diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 0ebc7ae348b51d643f77448e1467c532f9024314..aae724f7ed22612882eee51b4c2ed0bd2cf3ce3f 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-22 04:01+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-23 09:02+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1.1-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -22966,7 +22966,7 @@ msgstr "�ζ쐿�쇔폀"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:273
 #, priority:90
 msgid "The following date formats are supported.  A frontend should select the format it will use for this import by passing the format name in the --date-format=<fmt> command-line option."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��똻餓δ툔�ζ쐿�쇔폀�� �띶룿佯붼�싪퓝�� --date-format=<�ζ쐿�쇔폀> �썰빱烏뚪�됮」訝�폖�믤졏凉뤷릫燁경씎�됪떓野쇔뀯�뜸슴�①쉪�쇔폀��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:274
@@ -22978,13 +22978,13 @@ msgstr "`raw`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:278
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This is the Git native format and is `<time> SP <offutc>`.  It is also fast-import's default format, if --date-format was not specified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁삸 Git �꾣쑍�경졏凉륅펽訝� `<time> SP <offutc>`�� 倻귝옖亦→쐣�뉐츣 --date-format �쇔폀竊뚦츆阿잍삸 fast-import �꾦퍡溫ㅶ졏凉뤵��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:282
 #, priority:90
 msgid "The time of the event is specified by `<time>` as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (midnight, Jan 1, 1970, UTC) and is written as an ASCII decimal integer."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "雅뗤뻑�묊뵟�꾣뿶�당뵳 `<�띌뿴>` �뉐츣竊뚧삸�� UNIX 瀛ゅ뀇竊덁툟�뚦뜌瘟껅뿶 1970 亮� 1 �� 1 �ε뜄鸚쒙펹餓ζ씎�꾤쭜�곤펽亮뜹넍�� ASCII �곮퓵�뜻빐�겹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:288
@@ -22996,13 +22996,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:294
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If the local offset is not available in the source material, use ``+0000'', or the most common local offset.  For example many organizations have a CVS repository which has only ever been accessed by users who are located in the same location and time zone.  In this case a reasonable offset from UTC could be assumed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖繹먩쓲�쇾릎亦→쐣�у쑑�뤹㎉�륅펽�쇾슴�� ''+0000'' �뽪�躍며뵪�꾣쑍�겼걦燁삯뇧�� 堊뗥쫩竊뚩�鸚싩퍍瀯뉔꺗�됦�訝� CVS 餓볟틩竊뚦룵�됦퐤雅롥릪訝��곁궧�뚧뿶�븀쉪�ⓩ댎�띹꺗溫욥뿮瑥δ퍜佯볝�� �②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚦룾餓ε걞若싦툗 UTC �됧릦�녺쉪�뤹㎉��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:298
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Unlike the `rfc2822` format, this format is very strict.  Any variation in formatting will cause fast-import to reject the value, and some sanity checks on the numeric values may also be performed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� `rfc2822` �쇔폀訝띶릪竊뚩��쇔폀�욃만訝ζ졏�� �쇔폀訝딁쉪餓삡퐬�섇뙑�썰폏野쇠눜 fast-import �믥퍦瑥ε�쇽펽�뚧뿶阿잋폏野방빊�쇠퓵烏뚥�雅쎿�簾��㎪��γ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:299
@@ -23014,7 +23014,7 @@ msgstr "`raw-permissive`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:304
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This is the same as `raw` except that no sanity checks on the numeric epoch and local offset are performed.  This can be useful when trying to filter or import an existing history with e.g. bogus timezone values."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾툗 `raw` �멨릪竊뚦룵��툖野방빊耶쀧벳�껃뭽�у쑑�뤹㎉瓦쏂죱閭g‘�㎪��γ�� 瓦쇿쑉瓦뉑빱�뽩��ε똿�ラ뵗瑥�뿶�뷴�쇘춬�끻��꾤렟�됧럣�꿱�壤뺞뿶�욃만�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:305
