diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index ac1bacc4213c7f29c6d89010bad650f3e4005e78..739c5a692b4980f78f928d9ce7963a2c7065cdad 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,19 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: git documentation\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-27 18:16+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-05 02:41+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: AIzero-01 <iomnvw@outlook.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
-"Language: zh_HANS-CN\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.5-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-27 18:16+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2021-03-17 07:42+0000\nLast-Translator: �� <ranto2012@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.5.2-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:738 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:47 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:126 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -1649,8 +1637,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "linkgit:git-name-rev[1]"
 msgstr "linkgit:git-name-rev[1]"
-#. type: Plain text
 # �ζ돻瀯쇿츣�덃쑍�꾤Е�룟릫燁�
+#. type: Plain text
 #: en/cmds-plumbinginterrogators.txt:39
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs."
@@ -3100,7 +3088,7 @@ msgstr "閭ㅵ쨼竊뚧뿥�잓깿�녻퓲�ε룛餓δ툔�쇔폀竊�`YYYY.MM.DD`竊�`MM/DD/YYYY`
 #: en/date-formats.txt:31
 #, priority:280
 msgid "In addition to recognizing all date formats above, the `--date` option will also try to make sense of other, more human-centric date formats, such as relative dates like \"yesterday\" or \"last Friday at noon\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ㅴ틙瑥녶닽訝딂염���됪뿥�잍졏凉뤷쨼竊�`--date` �됮」瓦섇컛弱앲캊�녻㎗�뜹츆�욄젃�녶뙑�꾣뿥�잍졏凉륅펽倻� \"�ⓨㄹ\" �� \"訝듿뫅雅붶릎��\" 嶺됬쎑野방뿥�잆��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/diff-format.txt:2
@@ -3934,7 +3922,7 @@ msgstr "訝띹풏�뷴량凉귨펷diff竊됥�귛�雅롦샑鹽뷰엶烏η쮮佯뤹쉪 `git show` 嶺�
 #: en/diff-options.txt:37
 #, no-wrap, priority:280
 msgid "--diff-merges=(off|none|first-parent|1|separate|m|combined|c|dense-combined|cc)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "--diff-merges=(off|none|first-parent|1|separate|m|combined|c|dense-combined|cc)"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:38
@@ -3946,7 +3934,7 @@ msgstr "--no-diff-merges"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:42
 #, priority:280
 msgid "Specify diff format to be used for merge commits. Default is {diff-merges-default} unless `--first-parent` is in use, in which case `first-parent` is the default."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉐츣�덂뭉�먧벡�뜸슴�①쉪藥�펰�쇔폀�귡퍡溫ㅴ맏 {diff-merges-default}竊뚥퐜壤볞슴�� `--first-parent` �됮」�띰펽容섋�訝� `first-parent`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:43
@@ -3966,7 +3954,7 @@ msgstr "--no-diff-merges"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:47
