diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po index 27abed418354b73726a1997b891a2e92bbb0847d..1dba53d4c9c940591f5a4a3640be2a2b7b8a5610 100644 --- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po +++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package. # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019. msgid "" -msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-26 12:01+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1.1\n" +msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-03 05:13+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.2-dev\n" #. type: Labeled list #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31 @@ -24802,151 +24802,151 @@ msgstr "�끾뻼餓뜸폍��" #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1450 #, priority:90 msgid "When packing a blob fast-import always attempts to deltify against the last blob written. Unless specifically arranged for by the frontend, this will probably not be a prior version of the same file, so the generated delta will not be the smallest possible. The resulting packfile will be compressed, but will not be optimal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ⓩ돀�� blob �띰펽fast-import �삥삸弱앲캊�방뜮���롥넍�η쉪 blob 瓦쏂죱 deltify�� �ㅹ씆�띸ク�밧닽若됪럲竊뚦맔�숃퓳孃덂룾�썰툖��릪訝��뉏뻑�꾢뀍�띸뎵�э펽�졿��잍닇�� delta 訝띴폏��갹��꺗弱뤹쉪�� �잍닇�꾣돀�끾뻼餓뜹컛熬ュ럨煐⑼펽鵝녵툖鴉싪씨�경�鵝녔븞�쒌��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1458 #, priority:90 msgid "Frontends which have efficient access to all revisions of a single file (for example reading an RCS/CVS ,v file) can choose to supply all revisions of that file as a sequence of consecutive `blob` commands. This allows fast-import to deltify the different file revisions against each other, saving space in the final packfile. Marks can be used to later identify individual file revisions during a sequence of `commit` commands." -msgstr "" +msgstr "��빳遙섉븞溫욥뿮�뺜릉�뉏뻑���됦엶溫®뎵�х쉪�띸ク竊덁풃倻귟��� RCS/CVS ,v �뉏뻑竊됵펽��빳�됪떓餓θ퓹瀯�쉪 `blob` �썰빱佯뤷닓�먧풘瑥ζ뻼餓띄쉪���됦엶溫®뎵�с�� 瓦숁졆竊뚦엮�잌��η쮮佯뤷갚�썲컛訝띶릪�꾣뻼餓뜸엶溫®뎵�х쎑雅믣뙷�녶��ο펽餓롨�뚩뒄�곫�瀯덃돀�끾뻼餓띄쉪令븅뿴�� �뉓���뵪雅롣빳�롥쑉訝�瓦욂림 `commit` �썰빱訝�칳�ュ뜒訝ゆ뻼餓뜸엶溫®뎵��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1465 #, priority:90 msgid "The packfile(s) created by fast-import do not encourage good disk access patterns. This is caused by fast-import writing the data in the order it is received on standard input, while Git typically organizes data within packfiles to make the most recent (current tip) data appear before historical data. Git also clusters commits together, speeding up revision traversal through better cache locality." -msgstr "" +msgstr "fast-import �쎾뻠�꾢똿�뉏뻑訝띷뵱�곮돬也썹쉪髥곭썥溫욥뿮與▼폀�� 瓦숁삸�졽맏 fast-import ��뙃�㎪젃�녻풏�η쉪窈뷴틣�쇿뀯�경뜮�꾬펽�� Git �싧만鴉싧쑉�끾뻼餓뜸릎瀯꾤퍐�경뜮竊뚥슴���곁쉪竊덂퐪�띷룓鹽븝펹�경뜮�븀렟�ⓨ럣�꿩빊��퉳�띲�� Git 瓦섆폏弱녷룓雅ㅸ걳映삣쑉訝�壅뤄펽�싪퓝�닷��꾤폆耶섇츣鵝띶뒥恙ョ뎵�ч걤�녽�잌벧��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1472 #, priority:90 msgid "For this reason it is strongly recommended that users repack the repository with `git repack -a -d` after fast-import completes, allowing Git to reorganize the packfiles for faster data access. If blob deltas are suboptimal (see above) then also adding the `-f` option to force recomputation of all deltas can significantly reduce the final packfile size (30-50% smaller can be quite typical)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�졿�竊뚦성�덂뻠溫�뵪�룟쑉 fast-import 若뚧닇�롣슴�� `git repack -a -d` �띷뼭�볟똿餓볟틩竊뚩� Git �띷뼭瀯꾤퍐�볟똿�뉏뻑餓ε뒥恙ユ빊������잌벧�� 倻귝옖 blob deltas ��А鴉섊쉪竊덅쭅訝딀뻼竊됵펽�d퉰曆삣뒥 `-f` �됮」�ε성�띌뇥�계�嶸쀦��� deltas竊뚥튋�썸샑�쀥뇧弱묉�瀯덃돀�끾뻼餓띄쉪鸚㎩컦竊덆�싧만�썲뇧弱� 30-50%竊됥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1480 #, priority:90 msgid "Instead of running `git repack` you can also run `git gc --aggressive`, which will also optimize other things after an import (e.g. pack loose refs). As noted in the \"AGGRESSIVE\" section in linkgit:git-gc[1] the `--aggressive` option will find new deltas with the `-f` option to linkgit:git-repack[1]. For the reasons elaborated on above using `--aggressive` after a fast-import is one of the few cases where it's known to be worthwhile." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鵝졽튋��빳訝띹퓧烏� `git repack` �뚩퓧烏� `git gc--aggressive`竊뚦츆阿잋폏�ⓨ��ε릮鴉섇뙑�뜸퍟雅뗦깄竊덃캈倻귝돀�끾씭�g쉪凉뺟뵪竊됥�귝�倻� linkgit:git-gc[1] 訝�쉪 \"AGRESSIVE \"�ⓨ늽��瓦곤펽`--aggressive` �됮」鴉싧쑉 linkgit:git-repack[1] 訝�슴�� `-f` �됮」�얍댆�곁쉪 deltas�귞뵳雅롣툓瓦겼렅�좑펽�ⓨ엮�잌��ε릮鵝욜뵪 `--aggressive` ��맏�겻툖鸚싩쉪�쇔풓瓦쇾퉰�싩쉪�끻넻��" #. type: Title - #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1482 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "MEMORY UTILIZATION" -msgstr "" +msgstr "�끻춼�⑴뵪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1488 #, priority:90 msgid "There are a number of factors which affect how much memory fast-import requires to perform an import. Like critical sections of core Git, fast-import uses its own memory allocators to amortize any overheads associated with malloc. In practice fast-import tends to amortize any malloc overheads to 0, due to its use of large block allocations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "壤긷뱧 fast-import 野쇔뀯�����끻춼�꾢썱榮졿쐣孃덂쩀�� 訝롦졇恙� Git �꾢뀽��깿�녵��뤄펽fast-import 鵝욜뵪�ゅ런�꾢냵耶섇늽�띶솳�ζ몜��訝� malloc �멨뀽�꾢����� �ⓨ츩瓮듕릎竊뚨뵳雅� fast-import 鵝욜뵪雅녶ㄷ�뤹쉪�쀥늽�랃펽若껃�孃�鴉싧컛 malloc �꾢����딃�訝� 0��" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1490 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "per object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "驪뤶릉野배괌" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1497 #, priority:90 msgid "fast-import maintains an in-memory structure for every object written in this execution. On a 32 bit system the structure is 32 bytes, on a 64 bit system the structure is 40 bytes (due to the larger pointer sizes). Objects in the table are not deallocated until fast-import terminates. Importing 2 million objects on a 32 bit system will require approximately 64 MiB of memory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "fast-import 鴉싦맏�фА�㎬죱訝�넍�η쉪驪뤶릉野배괌瀯닸뒪訝�訝ゅ냵耶섊퍜�꾠�� �� 32 鵝띸내瀯잋릎竊뚩�瀯볠엫訝� 32 耶쀨뒄竊뚦쑉 64 鵝띸내瀯잋릎竊뚩�瀯볠엫訝� 40 耶쀨뒄竊덄뵳雅롦뙁�덂갰野멱푵鸚㏆펹�� 烏ⓧ릎�꾢�穩▼쑉 fast-import 瀯덃��띴툖鴉싪˙�띷뼭�녽뀓�� �� 32 鵝띸내瀯잋툓野쇔뀯 200 訝뉏릉野배괌鸚㎫벧��誤� 64 MiB �끻춼��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1503 #, priority:90 msgid "The object table is actually a hashtable keyed on the object name (the unique SHA-1). This storage configuration allows fast-import to reuse an existing or already written object and avoid writing duplicates to the output packfile. Duplicate blobs are surprisingly common in an import, typically due to branch merges in the source." -msgstr "" +msgstr "野배괌烏ⓨ츩�끺툓���訝や빳野배괌�띸㎞竊덂뵱訝��� SHA-1竊됦맏��쉪�덂툕烏ⓦ�� 瓦숂쭕耶섇궓�띸쉰�곮� fast-import �띸뵪�경쐣�뽩럴�쇿뀯�꾢�穩∽펽�욕뀓弱녽뇥鸚띸쉪野배괌�쇿뀯渦볟눣�끾뻼餓뜰�� �ⓨ��θ퓝葉뗤릎竊뚪뇥鸚띸쉪 blob 鴉싮씆躍멨만鰲곻펽瓦숅�싧만��뵳雅롦틦餓g쟻訝�쉪�녷뵱�덂뭉�졿닇�꾠��" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1505 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "per mark" -msgstr "" +msgstr "驪뤶릉�뉓�" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1511 #, priority:90 msgid "Marks are stored in a sparse array, using 1 pointer (4 bytes or 8 bytes, depending on pointer size) per mark. Although the array is sparse, frontends are still strongly encouraged to use marks between 1 and n, where n is the total number of marks required for this import." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�뉓�耶섇궓�ⓧ�訝ょ��뤸빊瀯꾡릎竊뚧캀訝ゆ젃溫겻슴�� 1 訝ゆ뙁�덌펷4 耶쀨뒄�� 8 耶쀨뒄竊뚦룚�념틢�뉔뭹鸚㎩컦竊됥�� �썹꽫�곁퍍����뤹쉪竊뚥퐜餓띶성�덂뻠溫�뎺塋�슴�� 1 �� n 阿뗩뿴�꾣젃溫곤펽�뜸릎 n ��쑍轝▼��ζ����꾣젃溫경�삥빊��" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1513 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "per branch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "驪뤶릉�녷뵱" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1516 #, priority:90 msgid "Branches are classified as active and inactive. The memory usage of the two classes is significantly different." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�녷뵱�녵맏域삣뒯�녷뵱�뚪씆域삣뒯�녷뵱�� 瓦쇾륵映삣늽��쉪�끻춼鵝욜뵪�뤷량�ュ푽鸚㎯��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1522 #, priority:90 msgid "Inactive branches are stored in a structure which uses 96 or 120 bytes (32 bit or 64 bit systems, respectively), plus the length of the branch name (typically under 200 bytes), per branch. fast-import will easily handle as many as 10,000 inactive branches in under 2 MiB of memory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�욄뉵�ⓨ늽��춼�ⓨ쑉訝�訝ょ퍜�꾡릎竊뚧캀訝ゅ늽��슴�� 96 �� 120 耶쀨뒄竊덂늽�ョ뵪雅� 32 鵝띷닑 64 鵝띸내瀯잞펹竊뚦쨼�졾늽��릫燁곁쉪�욕벧竊덆�싧만弱뤶틢 200 耶쀨뒄竊됥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1529 #, priority:90 msgid "Active branches have the same overhead as inactive branches, but also contain copies of every tree that has been recently modified on that branch. If subtree `include` has not been modified since the branch became active, its contents will not be loaded into memory, but if subtree `src` has been modified by a commit since the branch became active, then its contents will be loaded in memory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "域삣뒯�녷뵱�꾢���訝롩씆域삣뒯�녷뵱�멨릪竊뚥퐜阿잌똿�ヨ��녷뵱訝딀�瓦묇엶�배퓝�꾣캀汝득젒�꾢돬�с�� 倻귝옖耶먩젒 `include` �ⓨ늽��룜訝뷸뉵�ⓨ릮亦→쐣熬ヤ엶�배퓝竊뚦끀�끻�弱긴툖鴉싪˙�좄슬�겼냵耶섆릎竊뚥퐜倻귝옖耶먩젒 `src` �ⓨ늽��룜訝뷸뉵�ⓨ릮熬ユ룓雅ㅴ엶�배퓝竊뚦끀�끻�弱긴폏熬ュ뒥饔썲댆�끻춼訝���" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1533 #, priority:90 msgid "As active branches store metadata about the files contained on that branch, their in-memory storage size can grow to a considerable size (see below)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�긴틢域삣뒯�녷뵱耶섇궓�꾣삸瑥ε늽����ユ뻼餓띄쉪�껅빊��펽�졿��뜹냵耶섇춼�ⓨ��뤷룾�썰폏�멨퐪鸚㏆펷鰲곦툔�뉛펹��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1538 #, priority:90 msgid "fast-import automatically moves active branches to inactive status based on a simple least-recently-used algorithm. The LRU chain is updated on each `commit` command. The maximum number of active branches can be increased or decreased on the command line with --active-branches=." -msgstr "" +msgstr "fast-import �방뜮訝�燁띸��뺟쉪��瓦묉�弱묇슴�①츞力뺧펽�ゅ뒯弱녷뉵�ⓨ늽��㎉�녜씆域삣뒯�뜻�곥�� LRU �얌폏�ⓩ캀訝��� `commit` �썰빱訝�쎍�겹�� ��빳�ⓨ뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�슴�� --active-branches= �ε쥭�졿닑�뤷컩域삣뒯�녷뵱�꾣�鸚㎪빊�뤵��" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1540 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "per active tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "驪뤶릉域삣뒯��퐬��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1545 #, priority:90 msgid "Trees (aka directories) use just 12 bytes of memory on top of the memory required for their entries (see ``per active file'' below). The cost of a tree is virtually 0, as its overhead amortizes out over the individual file entries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�묕펷�덄㎞��퐬竊됧쑉�뜻씉��펷鰲곦툔�� ''驪뤶릉域삣뒯�뉏뻑''竊됪����끻춼阿뗥쨼竊뚥퍎�좂뵪 12 耶쀨뒄�끻춼�� �묊쉪�먩쑍�졽퉶訝븅쎏竊뚦썱訝뷴끀凉���鴉싧쑉�뺜릉�뉏뻑�←쎅訝�몜����" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1547 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "per active file entry" -msgstr "" +msgstr "驪뤶릉域삣뒯�뉏뻑�←쎅" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1553 #, priority:90 msgid "Files (and pointers to subtrees) within active trees require 52 or 64 bytes (32/64 bit platforms) per entry. To conserve space, file and tree names are pooled in a common string table, allowing the filename ``Makefile'' to use just 16 bytes (after including the string header overhead) no matter how many times it occurs within the project." -msgstr "" +msgstr "域삣뒯�묇릎�꾣뻼餓띰펷�뚧뙁�묈춴�묊쉪�뉔뭹竊됪캀訝ゆ씉���誤� 52 �� 64 耶쀨뒄竊�32/64 鵝띶뭄�곤펹�� 訝뷰틙�귞쐛令븅뿴竊뚧뻼餓뜹릫�뚧젒�띹˙�녵릎�겻�訝ら�싩뵪�꾢춻寧╊림烏ⓧ릎竊뚩퓳�룡뿞溫뷸뻼餓뜹릫\n''Makefile'' �③」��릎�븀렟鸚싧컩轝∽펽�썲룵��鵝욜뵪 16 訝ゅ춻�귨펷�끾떖耶쀧Е訝꿨ㅄ凉���竊됥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1558 #, priority:90 msgid "The active branch LRU, when coupled with the filename string pool and lazy loading of subtrees, allows fast-import to efficiently import projects with 2,000+ branches and 45,114+ files in a very limited memory footprint (less than 2.7 MiB per active branch)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "域삣뒯�녷뵱 LRU 訝롦뻼餓뜹릫耶쀧Е訝꿩콬�뚦춴�묊쉪�믣뒥饔썹쎑瀯볟릦竊뚥슴 fast-import �썲쩅�③씆躍멩쐣�먪쉪�끻춼令븅뿴�낉펷驪뤶릉域삣뒯�녷뵱弱뤶틢 2.7 MiB竊됮쳵�덂��ε똿�� 2,000 鸚싦릉�녷뵱�� 45,114 鸚싦릉�뉏뻑�꾦」����" #. type: Title - #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1560 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "SIGNALS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "岳▼뤇" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fast-import.txt:1566 #, priority:90 msgid "Sending *SIGUSR1* to the 'git fast-import' process ends the current packfile early, simulating a `checkpoint` command. The impatient operator can use this facility to peek at the objects and refs from an import in progress, at the cost of some added running time and worse compression." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�� 'git fast-import' 瓦쏁쮮�묌�� *SIGUSR1* 鴉싨룓�띸퍜�잌퐪�띸쉪�볟똿�뉏뻑竊뚧Æ�잋�訝� `checkpoint` �썰빱�� 亦→쐣�먨퓘�꾣뱧鵝쒎몮��빳鵝욜뵪瓦쇾�藥ε끁�ε겥�뗦��ⓨ��η쉪野배괌�뚦폊�⑨펽鵝녵빰餓룡삸罌욃뒥瓦먫죱�띌뿴�뚪솉鵝롥럨煐⑴럤��" #. type: Title = #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:2 @@ -24968,55 +24968,55 @@ msgid "" "\t[--upload-pack=<git-upload-pack>]\n" "\t[--depth=<n>] [--no-progress]\n" "\t[-v] <repository> [<refs>...]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "'git fetch-pack' [--all] [--quiet|-q] [--keep|-k] [--thin] [--include-tag]\n\t[--upload-pack=<git-upload-pack>]\n\t[--depth=<n>] [--no-progress]\n\t[-v] <餓볟틩> [<鸚싦릉凉뺟뵪>...]\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:21 #, priority:90 msgid "Usually you would want to use 'git fetch', which is a higher level wrapper of this command, instead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�싧만�끻넻訝뗰펽�③�誤곦슴�� 'git fetch'竊뚦츆����썰빱�꾣쎍遙섊벨弱곮즳��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:27 #, priority:90 msgid "Invokes 'git-upload-pack' on a possibly remote repository and asks it to send objects missing from this repository, to update the named heads. The list of commits available locally is found out by scanning the local refs/ hierarchy and sent to 'git-upload-pack' running on the other end." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ⓨ룾�썹쉪瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩訝�컘�� 'git-upload-pack'竊뚦뭉誤곫콆若껃룕�곮�餓볟틩訝�성鸚긺쉪野배괌竊뚥빳�닸뼭�뉐츣�꾢ㅄ�� �싪퓝�ユ룒�у쑑 refs/ 掠귝А瀯볠엫竊뚧돻�뷸쑍�겼룾�①쉪�먧벡�쀨〃竊뚨꽫�롥룕�곭퍢�╊�塋�퓧烏뚨쉪 'git-upload-pack'��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:31 #, priority:90 msgid "This command degenerates to download everything to complete the asked refs from the remote side when the local side does not have a common ancestor commit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "壤볠쑍�곁ク亦→쐣�긷릪曄뽩뀍�먧벡�띰펽瑥ε뫝餓ㅴ폏���뽨맏餓롨퓶葉뗧ク訝뗨슬���됧냵若밥빳若뚧닇��瑥룡콆�꾢폊�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:37 #, priority:90 msgid "Fetch all remote refs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�룟룚���됭퓶葉뗥폊�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:43 en/git-send-pack.txt:47 #, priority:90 msgid "Take the list of refs from stdin, one per line. If there are refs specified on the command line in addition to this option, then the refs from stdin are processed after those on the command line." -msgstr "" +msgstr "餓롦젃�녻풏�ζ탛�룟룚�꾡릉凉뺟뵪�쀨〃竊뚧캀烏뚥�訝ゃ�귛쫩�쒎뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�솮閭ㅹ�됮」鸚뽬퓲�뉐츣雅녶끀餓뽩폊�⑨펽�쇾폏�ⓨ쨪�녶뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�쉪凉뺟뵪�롥냽鸚꾤릤�θ눎�뉐뇛渦볟뀯役곭쉪鸚싦릉凉뺟뵪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:47 en/git-send-pack.txt:51 #, priority:90 msgid "If `--stateless-rpc` is specified together with this option then the list of refs must be in packet format (pkt-line). Each ref must be in a separate packet, and the list must end with a flush packet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖訝롦��됮」訝�壅룡뙁若싦틙 `--stateless-rpc`竊뚪궍阿덂폊�ⓨ닓烏ⓨ퓚窈삥삸�경뜮�끾졏凉륅펷pkt-line竊됥�귝캀訝ゅ폊�ⓨ퓚窈삣쑉訝�訝ゅ뜒�х쉪�경뜮�끺릎竊뚦뭉訝붷닓烏ⓨ퓚窈삡빳歷낂솮�경뜮�끿퍜�잆��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:52 #, priority:90 msgid "Pass `-q` flag to 'git unpack-objects'; this makes the cloning process less verbose." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�� 'git unpack-objects' 鴉좈�� `-q` �뉐퓱竊쏂퓳鴉싦슴�뗩쉮瓦뉒쮮訝띺궍阿덂넇�욍��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:59 #, priority:90 msgid "Do not invoke 'git unpack-objects' on received data, but create a single packfile out of it instead, and store it in the object database. If provided twice then the pack is locked against repacking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "訝띹쫨野방렏�뜹댆�꾣빊��컘�� 'git unpack-objects'竊뚩�뚧삸弱녶끀�쎾뻠訝뷰�訝ゅ뜒�х쉪�경뜮�끾뻼餓띰펽亮뜹컛�뜹춼�ⓨ쑉野배괌�경뜮佯볞릎�귛쫩�쒏룓堊쎽륵轝∽펽�쇾폏�곩츣�경뜮�낉펽�꿩��띷뼭�볟똿��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:60 en/git-pack-objects.txt:250 en/git-send-pack.txt:65 @@ -25028,7 +25028,7 @@ msgstr "--thin" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:63 #, priority:90 msgid "Fetch a \"thin\" pack, which records objects in deltified form based on objects not included in the pack to reduce network traffic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�룟룚 �쒐꼐嶸��� �경뜮�낉펽�방뜮�ゅ똿�ュ쑉�경뜮�끺릎�꾢�穩∽펽餓η��뽩숱凉뤺�壤뺝�穩∽펽餓ε뇧弱묊퐨瀯쒏탛�뤵��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:64 en/git-pack-objects.txt:84 @@ -25040,7 +25040,7 @@ msgstr "--include-tag" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:69 #, priority:90 msgid "If the remote side supports it, annotated tags objects will be downloaded on the same connection as the other objects if the object the tag references is downloaded. The caller must otherwise determine the tags this option made available." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖瓦쒐ク��똻瑥ι�됮」竊뚦닕�ⓧ툔饔썸젃溫겼폊�①쉪野배괌�띰펽力③뇢�뉓�野배괌弱녵툗�뜸퍟野배괌�ⓨ릪訝�瓦욄렏訝듾툔饔썬�� ��닕竊뚩컘�②�끻퓚窈사‘若싪��됮」�먧풘�꾣젃溫겹��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:70 @@ -25052,7 +25052,7 @@ msgstr "--upload-pack=<git-upload-pack>" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:81 #, priority:90 msgid "Use this to specify the path to 'git-upload-pack' on the remote side, if is not found on your $PATH. Installations of sshd ignores the user's environment setup scripts for login shells (e.g. .bash_profile) and your privately installed git may not be found on the system default $PATH. Another workaround suggested is to set up your $PATH in \".bashrc\", but this flag is for people who do not want to pay the overhead for non-interactive shells by having a lean .bashrc file (they set most of the things up in .bash_profile)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖�ⓩ궓�� $PATH 訝�돻訝띶댆 'git-upload-pack'竊뚦닕�ⓨ츆�ζ뙁若싪퓶塋� 'git-upload-pack' �꾥러孃꾠�� 若됭즳 sshd �뜸폏恙썹븼�ⓩ댎�삣퐬 shell �꾤렞罌껇�營�꽊�э펷堊뗥쫩 .bash_profile竊됵펽�졿�楹사퍨容섋��� $PATH 訝�룾�썸돻訝띶댆�ⓩ댎�よ죱若됭즳�� git�� �╊�燁띶룜�싨뼶力뺞삸�� \".bashrc\" 訝��營� $PATH竊뚥퐜瓦숂쭕�방퀡�ら�귞뵪雅롣툖�념맏�욂벡雅믣폀 shell ��퍡窯앭쨼兀밭뵪�꾤뵪�뤄펷餓뽨뺄鴉싧쑉 .bash_profile 訝��營�ㄷ�ⓨ늽�끻�竊됥��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:82 @@ -25064,13 +25064,13 @@ msgstr "--exec=<git-upload-pack>" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:84 #, priority:90 msgid "Same as --upload-pack=<git-upload-pack>." -msgstr "" +msgstr "訝� --upload-pack=<git-upload-pack> �멨릪��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:89 #, priority:90 msgid "Limit fetching to ancestor-chains not longer than n. 'git-upload-pack' treats the special depth 2147483647 as infinite even if there is an ancestor-chain that long." -msgstr "" +msgstr "'git-upload-pack' 弱녺돶餘딀런佯� 2147483647 鰲녵맏�좂㈆鸚㏆펽�념슴耶섇쑉瓦쇾퉰�욜쉪曄뽩뀍�얇��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:99 @@ -25082,19 +25082,19 @@ msgstr "--deepen-relative" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:103 #, priority:90 msgid "Argument --depth specifies the number of commits from the current shallow boundary instead of from the tip of each remote branch history." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�귝빊 --depth �뉐츣餓롥퐪�띷탢渦밭븣凉�冶뗧쉪�먧벡轝→빊竊뚩�뚥툖��퍗驪뤶릉瓦쒐쮮�녷뵱�녶뤁�꾦《塋��冶뗧쉪�먧벡轝→빊��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:107 #, priority:90 msgid "Skips negotiating commits with the server in order to fetch all matching objects. Use to reapply a new partial clone blob/tree filter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓮녘퓝訝롦쐨�▼솳�꾢뜌�녷룓雅ㅿ펽餓θ렩�뽪��됧뙶�띶�穩▲�귞뵪雅롩뇥�겼틪�ⓩ뼭�꾦깿�녶뀑�� blob/tree 瓦뉑빱�ⓦ��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:110 #, priority:90 msgid "Do not show the progress." -msgstr "" +msgstr "訝띹쫨�양ㅊ瓦쎾벧��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:111 en/git-index-pack.txt:91 @@ -25106,7 +25106,7 @@ msgstr "--check-self-contained-and-connected" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:114 #, priority:90 msgid "Output \"connectivity-ok\" if the received pack is self-contained and connected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖�ζ뵸�곁쉪�경뜮�끾삸�х쳦�꾡툝藥꿱퓹�ο펽�숃풏�� \"connectivity-ok\"竊덅퓹�ζ�躍몌펹��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:117 en/git-push.txt:395 en/git-send-pack.txt:64 @@ -25118,7 +25118,7 @@ msgstr "瑥�퍏瓦먫죱��" #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:120 #, priority:90 msgid "The URL to the remote repository." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦쒐쮮餓볟틩�� URL��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:121 @@ -25130,13 +25130,13 @@ msgstr "<refs>..." #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:125 #, priority:90 msgid "The remote heads to update from. This is relative to $GIT_DIR (e.g. \"HEAD\", \"refs/heads/master\"). When unspecified, update from all heads the remote side has." -msgstr "" +msgstr "誤곫쎍�곁쉪瓦쒐쮮鸚담�귟퓳��쎑野밥틢 $GIT_DIR竊덁풃倻� \"HEAD\"��\"refs/heads/master\"竊됭�뚩��꾠�� 倻귝옖�ゆ뙁若싷펽�쇿�瓦쒐ク���됧ㅄ瓦쏂죱�닸뼭��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-fetch-pack.txt:129 #, priority:90 msgid "If the remote has enabled the options `uploadpack.allowTipSHA1InWant`, `uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant`, or `uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant`, they may alternatively be 40-hex sha1s present on the remote." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖瓦쒐쮮藥꿨맦�③�됮」 `uploadpack.allowTipSHA1InWant`��`uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant` �� `uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant`竊뚦츆餓т튋��빳��퓶葉뗤퍜佯볞툓�� 40-hex sha1��" #. type: Title = #: en/git-fetch.txt:2 @@ -25648,7 +25648,7 @@ msgstr "git-filter-branch(1)" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:7 #, priority:90 msgid "git-filter-branch - Rewrite branches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "git-filter-branch - �띶넍�녷뵱" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:18 @@ -25661,7 +25661,7 @@ msgid "" "\t[--tag-name-filter <command>] [--prune-empty]\n" "\t[--original <namespace>] [-d <directory>] [-f | --force]\n" "\t[--state-branch <branch>] [--] [<rev-list options>...]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "'git filter-branch' [--setup <�썰빱>] [--subdirectory-filter <��퐬>]\n\t[--env-filter <�썰빱>] [--tree-filter <�썰빱>]\n\t[--index-filter <�썰빱>] [--parent-filter <�썰빱>]\n\t[--msg-filter <�썰빱>] [--commit-filter <�썰빱>]\n\t[--tag-name-filter <�썰빱>] [--prune-empty]\n\t[--original <�썲릫令븅뿴>] [-d <��퐬>] [-f | --force]\n\t[--state-branch <�녷뵱>] [--] [<rev-list options>...]\n" #. type: Title - #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:20 en/git-pack-redundant.txt:15 @@ -25673,19 +25673,19 @@ msgstr "鈺�몜" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:31 #, priority:90 msgid "'git filter-branch' has a plethora of pitfalls that can produce non-obvious manglings of the intended history rewrite (and can leave you with little time to investigate such problems since it has such abysmal performance). These safety and performance issues cannot be backward compatibly fixed and as such, its use is not recommended. Please use an alternative history filtering tool such as https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/[git filter-repo]. If you still need to use 'git filter-branch', please carefully read <<SAFETY>> (and <<PERFORMANCE>>) to learn about the land mines of filter-branch, and then vigilantly avoid as many of the hazards listed there as reasonably possible." -msgstr "" +msgstr "'git filter-branch' 耶섇쑉鸚㏝뇧�먩궍竊뚦룾�썰폏野백쥋�잏쉪�녶뤁�띶넍雅㎫뵟訝띷삇�양쉪瑥�량竊덅�뚥툝�긴틢�뜻�㎬꺗楹잏퀡竊뚥퐷�졽퉶亦→쐣�띌뿴�사젘令띈퓳雅쏃뿮窯섓펹�� 瓦쇾틳若됧뀲�뚧�㎬꺗��쥦�졿퀡�묈릮�쇔�岳�쨳竊뚦썱閭ㅴ툖兩븃�鵝욜뵪�� 瑥룝슴�ⓨ끀餓뽩럣�꿱퓝譯ㅵ램�뤄펽倻� https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/[git filter-repo]�� 倻귝옖�ⓧ퍖�띌�誤곦슴�� 'git filter-branch'竊뚩�餓붺퍏�낁� <<SAFETY>>竊덂뭽 <<PERFORMANCE>>竊됦빳雅녻㎗ filter-branch �꾦쉺�o펽�뜹릮弱썲룾�썲릦�녶쑑�욕뀓�뜸릎�쀥눣�꾢뜳�⒲��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:40 #, priority:90 msgid "Lets you rewrite Git revision history by rewriting the branches mentioned in the <rev-list options>, applying custom filters on each revision. Those filters can modify each tree (e.g. removing a file or running a perl rewrite on all files) or information about each commit. Otherwise, all information (including original commit times or merge information) will be preserved." -msgstr "" +msgstr "溫⒳퐷��빳�싪퓝�띶넍 <rev-list �됮」> 訝�룓�곁쉪�녷뵱�ι뇥�� Git 岳���녶뤁竊뚦뭉野방캀訝や엶溫℡틪�②눎若싦퉱瓦뉑빱�ⓦ�� 瓦쇾틳瓦뉑빱�ⓨ룾餓δ엶�방캀汝득젒竊덁풃倻귛닠�ㅶ뻼餓뜻닑�ⓩ��됪뻼餓뜸툓瓦먫죱 perl �띶넍竊됪닑驪뤶릉�먧벡�꾡에���� ��닕竊뚧��됦에��펷�끾떖�잌쭓�먧벡�띌뿴�뽩릦亮뜸에��펹�썲컛熬ヤ퓷�쇻��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:47 #, priority:90 msgid "The command will only rewrite the _positive_ refs mentioned in the command line (e.g. if you pass 'a..b', only 'b' will be rewritten). If you specify no filters, the commits will be recommitted without any changes, which would normally have no effect. Nevertheless, this may be useful in the future for compensating for some Git bugs or such, therefore such a usage is permitted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瑥ε뫝餓ㅵ룵鴉싮뇥�쇿뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�룓�곁쉪 _positive_ refs竊덁풃倻귨펽倻귝옖�ⓧ폖�� 'a..b'竊뚦닕�や폏�띶넍 'b'竊됥�� 倻귝옖訝띷뙁若싪퓝譯ㅵ솳竊뚧룓雅ㅵ컛�ⓧ툖�싦뻣鵝뺞뵻�①쉪�끻넻訝뗩뇥�경룓雅ㅿ펽瓦숅�싧만訝띴폏雅㎫뵟餓삡퐬壤긷뱧�� 訝띹퓝竊뚩퓳�ⓨ컛�θ‥�욘윇雅� Git bug �뽫굳鴉쇤뿮窯섉뿶��꺗鴉싨쐣�⑨펽�졿��곮�鵝욜뵪瓦숂쭕�방퀡��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:52 @@ -25695,7 +25695,7 @@ msgid "" "the `refs/replace/` namespace.