@@ -23026,37 +23026,37 @@ msgstr "`rfc2822`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:307
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This is the standard email format as described by RFC 2822."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁삸 RFC 2822 ���뤺염�꾣젃�녺뵷耶먬궙餓뜻졏凉뤵��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:312
 #, priority:90
 msgid "An example value is ``Tue Feb 6 11:22:18 2007 -0500''.  The Git parser is accurate, but a little on the lenient side.  It is the same parser used by 'git am' when applying patches received from email."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鹽뷰풃�쇌맏 ''Tue Feb 6 11:22:18 2007 -0500''�� Git 鰲f옄�ⓨ푽�녺‘竊뚥퐜�됬궧�뤷��얇�� 若껂툗 'git am' �ⓨ틪�ⓧ퍗�드춴��뻑�뜹댆�꾥‥訝곫뿶鵝욜뵪�꾥㎗�먨솳�멨릪��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:318
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Some malformed strings may be accepted as valid dates.  In some of these cases Git will still be able to obtain the correct date from the malformed string.  There are also some types of malformed strings which Git will parse wrong, and yet consider valid.  Seriously malformed strings will be rejected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�됦틳�멨숱耶쀧Е訝꿨룾�썰폏熬ュ퐪鵝쒏쐣�덃뿥�잆�� �ⓩ윇雅쎿깄�듕툔竊똆it 餓띹꺗餓롧빖壤℡춻寧╊림訝�렩�뽪�簾�쉪�ζ쐿�� 瓦섉쐣訝�雅쏁굳�뗧쉪�멨숱耶쀧Е訝뀐펽Git 鴉싧컛�띈㎗�먧맏�숃�竊뚥퐜溫ㅴ맏��쐣�덄쉪�� 訝ι뇥�꾤빖壤℡춻寧╊림弱녻˙�믥퍦��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:323
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Unlike the `raw` format above, the time zone/UTC offset information contained in an RFC 2822 date string is used to adjust the date value to UTC prior to storage.  Therefore it is important that this information be as accurate as possible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝롣툓瓦� `raw` �쇔폀訝띶릪竊똓FC 2822 �ζ쐿耶쀧Е訝꿜릎�끻맜�꾣뿶��/UTC �뤹㎉岳→겘�ⓧ틢�ⓨ춼�ⓨ뎺弱녷뿥�잌�쇠컘�답맏 UTC�� �졿�竊뚩�岳→겘恙낂』弱썲룾�썲뇛簾���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:328
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If the source material uses RFC 2822 style dates, the frontend should let fast-import handle the parsing and conversion (rather than attempting to do it itself) as the Git parser has been well tested in the wild."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖繹먩쓲�쇾슴�� RFC 2822 �룟폀�꾣뿥�잞펽�띶룿佯붻� fast-import 鸚꾤릤鰲f옄�뚩쉬��펷�뚥툖��눎藥긷컼瑥뺧펹竊뚦썱訝� Git 鰲f옄�ⓨ럴�③뇦鸚뽬퓵烏뚥틙����꾣탩瑥뺛��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:333
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Frontends should prefer the `raw` format if the source material already uses UNIX-epoch format, can be coaxed to give dates in that format, or its format is easily convertible to it, as there is no ambiguity in parsing."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖繹먩쓲�쇿럴瀯뤶슴�ⓧ틙 UNIX-epoch �쇔폀竊뚧닑�끻룾餓ε뱞謠쀦틦�먩뼑餓θ��쇔폀�먧풘�ζ쐿竊뚧닑�끾틦�먩뼑�꾣졏凉뤷푽若방삌饔ф뜟�먫��쇔폀竊덂썱訝뷴쑉鰲f옄�뜸툖鴉싦벨�잍�阿됵펹竊뚪궍阿덂뎺塋�쮮佯뤷틪鴉섇뀍鵝욜뵪 `raw` �쇔폀��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:334
@@ -23068,25 +23068,25 @@ msgstr "`now`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:337
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Always use the current time and time zone.  The literal `now` must always be supplied for `<when>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "冶뗧퍑鵝욜뵪壤볟뎺�띌뿴�뚧뿶�뷩�� 恙낂』冶뗧퍑訝� `<when>` �먧풘耶쀩씊�뤶퉱訝딁쉪 `now`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:342