 #, priority:280
 msgid "Disable output of diffs for merge commits. Useful to override implied value."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "獵곭뵪�덂뭉�먧벡�띄쉪藥�펰渦볟눣�귛�誤녺썣�먨맜�쇔푽�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:48
@@ -3986,7 +3974,7 @@ msgstr "diffmerge"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:52
 #, priority:280
 msgid "This option makes merge commits show the full diff with respect to the first parent only."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "閭ㅹ�됮」鵝욕릦亮뜻룓雅ㅵ룵�양ㅊ訝롧К訝�訝ょ댍�먧벡阿뗩뿴�꾢츑�닷량凉귙��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:53
@@ -4013,7 +4001,7 @@ msgstr "-m"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:59
 #, priority:280
 msgid "This makes merge commits show the full diff with respect to each of the parents. Separate log entry and diff is generated for each parent. `-m` doesn't produce any output without `-p`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾슴孃쀥릦亮뜻룓雅ㅶ샑鹽뷰틙驪뤶릉�뜻룓雅ㅴ퉳�당쉪若뚧빐藥�펰�귝캀訝ょ댍�먧벡�썰폏雅㎫뵟�뺟떖�꾣뿥恙쀩」�뚦량凉귙��`-m` �됮」�ⓩ깹�� `-p` �됮」�뜸툖鴉싦벨�잋뻣鵝뺠풏�뷩��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:60
@@ -4040,7 +4028,7 @@ msgstr "-c"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:69
 #, priority:280
 msgid "With this option, diff output for a merge commit shows the differences from each of the parents to the merge result simultaneously instead of showing pairwise diff between a parent and the result one at a time. Furthermore, it lists only files which were modified from all parents. `-c` implies `-p`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪閭ㅹ�됮」竊뚦릦亮뜻룓雅ㅷ쉪藥�펰渦볟눣弱녶릪�뜻샑鹽뷸캀訝ょ댍�먧벡訝롥릦亮띄퍜�쒐쉪藥�펰竊뚩�뚥툖���轝→샑鹽뷰�訝ょ댍�먧벡訝롧퍜�쒍퉳�당쉪�먨�藥�펰 �귝�鸚뽳펽若껃룵�쀥눣���됬댍�먧벡訝�엶�밭쉪�뉏뻑��`-c` �됮」�쀥맜 `-p` �됮」��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:70
@@ -4065,9 +4053,9 @@ msgstr "--cc"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:78
-#, priority:280
+#, fuzzy, priority:280
 msgid "With this option the output produced by `--diff-merges=combined` is further compressed by omitting uninteresting hunks whose contents in the parents have only two variants and the merge result picks one of them without modification.  `--cc` implies `-p`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪瑥ι�됮」竊뚪�싪퓝�곭븼訝띷꽏�닺땃�꾢쓼竊뚩퓵訝�閭ε럨煐� `--diff-merges=combined` 雅㎫뵟�꾥풏�븝펽瓦숂굳�쀥쑉�뜻룓雅ㅴ릎�꾢냵若밧룵�됦륵訝ゅ룜鵝볩펽亮뜸툝�덂뭉瀯볠옖�됪떓雅녶끀訝��訝よ�뚧깹�됦엶�밤�� `--cc` �됮」�쀥맜 `-p`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:79 en/git-diff-tree.txt:113
@@ -4077,9 +4065,9 @@ msgstr "--combined-all-paths"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:85
-#, priority:280
+#, fuzzy, priority:280