\n" "If you have any grafts or replacement refs defined, running this command\n" "will make them permanent.\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*力ⓩ꼷*竊� 閭ㅵ뫝餓ㅵ컟�� `.git/info/grafts` �뉏뻑\n�� `refs/replace/` �썲릫令븅뿴訝�쉪凉뺟뵪��\n倻귝옖�ⓨ츣阿됦틙餓삡퐬燁삥쨳�⒵닑�욘뜟凉뺟뵪竊뚩퓧烏뚧��썰빱\n弱녵슴�뜻갭阿끿뵟�덀��\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:61 @@ -25709,19 +25709,19 @@ msgid "" "would suffice to fix your problem. (See the \"RECOVERING FROM UPSTREAM\n" "REBASE\" section in linkgit:git-rebase[1] for further information about\n" "rewriting published history.)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*鈺�몜*竊곲뇥�쇿릮�꾢럣�꿱�壤뺜릎竊뚧��됧�穩←쉪�띸㎞�썰폏訝띶릪竊뚦뭉訝붶툖鴉싦툗�잌쭓�녷뵱擁뗥릪��\n野배괌�꾢릫燁겻튋鴉싦툖�뚳펽亮뜸툝訝띴폏訝롥렅冶뗥늽����담�� �ⓨ컛�졿퀡\n�ⓨ렅冶뗥늽��쉪�븀�訝딀렓�곩뭽�녶룕�띶넍�녷뵱��\n�잌쭓�녷뵱�� 倻귝옖訝띴틙鰲h��썰빱�꾢뀲�ⓨ쉽�랃펽瑥룝툖誤곦슴�ⓨ츆��\n倻귝옖嶸��뺟쉪�뺞А�먧벡弱김꺗鰲e넶�①쉪��쥦竊뚩�弱썽뇧�욕뀓鵝욜뵪瑥ε뫝餓ㅳ��\n弱김꺗鰲e넶��쥦�꾥캕竊뚩��욕뀓鵝욜뵪瑥ε뫝餓ㅳ�� (瑥룟뢿�� linkgit:git-rebase[1] 訝�쉪\n\"RECOVERING FROM UPSTREAM\"\n�띶넍藥꿨룕躍껃럣�뀐펹��\n" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:65 #, priority:90 msgid "Always verify that the rewritten version is correct: The original refs, if different from the rewritten ones, will be stored in the namespace 'refs/original/'." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瑥룟뒦恙낂챿瑥곲뇥�숂뎵�ф삸���簾�폏�잌쭓�귟�껅뻼餓띰펷倻귝옖訝롩뇥�숂뎵�т툖�뚳펹弱녶춼�ⓨ쑉�썲릫令븅뿴 'refs/original/' 訝���" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:69 #, priority:90 msgid "Note that since this operation is very I/O expensive, it might be a good idea to redirect the temporary directory off-disk with the `-d` option, e.g. on tmpfs. Reportedly the speedup is very noticeable." -msgstr "" +msgstr "��誤곫낏�뤹쉪��펽�긴틢瑥ζ뱧鵝쒐쉪 I/O �먩쑍孃덆쳵竊뚦썱閭ㅶ�也썰슴�� `-d` �됮」弱녵릿�띄쎅壤뺡뇥若싧릲�곁즯�섇쨼竊뚥풃倻귛쑉 tmpfs 訝듽�� ��뒫�볩펽�잌벧�먨뜃�욃만�롦샑��" #. type: Title ~ #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:72 @@ -25733,31 +25733,31 @@ msgstr "嶺쏃��" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:84 #, priority:90 msgid "The filters are applied in the order as listed below. The <command> argument is always evaluated in the shell context using the 'eval' command (with the notable exception of the commit filter, for technical reasons). Prior to that, the `$GIT_COMMIT` environment variable will be set to contain the id of the commit being rewritten. Also, GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, GIT_AUTHOR_DATE, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL, and GIT_COMMITTER_DATE are taken from the current commit and exported to the environment, in order to affect the author and committer identities of the replacement commit created by linkgit:git-commit-tree[1] after the filters have run." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦뉑빱�①쉪佯붺뵪窈뷴틣倻귚툔�� <�썰빱> �귝빊�삥삸�� shell 訝듾툔�뉏릎鵝욜뵪 'eval' �썰빱瓦쏂죱瑥꾡섟竊덄뵳雅롦���렅�좑펽�먧벡瓦뉑빱�ⓩ삸訝ゆ삇�양쉪堊뗥쨼竊됥�� �ⓩ�阿뗥뎺竊�`$GIT_COMMIT` ��쥊�섌뇧弱녻˙溫양쉰訝뷴똿�ヨ˙�밧넍�먧벡�� id�� 閭ㅵ쨼竊똆IT_AUTHOR_NAME�갍IT_AUTHOR_EMAIL�갍IT_AUTHOR_DATE�갍IT_COMMITTER_NAME�갍IT_COMMITTER_EMAIL �� GIT_COMMITTER_DATE 鴉싦퍗壤볟뎺�먧벡訝�룓�뽩뭉野쇔눣�곁렞罌껂릎竊뚥빳堊욕쑉瓦뉑빱�②퓧烏뚦릮壤긷뱧 linkgit:git-commit-tree[1] �쎾뻠�꾣쎘�€룓雅ㅷ쉪鵝쒑�끻뭽�먧벡�낁벴餓썬��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:87 #, priority:90 msgid "If any evaluation of <command> returns a non-zero exit status, the whole operation will be aborted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖野� <�썰빱> �꾡뻣鵝뺠칱鴉계퓭�욇씆�띄쉪���븀듁�곻펽�숁빐訝ゆ뱧鵝쒎컛熬ョ퍑閭㏂��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:93 #, priority:90 msgid "A 'map' function is available that takes an \"original sha1 id\" argument and outputs a \"rewritten sha1 id\" if the commit has been already rewritten, and \"original sha1 id\" otherwise; the 'map' function can return several ids on separate lines if your commit filter emitted multiple commits." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�묇뺄�먧풘雅녵�訝� 'map' �썸빊竊뚦츆�ζ뵸 '�잌쭓 sha1 id' �귝빊竊뚦쫩�쒏룓雅ㅵ럴熬ユ뵻�숋펽�숃풏�� '�밧넍�롧쉪 sha1 id'竊뚦맔�숃풏�� '�잌쭓 sha1 id'��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:98 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "--setup <command>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--setup <�썰빱>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:104 #, priority:90 msgid "This is not a real filter executed for each commit but a one time setup just before the loop. Therefore no commit-specific variables are defined yet. Functions or variables defined here can be used or modified in the following filter steps except the commit filter, for technical reasons." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦쇾툖��맏驪뤸А�먧벡�㎬죱�꾤쐿閭h퓝譯ㅵ솳竊뚩�뚧삸�ⓨ쑵��퉳�띸쉪訝�轝→�㎬�營��귛썱閭ㅸ퓲亦→쐣若싦퉱�밧츣雅롦룓雅ㅷ쉪�섌뇧�� �긴틢����렅�좑펽閭ㅵ쨪若싦퉱�꾢눦�경닑�섌뇧��빳�③솮�먧벡瓦뉑빱�ⓧ퉳鸚뽫쉪�롧뺌瓦뉑빱�ⓩ�謠ㅴ릎鵝욜뵪�뽨엶�밤��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:105 @@ -25769,19 +25769,19 @@ msgstr "--subdirectory-filter <directory>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:109 #, priority:90 msgid "Only look at the history which touches the given subdirectory. The result will contain that directory (and only that) as its project root. Implies <<Remap_to_ancestor>>." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ゆ윥�뗦텎�딁퍢若싧춴��퐬�꾢럣�꿱�壤뺛�� 瀯볠옖弱녶똿�ヤ퐳訝븅」��졊��퐬�꾥���퐬竊덁툝餓끻똿�ヨ���퐬竊됥�귡쉺�� <<Remap_to_ancestor>>��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:110 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "--env-filter <command>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--env-filter <�썰빱>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:115 #, priority:90 msgid "This filter may be used if you only need to modify the environment in which the commit will be performed. Specifically, you might want to rewrite the author/committer name/email/time environment variables (see linkgit:git-commit-tree[1] for details)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖�ら�誤곦엶�방룓雅ㅷ쉪��쥊竊뚦룾餓δ슴�②퓳訝よ퓝譯ㅵ솳�� �룝퐪�θ�竊뚥퐷��꺗�녜뇥�쇾퐳��/�먧벡�끻쭞��/�드춴��뻑/�띌뿴嶺됬렞罌껃룜�륅펷瑥�쭅 linkgit:git-commit-tree[1]竊됥��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:116 @@ -25793,31 +25793,31 @@ msgstr "--tree-filter <command>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:123 #, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for rewriting the tree and its contents. The argument is evaluated in shell with the working directory set to the root of the checked out tree. The new tree is then used as-is (new files are auto-added, disappeared files are auto-removed - neither .gitignore files nor any other ignore rules *HAVE ANY EFFECT*!)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�띶넍�묈룋�뜹냵若밭쉪瓦뉑빱�ⓦ�� �귝빊�� shell 訝�칱鴉곤펽藥δ퐳��퐬溫양쉰訝븀��뷸젒�꾣졊��퐬�� �곁쉪嶺얍눣�묈컛�됧렅�룝슴�⑨펷�ゅ뒯曆삣뒥�경뻼餓띰펽�ゅ뒯�좈솮藥꿩텋鸚긺쉪�뉏뻑--�좄��� .gitignore �뉏뻑瓦섉삸餓삡퐬�뜸퍟恙썹븼鰲꾢닕�썰툖鴉� *雅㎫뵟餓삡퐬壤긷뱧*竊곻펹��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:124 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "--index-filter <command>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--index-filter <�썰빱>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:130 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for rewriting the index. It is similar to the tree filter but does not check out the tree, which makes it much faster. Frequently used with `git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch ...`, see EXAMPLES below. For hairy cases, see linkgit:git-update-index[1]." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�ⓧ틢�띶넍榮℡폊�꾥퓝譯ㅵ솳�� 若껂툗�묋퓝譯ㅵ솳映삡세竊뚥퐜訝띷��ζ젒竊뚦썱閭ㅹ�잌벧�닷엮�� 瀯뤷만訝� `git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch ... ` 訝�壅룝슴�⑨펽�귟쭅訝뗩씊�꾤ㅊ堊뗣�� 倻귡�雅녻㎗�닷쩀岳→겘竊뚩��귡쁾 linkgit:git-update-index[1]��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:131 #, no-wrap, priority:90 msgid "--parent-filter <command>" -msgstr "" +msgstr "--parent-filter <�썰빱>" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:138 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for rewriting the commit's parent list. It will receive the parent string on stdin and shall output the new parent string on stdout. The parent string is in the format described in linkgit:git-commit-tree[1]: empty for the initial commit, \"-p parent\" for a normal commit and \"-p parent1 -p parent2 -p parent3 ...\" for a merge commit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�띶넍�먧벡�띄벨�쀨〃�꾥퓝譯ㅵ솳�� 若껈�싪퓝 stdin �ζ뵸�띄벨耶쀧Е訝뀐펽亮뜹쑉�뉐뇛渦볟눣役곮풏�뷸뼭�꾤댍瀛㎩춻寧╊림�� �띄벨耶쀧Е訝꿰쉪�쇔폀倻� linkgit:git-commit-tree[1] ��瓦곤폏令븃〃鹽뷴닜冶뗦룓雅ㅿ펽\"-p parent\" 烏①ㅊ閭e만�먧벡竊�\"-p parent1 -p parent2 -p parent3 ...\" 烏①ㅊ�덂뭉�먧벡��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:139 @@ -25829,7 +25829,7 @@ msgstr "--msg-filter <command>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:144 #, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for rewriting the commit messages. The argument is evaluated in the shell with the original commit message on standard input; its standard output is used as the new commit message." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�띶넍�먧벡岳→겘�꾥퓝譯ㅵ솳�� 瑥ε뢿�겼쑉 shell 訝�툗�뉐뇛渦볟뀯�꾢렅冶뗦룓雅ㅴ에���壅룩퓵烏뚩칱鴉곤폑�뜻젃�녻풏�뷴컛�ⓧ퐳�곁쉪�먧벡岳→겘��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:145 @@ -25841,25 +25841,25 @@ msgstr "--commit-filter <command>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:151 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for performing the commit. If this filter is specified, it will be called instead of the 'git commit-tree' command, with arguments of the form \"<TREE_ID> [(-p <PARENT_COMMIT_ID>)...]\" and the log message on stdin. The commit id is expected on stdout." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�㎬죱�먧벡�꾥퓝譯ㅵ솳�� 倻귝옖�뉐츣雅녻�瓦뉑빱�⑨펽若껃컛餓f쎘 'git commit-tree' �썰빱熬ヨ컘�⑨펽�귝빊壤℡폀訝� \"<TREE_ID> [(-p <PARENT_COMMIT_ID>)...]