diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 4eea342bb2f1b7922626cdd5b9b5185184393d14..0ebc7ae348b51d643f77448e1467c532f9024314 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <mha1993@live.de>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-18 10:03+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: jn.avila@free.fr\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-22 04:01+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <ttdlyu@163.com>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -19393,31 +19393,31 @@ msgstr "��닕竊뚦컛餓� Unix �꾣뼶凉뤺〃鹽뷸닇�잞펽�녕쎍�δ빳�띌���븀듁��
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:196
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "ISSUES"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��쥦"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:198
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Problems related to timestamps:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝롦뿶�닸댊�됧뀽�꾦뿮窯섓폏"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:202
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If timestamps of commits in the CVS repository are not stable enough to be used for ordering commits changes may show up in the wrong order."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖 CVS 耶섇궓佯볞릎�먧벡�꾣뿶�닸댊訝띶쩅葉녑츣竊뚧뿞力뺟뵪雅롥��먧벡瓦쏂죱�믣틣竊뚦닕�닸뵻��꺗鴉싦빳�숃��꾦『佯뤸샑鹽뷩��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:204
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If any files were ever \"cvs import\"ed more than once (e.g., import of more than one vendor release) the HEAD contains the wrong content."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖餓삡퐬�뉏뻑�얕˙鸚싨А \"cvs import\"竊덂쫩野쇔뀯鸚싦릉堊쎾틪�녶룕躍껆쉪�덃쑍竊됵펽�� HEAD �끻맜�숃��꾢냵若밤��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:207
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If the timestamp order of different files cross the revision order within the commit matching time window the order of commits may be wrong."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�ⓩ룓雅ㅵ뙶�띷뿶�당첊�e냵竊뚥툖�뚧뻼餓띄쉪�띌뿴�녜『佯뤶툗岳��窈뷴틣訝띴��댐펽�먧벡窈뷴틣��꺗鴉싧눣�쇻��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-cvsimport.txt:209
@@ -22247,7 +22247,7 @@ msgstr "倻� linkgit:git-diff[1] �뗥냼窈득�瓦곤펽�㎬죱燁삣뒯��/�뽩쨳�뜻�
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:61
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Note that earlier versions of this command did not complain and produced incorrect results if you gave these options."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽倻귝옖�ⓩ룓堊쎽틙瓦쇾틳�됮」竊뚩��썰빱�꾣뿩�잏뎵�т툖鴉싧룕�븅뵗瑥�룓鹽븝펽亮뜸폏雅㎫뵟訝띷�簾�쉪瀯볠옖��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:62 en/git-fast-import.txt:93
@@ -22259,7 +22259,7 @@ msgstr "--export-marks=<file>"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:73
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Dumps the internal marks table to <file> when complete.  Marks are written one per line as `:markid SHA-1`. Only marks for revisions are dumped; marks for blobs are ignored.  Backends can use this file to validate imports after they have been completed, or to save the marks table across incremental runs.  As <file> is only opened and truncated at completion, the same path can also be safely given to --import-marks.  The file will not be written if no new object has been marked/exported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "若뚧닇�롥컛�낂깿�뉓�烏②쉬耶섇댆 <�뉏뻑> 訝��� �뉓�餓� `:markid SHA-1` �꾢숱凉뤸캀烏뚦넍訝�訝ゃ�귛룵饔у궓岳���덄쉪�뉓�竊쎾옙�� blob �꾣젃溫겹�� �롧ク��빳�ⓨ��ε츑�먨릮鵝욜뵪閭ㅶ뻼餓띌챿瑥곩��ο펽�뽩쑉罌욇뇧瓦먫죱�뜸퓷耶섉젃溫계〃�� �긴틢 <�뉏뻑> 餓끻쑉野쇔뀯若뚧닇�뜻돀凉�亮뜻닼��펽�졿�阿잌룾餓ε츎�ⓨ쑑訝� --import-marks �먧풘�멨릪�꾥러孃꾠�� 倻귝옖亦→쐣�뉓�/野쇔눣�겼�穩∽펽�뉏뻑弱녵툖鴉싪˙�쇿뀯��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:74 en/git-fast-import.txt:102
@@ -22271,7 +22271,7 @@ msgstr "--import-marks=<file>"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:78
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Before processing any input, load the marks specified in <file>.  The input file must exist, must be readable, and must use the same format as produced by --export-marks."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ쨪�녵뻣鵝뺠풏�δ퉳�랃펽�좄슬 <�뉏뻑> 訝�뙁若싩쉪�뉓��� 渦볟뀯�뉏뻑恙낂』耶섇쑉竊뚦퓚窈삣룾瑥삼펽恙낂』鵝욜뵪訝� --export-marks �잍닇�꾤쎑�뚧졏凉뤵��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:79
@@ -22283,13 +22283,13 @@ msgstr "--mark-tags"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:87
 #, priority:90
 msgid "In addition to labelling blobs and commits with mark ids, also label tags.  This is useful in conjunction with `--export-marks` and `--import-marks`, and is also useful (and necessary) for exporting of nested tags.  It does not hurt other cases and would be the default, but many fast-import frontends are not prepared to accept tags with mark identifiers."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ㅴ틙�ⓩ젃溫� id �뉓� blob �뚧룓雅ㅿ펽瓦섇룾餓ζ젃溫경젃嶺얇�� 瓦쇾툗 `--export-marks`竊덂��뷸젃溫곤펹 �� `--import-marks`竊덂��ζ젃溫곤펹`�띶릦鵝욜뵪竊뚦�雅롥��뷴탪也쀦젃溫겻튋孃덃쐣�⑨펷�뚥툝孃덂퓚誤곻펹�� 瓦쇿��뜸퍟�끻넻亦→쐣壤긷뱧竊뚥튋��퍡溫ㅵ걳力뺧펽鵝녻�鸚싧엮�잌��ε뎺塋�뭉訝띶뇛鸚뉑렏�쀥를�됪젃溫경젃瑥녺Е�꾣젃嶺얇��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:92
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Any commits (or tags) that have already been marked will not be exported again.  If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file, this allows for incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository by keeping the marks the same across runs."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "餓삡퐬藥꿩젃溫곁쉪�먧벡竊덃닑�뉓�竊됮꺗訝띴폏�띷А野쇔눣�� 倻귝옖�롧ク鵝욜뵪映삡세�� --import-marks �뉏뻑竊뚦닕��빳�싪퓝�ⓧ툖�뚩퓧烏뚥릎岳앮똻�멨릪�꾣젃溫경씎若욅렟餓볟틩�꾢쥭�뤷룎�묈��뷩��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:93
