From ee65ea17d91624bfe5e936f011001611d93b6aee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:46:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
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Currently translated at 56.4% (6293 of 11142 strings)

Translation: Git Manpages/Translations
Signed-off-by: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>
 po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po | 40 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
index 183c277..8078eb7 100644
--- a/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
+++ b/po/documentation.zh_HANS-CN.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
 # Matthias A횩hauer <>, 2019.
 msgid ""
-msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-12 03:23+0000\nLast-Translator: 瀛ゅ뜋獒� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: git documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-05 19:25+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-12 03:23+0000\nLast-Translator: 燁껃ㅄ��Ъ浴� <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: zh_HANS-CN\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\nX-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:772 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
@@ -43995,7 +43995,7 @@ msgstr "鵝욜뵪瓦쇾릉�뉓��꾣깄�드룾�썲푽弱묕펽�졽맏鵝졾룵����뒯雅ㅴ틨凉�
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:330
 #, priority:100
 msgid "For commits which do not start empty but become empty after rebasing, see the `--empty` flag."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖�먧벡凉�冶뗦뿶訝띷삸令븀쉪竊뚥퐜�띶츣�묈릮�섉닇令븀쉪竊뚦뢿�� `--empty` �뉐퓱��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:333
@@ -44013,49 +44013,49 @@ msgstr "--no-reapply-cherry-picks"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:340
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Reapply all clean cherry-picks of any upstream commit instead of preemptively dropping them. (If these commits then become empty after rebasing, because they contain a subset of already upstream changes, the behavior towards them is controlled by the `--empty` flag.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�띷뼭佯붺뵪餓삡퐬訝딀만�먧벡訝���됧묾���꾣떍�됵펽�뚥툖��뀍�묈댍雅뷴쑑訝℡펱若껂뺄��(倻귝옖瓦쇾틳�먧벡�③뇥�믣릮�먧맏令뷸룓雅ㅿ펽�졽맏若껂뺄�끻맜雅녵툓歷멧엶�밭쉪耶먬썓竊뚦닕野밧츆餓х쉪烏뚥맏�� `--empty` �뉐퓱�㎩댍竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:349
 #, priority:100
 msgid "In the absence of `--keep-base` (or if `--no-reapply-cherry-picks` is given), these commits will be automatically dropped.  Because this necessitates reading all upstream commits, this can be expensive in repositories with a large number of upstream commits that need to be read. When using the 'merge' backend, warnings will be issued for each dropped commit (unless `--quiet` is given). Advice will also be issued unless `advice.skippedCherryPicks` is set to false (see linkgit:git-config[1])."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "倻귝옖亦→쐣 `--keep-base`竊덃닑瀯쇿눣雅� `--no-reapply-cherry-picks`竊됵펽瓦쇾틳�먧벡弱녻˙�ゅ뒯�얍펱�� �긴틢瓦숅�誤곮��뽪��됦툓歷멩룓雅ㅿ펽野밥틢��誤곮��뽩ㄷ�뤶툓歷멩룓雅ㅷ쉪餓볟틩�θ�竊뚥빰餓룟룾�썰폏孃덆쳵�귚슴�� 'merge' �롧ク�띰펽驪뤸А訝℡펱�먧벡�썰폏�묈눣鈺�몜竊덆솮�욅퍢�� `--quiet`竊됥�귡솮�욃컛 `advice.skippedCherryPicks` 溫얌맏 false竊뚦맔�쇾튋鴉싧룕�븃��딉펷�귟쭅 linkgit:git-config[1]竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:352
 #, priority:100
 msgid "`--reapply-cherry-picks` allows rebase to forgo reading all upstream commits, potentially improving performance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`--reapply-cherry-picks` �곮��섇읃�띴퐳�얍펱瑥삣룚���됦툓歷멩룓雅ㅿ펽餓롨�뚦룾�썸룓遙섉�㎬꺗��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:360
 #, priority:100