\" 亮뜹쑉�뉐뇛渦볟뀯役곦툓�양ㅊ�ε퓱岳→겘�� �먧벡 ID 弱녷샑鹽뷴쑉�뉐뇛渦볟눣役곦툓��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:155 #, priority:90 msgid "As a special extension, the commit filter may emit multiple commit ids; in that case, the rewritten children of the original commit will have all of them as parents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鵝쒍맏訝�燁띸돶餘딀돥掠뺧펽�먧벡瓦뉑빱�ⓨ룾�썰폏�묈눣鸚싦릉�먧벡 ID竊쎾쑉瓦숂쭕�끻넻訝뗰펽�잌쭓�먧벡�꾦뇥�쇿춴餓e컛餓ζ��됭퓳雅쎿룓雅ㅴ맏�뜸빰��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:160 #, priority:90 msgid "You can use the 'map' convenience function in this filter, and other convenience functions, too. For example, calling 'skip_commit \"$@\"' will leave out the current commit (but not its changes! If you want that, use 'git rebase' instead)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�ⓨ룾餓ε쑉閭ㅸ퓝譯ㅵ솳訝�슴�� 'map' 堊욕닶�썸빊竊뚥튋��빳鵝욜뵪�뜸퍟堊욕닶�썸빊�� 堊뗥쫩竊뚩컘�� 'skip_commit \"$@\"' 鴉싧옙�ε퐪�띷룓雅ㅿ펷鵝녵툖鴉싧옙�ε끀�닸뵻竊곩쫩�쒏꺍瓦숁졆�싷펽瑥룝슴�� 'git rebase'竊됥��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:164 #, priority:90 msgid "You can also use the `git_commit_non_empty_tree \"$@\"` instead of `git commit-tree \"$@\"` if you don't wish to keep commits with a single parent and that makes no change to the tree." -msgstr "" +msgstr "倻귝옖訝띶툕�쎽퓷�쇿뜒�뜻룓雅ㅿ펽阿잌룾餓δ슴�� `git_commit_non_empty_tree \"$@\"` 餓f쎘 `git commit-tree \"$@\"`竊뚩퓳�룝툖鴉싧��먧벡�묌�졿닇餓삡퐬�밧룜��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:165 @@ -25871,19 +25871,19 @@ msgstr "--tag-name-filter <command>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:171 #, priority:90 msgid "This is the filter for rewriting tag names. When passed, it will be called for every tag ref that points to a rewritten object (or to a tag object which points to a rewritten object). The original tag name is passed via standard input, and the new tag name is expected on standard output." -msgstr "" +msgstr "瓦숁삸�띶넍�뉓��띸쉪瓦뉑빱�ⓦ�귛퐪鴉좈�믤뿶竊뚦츆弱녶��뉐릲�띶넍野배괌�꾣캀訝ゆ젃嶺얍폊�⑨펷�뽪뙁�묌뇥�쇿�穩←쉪�뉒�野배괌竊됭퓵烏뚩컘�ⓦ�� �잌쭓�뉒��띺�싪퓝�뉐뇛渦볟뀯鴉좈�믭펽�경젃嶺얍릫�숅�싪퓝�뉐뇛渦볟눣鴉좈�믡��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:176 #, priority:90 msgid "The original tags are not deleted, but can be overwritten; use \"--tag-name-filter cat\" to simply update the tags. In this case, be very careful and make sure you have the old tags backed up in case the conversion has run afoul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�잌쭓�뉒�訝띴폏熬ュ닠�ㅿ펽鵝녶룾餓θ˙誤녺썣竊쎽슴�� \"--tag-name-filter cat \" ��빳嶸��뺝쑑�닸뼭�뉒��� �②퓳燁띷깄�듕툔竊뚩쫨�욃만弱뤷퓘竊뚨‘岳앭쨭餓썰틙�㎪젃嶺억펽餓ι삻饔ф뜟�븀렟��쥦��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:187 #, priority:90 msgid "Nearly proper rewriting of tag objects is supported. If the tag has a message attached, a new tag object will be created with the same message, author, and timestamp. If the tag has a signature attached, the signature will be stripped. It is by definition impossible to preserve signatures. The reason this is \"nearly\" proper, is because ideally if the tag did not change (points to the same object, has the same name, etc.) it should retain any signature. That is not the case, signatures will always be removed, buyer beware. There is also no support for changing the author or timestamp (or the tag message for that matter). Tags which point to other tags will be rewritten to point to the underlying commit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�졽퉶��똻�뉒�野배괌�꾣�簾�뇥�쇻�귛쫩�쒏젃嶺얗셿�됦에��펽�쇿컛�쎾뻠訝�訝ゅ끁�됬쎑�뚥에���곦퐳�끻뭽�띌뿴�녕쉪�경젃嶺얍�穩▲�귛쫩�쒏젃嶺얗셿�됬��랃펽嶺얍릫弱녻˙�좈솮�귝졊��츣阿됵펽訝띶룾�썰퓷�숂��띲�귚퉳��餓θ�瓦� �쒎뇿阿롡�� ���簾�쉪竊뚧삸�졽맏�①릤�녔깄�듕툔竊뚦쫩�쒏젃嶺얏깹�됪뵻�섓펷�뉐릲�멨릪�꾢�穩▲�곩끁�됬쎑�뚨쉪�띸㎞嶺됵펹竊뚦갚佯붻�岳앯븰餓삡퐬嶺얍릫�귚퐜若욇솀�끻넻亮띌씆倻귝�竊뚨��띷�삥삸鴉싪˙燁삯솮竊뚥물若띈쫨弱뤷퓘�귝�鸚뽳펽阿잋툖��똻�닸뵻鵝쒑�끾닑�띌뿴�놂펷�뽪젃嶺얌에��펹�귝뙁�묈끀餓뽪젃溫곁쉪�뉓�弱녻˙�띶넍訝뷸뙁�묈틫掠귝룓雅ㅳ��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:188 @@ -25895,7 +25895,7 @@ msgstr "--prune-empty" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:195 #, priority:90 msgid "Some filters will generate empty commits that leave the tree untouched. This option instructs git-filter-branch to remove such commits if they have exactly one or zero non-pruned parents; merge commits will therefore remain intact. This option cannot be used together with `--commit-filter`, though the same effect can be achieved by using the provided `git_commit_non_empty_tree` function in a commit filter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "�먧틳瓦뉑빱�ⓧ폏雅㎫뵟令뷸룓雅ㅿ펽餓롨�뚥슴�묇퓷�곩렅�룔�� 閭ㅹ�됮」�뉒ㅊ git-filter-branch竊뚦쫩�쒑퓳雅쎿룓雅ㅷ쉪�뜻룓雅ㅴ릎閭e��됦�訝ゆ닑�뜸릉�ゅ돦�앾펽�쇿닠�ㅸ퓳雅쎿룓雅ㅿ폑�졿�竊뚦릦亮뜻룓雅ㅵ컛岳앮똻訝띶룜�� 閭ㅹ�됮」訝띹꺗訝� `--commit-filter` 訝�壅룝슴�⑨펽訝띹퓝�ⓩ룓雅ㅸ퓝譯ㅵ솳訝�슴�ⓩ��먧풘�� `git_commit_non_empty_tree` �썸빊��빳渦얍댆�뚧졆�꾣븞�쒌��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:196 @@ -25907,7 +25907,7 @@ msgstr "--original <namespace>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:199 #, priority:90 msgid "Use this option to set the namespace where the original commits will be stored. The default value is 'refs/original'." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鵝욜뵪閭ㅹ�됮」���營�춼�ⓨ렅冶뗦룓雅ㅷ쉪�썲릫令븅뿴�귡퍡溫ㅵ�쇌맏 'refs/original'��" #. type: Labeled list #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:200 @@ -25919,7 +25919,7 @@ msgstr "-d <directory>" #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:207 #, priority:90 msgid "Use this option to set the path to the temporary directory used for rewriting. When applying a tree filter, the command needs to temporarily check out the tree to some directory, which may consume considerable space in case of large projects. By default it does this in the `.git-rewrite/` directory but you can override that choice by this parameter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "鵝욜뵪瑥ι�됮」���營�뵪雅롩뇥�숂쉪訝닸뿶��퐬瓮�푶�� �ⓨ틪�ⓩ젒瓦뉑빱�ⓩ뿶竊뚦뫝餓ㅹ�誤곩컛�묇릿�띄��뷴댆�먧릉��퐬竊뚩퓳��꺗鴉싧뜝�ⓨㄷ�뗩」��쉪鸚㏝뇧令븅뿴�� 容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽若껂폏�� `.git-rewrite/`��퐬訝뗨퓵烏뚳펽鵝녵퐷��빳�②퓳訝ゅ뢿�경씎誤녺썣瓦쇾릉�됪떓��" #. type: Plain text #: en/git-filter-branch.txt:213