@@ -22301,7 +22301,7 @@ msgstr "--fake-missing-tagger"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:98
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Some old repositories have tags without a tagger.  The fast-import protocol was pretty strict about that, and did not allow that.  So fake a tagger to be able to fast-import the output."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�됦틳�㏛퍜佯볠쐣�뉒�竊뚥퐜亦→쐣�뉓��� 恙ラ�잌��ε뜌溫��閭ㅹ씆躍멧른�쇽펽訝띶뀅溫멱퓳�룟걳�� ��餓θ쫨鴉ら�졽�訝ゆ젃嶺억펽餓δ씩�썲쩅恙ラ�잌��θ풏�뷩��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:99
@@ -22313,7 +22313,7 @@ msgstr "--use-done-feature"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:102
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Start the stream with a 'feature done' stanza, and terminate it with a 'done' command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�� 'feature done' 耶쀧Е訝꿨맦�ⓩ빊��탛竊뚨뵪 'done' �썰빱瀯덃��경뜮役곥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:103
@@ -22325,7 +22325,7 @@ msgstr "--no-data"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:110
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Skip output of blob objects and instead refer to blobs via their original SHA-1 hash.  This is useful when rewriting the directory structure or history of a repository without touching the contents of individual files.  Note that the resulting stream can only be used by a repository which already contains the necessary objects."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓮녘퓝 blob 野배괌�꾥풏�븝펽�뚧삸�싪퓝�뜹렅冶� SHA-1 �덂툕�쇔폊�� blob�� 瓦쇿쑉�띶넍餓볟틩�꾤쎅壤뺟퍜�꾣닑�녶뤁溫겼퐬�띌씆躍멩쐣�⑨펽�뚥툝訝띴폏鰲�룋�뺜릉�뉏뻑�꾢냵若밤�� 瑥룡낏�륅펽�잍닇�꾣빊��탛�よ꺗�긷럴�끻맜恙낁쫨野배괌�꾡퍜佯볞슴�ⓦ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:111 en/git-ls-tree.txt:82
@@ -22337,7 +22337,7 @@ msgstr "--full-tree"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:116
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This option will cause fast-export to issue a \"deleteall\" directive for each commit followed by a full list of all files in the commit (as opposed to just listing the files which are different from the commit's first parent)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ι�됮」弱녶��� fast-export 訝뷸캀訝ゆ룓雅ㅵ룕�뷰�訝� \"deleteall\" �뉏빱竊뚨꽫�롥닓�뷸룓雅ㅴ릎���됪뻼餓띄쉪若뚧빐�쀨〃竊덅�뚥툖��룵�쀥눣訝롦룓雅ㅷ쉪寧т�訝ょ댍�뉏뻑訝띶릪�꾣뻼餓띰펹��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:117
@@ -22349,7 +22349,7 @@ msgstr "--anonymize"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:121
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Anonymize the contents of the repository while still retaining the shape of the history and stored tree.  See the section on `ANONYMIZING` below."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野배탡繹먨틩�꾢냵若배퓵烏뚦뙼�띶뙑鸚꾤릤竊뚦릪�뜸퍖岳앯븰�녶뤁溫겼퐬�뚦춼�ⓩ젒�꾢숱�뜰�� 瑥룟뢿�끺툔�� `�욕릫��` �ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:122
@@ -22361,7 +22361,7 @@ msgstr "--anonymize-map=<from>[:<to>]"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:126
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Convert token `<from>` to `<to>` in the anonymized output. If `<to>` is omitted, map `<from>` to itself (i.e., do not anonymize it). See the section on `ANONYMIZING` below."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶뙼�띶뙑渦볟눣訝�쉪餓ㅷ뎹 `<from>` 饔ф뜟訝� `<to>`�귛쫩�쒐쐛�δ틙 `<to>`竊뚦닕弱� `<from>` �졾컙�겼끀�ц벴竊덂뜵訝띶��띈퓵烏뚦뙼�띶뙑竊됥�귟��귡쁾訝뗩씊�� `�욕릫��` �ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:127
@@ -22373,7 +22373,7 @@ msgstr "--reference-excluded-parents"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:138
 #, priority:90
 msgid "By default, running a command such as `git fast-export master~5..master` will not include the commit master{tilde}5 and will make master{tilde}4 no longer have master{tilde}5 as a parent (though both the old master{tilde}4 and new master{tilde}4 will have all the same files).  Use --reference-excluded-parents to instead have the stream refer to commits in the excluded range of history by their sha1sum.  Note that the resulting stream can only be used by a repository which already contains the necessary parent commits."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽瓦먫죱瑥멨쫩 `git fast-export master~5..master` 瓦숁졆�꾢뫝餓ㅴ툖鴉싧똿�� master{tilde}5 �먧벡竊뚦뭉鴉싦슴 master{tilde}4 訝띶냽弱� master{tilde}5 鵝쒍맏�뜻룓雅ㅿ펷弱썹��㎫쉪 master{tilde}4 �뚧뼭�� master{tilde}4 �ζ쐣�멨릪�꾣뻼餓띰펹�� 鵝욜뵪 --reference-excluded-parents ��빳溫⒵빊��탛�싪퓝 sha1sum �ε폊�ⓨ럣�꿜릎�믧솮�껃쎍�끿쉪�먧벡�� ��誤곫낏�뤹쉪��펽�잍닇�꾣빊��탛�よ꺗�긷럴�끻맜恙낁쫨�뜻룓雅ㅷ쉪餓볟틩鵝욜뵪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:139
@@ -22385,7 +22385,7 @@ msgstr "--show-original-ids"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:145
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Add an extra directive to the output for commits and blobs, `original-oid <SHA1SUM>`.  While such directives will likely be ignored by importers such as git-fast-import, it may be useful for intermediary filters (e.g. for rewriting commit messages which refer to older commits, or for stripping blobs by id)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뷸룓雅ㅵ뭽 blob �꾥풏�뷸렌�졽�訝ら쥫鸚뽫쉪�뉏빱竊�`original-oid <SHA1SUM>`�� �썹꽫瓦숂굳�뉏빱��꺗鴉싪˙ git-fast-import 嶺됧��η쮮佯뤷옙�ο펽鵝녶�雅롣릎�닺퓝譯ㅵ솳竊덁풃倻귡뇥�쇿폊�②푵�⒵룓雅ㅷ쉪�먧벡岳→겘竊뚧닑�� id �붼솮 blobs竊됪씎瑥닷룾�썲푽�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:146
@@ -22397,7 +22397,7 @@ msgstr "--reencode=(yes|no|abort)"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:152