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This is a toy format.  The current time and time zone of this system is always copied into the identity string at the time it is being created by fast-import.  There is no way to specify a different time or time zone."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁삸訝�燁띸렔�룡졏凉뤵�� �③�싪퓝恙ラ�잌��ε닗兩븃벴餓썲춻寧╊림�띰펽楹사퍨�꾢퐪�띷뿶�닷뭽�뜹뙷�삥삸熬ュ쨳�뜹댆翁ヤ뻥耶쀧Е訝꿜릎�� �졿퀡�뉐츣訝띶릪�꾣뿶�닸닑�뜹뙷��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:347
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This particular format is supplied as it's short to implement and may be useful to a process that wants to create a new commit right now, without needing to use a working directory or 'git update-index'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�먧풘瓦숂쭕�쇔폀�꾢렅�졿삸竊뚦츆�꾢츩�경뿶�닷푽��펽�뚥툝��꺗野방꺍誤곭쳦�녑닗兩뷸뼭�먧벡�꾥퓵葉뗥푽�됬뵪竊뚩�뚥툖��誤곦슴�ⓨ램鵝쒐쎅壤뺞닑 'git update-index'��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:354
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If separate `author` and `committer` commands are used in a `commit` the timestamps may not match, as the system clock will be polled twice (once for each command).  The only way to ensure that both author and committer identity information has the same timestamp is to omit `author` (thus copying from `committer`) or to use a date format other than `now`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�� `commit` 訝�늽�ヤ슴�ⓧ틙 `authoe` �� `committer` �썰빱竊뚧뿶�닸댊��꺗鴉싦툖訝��댐펽�졽맏楹사퍨�띌뮓鴉싪쉰瑥㏘륵轝∽펷驪뤸씉�썰빱訝�轝∽펹�� 簾�퓷鵝쒑�끻뭽�먧벡�낁벴餓썰에��끁�됬쎑�뚧뿶�닸댊�꾢뵱訝��방퀡��쐛�� `author` �썰빱竊덂썱閭ㅴ퍗 `committer` �썰빱鸚띶댍竊됵펽�뽨슴�③솮 `now` 餓ε쨼�꾢끀餓뽪뿥�잍졏凉뤵��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:356
@@ -23098,7 +23098,7 @@ msgstr "�썰빱"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:360
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import accepts several commands to update the current repository and control the current import process.  More detailed discussion (with examples) of each command follows later."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import �ε룛鸚싨씉�썰빱�ζ쎍�겼퐪�띴퍜佯볟뭽�㎩댍壤볟뎺野쇔뀯瓦뉒쮮�� 葉띶릮弱녶�驪뤸씉�썰빱瓦쏂죱�닺�瀯녺쉪溫②�竊덆셿鹽뷰풃竊됥��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:361 en/git-fast-import.txt:430
@@ -23110,7 +23110,7 @@ msgstr "`commit`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:365
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Creates a new branch or updates an existing branch by creating a new commit and updating the branch to point at the newly created commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싪퓝�쎾뻠�경룓雅ㅵ뭉�닸뼭�녷뵱餓ζ뙁�묉뼭�쎾뻠�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�쎾뻠�겼늽��닑�닸뼭�경쐣�녷뵱��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:366 en/git-fast-import.txt:820
@@ -23122,7 +23122,7 @@ msgstr "`tag`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:371
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Creates an annotated tag object from an existing commit or branch.  Lightweight tags are not supported by this command, as they are not recommended for recording meaningful points in time."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓롧렟�됪룓雅ㅶ닑�녷뵱�쎾뻠力③뇢�뉒�野배괌�� 閭ㅵ뫝餓ㅴ툖��똻饔삯뇧瀛㎪젃溫곤펽�졽맏訝띶뻠溫�뵪若껂뺄�θ�壤뺞쐣�뤶퉱�꾣뿶�당궧��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:372 en/git-fast-import.txt:865
@@ -23134,7 +23134,7 @@ msgstr "`reset`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:376
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Reset an existing branch (or a new branch) to a specific revision.  This command must be used to change a branch to a specific revision without making a commit on it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녺렟�됧늽��펷�뽪뼭�녷뵱竊됮뇥營�맏�밧츣�덃쑍�� 恙낂』鵝욜뵪瓦숁씉�썰빱竊뚧뎺�썲쑉訝띷룓雅ㅷ쉪�끻넻訝뗰펽弱녶늽��쎍�밥맏�밧츣�덃쑍��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:377 en/git-fast-import.txt:894
