#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:18
msgid "Retrieve and store user credentials."
msgstr "Получение и сохранение учетных записей пользователя"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-credential-cache[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:21
msgid "Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory."
msgstr "Помощник для временного хранения паролей в памяти"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:22
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-credential-store[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:24
msgid "Helper to store credentials on disk."
msgstr "Помощник для хранения учетных записей на диске"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:25
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-fmt-merge-msg[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:27
msgid "Produce a merge commit message."
msgstr "Создание сообщения коммита для слияния"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:28
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-hook[1]"
msgstr "linkgit:git-hook[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:30
#, priority:100
msgid "Run git hooks."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:31
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-interpret-trailers[1]"
msgid "Add or parse structured information in commit messages."
msgstr "Добавление или разбор структурированной информации в сообщениях коммита"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-mailinfo[1]"
msgid "Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message."
msgstr "Извлекает патч и авторство из одного сообщения электронной почты"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-mailsplit[1]"
msgid "Simple UNIX mbox splitter program."
msgstr "Простая программа UNIX для разбора файла mbox"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-merge-one-file[1]"
msgid "The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index."
msgstr "Стандартная программа-помощник для использования совместно с git-merge-index."
#: en/cmds-purehelpers.txt:43 en/git-cherry.txt:142
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-patch-id[1]"
msgid "Compute unique ID for a patch."
msgstr "Вычисление уникального идентификатора для патча"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-sh-i18n[1]"
msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts."
msgstr "Код настройки интернационализации для сценариев оболочки Git"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-sh-setup[1]"
msgid "Common Git shell script setup code."
msgstr "Общий код настройки для сценариев оболочки Git"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-stripspace[1]"
msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace."
msgstr "Удаление ненужных пробелов"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchelpers.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-http-fetch[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchelpers.txt:3
msgid "Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP."
msgstr "Загрузка из внешнего репозитория Git с помощью HTTP."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchelpers.txt:4
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-http-push[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchelpers.txt:6
msgid "Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository."
msgstr "Отправка объектов в другой репозиторий с помощью HTTP/DAV"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchelpers.txt:7
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-receive-pack[1]"
msgid "Receive what is pushed into the repository."
msgstr "Получение того, что было отправлено в репозиторий"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-shell[1]"
msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access."
msgstr "Ограниченная оболочка входа в систему для доступа Git через SSH"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-upload-archive[1]"
msgid "Send archive back to git-archive."
msgstr "Отправка архива обратно в git-archive"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-upload-pack[1]"
msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack."
msgstr "Отправка упакованных объектов обратно в git-fetch-pack"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-daemon[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:3
msgid "A really simple server for Git repositories."
msgstr "Очень простой сервер для Git репозиториев"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:4
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-fetch-pack[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:6
msgid "Receive missing objects from another repository."
msgstr "Получение недостающих объектов из другого репозитория"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:7
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-http-backend[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:9
msgid "Server side implementation of Git over HTTP."
msgstr "Серверная реализация протокола Git над HTTP"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:10
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-send-pack[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:12
msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository."
msgstr "Отправка объектов в другой репозиторий с помощью протокола Git"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:13
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-update-server-info[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:15
msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers."
msgstr "Обновление файла со вспомогательной информацией для глупых серверов"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The Git configuration file contains a number of variables that affect the Git commands' behavior. The files `.git/config` and optionally `config.worktree` (see the \"CONFIGURATION FILE\" section of linkgit:git-worktree[1]) in each repository are used to store the configuration for that repository, and `$HOME/.gitconfig` is used to store a per-user configuration as fallback values for the `.git/config` file. The file `/etc/gitconfig` can be used to store a system-wide default configuration."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The configuration variables are used by both the Git plumbing and the porcelains. The variables are divided into sections, wherein the fully qualified variable name of the variable itself is the last dot-separated segment and the section name is everything before the last dot. The variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and `-`, and must start with an alphabetic character. Some variables may appear multiple times; we say then that the variable is multivalued."