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Specify how to handle `encoding` header in commit objects.  When asking to 'abort' (which is the default), this program will die when encountering such a commit object.  With 'yes', the commit message will be re-encoded into UTF-8.  With 'no', the original encoding will be preserved."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉐츣倻귚퐬鸚꾤릤�먧벡野배괌訝�쉪 `encoding` 竊덄폋�곻펹鸚담�� 倻귝옖誤곫콆 'abort'竊덁릎閭�펽容섋��쇽펹竊뚨쮮佯뤷컛�③걞�경�映삥룓雅ㅵ�穩→뿶瀯볠씇�� 倻귝옖鵝욜뵪 'yes'竊뚧룓雅ㅴ에��컛熬ラ뇥�곁폋�곦맏 UTF-8�� 倻귝옖�됪떓 'no'竊뚦닕弱녵퓷�쇿렅冶뗧폋�곥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:153
@@ -22409,7 +22409,7 @@ msgstr "--refspec"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:156
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Apply the specified refspec to each ref exported. Multiple of them can be specified."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野밧��븀쉪驪뤶릉凉뺟뵪佯붺뵪�뉐츣�꾢폊�②쭊�껁�귛룾餓ζ뙁若싧쩀訝ゃ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:157
@@ -22421,7 +22421,7 @@ msgstr "[<git-rev-list-args>...]"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:165
 #, priority:90
 msgid "A list of arguments, acceptable to 'git rev-parse' and 'git rev-list', that specifies the specific objects and references to export.  For example, `master~10..master` causes the current master reference to be exported along with all objects added since its 10th ancestor commit and (unless the --reference-excluded-parents option is specified) all files common to master{tilde}9 and master{tilde}10."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'git rev-parse' �� 'git rev-list' ��렏�쀧쉪�귝빊�쀨〃竊뚨뵪雅롦뙁若싪쫨野쇔눣�꾤돶若싧�穩▼뭽凉뺟뵪�� 堊뗥쫩竊�`master~10..master` 鴉싧��뷴퐪�띸쉪訝삣폊�⑨펽餓ε룋�띄К 10 轝←쪝�덃룓雅ㅵ릮曆삣뒥�꾣��됧�穩∽펽餓ε룋竊덆솮�욄뙁若싦틙 --reference-excluded-parents �됮」竊뎜aster{tilde}9 �� master{tilde}10 �꾣��됧뀶�길뻼餓뜰��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:171
@@ -22433,7 +22433,7 @@ msgstr "$ git fast-export --all | (cd /empty/repository && git fast-import)\n"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:176
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This will export the whole repository and import it into the existing empty repository.  Except for reencoding commits that are not in UTF-8, it would be a one-to-one mirror."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇿컛野쇔눣�답릉餓볟틩竊뚦뭉野쇔뀯�경쐣�꾤㈉餓볟틩�� �ㅴ틙野백씆 UTF-8 �덃쑍�꾣룓雅ㅸ퓵烏뚪뇥�곁폋�곩쨼竊뚩퓳弱녷삸訝�訝や�野밥��꾦븳�뤵��"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:181
@@ -22451,49 +22451,49 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:185
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This makes a new branch called 'other' from 'master~5..master' (i.e. if 'master' has linear history, it will take the last 5 commits)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦숁졆弱긴퍗 'master~5..master' 訝�닗兩뷰틙訝�訝ゅ릫訝� 'other' �꾣뼭�녷뵱竊덁튋弱길삸瑥댐펽倻귝옖 'master' �꾢럣�꿩삸瀛욘�㎫쉪竊뚪궍阿덂츆弱녽뇞�ⓩ�瓦묊쉪 5 轝→룓雅ㅿ펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:189
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Note that this assumes that none of the blobs and commit messages referenced by that revision range contains the string 'refs/heads/master'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽瓦숁삸�ⓨ걞溫얕�岳���껃쎍凉뺟뵪�� blob �뚧룓雅ㅴ에��릎亦→쐣�끻맜 'refs/heads/master' 耶쀧Е訝꿔��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:192
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�욕릫��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:200
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If the `--anonymize` option is given, git will attempt to remove all identifying information from the repository while still retaining enough of the original tree and history patterns to reproduce some bugs. The goal is that a git bug which is found on a private repository will persist in the anonymized repository, and the latter can be shared with git developers to help solve the bug."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖瀯쇿츣雅� `--anonymize` �됮」竊똤it 鴉싧컼瑥뺟㎉�ㅴ퍜佯볞릎�꾣��됭벴餓썰에��펽鵝녵퍖鴉싦퓷�숃떨鸚잏쉪�잌쭓�묈뭽�녶뤁與▼폀�ι뇥�경윇雅� bug�귟퓳�룟걳�꾤쎅�꾣삸竊뚦쑉燁곫쐣餓볟틩訝�룕�곁쉪 git bug 鴉싧쑉�욕릫餓볟틩訝�빵瀯�춼�⑨펽�뚦릮�끻룾餓δ툗 git 凉��묇볶�섇뀻雅ワ펽餓ε리�⑵㎗�� bug��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:212
 #, priority:90
 msgid "With this option, git will replace all refnames, paths, blob contents, commit and tag messages, names, and email addresses in the output with anonymized data.  Two instances of the same string will be replaced equivalently (e.g., two commits with the same author will have the same anonymized author in the output, but bear no resemblance to the original author string). The relationship between commits, branches, and tags is retained, as well as the commit timestamps (but the commit messages and refnames bear no resemblance to the originals). The relative makeup of the tree is retained (e.g., if you have a root tree with 10 files and 3 trees, so will the output), but their names and the contents of the files will be replaced."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪瑥ι�됮」�롳펽git 鴉싩뵪�욕릫�경뜮�욘뜟渦볟눣訝�쉪���됧폊�ⓨ릫�곮러孃꾠�갶lob �끻��곫룓雅ㅵ뭽�뉓�岳→겘�곩쭞�띶뭽�드춴��뻑�겼��� �뚥�耶쀧Е訝꿰쉪訝ㅴ릉若욂풃弱녻˙嶺됪븞�욘뜟竊덁풃倻귨펽訝ㅴ릉�먧벡�꾡퐳�끿쎑�뚳펽渦볟눣訝�쉪�욕릫鵝쒑�끺튋�멨릪竊뚥퐜訝롥렅冶뗤퐳�끻춻寧╊림亮뜻뿞�멧세阿뗥쨪竊됥�귝룓雅ㅳ�곩늽��뭽�뉒�阿뗩뿴�꾢뀽楹삡빳�딀룓雅ㅶ뿶�닸댊�썰폏岳앯븰竊덁퐜�먧벡岳→겘�뚦폊�ⓨ릫訝롥렅冶뗤에��깹�됦뻣鵝뺟쎑鴉쇌퉳鸚꾬펹�귚퓷�숁젒�꾤쎑野방엫�먲펷堊뗥쫩竊뚦쫩�쒏졊�묉쐣 10 訝ゆ뻼餓뜹뭽 3 訝ゆ젒竊뚩풏�뷰튋鴉싦퓷�숋펹竊뚥퐜�뉏뻑�띶뭽�뉏뻑�끻�鴉싪˙�욘뜟��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:215
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If you think you have found a git bug, you can start by exporting an anonymized stream of the whole repository:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�②�訝븃눎藥긷룕�겻틙訝�訝� git bug竊뚦룾餓δ퍗野쇔눣�답릉餓볟틩�꾢뙼�띷탛凉�冶뗰폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:218
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "$ git fast-export --anonymize --all >anon-stream\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "$ git fast-export --anonymize --all >anon-stream\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:223