@@ -23146,7 +23146,7 @@ msgstr "`blob`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:381
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Convert raw file data into a blob, for future use in a `commit` command.  This command is optional and is not needed to perform an import."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶렅冶뗦뻼餓뜻빊��쉬�㏘맏 blob竊뚥빳堊욕컛�ε쑉 `commit` �썰빱訝�슴�ⓦ�� 瑥ε뫝餓ㅶ삸���됬쉪竊뚧돢烏뚦��ζ뿶訝띺�誤곥��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:382 en/git-fast-import.txt:967
@@ -23158,7 +23158,7 @@ msgstr "`alias`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:388
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Record that a mark refers to a given object without first creating any new object.  Using --import-marks and referring to missing marks will cause fast-import to fail, so aliases can provide a way to set otherwise pruned commits to a valid value (e.g. the nearest non-pruned ancestor)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓧ툖�쎾뻠餓삡퐬�겼�穩←쉪�끻넻訝뗰펽溫겼퐬訝�訝ゆ젃溫경뙁�묇�訝ょ퍢若싧�穩▲�� 鵝욜뵪 --import-marks 亮뜹폊�①성鸚긺쉪�뉓�鴉싧��� fast-import 鸚김뇰竊뚦썱閭ㅵ닽�띶룾餓ζ룓堊쎽�燁띷뼶力뺧펽弱녶렅�у럴�ゆ옗�꾣룓雅ㅸ�營�맏�됪븞�쇽펷堊뗥쫩��瓦묊쉪�ゅ돦�앯쪝�덌펹��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:389 en/git-fast-import.txt:982
@@ -23170,7 +23170,7 @@ msgstr "`checkpoint`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:394
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Forces fast-import to close the current packfile, generate its unique SHA-1 checksum and index, and start a new packfile.  This command is optional and is not needed to perform an import."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "凉뷴댍 fast-import �녜뿭壤볟뎺�끾뻼餓띰펽�잍닇�뜹뵱訝��� SHA-1 �↓챿�뚦뭽榮℡폊竊뚦뭉��뒯訝�訝ゆ뼭�꾢똿�뉏뻑�� 閭ㅵ뫝餓ㅴ맏���됧뫝餓ㅿ펽�㎬죱野쇔뀯�뜻뿞��鵝욜뵪��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:395 en/git-fast-import.txt:1010
@@ -23182,7 +23182,7 @@ msgstr "`progress`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:399
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Causes fast-import to echo the entire line to its own standard output.  This command is optional and is not needed to perform an import."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝� fast-import 弱녷빐烏뚦냵若밧썮鴉좄눛�ゅ런�꾣젃�녻풏�뷩�� 瑥ε뫝餓ㅶ삸���됬쉪竊뚧돢烏뚦��ζ뿶訝띺�誤곩츆��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:400 en/git-fast-import.txt:1217
@@ -23194,7 +23194,7 @@ msgstr "`done`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:404
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Marks the end of the stream. This command is optional unless the `done` feature was requested using the `--done` command-line option or `feature done` command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉓��경뜮役곭쉪瀯볠씇�귡솮�욂슴�� `--done` �썰빱烏뚪�됮」�� `feature done` �썰빱誤곫콆鵝욜뵪 `done` �잒꺗竊뚦맔�숃��썰빱��룾�됬쉪��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:405 en/git-fast-import.txt:1035
@@ -23206,7 +23206,7 @@ msgstr "`get-mark`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:409
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Causes fast-import to print the SHA-1 corresponding to a mark to the file descriptor set with `--cat-blob-fd`, or `stdout` if unspecified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝� fast-import �묇슴�� `--cat-blob-fd` 溫양쉰�꾣뻼餓뜻룒瓦곁Е�볟뜲�뉓�野밧틪�� SHA-1 �쇽펽倻귝옖�ゆ뙁若싷펽�숁돀�� `stdout`��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:410 en/git-fast-import.txt:1050
@@ -23218,7 +23218,7 @@ msgstr "`cat-blob`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:414