msgstr ""
#. type: Title ~
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The syntax is fairly flexible and permissive; whitespaces are mostly ignored. The '#' and ';' characters begin comments to the end of line, blank lines are ignored."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The file consists of sections and variables. A section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. Section names are case-insensitive. Only alphanumeric characters, `-` and `.` are allowed in section names. Each variable must belong to some section, which means that there must be a section header before the first setting of a variable."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Sections can be further divided into subsections. To begin a subsection put its name in double quotes, separated by space from the section name, in the section header, like in the example below:"
msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block -
msgid "\t[section \"subsection\"]\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Subsection names are case sensitive and can contain any characters except newline and the null byte. Doublequote `\"` and backslash can be included by escaping them as `\\\"` and `\\\\`, respectively. Backslashes preceding other characters are dropped when reading; for example, `\\t` is read as `t` and `\\0` is read as `0`. Section headers cannot span multiple lines. Variables may belong directly to a section or to a given subsection. You can have `[section]` if you have `[section \"subsection\"]`, but you don't need to."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "There is also a deprecated `[section.subsection]` syntax. With this syntax, the subsection name is converted to lower-case and is also compared case sensitively. These subsection names follow the same restrictions as section names."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "All the other lines (and the remainder of the line after the section header) are recognized as setting variables, in the form 'name = value' (or just 'name', which is a short-hand to say that the variable is the boolean \"true\"). The variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and `-`, and must start with an alphabetic character."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "A line that defines a value can be continued to the next line by ending it with a `\\`; the backslash and the end-of-line are stripped. Leading whitespaces after 'name =', the remainder of the line after the first comment character '#' or ';', and trailing whitespaces of the line are discarded unless they are enclosed in double quotes. Internal whitespaces within the value are retained verbatim."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Inside double quotes, double quote `\"` and backslash `\\` characters must be escaped: use `\\\"` for `\"` and `\\\\` for `\\`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The following escape sequences (beside `\\\"` and `\\\\`) are recognized: `\\n` for newline character (NL), `\\t` for horizontal tabulation (HT, TAB) and `\\b` for backspace (BS). Other char escape sequences (including octal escape sequences) are invalid."
msgstr ""
#. type: Title ~
msgid "Includes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The `include` and `includeIf` sections allow you to include config directives from another source. These sections behave identically to each other with the exception that `includeIf` sections may be ignored if their condition does not evaluate to true; see \"Conditional includes\" below."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "You can include a config file from another by setting the special `include.path` (or `includeIf.*.path`) variable to the name of the file to be included. The variable takes a pathname as its value, and is subject to tilde expansion. These variables can be given multiple times."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The contents of the included file are inserted immediately, as if they had been found at the location of the include directive. If the value of the variable is a relative path, the path is considered to be relative to the configuration file in which the include directive was found. See below for examples."
msgstr ""
#. type: Title ~
msgid "Conditional includes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "You can include a config file from another conditionally by setting a `includeIf.<condition>.path` variable to the name of the file to be included."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The condition starts with a keyword followed by a colon and some data whose format and meaning depends on the keyword. Supported keywords are:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If the location of the .git directory matches the pattern, the include condition is met."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
msgstr ""
#. type: Block title
#: en/config.txt:124
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If the pattern starts with `~/`, `~` will be substituted with the content of the environment variable `HOME`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If the pattern starts with `./`, it is replaced with the directory containing the current config file."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If the pattern does not start with either `~/`, `./` or `/`, `**/` will be automatically prepended. For example, the pattern `foo/bar` becomes `**/foo/bar` and would match `/any/path/to/foo/bar`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If the pattern ends with `/`, `**` will be automatically added. For example, the pattern `foo/` becomes `foo/**`. In other words, it matches \"foo\" and everything inside, recursively."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#, fuzzy, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "This is the same as `gitdir` except that matching is done case-insensitively (e.g. on case-insensitive file systems)"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "`onbranch`"
msgstr "`onbranch`"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The data that follows the keyword `onbranch:` is taken to be a pattern with standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. If we are in a worktree where the name of the branch that is currently checked out matches the pattern, the include condition is met."
msgid "If the pattern ends with `/`, `**` will be automatically added. For example, the pattern `foo/` becomes `foo/**`. In other words, it matches all branches that begin with `foo/`. This is useful if your branches are organized hierarchically and you would like to apply a configuration to all the branches in that hierarchy."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config.txt:162
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "`hasconfig:remote.*.url:`"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:170
#, priority:100
msgid "The data that follows this keyword is taken to be a pattern with standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple components. The first time this keyword is seen, the rest of the config files will be scanned for remote URLs (without applying any values). If there exists at least one remote URL that matches this pattern, the include condition is met."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:173
#, priority:100
msgid "Files included by this option (directly or indirectly) are not allowed to contain remote URLs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:184
#, priority:100
msgid "Note that unlike other includeIf conditions, resolving this condition relies on information that is not yet known at the point of reading the condition. A typical use case is this option being present as a system-level or global-level config, and the remote URL being in a local-level config; hence the need to scan ahead when resolving this condition. In order to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem in which potentially-included files can affect whether such files are potentially included, Git breaks the cycle by prohibiting these files from affecting the resolution of these conditions (thus, prohibiting them from declaring remote URLs)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:188
#, priority:100
msgid "As for the naming of this keyword, it is for forwards compatibility with a naming scheme that supports more variable-based include conditions, but currently Git only supports the exact keyword described above."