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Then confirm that the bug persists in a repository created from that stream (many bugs will not, as they really do depend on the exact repository contents):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뜹릮簾���숃���맔�곭뺌耶섇쑉雅롦졊����경뜮役곩닗兩븀쉪餓볟틩訝�펷溫멨쩀�숃�訝띴폏�곭뺌耶섇쑉竊뚦썱訝뷴츆餓х‘若욃룚�념틢餓볟틩�꾤‘�뉐냵若뱄펹竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:229
@@ -22513,7 +22513,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:236
 #, priority:90
 msgid "If the anonymized repository shows the bug, it may be worth sharing `anon-stream` along with a regular bug report. Note that the anonymized stream compresses very well, so gzipping it is encouraged. If you want to examine the stream to see that it does not contain any private data, you can peruse it directly before sending. You may also want to try:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�욕릫餓볟틩�양ㅊ雅녽뵗瑥�펽�쇿�쇔풓�ⓩ룓雅ㅵ만鰲꾦뵗瑥�뒫�딁쉪�뚧뿶�녵벴 `anon-stream`竊덂뙼�띷탛竊됥�귟�力ⓩ꼷竊뚦뙼�띷탛�꾢럨煐⒵븞�쒒씆躍멨�竊뚦썱閭ㅵ뻠溫�컛�뜹럨煐⒳맏 gzip �쇔폀�귛쫩�쒏궓�녔��ζ탛��맔�끻맜餓삡퐬燁곦볶�경뜮竊뚦룾餓ε쑉�묌�곩뎺�닸렏�낁��귝궓瓦섇룾餓ε컼瑥뺧폏"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:239
@@ -22525,13 +22525,13 @@ msgstr "$ perl -pe 's/\\d+/X/g' <anon-stream | sort -u | less\n"
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:245
 #, priority:90
 msgid "which shows all of the unique lines (with numbers converted to \"X\", to collapse \"User 0\", \"User 1\", etc into \"User X\"). This produces a much smaller output, and it is usually easy to quickly confirm that there is no private data in the stream."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ���됬쉪���烏뚳펷�겼춻饔ф뜟訝� \"X\"竊뚦컛 \"�ⓩ댎 0\"��\"�ⓩ댎 1\" 嶺됪뒛�졽맏 \"�ⓩ댎 X\"竊됥�귟퓳�룝벨�잏쉪渦볟눣誤곩컦孃쀥쩀竊뚩�뚥툝�싧만孃덂��볟엮�잏‘溫ㅶ빊��탛訝�깹�됬쭅雅뷸빊����"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:251
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Reproducing some bugs may require referencing particular commits or paths, which becomes challenging after refnames and paths have been anonymized. You can ask for a particular token to be left as-is or mapped to a new value. For example, if you have a bug which reproduces with `git rev-list sensitive -- secret.c`, you can run:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띸렟�먧틳�숃���꺗��誤곩폊�①돶若싩쉪�먧벡�뽬러孃꾬펽瓦쇿쑉凉뺟뵪�띶뭽瓮�푶熬ュ뙼�띶뙑�롥룜孃쀥푽�됮슻佯╉�귝궓��빳誤곫콆弱녺돶若싨젃溫겻퓷�곩렅�룡닑�졾컙�겻�訝ゆ뼭�쇈�귚풃倻귨펽倻귝옖�됦�訝� bug ��빳�� `git rev-list sensitive -- secret.c` �ι뇥�곤펽��빳瓦먫죱竊�"
 #. type: delimited block -
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:257
@@ -22551,25 +22551,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:261
 #, priority:90
 msgid "After importing the stream, you can then run `git rev-list foo -- bar.c` in the anonymized repository."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "野쇔뀯役곦퉳�롳펽弱긷룾餓ε쑉�욕릫餓볟틩訝�퓧烏� `git rev-list foo -- bar.c`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:266
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Note that paths and refnames are split into tokens at slash boundaries.  The command above would anonymize `subdir/secret.c` as something like `path123/bar.c`; you could then search for `bar.c` in the anonymized repository to determine the final pathname."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽瓮�푶�뚦폊�ⓨ릫鴉싧쑉�쒐봇渦밭븣熬ュ늽�꿩닇�뉓��� 訝딃씊�꾢뫝餓ㅴ폏弱� `subdir/secret.c` �욕릫�뽨맏映삡세 `path123/bar.c` �꾢냵若뱄폑�뜹릮鵝졾룾餓ε쑉�욕릫�뽫쉪餓볟틩訝�맂榮� `bar.c` 餓η‘若싨�瀯덅러孃꾢릫��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:270
 #, priority:90
 msgid "To make referencing the final pathname simpler, you can map each path component; so if you also anonymize `subdir` to `publicdir`, then the final pathname would be `publicdir/bar.c`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뷰틙嶸��뽪�瀯덅러孃꾢릫�꾢폊�⑨펽��빳野방캀訝よ러孃꾤퍍餓띈퓵烏뚧삝弱꾬폑�졿�竊뚦쫩�쒎릪�뜹컛 `subdir` �욕릫�뽨맏 `publicdir`竊뚪궍阿덃�瀯덅러孃꾢릫弱녷삸 `publicdir/bar.c`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-export.txt:277
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Since 'git fast-import' cannot tag trees, you will not be able to export the linux.git repository completely, as it contains a tag referencing a tree instead of a commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�긴틢 'git fast-import' �졿퀡野방젒瓦쏂죱�뉓�竊뚦썱閭ㅶ궓弱녷뿞力뺝츑�ⓨ��� linux.git 餓볟틩竊뚦썱訝뷴끀訝�똿�ヤ틙訝�訝ゅ폊�ⓩ젒�뚪씆�먧벡�꾣젃溫겹��"
 #. type: Title =
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:2
@@ -22581,43 +22581,43 @@ msgstr "git-fast-import(1)"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:7
 #, priority:90
 msgid "git-fast-import - Backend for fast Git data importers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git-fast-import - 恙ラ�� Git �경뜮野쇔뀯�꾢릮塋�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:13
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "frontend | 'git fast-import' [<options>]\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "frontend | 'git fast-import' [<鸚싦릉�됮」>]\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:20
 #, priority:90
 msgid "This program is usually not what the end user wants to run directly.  Most end users want to use one of the existing frontend programs, which parses a specific type of foreign source and feeds the contents stored there to 'git fast-import'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��瀯덄뵪�룬�싧만亮뜸툖�녕쎍�θ퓧烏뚩퓳訝ょ쮮佯뤵�� 鸚㎩쩀�경�瀯덄뵪�룬꺗躍뚧쐹鵝욜뵪�경쐣�꾢뎺塋�쮮佯륅펽瓦쇾틳葉뗥틣鴉싪㎗�먪돶若싩굳�뗧쉪鸚뽪씎繹먲펽亮뜹컛�뜸릎耶섇궓�꾢냵若배풏�ε댆 'git fast-import' 訝���"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:26