 msgid "No-op.  Rebasing commits with an empty message used to fail and this option would override that behavior, allowing commits with empty messages to be rebased.  Now commits with an empty message do not cause rebasing to halt."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�졿뱧鵝쒌�� 瓦뉐렮竊뚪뇥�쇿를令뷰에��쉪�먧벡鴉싧ㅁ兀ο펽�뚩��됮」鴉싪쫮�뽬퓳訝�烏뚥맏竊뚦뀅溫면뇥�쇿를令뷰에��쉪�먧벡�� �겼쑉竊뚦를令뷰에��쉪�먧벡訝띴폏野쇠눜�띶츣�묈ㅁ兀γ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:366
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Using merging strategies to rebase (default)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪�덂뭉嶺뽫븼�띶츣�묕펷容섋�竊됥��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:372
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Note that a rebase merge works by replaying each commit from the working branch on top of the `<upstream>` branch.  Because of this, when a merge conflict happens, the side reported as 'ours' is the so-far rebased series, starting with `<upstream>`, and 'theirs' is the working branch.  In other words, the sides are swapped."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥룡낏�륅펽�섇읃�덂뭉���싪퓝�� `<訝딀만>` �녷뵱訝딃뇥�얍램鵝쒎늽��쉪驪뤸А�먧벡�ε츩�곁쉪�� �졿�竊뚦퐪�묊뵟�덂뭉�꿰챳�띰펽熬ユ뒫�듾맏 'ours' �꾡��방삸瓦꾡퍓訝뷸�餓� `<訝딀만>` 訝븃돈�밭쉪�띶츣�묊내�쀯펽�� 'theirs' �숁삸藥δ퐳�녷뵱�� �℡룯瑥앲�竊뚦룎�방삸野배컘�꾠��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:379
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Use the given merge strategy, instead of the default `ort`.  This implies `--merge`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鵝욜뵪瀯쇿츣�꾢릦亮띄춺�ο펽�뚥툖��퍡溫ㅷ쉪 `ort`�귝슅�� `--merge`��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:384
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Because `git rebase` replays each commit from the working branch on top of the `<upstream>` branch using the given strategy, using the `ours` strategy simply empties all patches from the `<branch>`, which makes little sense."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�긴틢 `git rebase` 鴉싦슴�①퍢若싩쉪嶺뽫븼�� `<訝딀만>` �녷뵱阿뗤툓�띶쨳藥δ퐳�녷뵱�꾣캀轝→룓雅ㅿ펽�졿�鵝욜뵪 `ours` 嶺뽫븼�や폏歷끿㈉ `<�녷뵱>` 訝�쉪���됭‥訝곻펽瓦숁깹�됦�阿덃꼷阿됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:387
@@ -44073,7 +44073,7 @@ msgstr "--strategy-option=<strategy-option>"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:393
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Pass the <strategy-option> through to the merge strategy.  This implies `--merge` and, if no strategy has been specified, `-s ort`.  Note the reversal of 'ours' and 'theirs' as noted above for the `-m` option."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "弱� <嶺뽫븼�됮」> 鴉좈�믥퍢�덂뭉嶺뽫븼�� 瓦숁꼷�녕� `--merge`竊뚦쫩�쒏깹�됪뙁若싩춺�ο펽�숁삸 `--s ort`�� 瑥룡낏�� 'ours' �� 'theirs' �꾦쥯�믭펽弱긷깗訝딃씊�� `-m`�됮」訝��룔��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:410
@@ -44091,19 +44091,19 @@ msgstr "若됮쓾�귝꼷�녕� --no-stat"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:418
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Show a diffstat of what changed upstream since the last rebase. The diffstat is also controlled by the configuration option rebase.stat."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�양ㅊ訝딀А�섇읃�롣툓歷멨룜�뽫쉪藥�펰�뜻�곥�귛량凉귞듁�곦튋�깁뀓營��됮」 rebase.stat �㎩댍��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:422
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Do not show a diffstat as part of the rebase process."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "訝띹쫨弱녶량凉귞듁�곦퐳訝뷴룜�븃퓝葉뗧쉪訝��ⓨ늽��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:425
 #, priority:100