msgid "A few more notes on matching via `gitdir` and `gitdir/i`:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Symlinks in `$GIT_DIR` are not resolved before matching."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Both the symlink & realpath versions of paths will be matched outside of `$GIT_DIR`. E.g. if ~/git is a symlink to /mnt/storage/git, both `gitdir:~/git` and `gitdir:/mnt/storage/git` will match."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "This was not the case in the initial release of this feature in v2.13.0, which only matched the realpath version. Configuration that wants to be compatible with the initial release of this feature needs to either specify only the realpath version, or both versions."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Note that \"../\" is not special and will match literally, which is unlikely what you want."
msgstr ""
#. type: Title ~
#: en/config.txt:207 en/git-rev-parse.txt:393 en/git-rev-parse.txt:449
msgid "Example"
msgstr ""
"# Core variables\n"
"\t; Don't trust file modes\n"
"\tfilemode = false\n"
"# Our diff algorithm\n"
"\texternal = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper\n"
"\trenames = true\n"
"[branch \"devel\"]\n"
"\tremote = origin\n"
"\tmerge = refs/heads/devel\n"
"# Proxy settings\n"
"\tgitProxy=\"ssh\" for \"\"\n"
"\tgitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path\n"
"\tpath = ; find \"\" relative to the current file\n"
"\tpath = ~/ ; find \"\" in your `$HOME` directory\n"
"; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
"; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
"; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:~/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
"; relative paths are always relative to the including\n"
"; file (if the condition is true); their location is not\n"
"; affected by the condition\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath =\n"
"; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is\n"
"; currently checked out\n"
"[includeIf \"onbranch:foo-branch\"]\n"
"\tpath =\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:264
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid ""
"; include only if a remote with the given URL exists (note\n"
"; that such a URL may be provided later in a file or in a\n"
"; file read after this file is read, as seen in this example)\n"
"[includeIf \"hasconfig:remote.*.url:**\"]\n"
"\tpath =\n"
"[remote \"origin\"]\n"
"\turl =\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Values"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Values of many variables are treated as a simple string, but there are variables that take values of specific types and there are rules as to how to spell them."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "boolean"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "When a variable is said to take a boolean value, many synonyms are accepted for 'true' and 'false'; these are all case-insensitive."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "true"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`, and `1`. Also, a variable defined without `= <value>` is taken as true."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "false"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`, `0` and the empty string."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "integer"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config.txt:295 en/diff-options.txt:443 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:190
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
msgstr "color"
msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background) and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white` and `default`. The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background. All the basic colors except `normal` and `default` have a bright variant that can be specified by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#, priority:100
msgid "The color `normal` makes no change to the color. It is the same as an empty string, but can be used as the foreground color when specifying a background color alone (for example, \"normal red\")."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#, priority:100
msgid "The color `default` explicitly resets the color to the terminal default, for example to specify a cleared background. Although it varies between terminals, this is usually not the same as setting to \"white black\"."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this). If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters). The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#, priority:100
msgid "The pseudo-attribute `reset` resets all colors and attributes before applying the specified coloring. For example, `reset green` will result in a green foreground and default background without any active attributes."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g. opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute. However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "pathname"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
#, priority:100
msgid "If a path starts with `%(prefix)/`, the remainder is interpreted as a path relative to Git's \"runtime prefix\", i.e. relative to the location where Git itself was installed. For example, `%(prefix)/bin/` refers to the directory in which the Git executable itself lives. If Git was compiled without runtime prefix support, the compiled-in prefix will be substituted instead. In the unlikely event that a literal path needs to be specified that should _not_ be expanded, it needs to be prefixed by `./`, like so: `./%(prefix)/bin`."