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import reads a mixed command/data stream from standard input and writes one or more packfiles directly into the current repository.  When EOF is received on standard input, fast import writes out updated branch and tag refs, fully updating the current repository with the newly imported data."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 餓롦젃�녻풏�ηク瑥삣룚曆룟릦�썰빱/�경뜮役곻펽亮뜹컛訝�訝ゆ닑鸚싦릉�뉏뻑�끿쎍�ε넍�ε퐪�띴퍜佯볝�� 壤볠젃�녻풏�ζ뵸�� EOF �띰펽fast import 鴉싧넍�뷸쎍�곁쉪�녷뵱�뚧젃溫겼폊�⑨펽�ⓩ뼭野쇔뀯�꾣빊��츑�ⓩ쎍�겼퐪�띴퍜佯볝��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:32
 #, priority:90
 msgid "The fast-import backend itself can import into an empty repository (one that has already been initialized by 'git init') or incrementally update an existing populated repository.  Whether or not incremental imports are supported from a particular foreign source depends on the frontend program in use."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "恙ラ�잌��ε릮塋�쑍翁ュ룾餓ε��δ�訝ょ㈉餓볠쑍佯볩펷訝�訝ゅ럴熬� 'git init' �앭쭓�뽫쉪餓볟틩竊됵펽阿잌룾餓ε쥭�뤸쎍�겻�訝ゅ럴櫻ュ뀉�꾡퍜佯볝�� ��맔��똻餓롧돶若싧쨼�ζ틦罌욇뇧野쇔뀯竊뚦룚�념틢��鵝욜뵪�꾢뎺塋�쮮佯뤵��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:41
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Force updating modified existing branches, even if doing so would cause commits to be lost (as the new commit does not contain the old commit)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "凉뷴댍�닸뼭藥꿜엶�밭쉪�경쐣�녷뵱竊뚦뜵鵝욤퓳�룟걳鴉싧��닸룓雅ㅴ륭鸚깍펷�졽맏�경룓雅ㅴ툖�끻맜�㎪룓雅ㅿ펹��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:47
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Disable the output shown by --stats, making fast-import usually be silent when it is successful.  However, if the import stream has directives intended to show user output (e.g. `progress` directives), the corresponding messages will still be shown."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "獵곭뵪 --stats �양ㅊ�꾥풏�븝펽鵝� fast-import �ⓩ닇�잌��ζ뿶�싧만岳앮똻亦됮퍡�� 訝띹퓝竊뚦쫩�쒎��ζ탛訝�쐣�ⓧ틢�양ㅊ�ⓩ댎渦볟눣�꾣뙁餓ㅿ펷倻� `progress` �뉏빱竊됵펽�쇾퍖鴉싨샑鹽븀쎑佯붺쉪岳→겘��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:48
@@ -22629,7 +22629,7 @@ msgstr "--stats"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:53
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Display some basic statistics about the objects fast-import has created, the packfiles they were stored into, and the memory used by fast-import during this run.  Showing this output is currently the default, but can be disabled with --quiet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ fast-import �쎾뻠�꾢�穩▲�곮퓳雅쎾�穩▼춼�ⓨ쑉�や틳�뉏뻑�끺릎竊뚥빳�� fast-import �②퓧烏뚩퓝葉뗤릎鵝욜뵪�꾢냵耶섊춬�뷸쑍瀯잒��경뜮�� 容섋��끻넻訝뗦샑鹽뷸�渦볟눣竊뚥퐜��슴�� --quiet �녜뿭閭ㅵ뒣�썬��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:54
@@ -22641,19 +22641,19 @@ msgstr "--allow-unsafe-features"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:63
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Many command-line options can be provided as part of the fast-import stream itself by using the `feature` or `option` commands. However, some of these options are unsafe (e.g., allowing fast-import to access the filesystem outside of the repository). These options are disabled by default, but can be allowed by providing this option on the command line.  This currently impacts only the `export-marks`, `import-marks`, and `import-marks-if-exists` feature commands."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�싪퓝鵝욜뵪 `feature` �� `option` �썰빱竊뚩�鸚싧뫝餓ㅸ죱�됮」��빳鵝쒍맏 fast-import 役곫쑍翁ョ쉪訝��ⓨ늽�먧풘�귞꽫�뚳펽�뜸릎訝�雅쏃�됮」��툖若됧뀲�꾬펷堊뗥쫩竊뚦뀅溫� fast-import 溫욥뿮餓볟틩阿뗥쨼�꾣뻼餓띄내瀯잞펹�귟퓳雅쏃�됮」容섋���쫨�①쉪竊뚥퐜��빳�싪퓝�ⓨ뫝餓ㅸ죱訝�룓堊쏂��됮」�ε뀅溫멥�� ��뎺瓦쇿룵壤긷뱧 `export-marks`��`import-marks` �� `import-marks-if-exists`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:68
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Only enable this option if you trust the program generating the fast-import stream! This option is enabled automatically for remote-helpers that use the `import` capability, as they are already trusted to run their own code."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ゆ쐣�ⓧ에餓사뵟�먨엮�잌��ζ탛�꾤쮮佯뤸뿶竊뚧뎺�썲맦�ⓩ��됮」竊곩�雅롣슴�� `import` �잒꺗�꾥퓶葉뗥리�⑴쮮佯륅펽瑥ι�됮」鴉싪눎�ⓨ맦�⑨펽�졽맏若껂뺄藥꿰퍘熬ヤ에餓삣룾餓θ퓧烏뚩눎藥긺쉪餓g쟻��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:70
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "Options for Frontends"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띸ク�꾦�됮」"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:72
@@ -22665,7 +22665,7 @@ msgstr "--cat-blob-fd=<fd>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:77
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Write responses to `get-mark`, `cat-blob`, and `ls` queries to the file descriptor <fd> instead of `stdout`.  Allows `progress` output intended for the end-user to be separated from other output."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱녶� `get-mark`��`cat-blob` �� `ls` �θ��꾢뱧佯붷넍�ζ뻼餓뜻룒瓦곁Е <fd> �뚥툖�� `stdout`�� �곮�弱녽씊�묉�瀯덄뵪�루쉪 `progress` 渦볟눣訝롥끀餓뽬풏�뷴늽凉���"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:78
@@ -22677,7 +22677,7 @@ msgstr "--date-format=<fmt>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:83
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Specify the type of dates the frontend will supply to fast-import within `author`, `committer` and `tagger` commands.  See ``Date Formats'' below for details about which formats are supported, and their syntax."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉐츣�띶룿�� `author`, `committer` �� `tagger` �썰빱訝�룓堊쏁퍢恙ラ�잌��η쉪�ζ쐿映삣엹�� �됧뀽��똻�꾣졏凉뤷룋�띈�力뺟쉪瑥�퍏岳→겘竊뚩��귡쁾訝뗩씊�� \"�ζ쐿�쇔폀\"��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:84
@@ -22689,25 +22689,25 @@ msgstr "--done"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:89
