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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 20, 2020
  2. Dec 18, 2020
  3. Dec 17, 2020
  4. Dec 16, 2020
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Moved to Hyper-V Ubuntu kafka server · 1decb7e2
      Seok Won authored
      After spending 4hours, managed to make it to work right.
      I made, inner hyper-v nat, outer hyper-v nat
      and outer nat shares with inner nat.
      Setting advertised.listener to EXTERNAL://ubuntuIP:9093, I could finally get this server working.
  5. Dec 15, 2020
  6. Dec 14, 2020
  7. Dec 12, 2020
  8. Dec 11, 2020
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Update Ajou Notice Parser · ec2cff9a
      Seok Won authored
      Added a test which contains filtering function (it'll filter notices within the array of strings)
      Made producer more safe and highthroughput.
      Added old notices remover in producer.
      Added a little bit of resting time between consuer polling.
  9. Dec 09, 2020
  10. Dec 07, 2020
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Update ajou notice parser · 3f53afe7
      Seok Won authored
      Before: some notices have their name in notices
      [writer]: [writer] title
      After: remove writer in titles
      [writer]: title
  11. Dec 06, 2020
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Create a Faust basic example · 8ef04d59
      Seok Won authored
      pip install faust
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Create pytest tests · ab8724c7
      Seok Won authored
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Slack + Kafka: 아주대학교 공지 봇 · df21baf7
      Seok Won authored
      1시간마다 모든 공지를 불러 {"TITLE": "제목", "DATE": "올린 날", "LINK": "http 주소", "WRITER": "글쓴이"}를 json 형태로 저장한다.
      이 json 파일이나 새로운 공지가 있으면 기존 json과 비교해서 새로운 데이터를 Consumer로 보내고, Consumer는 새로운 데이터를 받으면, Slack API를 이용해, "#아주대" 채널에 공지를 올려준다.
      마지막 파싱 시간도 기록해 종료 후 다시 불러도 1시간이 지나지 않으면 파싱하지 않는다.
      Last parsing: 1972-12-01 07:00:00
      Trying to parse new posts...
      Sending a new post...: 12179
      Last parsing: 2020-12-04 19:11:42.839219
      Trying to parse new posts...
      No new posts yet...
      Resting 1 hour...
      Last parsing: 2020-12-06 11:55:35.386262
      Wait for 3494 seconds to sync new posts.
  12. Dec 03, 2020
    • defaultSouth's avatar
      Update · c2b6d855
      defaultSouth authored
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Create Slack Kafka Producer · cfd8d2f8
      Seok Won authored
      this producer reads all messages from "#general", in every 5 seconds (this will cause ratelimited)
      and if messages contain a word "bug", it will automatically sends "USERNAME" and "MESSAGE" to Kafka consumer.
      And the consumer will leave a message in "#kafka" channel saying "USER found a bug ..."
  13. Dec 01, 2020
    • Seok Won's avatar
      Create Slack Kafka Consumer example · 68da572d
      Seok Won authored
      modified version of an official confluent example.
      topic id: SLACK-KAFKA
      this will automatically posts a message to your specified channel in Slack, if someone leaves a bad review
      (for now, you can just send a json data to test from CLI, see the README file.)
  14. Nov 30, 2020