EN_SOURCES = $(wildcard en/*.txt) LANGUAGE_PO = $(wildcard po/*.po) ALL_LANGUAGES = $(subst po/documentation.,,$(subst .po,,$(LANGUAGE_PO))) L10N_BUILD_TARGETS = all man html install doc-l10n install-l10n L10N_CLEAN_TARGETS = clean mrproper L10N_TARGETS = $(L10N_CLEAN_TARGETS) $(L10N_BUILD_TARGETS) QUIET_LANG = +$(MAKE) -C # space to separate -C and subdir ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s) ifndef V QUIET_LANG = +@echo ' ' LANG $(2);$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C export V endif endif po4a.conf: scripts/create_po4a_conf.sh sources.txt ./scripts/create_po4a_conf.sh po4a-stamp: po4a.conf $(EN_SOURCES) $(LANGUAGE_PO) Makefile $(QUIET_PO4A)PERL5LIB=./po4a/lib po4a/po4a -v po4a.conf @touch $@ update-sources: ./scripts/update-sources.sh define MAKE_TARGET $(1)_$(2): $(QUIET_LANG) $(2) -f ../makefile.locale $(1) lang=$(2) $(1): $(1)_$(2) .PHONY: $(1)_$(2) endef define DEPEND_PO4A $(1)_$(2): po4a-stamp endef .PHONY: $(L10N_BUILD_TARGETS) $(L10N_CLEAN_TARGETS) man all html doc-l10n : po4a-stamp $(foreach lang,$(ALL_LANGUAGES),$(foreach target,$(L10N_TARGETS),$(eval $(call MAKE_TARGET,$(target),$(lang),DEPEND_PO4A)))) $(foreach lang,$(ALL_LANGUAGES),$(foreach target,$(L10N_BUILD_TARGETS),$(eval $(call DEPEND_PO4A,$(target),$(lang))))) mrproper: mrproper-local mrproper-local: rm -f po4a-stamp po4a.conf