 msgid "This flag causes combined diffs (used for merge commits) to list the name of the file from all parents.  It thus only has effect when `--diff-merges=[dense-]combined` is in use, and is likely only useful if filename changes are detected (i.e.  when either rename or copy detection have been requested)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾릉�뉐퓱鴉싦슴�덂뭉�롧쉪藥�펰�뉏뻑竊덄뵪雅롥릦亮뜻룓雅ㅿ펹�쀥눣���됬댍�먧벡�꾢릫燁겹�귨펽�졿�若껃룵�ⓧ슴�� `--diff-merges=[dense-]combined` �뜻쐣�덀�귛끀��꺗�ⓩ�役뗥댆�뉏뻑�띶룜�뽪뿶�됬뵪竊덁풃倻귨펽壤볢쫨黎귝�役뗩뇥�썲릫�뽩쨳�뜻뿶竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:87
@@ -5091,7 +5079,7 @@ msgid ""
 "\t0.5, and is thus the same as `-M50%`.  Similarly, `-M05` is\n"
 "\tthe same as `-M5%`.  To limit detection to exact renames, use\n"
 "\t`-M100%`.  The default similarity index is 50%.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\t倻귝옖�뉐츣雅� `n`竊뚦닕�뜸맏�멧세佯�뙁�곈삁�쇽펷�녕쎑驪붶틢�뉏뻑鸚㎩컦�꾢쥭/�좈뇧竊됥��\n\t堊뗥쫩竊�`-M90竊�` 烏①ㅊ倻귝옖�뉏뻑90竊끺빳訝딁쉪�끻�亦→쐣�닸뵻竊뚦닕 Git 佯붷컛�좈솮/曆삣뒥野배쭍訝븅뇥�썲릫��\n\t倻귝옖亦→쐣 `竊�` 寧�뤇竊뚦닕瑥ζ빊耶쀥틪鵝쒍맏弱뤸빊瑥삣룚竊뚦뭉�ⓨ끀�띺씊�졽툓弱뤸빊�밤��\n \t�� `-M5` �섆맏 0.5竊뚦썱閭ㅴ툗 `-M50竊�` �멨릪�� �뚧졆竊�`-M05` 訝� `-M5竊�` �멨릪��\n \t誤곩컛汝�役뗩솏�뜸맏暎양‘�꾦뇥�썲릫竊뚩�鵝욜뵪 `-M100竊�`�� 容섋��멧세佯�뙁�겻맏50竊끹��\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:553
@@ -5139,25 +5127,25 @@ msgstr "--irreversible-delete"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:576
 #, priority:280
 msgid "Omit the preimage for deletes, i.e. print only the header but not the diff between the preimage and `/dev/null`. The resulting patch is not meant to be applied with `patch` or `git apply`; this is solely for people who want to just concentrate on reviewing the text after the change. In addition, the output obviously lacks enough information to apply such a patch in reverse, even manually, hence the name of the option."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�좈솮�띄쐛�ε렅�끻�竊뚦뜵�ゆ돀�겼ㅄ岳→겘竊뚩�뚥툖�볟렅�끻��� `/dev/null` 阿뗩뿴�꾢량凉귙�귝�雅㎫뵟�꾥‥訝곩뭉訝띷삸誤곭뵪雅� `patch` �� `git apply`竊쏂퓳�ゆ삸訝뷰틙溫⒳볶餓у룵訝볠낏雅롥��δ엶�밧릮�꾣뻼�с�귝�鸚뽳펽渦볟눣瀯볠옖�양꽫煐뷰퉷擁녑쩅�꾡에��씎�띹쉬竊뚧닑�뗥뒯佯붺뵪瓦숁졆訝�訝よ‥訝곻펽�졿�瓦쇾릉�됮」�꾢릫燁겼쫩閭ㅳ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:579
 #, priority:280
 msgid "When used together with `-B`, omit also the preimage in the deletion part of a delete/create pair."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볞툗 `-B` 訝�壅룝슴�ⓩ뿶竊뚥튋�곭븼�좈솮/�쎾뻠野밥릎�좈솮�ⓨ늽�꾢렅�끻���"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:580 en/git-svn.txt:625
 #, no-wrap, priority:280
 msgid "-l<num>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-l<�곈뇧>"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:586
 #, priority:280
 msgid "The `-M` and `-C` options require O(n^2) processing time where n is the number of potential rename/copy targets.  This option prevents rename/copy detection from running if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds the specified number."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`-M` �� `-C` �됮」��誤� O(n^2) �꾢쨪�녷뿶�댐펽�뜸릎 n ��퐳�①쉪�띶뫝��/鸚띶댍��젃�곈뇧�귛쫩�쒒뇥�썲릫/鸚띶댍��젃�꾣빊�뤺텈瓦뉏틙�뉐츣�꾣빊�륅펽瑥ι�됮」��삻閭�뇥�썲릫/鸚띶댍汝�役뗨퓧烏뚣��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:588
