Program, Schedule, Trainer, Voucher API 수정
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- JunGu Kang added To Do label
added To Do label
- JunGu Kang changed the description
changed the description
- JunGu Kang added Doing label and removed To Do label
- JunGu Kang assigned to @chr0m3
assigned to @chr0m3
- JunGu Kang marked the checklist item openAt 삭제 as completed
marked the checklist item openAt 삭제 as completed
- JunGu Kang marked the checklist item closeAt 삭제 as completed
marked the checklist item closeAt 삭제 as completed
- JunGu Kang marked the checklist item maxTrainee 추가 as completed
marked the checklist item maxTrainee 추가 as completed
- JunGu Kang marked the checklist item 이와 관련해 Schedule API 수정 as completed
marked the checklist item 이와 관련해 Schedule API 수정 as completed
- JunGu Kang changed title from Schedule 관련 일부 기능 수정 및 Attribute 수정 to Program, Schedule, Trainer, Voucher API 수정
changed title from Schedule 관련 일부 기능 수정 및 Attribute 수정 to Program, Schedule, Trainer, Voucher API 수정
- JunGu Kang changed the description
changed the description
- JunGu Kang mentioned in commit 6347f8b1
mentioned in commit 6347f8b1
- JunGu Kang mentioned in merge request !74 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !74 (merged)
- JunGu Kang mentioned in commit 4ad15406
mentioned in commit 4ad15406
- JunGu Kang mentioned in commit 2896f941
mentioned in commit 2896f941
- JunGu Kang mentioned in commit af4dda17
mentioned in commit af4dda17
- JunGu Kang mentioned in commit edd147e6
mentioned in commit edd147e6
- JunGu Kang closed
- JunGu Kang removed Doing label
removed Doing label
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