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Terminate with error if there is no `done` command at the end of the stream.  This option might be useful for detecting errors that cause the frontend to terminate before it has started to write a stream."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�경뜮役곫쑌弱얏깹�� `done` �썰빱竊뚦닕�숃�瀯덃��� 瑥ι�됮」��꺗�됧뒰雅롦�役뗥��닷뎺塋�쑉凉�冶뗥넍�ζ빊��탛阿뗥뎺弱긺퍑閭®쉪�숃���"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:91
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "Locations of Marks Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉓��뉏뻑�꾡퐤營�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:101
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Dumps the internal marks table to <file> when complete.  Marks are written one per line as `:markid SHA-1`.  Frontends can use this file to validate imports after they have been completed, or to save the marks table across incremental runs.  As <file> is only opened and truncated at checkpoint (or completion) the same path can also be safely given to --import-marks."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "若뚧닇�롥컛�낂깿�뉓�烏②쉬耶섇댆 <�뉏뻑> 訝��� �뉓�餓� `:markid SHA-1` �꾢숱凉뤸캀烏뚦넍訝�訝ゃ�� �띸ク��쑉野쇔뀯若뚧닇�롣슴�ⓩ��뉏뻑謠뚩칮野쇔뀯竊뚧닑�ⓨ쥭�뤺퓧烏뚧뿶岳앭춼�뉓�烏ⓦ�� �긴틢 <�뉏뻑> �ゅ쑉汝��η궧竊덃닑若뚧닇�띰펹�볟��뚧닼��펽�졿��뚧졆�꾥러孃꾡튋��빳若됧뀲�경룓堊쏁퍢 --import-marks �뉏뻑��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:109
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Before processing any input, load the marks specified in <file>.  The input file must exist, must be readable, and must use the same format as produced by --export-marks.  Multiple options may be supplied to import more than one set of marks.  If a mark is defined to different values, the last file wins."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓨ쨪�녵뻣鵝뺠풏�δ퉳�랃펽�좄슬 <�뉏뻑> 訝�뙁若싩쉪�뉓��� 渦볟뀯�뉏뻑恙낂』耶섇쑉竊뚦퓚窈삣룾瑥삼펽恙낂』鵝욜뵪訝� --export-marks �잍닇�꾤쎑�뚧졏凉뤵�� ��빳�먧풘鸚싦릉�됮」�ε��ε쩀瀯꾣젃溫겹�� 倻귝옖訝�訝ゆ젃溫계˙若싦퉱訝뷰툖�뚨쉪�쇽펽�쇾빳���롣�訝ゆ뻼餓뜸맏�녴��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:110
@@ -22719,7 +22719,7 @@ msgstr "--import-marks-if-exists=<file>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:113
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Like --import-marks but instead of erroring out, silently skips the file if it does not exist."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� --import-marks 映삡세竊뚥퐜訝띴폏�븅뵗竊뚩�뚧삸�ⓩ뻼餓뜸툖耶섇쑉�띈눎�②럼瓦뉎��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:114
@@ -22731,19 +22731,19 @@ msgstr "--[no-]relative-marks"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:121
 #, priority:90
 msgid "After specifying --relative-marks the paths specified with --import-marks= and --export-marks= are relative to an internal directory in the current repository.  In git-fast-import this means that the paths are relative to the .git/info/fast-import directory. However, other importers may use a different location."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뉐츣 --relative-marks竊덄쎑野방젃溫곤펹�롳펽�� --import-marks= �� --export-marks= �뉐츣�꾥러孃꾢컛�멨�雅롥퐪�띴퍜佯볡쉪�낂깿��퐬�� �� git-fast-import 訝�펽瓦숁꼷�녕�瓮�푶��쎑野밥틢 .git/info/fast-import ��퐬�꾠�귚툖瓦뉛펽�뜸퍟野쇔뀯葉뗥틣��꺗鴉싦슴�ⓧ툖�뚨쉪鵝띸쉰��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:124
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Relative and non-relative marks may be combined by interweaving --(no-)-relative-marks with the --(import|export)-marks= options."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�멨��뉓��뚪씆�멨��뉓���빳�싪퓝--(no-)-relative-marks 訝�--(import|export)-marks= �됮」雅ㅷ퍐鵝욜뵪��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:126
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "Submodule Rewriting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띶넍耶먩Æ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:128
@@ -22762,25 +22762,25 @@ msgstr "--rewrite-submodules-to=<name>:<file>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:134
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Rewrite the object IDs for the submodule specified by <name> from the values used in the from <file> to those used in the to <file>. The from marks should have been created by `git fast-export`, and the to marks should have been created by `git fast-import` when importing that same submodule."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱� <�띸㎞> �뉐츣�꾢춴與▼쓼�꾢�穩� ID 餓� from <�뉏뻑> 訝�슴�①쉪�쇤뇥�쇾맏 to <�뉏뻑> 訝�슴�①쉪�쇈�괽rom �뉓�佯붺뵳 `git fast-export` �쎾뻠竊뚩�� to �뉓�佯붷쑉野쇔뀯�뚥�耶먩Æ�쀦뿶�� `git fast-import` �쎾뻠��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:139
 #, priority:90
 msgid "<name> may be any arbitrary string not containing a colon character, but the same value must be used with both options when specifying corresponding marks.  Multiple submodules may be specified with different values for <name>. It is an error not to use these options in corresponding pairs."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<�띸㎞> ��빳��툖�ュ넂�루쉪餓삥꼷耶쀧Е訝뀐펽鵝녶쑉�뉐츣�멨틪�뉓��띰펽訝ㅴ릉�됮」恙낂』鵝욜뵪�멨릪�꾢�쇈�� ��빳鵝욜뵪訝띶릪�� <�띸㎞> �쇗뙁若싧쩀訝ゅ춴與▼쓼�귚툖�①쎑佯붺쉪�됮」野밥릎鵝욜뵪瓦쇾틳�됮」��뵗瑥�쉪��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:144
 #, priority:90
 msgid "These options are primarily useful when converting a repository from one hash algorithm to another; without them, fast-import will fail if it encounters a submodule because it has no way of writing the object ID into the new hash algorithm."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瓦쇾틳�됮」訝삭쫨�ⓧ틢弱녵퍜佯볞퍗訝�燁띶뱢躍뚨츞力뺠쉬�㏘맏�╊�燁띶뱢躍뚨츞力뺧폑倻귝옖亦→쐣瓦쇾틳�됮」竊똣ast-import �③걞�겼춴與▼쓼�뜹갚鴉싧ㅁ兀ο펽�졽맏若껅뿞力뺝컛野배괌 ID �쇿뀯�곁쉪�덂툕嶸쀦퀡��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:146
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "Performance and Compression Tuning"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�㎬꺗�뚦럨煐⑵컘��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:148
