From b668ee0da55edac027a43c1a6c9ea3d45586babb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sandasan <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 19:12:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Russian)

Currently translated at 16.3% (1697 of 10393 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: sandasan <>
 po/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 4f8792a..32c207a 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-26 22:55+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 02:40+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 槻筠�筠極 槻筠�筠極棘勻龜� <>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-12 19:19+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: sandasan <>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.3-dev\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
+"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:675 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:47 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:126 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -5683,6 +5684,11 @@ msgstr "--server-option=<棘極�龜�>"
 #, priority:300
 msgid "Transmit the given string to the server when communicating using protocol version 2.  The given string must not contain a NUL or LF character.  The server's handling of server options, including unknown ones, is server-specific.  When multiple `--server-option=<option>` are given, they are all sent to the other side in the order listed on the command line."
 msgstr ""
+"�筠�筠畇逵�� 畇逵戟戟�� ���棘克� 戟逵 �筠�勻筠� 極�龜 棘閨劇筠戟筠 畇逵戟戟�劇龜 � 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵戟龜筠劇 "
+"極�棘�棘克棘剋逵 勻筠��龜龜 2. �逵戟戟逵� ���棘克逵 戟筠 畇棘剋菌戟逵 �棘畇筠�菌逵�� �龜劇勻棘剋 NUL 龜剋龜 LF. "
+"�閨�逵閨棘�克逵 �筠�勻筠�棘劇 棘極�龜橘 �筠�勻筠�逵, 勻 �棘劇 �龜�剋筠 戟筠龜鈞勻筠��戟��, 鈞逵勻龜�龜� 棘� "
+"�筠�勻筠�逵. �棘均畇逵 �克逵鈞逵戟棘 戟筠�克棘剋�克棘 `--server-option = <option>`, 勻�筠 棘戟龜 "
+"棘�極�逵勻剋����� 畇��均棘橘 ��棘�棘戟筠 勻 極棘��畇克筠, �克逵鈞逵戟戟棘劇 勻 克棘劇逵戟畇戟棘橘 ���棘克筠."
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/fetch-options.txt:263
@@ -5795,18 +5801,34 @@ msgstr "���鬼����"
 #, priority:300
 msgid "This command updates the index using the current content found in the working tree, to prepare the content staged for the next commit.  It typically adds the current content of existing paths as a whole, but with some options it can also be used to add content with only part of the changes made to the working tree files applied, or remove paths that do not exist in the working tree anymore."
 msgstr ""
+"葵�逵 克棘劇逵戟畇逵 棘閨戟棘勻剋�筠� 龜戟畇筠克�, 龜�極棘剋�鈞�� �筠克��筠筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠, 戟逵橘畇筠戟戟棘筠 勻 "
+"�逵閨棘�筠劇 畇筠�筠勻筠, ��棘閨� 極棘畇均棘�棘勻龜�� �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 畇剋� �剋筠畇���筠橘 �龜克�逵�龜龜. �閨��戟棘 "
+"棘戟逵 畇棘閨逵勻剋�筠� �筠克��筠筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 ���筠��勻���龜� 極��筠橘 勻 �筠剋棘劇, 戟棘 � 戟筠克棘�棘��劇龜 "
+"極逵�逵劇筠��逵劇龜 筠筠 �逵克菌筠 劇棘菌戟棘 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵�� 畇剋� 畇棘閨逵勻剋筠戟龜� �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘均棘 � "
+"極�龜劇筠戟筠戟龜筠劇 �棘剋�克棘 �逵��龜 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘, 勻戟筠�筠戟戟�� 勻 �逵橘剋� �逵閨棘�筠均棘 畇筠�筠勻逵, 龜剋龜 "
+"�畇逵剋筠戟龜� 極��筠橘, 克棘�棘��筠 閨棘剋��筠 戟筠 ���筠��勻��� 勻 �逵閨棘�筠劇 畇筠�筠勻筠."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:31
 #, priority:300
 msgid "The \"index\" holds a snapshot of the content of the working tree, and it is this snapshot that is taken as the contents of the next commit.  Thus after making any changes to the working tree, and before running the commit command, you must use the `add` command to add any new or modified files to the index."
 msgstr ""
+"�戟畇筠克� �棘畇筠�菌龜� �戟龜劇棘克 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘均棘 �逵閨棘�筠均棘 畇筠�筠勻逵, 龜 龜劇筠戟戟棘 ��棘� �戟龜劇棘克 "
+"龜�極棘剋�鈞�筠��� 勻 克逵�筠��勻筠 �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘均棘 �剋筠畇���筠橘 �龜克�逵�龜龜. 龜逵克龜劇 棘閨�逵鈞棘劇, 極棘�剋筠 "
+"勻戟筠�筠戟龜� 剋�閨�� 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜橘 勻 �逵閨棘�筠筠 畇筠�筠勻棘 龜 極筠�筠畇 鈞逵極��克棘劇 克棘劇逵戟畇� �龜克�逵�龜龜 "
+"(commit) 勻� 畇棘剋菌戟� 龜�極棘剋�鈞棘勻逵�� 克棘劇逵戟畇� `add`, ��棘閨� 畇棘閨逵勻龜�� 剋�閨�筠 戟棘勻�筠 "
+"龜剋龜 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟戟�筠 �逵橘剋� 勻 龜戟畇筠克�."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:36
 #, priority:300
 msgid "This command can be performed multiple times before a commit.  It only adds the content of the specified file(s) at the time the add command is run; if you want subsequent changes included in the next commit, then you must run `git add` again to add the new content to the index."
 msgstr ""
+"葵�� 克棘劇逵戟畇� 劇棘菌戟棘 勻�極棘剋戟龜�� 戟筠�克棘剋�克棘 �逵鈞 極筠�筠畇 �龜克�逵�龜筠橘. �戟逵 �棘剋�克棘 "
+"畇棘閨逵勻剋�筠� �棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 �克逵鈞逵戟戟棘均棘 �逵橘剋逵 (棘勻) 勻棘 勻�筠劇� 勻�極棘剋戟筠戟龜� 克棘劇逵戟畇� 'add';"
+" 筠�剋龜 勻� �棘�龜�筠, ��棘閨� 極棘�剋筠畇���龜筠 龜鈞劇筠戟筠戟龜� 閨�剋龜 勻克剋��筠戟� 勻 �剋筠畇����� "
+"�龜克�逵�龜�, 勻� 畇棘剋菌戟� �戟棘勻逵 鈞逵極���龜�� `git add`, ��棘閨� 畇棘閨逵勻龜�� 戟棘勻棘筠 "
+"�棘畇筠�菌龜劇棘筠 勻 龜戟畇筠克�."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-add.txt:39