- Dec 24, 2020
Seok Won authored
Kafka CLI
- Dec 23, 2020
- Dec 20, 2020
Seok Won authored
requests cause SSL Error. For now, we change it to urlopen with unverifed context
Seok Won authored
Seok Won authored
Run StreamsFilterTweets.java and TwitterProducerOptimized.java See result using: kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic famous-tweets Tweets that go into a topic named "twitter-tweets", will be filtered with a tweet that is posted by a user who has 10K followers and they will go into a topic named "famous-tweets"
- Dec 18, 2020
- Dec 17, 2020
Seok Won authored
with class and optimized
- Dec 16, 2020
Seok Won authored
After spending 4hours, managed to make it to work right. I made, inner hyper-v nat, outer hyper-v nat and outer nat shares with inner nat. Setting advertised.listener to EXTERNAL://ubuntuIP:9093, I could finally get this server working.
- Dec 15, 2020
Seok Won authored
defaultSouth authored
- Dec 14, 2020
- Dec 12, 2020
defaultSouth authored
Seok Won authored
go get -u "github.com/segmentio/kafka-go"
- Dec 11, 2020
Seok Won authored
Added a test which contains filtering function (it'll filter notices within the array of strings) Made producer more safe and highthroughput. Added old notices remover in producer. Added a little bit of resting time between consuer polling.
- Dec 10, 2020
defaultSouth authored
- Dec 09, 2020
defaultSouth authored
- Dec 07, 2020
Seok Won authored
+ Create app.config to load twitter api tokens Safe + High throughput by using compression = snappy, linger ms = 20, batch size = 32 * 1024, acks = all, idempotence = true, retries = INT32_MAX max.in.flight = 5
defaultSouth authored
defaultSouth authored
Seok Won authored
Before: some notices have their name in notices [writer]: [writer] title After: remove writer in titles [writer]: title
- Dec 06, 2020
Seok Won authored
pip install faust
Seok Won authored
defaultSouth authored
Seok Won authored
1시간마다 모든 공지를 불러 {"TITLE": "제목", "DATE": "올린 날", "LINK": "http 주소", "WRITER": "글쓴이"}를 json 형태로 저장한다. 이 json 파일이나 새로운 공지가 있으면 기존 json과 비교해서 새로운 데이터를 Consumer로 보내고, Consumer는 새로운 데이터를 받으면, Slack API를 이용해, "#아주대" 채널에 공지를 올려준다. 마지막 파싱 시간도 기록해 종료 후 다시 불러도 1시간이 지나지 않으면 파싱하지 않는다. 결과) Last parsing: 1972-12-01 07:00:00 Trying to parse new posts... Sending a new post...: 12179 ... Last parsing: 2020-12-04 19:11:42.839219 Trying to parse new posts... No new posts yet... Resting 1 hour... ... Last parsing: 2020-12-06 11:55:35.386262 Wait for 3494 seconds to sync new posts.
- Dec 03, 2020
defaultSouth authored
defaultSouth authored
Seok Won authored
this producer reads all messages from "#general", in every 5 seconds (this will cause ratelimited) and if messages contain a word "bug", it will automatically sends "USERNAME" and "MESSAGE" to Kafka consumer. And the consumer will leave a message in "#kafka" channel saying "USER found a bug ..."
- Dec 01, 2020
defaultSouth authored
defaultSouth authored
Seok Won authored
modified version of an official confluent example. topic id: SLACK-KAFKA this will automatically posts a message to your specified channel in Slack, if someone leaves a bad review (for now, you can just send a json data to test from CLI, see the README file.)
Seok Won authored
- Nov 30, 2020
Seok Won authored
Create a topic named "twitter-tweets" with below command, kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic twitter-tweets --partitions 6 --replication-factor 1 and run this application.
Seok Won authored
Next we will build kafka producer to send tweets to kafka. https://github.com/twitter/hbc
Seok Won authored
In this example, we read "first-topic", in partition 0, from offset 5 until offset becomes 10. [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Key: null, Value: five [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Partition: 0, Offset: 5 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Key: null, Value: Hello World! [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Partition: 0, Offset: 6 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Key: id_1, Value: Hello 1 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Partition: 0, Offset: 7 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Key: id_3, Value: Hello 3 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Partition: 0, Offset: 8 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Key: key_1, Value: world [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Partition: 0, Offset: 9 [main] INFO csw.kafka.study.lesson2.ConsumerDemoAssignSeek - Exiting...
Seok Won authored
+ python config updates for consumers + README updates
Seok Won authored
- Nov 29, 2020
Seok Won authored
it reads all datas in three partitions from a topic named "first-topic". I sent datas in String, like "hello world".