@@ -22792,7 +22792,7 @@ msgstr "--active-branches=<n>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:151
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Maximum number of branches to maintain active at once.  See ``Memory Utilization'' below for details.  Default is 5."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뚧뿶嚥�域사쉪��鸚㎩늽��빊�� 瑥�깄瑥룟뢿�끺툔�뉒쉪 \"�끻춼�⑴뵪��\"�� 容섋�訝� 5��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:152
@@ -22804,7 +22804,7 @@ msgstr "--big-file-threshold=<n>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:157
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Maximum size of a blob that fast-import will attempt to create a delta for, expressed in bytes.  The default is 512m (512 MiB).  Some importers may wish to lower this on systems with constrained memory."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 弱녶컼瑥뺝닗兩� delta �� blob �꾣�鸚㎩ㄷ弱륅펽餓ε춻�귚맏�뺜퐤�� 容섋��쇌맏 512m竊�512MB竊됥�� �됦틳野쇔뀯�끻룾�썲툕�쎾쑉�끻춼�됮솏�꾤내瀯잋툓�띴퐥瑥ε�쇈��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:158 en/git-fetch-pack.txt:85 en/git-pack-objects.txt:129 en/git-repack.txt:108
@@ -22816,7 +22816,7 @@ msgstr "--depth=<n>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:161
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Maximum delta depth, for blob and tree deltification.  Default is 50."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ⓧ틢 blob �뚧젒壤�꽦與←쉪��鸚㎬꽦與→런佯╉�� 容섋��쇌맏 50��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:162
@@ -22828,7 +22828,7 @@ msgstr "--export-pack-edges=<file>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:170
 #, priority:90
 msgid "After creating a packfile, print a line of data to <file> listing the filename of the packfile and the last commit on each branch that was written to that packfile.  This information may be useful after importing projects whose total object set exceeds the 4 GiB packfile limit, as these commits can be used as edge points during calls to 'git pack-objects'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�쎾뻠 packfile �롳펽�� <�뉏뻑> �볟뜲訝�烏뚧빊��펽�쀥눣 packfile �꾣뻼餓뜹릫�뚦넍�θ� packfile �꾣캀訝ゅ늽��쉪���롣�轝→룓雅ㅳ�� �ⓨ��ζ�삣�穩↓썓擁낁퓝 4 GiB packfile �먨댍�꾦」��릮竊뚩퓳雅쎽에��룾�썰폏孃덃쐣�⑨펽�졽맏�②컘�� 'git pack-objects' �띰펽瓦쇾틳�먧벡��빳�ⓧ퐳渦밭폍�밤��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:171 en/git-pack-objects.txt:154 en/git-repack.txt:136
@@ -22840,7 +22840,7 @@ msgstr "--max-pack-size=<n>"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:174
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Maximum size of each output packfile.  The default is unlimited."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "驪뤶릉渦볟눣�끾뻼餓띄쉪��鸚㎩ㄷ弱뤵�� 容섋�訝뷸뿞�먨ㄷ��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:175
@@ -22864,67 +22864,67 @@ msgstr "烏①렟"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:186
 #, priority:90
 msgid "The design of fast-import allows it to import large projects in a minimum amount of memory usage and processing time.  Assuming the frontend is able to keep up with fast-import and feed it a constant stream of data, import times for projects holding 10+ years of history and containing 100,000+ individual commits are generally completed in just 1-2 hours on quite modest (~$2,000 USD) hardware."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import �꾥�溫▽슴�띈꺗鸚잋빳��弱묊쉪�끻춼�좂뵪�뚦쨪�녷뿶�닷��εㄷ�뗩」���� �뉓��띸ク�썲쩅瓮잋툓 fast-import �꾦�잌벧竊뚦뭉�묈끀�먧풘繹먩틦訝띷뼪�꾣빊��탛竊뚪궍阿덂�雅롦떏�� 10 亮답빳訝듿럣�꿔�곩똿�� 100,000 鸚싨А�뺟떖�먧벡�꾦」��펽�싧만�ら� 1-2 訝ゅ컦�뜹갚�썲츑�먨��ο펽�뚥툝簾т뻑�띸쉰阿잋툖遙섓펷瀛� 2,000 獰롥뀇竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:192
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Most bottlenecks appear to be in foreign source data access (the source just cannot extract revisions fast enough) or disk IO (fast-import writes as fast as the disk will take the data).  Imports will run faster if the source data is stored on a different drive than the destination Git repository (due to less IO contention)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鸚㎩쩀�곁벛窯덁세阿롩꺗�븀렟�ⓨ쎖鸚뽪틦�경뜮溫욥뿮竊덃틦�졿퀡餓θ떨鸚잌엮�꾦�잌벧�먨룚岳��竊됪닑髥곭썥 IO竊덂엮�잌��ε넍�η쉪�잌벧訝롧즯�섉렏�쀦빊��쉪�잌벧訝��룟엮竊됦툓�� 倻귝옖繹먩빊��춼�ⓨ쑉訝롧쎅�� Git 餓볟틩訝띶릪�꾦㈀�ⓨ솳訝딉펽野쇔뀯�잌벧鴉싨쎍恙ワ펷�졽맏 IO 塋욂틝�닷컩竊됥��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:195
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "凉��묉닇��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:202
 #, priority:90
 msgid "A typical frontend for fast-import tends to weigh in at approximately 200 lines of Perl/Python/Ruby code.  Most developers have been able to create working importers in just a couple of hours, even though it is their first exposure to fast-import, and sometimes even to Git.  This is an ideal situation, given that most conversion tools are throw-away (use once, and never look back)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝�訝ゅ끂�뗧쉪恙ラ�잌��ε뎺塋��孃���誤곩ㄷ瀛� 200 烏� Perl/Python/Ruby 餓g쟻�� 鸚㎩쩀�겼��묇볶�섌꺗�썲쑉�졽릉弱뤸뿶�끻닗兩뷴눣��뵪�꾢��η쮮佯륅펽弱썹�瓦숁삸餓뽨뺄寧т�轝→렏鰲�엮�잌��ο펽�됪뿶�싪눛��К訝�轝→렏鰲� Git�� �답틢鸚㎩쩀�계쉬�℡램�룬꺗���轝→�㎩램�뤄펷�②퓝訝�轝▼갚訝띶냽�욃ㅄ竊됵펽瓦숂쭕�끻넻����녷꺍�꾠��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:205
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "亮띈죱�띴퐳"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:210
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Like 'git push' or 'git fetch', imports handled by fast-import are safe to run alongside parallel `git repack -a -d` or `git gc` invocations, or any other Git operation (including 'git prune', as loose objects are never used by fast-import)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝� 'git push' �� 'git fetch' 訝��뤄펽�� fast-import 鸚꾤릤�꾢��ε룾餓ε츎�ⓨ쑑訝롥뭉烏뚨쉪 `git repack -a -d` �� `git gc`瘟껆뵪竊뚧닑餓삡퐬�뜸퍟 Git �띴퐳竊덂똿�� 'git prune'竊뚦썱訝� fast-import 餓롣툖鵝욜뵪�얏븺野배괌竊됧릪�띈퓧烏뚣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:219