 msgid "This option bypasses the pre-rebase hook.  See also linkgit:githooks[5]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "瑥ι�됮」鴉싩퍞瓦� pre-rebase �⒴춴�� ����귡쁾 linkgit:githooks[5]��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:426 en/git-rev-parse.txt:98 en/git-show-ref.txt:59 en/git-tag.txt:88
@@ -44115,13 +44115,13 @@ msgstr "--verify"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:429
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Allows the pre-rebase hook to run, which is the default.  This option can be used to override `--no-verify`.  See also linkgit:githooks[5]."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�곮�瓦먫죱 pre-rebase �⒴춴竊뚩퓳��퍡溫ㅹ�됮」�� 瑥ι�됮」��뵪雅롨쫮�� `--no-verify`�� ����귟쭅 linkgit:githooks[5]��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:435
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Ensure at least `<n>` lines of surrounding context match before and after each change.  When fewer lines of surrounding context exist they all must match.  By default no context is ever ignored.  Implies `--apply`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "簾�퓷驪뤸А�닸뵻�띶릮�녑컩�� `<n>` 烏뚦뫅�답툓訝뗦뻼�백뀓�� 倻귝옖�ⓨ쎍�꾡툓訝뗦뻼烏뚧빊渦껃컩竊뚦닕恙낂』�③깿�백뀓�� 容섋��끻넻訝뗰펽訝띴폏恙썹븼餓삡퐬訝듾툔�뉎�� �쀦뙁 `--apply`��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:438 en/merge-options.txt:47 en/merge-options.txt:62
@@ -44139,13 +44139,13 @@ msgstr "--force-rebase"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:444
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Individually replay all rebased commits instead of fast-forwarding over the unchanged ones.  This ensures that the entire history of the rebased branch is composed of new commits."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�뺟떖�띷붂���됮뇥若싧릲�꾣룓雅ㅿ펽�뚥툖��엮瓦쎽툖�섊쉪�먧벡�� 瓦숁졆弱김꺗簾�퓷�띶뻠�녷뵱�꾣빐訝ゅ럣�꿴꺗��뵳�경룓雅ㅷ퍍�먪쉪��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:450
 #, priority:100
 msgid "You may find this helpful after reverting a topic branch merge, as this option recreates the topic branch with fresh commits so it can be remerged successfully without needing to \"revert the reversion\" (see the link:howto/revert-a-faulty-merge.html[revert-a-faulty-merge How-To] for details)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②퓲�잋말窯섇늽��릦亮뜹릮竊뚥퐷��꺗鴉싧룕�계퓳孃덃쐣躍�뒰竊뚦썱訝븃��됮」鴉싩뵪�경룓雅ㅷ쉪�끻��띷뼭�쎾뻠訝삯쥦�녷뵱竊뚩퓳�룟갚��빳�먨뒣�곈뇥�겼릦亮띰펽�뚧뿞�� �쒏걿鸚띶렅�뜯�앾펷瑥�쭅link:howto/revert-a-faulty-merge.html[倻귚퐬瓦섇렅�낂슌�덂뭉]竊됥��"
 #. type: Labeled list
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:452
@@ -44157,13 +44157,13 @@ msgstr "--no-fork-point"
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:456
 #, priority:100
 msgid "Use reflog to find a better common ancestor between `<upstream>` and `<branch>` when calculating which commits have been introduced by `<branch>`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�②�嶸쀥벆雅쎿룓雅ㅷ뵳 `<�녷뵱>` 凉뺝뀯�띰펽鵝욜뵪凉뺟뵪�ε퓱�� `<訝딀만餓볟틩>` �� `<�녷뵱>` 阿뗩뿴�얍댆�닷��꾢뀻�뚨쪝�덀��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:462
 #, priority:100
 msgid "When `--fork-point` is active, 'fork_point' will be used instead of `<upstream>` to calculate the set of commits to rebase, where 'fork_point' is the result of `git merge-base --fork-point <upstream> <branch>` command (see linkgit:git-merge-base[1]).  If 'fork_point' ends up being empty, the `<upstream>` will be used as a fallback."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "壤볟맦�� `--fork-point` �띰펽弱녵슴�� 'fork_point' �뚥툖�� `<訝딀만餓볟틩>` �θ�嶸쀨쫨�띸쉰�꾣룓雅ㅹ썓竊뚦끀訝� 'fork_point' �� `git merge-base --fork-point <訝딀만餓볟틩> <�녷뵱>` �썰빱�꾤퍜�쒙펷�귟쭅 linkgit:git-merge-base[1]竊됥�� 倻귝옖 'fork_point' ��瀯덁맏令븝펽`<訝딀만餓볟틩>` 弱녵퐳訝뷴쨭�ⓦ��"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/git-rebase.txt:466