@@ -5169,19 +5157,19 @@ msgstr "--diff-filter=[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 #: en/diff-options.txt:599
 #, ignore-ellipsis, priority:280
 msgid "Select only files that are Added (`A`), Copied (`C`), Deleted (`D`), Modified (`M`), Renamed (`R`), have their type (i.e. regular file, symlink, submodule, ...) changed (`T`), are Unmerged (`U`), are Unknown (`X`), or have had their pairing Broken (`B`).  Any combination of the filter characters (including none) can be used.  When `*` (All-or-none) is added to the combination, all paths are selected if there is any file that matches other criteria in the comparison; if there is no file that matches other criteria, nothing is selected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ら�됪떓曆삣뒥竊�`A`竊됥�곩쨳�띰펷`C`竊됥�곩닠�ㅿ펷`D`竊됥�곦엶�뱄펷`M`竊됥�곲뇥�썲릫竊�`R`竊됥�곭굳�뗰펷�녑만鰲꾣뻼餓뜰�곭Е�룬벦�γ�곩춴與▼쓼......竊됪뵻�섓펷`T`竊됥�곫쑋�덂뭉竊�`U`竊됥�곫쑋�ο펷`X`竊됪닑�띶�熬ョ졃�륅펷`B`竊됬쉪�뉏뻑�귛룾餓δ슴�②퓝譯ㅵ춻寧�쉪餓삡퐬瀯꾢릦竊덂똿�х㈉竊됥�귛퐪瀯꾢릦訝�뒥�� `*`竊덂뀲�ⓩ닑令븝펹�띰펽倻귝옖�ⓩ캈渦껂릎�됦뻣鵝뺞뻼餓뜸툗�뜸퍟�▽뻑�백뀓竊뚦닕�됪떓���됭러孃꾬폑倻귝옖亦→쐣寧�릦�뜸퍟�▽뻑�꾣뻼餓띰펽�쇾툖鴉싮�됪떓餓삡퐬�끻���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:602
 #, priority:280
 msgid "Also, these upper-case letters can be downcased to exclude.  E.g.  `--diff-filter=ad` excludes added and deleted paths."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��쨼竊뚩퓳雅쎾ㄷ�쇿춻驪띴튋��빳�싪퓝鵝욜뵪弱뤷넍�믧솮�귚풃倻귨폏`--diff-filter=ad` �믧솮曆삣뒥�뚦닠�ㅷ쉪瓮�푶��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/diff-options.txt:608
 #, priority:280
 msgid "Note that not all diffs can feature all types. For instance, diffs from the index to the working tree can never have Added entries (because the set of paths included in the diff is limited by what is in the index).  Similarly, copied and renamed entries cannot appear if detection for those types is disabled."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽亮뜸툖����됬쉪藥�펰�썼꺗�끻맜���됬굳�뗣�귚풃倻귨펽餓롧뇨凉뺝댆藥δ퐳�묊쉪藥�펰麗멱퓶訝띴폏�됪렌�좑펷Added竊됪씉��펷�졽맏藥�펰訝�똿�ョ쉪瓮�푶�녶룛榮℡폊訝�쉪�끻��꾦솏�띰펹�귛릪�뤄펽倻귝옖獵곫�汝�役뗥쨳�뜹뭽�띶뫝�띸쉪�←쎅竊뚩퓳雅쏁굳�뗤튋訝띴폏�븀렟��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/diff-options.txt:609
@@ -6890,8 +6878,8 @@ msgstr "�좈솮�꾢냵若�"
 msgid "Removed content is represented by lines beginning with \"-\". You can prevent staging their removal by converting the \"-\" to a \" \" (space)."
 msgstr "�좈솮�꾢냵若밥빳��-�앭�鸚당쉪烏뚩〃鹽뷩�귝궓��빳�싪퓝弱녳��-�앲쉬�㏘맏�� �앾펷令뷸졏竊됪씎�꿩�弱녶끀�좈솮��"
-#. type: Labeled list
 # 瑥묋�낉폏�ュ갼訝ㅴ릉耶쀨뒄��꺗熬ュ닠�륅펽倻귝옖玲삭캂訝뷰릎�뉑젃�밥폏�븀렟�듾릉黎됧춻
+#. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-add.txt:379
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:300
 msgid "modified content"
@@ -14273,7 +14261,7 @@ msgid ""
 "*NOTE*: this operation can race with concurrent modification to the\n"
 "source repository, similar to running `cp -r src dst` while modifying\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*力ⓩ꼷*竊싪��띴퐳��꺗訝롥뭉�묊쉪繹먧퍜佯볞엶�밥벨�잋벨塋욂틝竊뚨굳鴉쇌틢�②퓧烏� `cp -r src dst` �뜹릪�뜸엶�� `src`��\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-clone.txt:65