msgstr ""
msgid "Variables"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete. For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables. When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.conflictStyle"
msgstr "merge.conflictStyle"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Specify the style in which conflicted hunks are written out to working tree files upon merge. The default is \"merge\", which shows a `<<<<<<<` conflict marker, changes made by one side, a `=======` marker, changes made by the other side, and then a `>>>>>>>` marker. An alternate style, \"diff3\", adds a `|||||||` marker and the original text before the `=======` marker. The \"merge\" style tends to produce smaller conflict regions than diff3, both because of the exclusion of the original text, and because when a subset of lines match on the two sides they are just pulled out of the conflict region. Another alternate style, \"zdiff3\", is similar to diff3 but removes matching lines on the two sides from the conflict region when those matching lines appear near either the beginning or end of a conflict region."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.defaultToUpstream"
msgstr "merge.defaultToUpstream"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If merge is called without any commit argument, merge the upstream branches configured for the current branch by using their last observed values stored in their remote-tracking branches. The values of the `branch.<current branch>.merge` that name the branches at the remote named by `branch.<current branch>.remote` are consulted, and then they are mapped via `remote.<remote>.fetch` to their corresponding remote-tracking branches, and the tips of these tracking branches are merged. Defaults to true."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.ff"
msgstr "merge.ff"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "By default, Git does not create an extra merge commit when merging a commit that is a descendant of the current commit. Instead, the tip of the current branch is fast-forwarded. When set to `false`, this variable tells Git to create an extra merge commit in such a case (equivalent to giving the `--no-ff` option from the command line). When set to `only`, only such fast-forward merges are allowed (equivalent to giving the `--ff-only` option from the command line)."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.verifySignatures"
msgstr "merge.verifySignatures"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If true, this is equivalent to the --verify-signatures command line option. See linkgit:git-merge[1] for details."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renameLimit"
msgstr "merge.renameLimit"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The number of files to consider in the exhaustive portion of rename detection during a merge. If not specified, defaults to the value of diff.renameLimit. If neither merge.renameLimit nor diff.renameLimit are specified, currently defaults to 7000. This setting has no effect if rename detection is turned off."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renames"
msgstr "merge.renames"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Whether Git detects renames. If set to \"false\", rename detection is disabled. If set to \"true\", basic rename detection is enabled. Defaults to the value of diff.renames."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.directoryRenames"
msgstr "merge.directoryRenames"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Whether Git detects directory renames, affecting what happens at merge time to new files added to a directory on one side of history when that directory was renamed on the other side of history. If merge.directoryRenames is set to \"false\", directory rename detection is disabled, meaning that such new files will be left behind in the old directory. If set to \"true\", directory rename detection is enabled, meaning that such new files will be moved into the new directory. If set to \"conflict\", a conflict will be reported for such paths. If merge.renames is false, merge.directoryRenames is ignored and treated as false. Defaults to \"conflict\"."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renormalize"
msgstr "merge.renormalize"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Tell Git that canonical representation of files in the repository has changed over time (e.g. earlier commits record text files with CRLF line endings, but recent ones use LF line endings). In such a repository, Git can convert the data recorded in commits to a canonical form before performing a merge to reduce unnecessary conflicts. For more information, see section \"Merging branches with differing checkin/checkout attributes\" in linkgit:gitattributes[5]."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.stat"
msgstr "merge.stat"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Whether to print the diffstat between ORIG_HEAD and the merge result at the end of the merge. True by default."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgstr "merge.autoStash"
msgid "When set to true, automatically create a temporary stash entry before the operation begins, and apply it after the operation ends. This means that you can run merge on a dirty worktree. However, use with care: the final stash application after a successful merge might result in non-trivial conflicts. This option can be overridden by the `--no-autostash` and `--autostash` options of linkgit:git-merge[1]. Defaults to false."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.tool"
msgstr "merge.tool"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Controls which merge tool is used by linkgit:git-mergetool[1]. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<tool>.cmd variable is defined."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.guitool"
msgstr "merge.guitool"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Controls which merge tool is used by linkgit:git-mergetool[1] when the -g/--gui flag is specified. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<guitool>.cmd variable is defined."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.verbosity"
msgstr "merge.verbosity"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Controls the amount of output shown by the recursive merge strategy. Level 0 outputs nothing except a final error message if conflicts were detected. Level 1 outputs only conflicts, 2 outputs conflicts and file changes. Level 5 and above outputs debugging information. The default is level 2. Can be overridden by the `GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY` environment variable."
msgid "merge.<driver>.name"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Defines a human-readable name for a custom low-level merge driver. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."