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    <h1>Apache Kafka 공부 (Java, Python)</h1>
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    [Apache Kafka](
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    ## 목차
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    * Kafka (Python)
        * [Simple Producer](
        * [Producer with callback](
    * Kafka (Java)
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        * [Simple Producer](
        * [Producer with callback](
        * [Producer with key](
        * [Simple Consumer](
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        * [Consumer With a thread](
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    ## 설치
    [Kafka 다운로드](
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    *Make sure to Download "Binary"*
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    ## 실행
    zookeeper & kafka 서버 실행
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ zookeeper-server-start config/
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-server-start config/
    ## CLI 명령어
    1. 토픽 만들기 (파티션=3, 복제 계수=2)
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic first-topic --create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2
    2. 토픽 목록 보기
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list
    3. 토픽 설정 보기
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic first-topic --describe
    Topic: first-topic      PartitionCount: 3       ReplicationFactor: 1    Configs:
            Topic: first-topic      Partition: 0    Leader: 0       Replicas: 0     Isr: 0
            Topic: first-topic      Partition: 1    Leader: 0       Replicas: 0     Isr: 0
            Topic: first-topic      Partition: 2    Leader: 0       Replicas: 0     Isr: 0
    4. 토픽 컨슈머 (프로듀서 작동할 때)
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic first-topic
    5. 토픽 그룹 이름 설정 및 컨슈머
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic first-topic --group group-one
    6. 토픽 컨슈머 그룹 목록
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
    7. 토픽 오프셋 초기화
    WIN10@DESKTOP:~$ kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic first-topic --group group-one --reset-offsets --to-earliest --execute
    GROUP                          TOPIC                          PARTITION  NEW-OFFSET
    group-one                      first-topic                    0          0
    group-one                      first-topic                    1          0
    group-one                      first-topic                    2          0