늽��쑉 SVN 訝�˙�좈솮竊뚦릮�ε룉餓롣툖�뚨뎵�ч뇥�겼닗兩븝펽�쇾폏�븀렟鸚싦릉躍� '@' �꾢늽����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:986
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Note that this may mean that multiple Git commits are created for a single SVN revision."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽瓦쇿룾�썸꼷�녕�訝�訝� SVN 岳���덁폏�쎾뻠鸚싦릉 Git �먧벡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:996
 #, priority:100
 msgid "An example: in an SVN repository with a standard trunk/tags/branches layout, a directory trunk/sub is created in r.100.  In r.200, trunk/sub is branched by copying it to branches/. 'git svn clone -s' will then create a branch 'sub'. It will also create new Git commits for r.100 through r.199 and use these as the history of branch 'sub'. Thus there will be two Git commits for each revision from r.100 to r.199 (one containing trunk/, one containing trunk/sub/). Finally, it will create a branch 'sub@200' pointing to the new parent commit of branch 'sub' (i.e. the commit for r.200 and trunk/sub/)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝얌릉堊뗥춴竊싧쑉訝�訝ら뇞�ⓩ젃�� trunk/tags/branches 躍껃��� SVN 餓g쟻佯볞릎竊똱.100 訝�닗兩뷰틙 trunk/sub ��퐬�� �� r.200 訝�펽trunk/sub 熬ュ쨳�뜹댆 branches/ 訝�펽餓롨�뚩˙�녷뵱��'git svn clone -s' 鴉싧닗兩뷰�訝ゅ늽�� 'sub'�귛츆瓦섆폏訝� r.100 �� r.199 �쎾뻠�곁쉪 Git �먧벡竊뚦뭉弱녶끀鵝쒍맏�녷뵱 'sub' �꾢럣�꿔�귟퓳�뤄펽餓� r.100 �� r.199 �꾣캀訝や엶溫®뎵�ч꺗鴉싨쐣訝ㅴ릉 Git �먧벡竊덁�訝ゅ똿�� trunk/竊뚥�訝ゅ똿�� trunk/sub/竊됥�귝��롳펽若껂폏�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ늽�� 'sub@200'竊뚧뙁�묈늽�� 'sub' �꾣뼭�뜻룓雅ㅿ펷�� r.200 �� trunk/sub/ �꾣룓雅ㅿ펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1006
 #, priority:100
 msgid "For the sake of simplicity and interoperating with Subversion, it is recommended that all 'git svn' users clone, fetch and dcommit directly from the SVN server, and avoid all 'git clone'/'pull'/'merge'/'push' operations between Git repositories and branches.  The recommended method of exchanging code between Git branches and users is 'git format-patch' and 'git am', or just 'dcommit'ing to the SVN repository."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝븀��뺠돈鰲곩뭉訝� Subversion 雅믤뱧鵝쒙펽兩븃����� 'git svn' �ⓩ댎�닸렏餓� SVN �띶뒦�� clone�갽etch �� dcommit竊뚪겳�띶쑉 Git 餓볟틩�뚦늽��퉳�닺퓵烏뚧��� 'git clone'/'pull'/'merge'/'push' �띴퐳�� �� Git �녷뵱�뚨뵪�룝퉳�답벡�㏘빰�곭쉪�②뜍�방퀡�� 'git format-patch' �� 'git am'竊뚧닑�닸렏 'dcommit' �� SVN 餓볟틩��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-svn.txt:1012