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Causes fast-import to print a blob in 'cat-file --batch' format to the file descriptor set with `--cat-blob-fd` or `stdout` if unspecified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝� fast-import 餓� 'cat-file --batch' �쇔폀�묇슴�� `--cat-blob-fd` �� `stdout` 溫양쉰�꾣뻼餓뜻룒瓦곁Е�볟뜲 blob��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:415 en/git-fast-import.txt:1081
@@ -23230,7 +23230,7 @@ msgstr "`ls`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:419
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Causes fast-import to print a line describing a directory entry in 'ls-tree' format to the file descriptor set with `--cat-blob-fd` or `stdout` if unspecified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝� fast-import 餓� 'ls-tree' �쇔폀�묇슴�� `--cat-blob-fd` �� `stdout` 溫양쉰�꾣뻼餓뜻룒瓦곁Е�볟뜲�뤺염��퐬�←쎅�꾥죱��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:420 en/git-fast-import.txt:1134
@@ -23242,7 +23242,7 @@ msgstr "`feature`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:423
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Enable the specified feature. This requires that fast-import supports the specified feature, and aborts if it does not."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��뵪�뉐츣�잒꺗�귟퓳誤곫콆 fast-import ��똻�뉐츣�꾢뒣�쏙펽倻귝옖訝띷뵱�곩닕鴉싩퍑閭㏂��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:424 en/git-fast-import.txt:1189
@@ -23254,13 +23254,13 @@ msgstr "`option`"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:428
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Specify any of the options listed under OPTIONS that do not change stream semantic to suit the frontend's needs. This command is optional and is not needed to perform an import."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉐츣 \"�됮」\"竊늀PTIONS竊됦릎�쀥눣�꾡뻣鵝뺡�됮」竊뚩퓳雅쏃�됮」訝띴폏�밧룜役곮�阿됦빳�귛틪�띶룿�꾦�誤곥�귝��썰빱訝뷴룾�됮」竊뚧돢烏뚦��ζ뿶訝띺�誤곥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:433
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Create or update a branch with a new commit, recording one logical change to the project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓩ뼭�꾣룓雅ㅵ닗兩뷸닑�닸뼭�녷뵱竊뚩�壤뺡」��쉪�삭풌�섉쎍��"
 #. type: delimited block .
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:446
@@ -23277,13 +23277,13 @@ msgid ""
 "\t('merge' SP <commit-ish> LF)*\n"
 "\t(filemodify | filedelete | filecopy | filerename | filedeleteall | notemodify)*\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\t'commit' SP <凉뺟뵪> LF\n\tmark?\n\toriginal-oid?\n\t('author' (SP <�띸㎞>)? SP LT <email> GT SP <when> LF)?\n\t'committer' (SP <�띸㎞>)? SP LT <email> GT SP <when> LF\n\t('encoding' SP <煐뽫쟻>)?\n\tdata\n\t('from' SP <�먧벡��> LF)?\n\t('merge' SP <�먧벡��> LF)*\n\t(filemodify | filedelete | filecopy | filerename | filedeleteall | notemodify)*\n\tLF?\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:454
 #, priority:90
 msgid "where `<ref>` is the name of the branch to make the commit on.  Typically branch names are prefixed with `refs/heads/` in Git, so importing the CVS branch symbol `RELENG-1_0` would use `refs/heads/RELENG-1_0` for the value of `<ref>`.  The value of `<ref>` must be a valid refname in Git.  As `LF` is not valid in a Git refname, no quoting or escaping syntax is supported here."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뜸릎 `<凉뺟뵪>` ��쫨�먧벡�꾢늽��릫燁겹�� �� Git 訝�펽�녷뵱�띸㎞�싧만餓� `refs/heads/` 訝뷴뎺煐�竊뚦썱閭ㅵ��� CVS �녷뵱寧�뤇 `RELENG-1_0` �띰펽`<凉뺟뵪>` �꾢�쇔틪訝� `refs/heads/RELENG-1_0`�� �� Git 訝�펽`<凉뺟뵪>` �꾢�쇔퓚窈삥삸�됪븞�꾢폊�ⓨ릫燁겹�� �긴틢 `LF` �� Git 凉뺟뵪�띸㎞訝�뿞�덌펽�졿�閭ㅵ쨪訝띷뵱�곩폊�룡닑饔т퉱瑥�퀡��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:460