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import does not lock the branch or tag refs it is actively importing.  After the import, during its ref update phase, fast-import tests each existing branch ref to verify the update will be a fast-forward update (the commit stored in the ref is contained in the new history of the commit to be written).  If the update is not a fast-forward update, fast-import will skip updating that ref and instead prints a warning message.  fast-import will always attempt to update all branch refs, and does not stop on the first failure."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 訝띴폏�곩츣閭e쑉野쇔뀯�꾢늽��닑�뉒�凉뺟뵪�� 野쇔뀯�롳펽�ⓨ폊�ⓩ쎍�곈샄餘듸펽fast-import 鴉싨탩瑥뺞캀訝ょ렟�됧늽��폊�⑨펽餓ι챿瑥곫쎍�경삸�╊맏恙ヨ퓵�닸뼭竊덂춼�ⓨ쑉凉뺟뵪訝�쉪�먧벡�끻맜�②쫨�쇿뀯�꾣룓雅ㅷ쉪�겼럣�꿜릎竊됥�� 倻귝옖�닸뼭訝띷삸恙ヨ퓵�닸뼭竊똣ast-import 鴉싪럼瓦뉑쎍�계�凉뺟뵪竊뚦뭉�볟뜲鈺�몜岳→겘�괽ast-import 鴉싦��닷컼瑥뺞쎍�경��됧늽��폊�⑨펽訝띴폏�졽맏寧т�轝▼ㅁ兀θ�뚦걶閭㏂��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:223
 #, priority:90
 msgid "Branch updates can be forced with --force, but it's recommended that this only be used on an otherwise quiet repository.  Using --force is not necessary for an initial import into an empty repository."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�녷뵱�닸뼭��빳鵝욜뵪 --force 凉뷴댍瓦쏂죱竊뚥퐜兩븃��ゅ쑉亦→쐣�닸뼭�꾡퍜佯볞릎鵝욜뵪�� �앮А野쇔뀯令뷰퍜佯볠뿶竊뚧뿞��鵝욜뵪 --force��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:226
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "����렋溫�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:233
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import tracks a set of branches in memory.  Any branch can be created or modified at any point during the import process by sending a `commit` command on the input stream.  This design allows a frontend program to process an unlimited number of branches simultaneously, generating commits in the order they are available from the source data.  It also simplifies the frontend programs considerably."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 鴉싧쑉�끻춼訝�퇎甕や�瀯꾢늽���� �ⓨ��θ퓝葉뗤릎竊뚥뻣鵝뺝늽��꺗��빳�싪퓝�묋풏�ζ탛�묌�� `commit` �썰빱�ε닗兩뷸닑岳�뵻�� 瓦숂쭕溫얕��곮��띸ク葉뗥틣�뚧뿶鸚꾤릤�곈뇧訝띺솏�꾢늽��펽亮뜻뙃�㎪틦�경뜮�꾦『佯뤹뵟�먩룓雅ㅳ�� 瓦쇾튋鸚㎩ㄷ嶸��뽨틙�띸ク葉뗥틣��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:242
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import does not use or alter the current working directory, or any file within it.  (It does however update the current Git repository, as referenced by `GIT_DIR`.)  Therefore an import frontend may use the working directory for its own purposes, such as extracting file revisions from the foreign source.  This ignorance of the working directory also allows fast-import to run very quickly, as it does not need to perform any costly file update operations when switching between branches."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 訝띴폏鵝욜뵪�뽪쎍�밧퐪�띶램鵝쒐쎅壤뺞닑�뜸릎�꾡뻣鵝뺞뻼餓뜰�� (鵝녶츆鴉싨쎍�겼퐪�띸쉪 Git 餓볟틩竊뚧�倻� `GIT_DIR` ��凉뺟뵪�꾦궍�뤄펹�� �졿�竊뚦��ε뎺塋�룾�썰폏�뷰틢�ゅ런�꾤쎅�꾡슴�ⓨ램鵝쒐쎅壤뺧펽驪붷쫩餓롥쨼�ζ틦訝�룓�뽪뻼餓뜸엶溫®뎵�� 瓦숂쭕野밧램鵝쒐쎅壤뺟쉪�좄쭍阿잋슴孃� fast-import ��빳�욃만恙ラ�잌쑑瓦먫죱竊뚦썱訝뷴쑉�녷뵱�닷늾�€뿶竊뚦츆訝띺�誤곫돢烏뚥뻣鵝뺜빰餓룬쳵�귞쉪�뉏뻑�닸뼭�띴퐳��"
 #. type: Title -
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:244 en/git-merge-tree.txt:225
@@ -22936,25 +22936,25 @@ msgstr "渦볟뀯�쇔폀"
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:250
 #, priority:90
 msgid "With the exception of raw file data (which Git does not interpret)  the fast-import input format is text (ASCII) based.  This text based format simplifies development and debugging of frontend programs, especially when a higher level language such as Perl, Python or Ruby is being used."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ㅴ틙�잌쭓�뉏뻑�경뜮竊뉷it 訝띴폏野밧끀瓦쏂죱鰲i뇢竊됵펽恙ラ�잌��θ풏�ζ졏凉뤻꺗��읃雅롦뻼�э펷ASCII竊됬쉪�� 瓦숂쭕�뷰틢�뉑쑍�꾣졏凉뤹��뽨틙�띸ク葉뗥틣�꾢��묈뭽瘟껇캊竊뚦갇�뜻삸�ⓧ슴�� Perl�갥ython �� Ruby 嶺됮쳵瀛㎬�鼇��꾣깄�듕툔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:258
 #, priority:90
 msgid "fast-import is very strict about its input.  Where we say SP below we mean *exactly* one space.  Likewise LF means one (and only one) linefeed and HT one (and only one) horizontal tab.  Supplying additional whitespace characters will cause unexpected results, such as branch names or file names with leading or trailing spaces in their name, or early termination of fast-import when it encounters unexpected input."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fast-import 野배풏�η쉪誤곫콆�욃만訝ζ졏�� �묇뺄�ⓧ툔�뉏릎��瑥당쉪 SP ��뙁訝�訝ょ㈉�쇈�� �뚧졆竊똋F 烏①ㅊ訝�訝わ펷訝붷룵�됦�訝わ펹��죱寧�펽HT 烏①ㅊ訝�訝わ펷訝붷룵�됦�訝わ펹麗닷뭄�띈〃寧╉�� �먧풘窯앭쨼�꾤㈉�쇔춻寧╊폏野쇠눜�뤸꺍訝띶댆�꾤퍜�쒙펽倻귛늽��릫燁경닑�뉏뻑�띸㎞訝�똿�ュ뎺野쇘㈉�쇗닑弱얗깿令뷸졏竊뚧닑壤� fast-import �뉐댆�뤷쨼渦볟뀯�뜻룓�띸퍑閭㏂��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:260
 #, no-wrap, priority:90
 msgid "Stream Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "役곮칱溫�"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:267
 #, priority:90
 msgid "To aid in debugging frontends fast-import ignores any line that begins with `#` (ASCII pound/hash) up to and including the line ending `LF`.  A comment line may contain any sequence of bytes that does not contain an LF and therefore may be used to include any detailed debugging information that might be specific to the frontend and useful when inspecting a fast-import data stream."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝뷰틙躍�뒰瘟껇캊�띸ク竊똣ast-import 鴉싧옙�δ뻣鵝뺜빳 `#`竊뉯SCII 髥�/�e닓竊됧�鸚당쉪烏뚳펽�끾떖餓� `LF` 瀯볟갼�꾥죱�� 力③뇢烏뚦룾餓ε똿�ヤ뻣鵝뺜툖�끻맜 LF �꾢춻�귛틣�쀯펽�졿���빳�ⓩ씎�끻맜餓삡퐬瑥�퍏�꾥컘瑥뺜에��펽瓦쇾틳岳→겘��꺗��뎺塋�돶�됬쉪竊뚦쑉汝��� fast-import �경뜮役곫뿶阿잌푽�됬뵪��"
 #. type: Title ~
 #: en/git-fast-import.txt:269