#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:12
msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository."
msgstr "Pousser des objets sur le protocole Git sur un autre dépôt."
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:13
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-update-server-info[1]"
msgstr "linkgit:git-update-server-info[1]"
#: en/cmds-synchingrepositories.txt:15
msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers."
msgstr "Mettre à jour le fichier d'informations auxiliaires pour aider les serveurs idiots."
#: en/config.txt:2 en/git-worktree.txt:237
#, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "The Git configuration file contains a number of variables that affect the Git commands' behavior. The files `.git/config` and optionally `config.worktree` (see `extensions.worktreeConfig` below) in each repository are used to store the configuration for that repository, and `$HOME/.gitconfig` is used to store a per-user configuration as fallback values for the `.git/config` file. The file `/etc/gitconfig` can be used to store a system-wide default configuration."
msgid "The configuration variables are used by both the Git plumbing and the porcelains. The variables are divided into sections, wherein the fully qualified variable name of the variable itself is the last dot-separated segment and the section name is everything before the last dot. The variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and `-`, and must start with an alphabetic character. Some variables may appear multiple times; we say then that the variable is multivalued."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
msgid "The syntax is fairly flexible and permissive; whitespaces are mostly ignored. The '#' and ';' characters begin comments to the end of line, blank lines are ignored."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The file consists of sections and variables. A section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. Section names are case-insensitive. Only alphanumeric characters, `-` and `.` are allowed in section names. Each variable must belong to some section, which means that there must be a section header before the first setting of a variable."
msgid "Sections can be further divided into subsections. To begin a subsection put its name in double quotes, separated by space from the section name, in the section header, like in the example below:"
#. type: delimited block -
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "\t[section \"subsection\"]\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Subsection names are case sensitive and can contain any characters except newline and the null byte. Doublequote `\"` and backslash can be included by escaping them as `\\\"` and `\\\\`, respectively. Backslashes preceding other characters are dropped when reading; for example, `\\t` is read as `t` and `\\0` is read as `0` Section headers cannot span multiple lines. Variables may belong directly to a section or to a given subsection. You can have `[section]` if you have `[section \"subsection\"]`, but you don't need to."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "There is also a deprecated `[section.subsection]` syntax. With this syntax, the subsection name is converted to lower-case and is also compared case sensitively. These subsection names follow the same restrictions as section names."
msgid "All the other lines (and the remainder of the line after the section header) are recognized as setting variables, in the form 'name = value' (or just 'name', which is a short-hand to say that the variable is the boolean \"true\"). The variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and `-`, and must start with an alphabetic character."
msgid "A line that defines a value can be continued to the next line by ending it with a `\\`; the backquote and the end-of-line are stripped. Leading whitespaces after 'name =', the remainder of the line after the first comment character '#' or ';', and trailing whitespaces of the line are discarded unless they are enclosed in double quotes. Internal whitespaces within the value are retained verbatim."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Inside double quotes, double quote `\"` and backslash `\\` characters must be escaped: use `\\\"` for `\"` and `\\\\` for `\\`."
msgid "The following escape sequences (beside `\\\"` and `\\\\`) are recognized: `\\n` for newline character (NL), `\\t` for horizontal tabulation (HT, TAB) and `\\b` for backspace (BS). Other char escape sequences (including octal escape sequences) are invalid."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Includes"
msgstr ""
msgid "The `include` and `includeIf` sections allow you to include config directives from another source. These sections behave identically to each other with the exception that `includeIf` sections may be ignored if their condition does not evaluate to true; see \"Conditional includes\" below."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:95
msgid "You can include a config file from another by setting the special `include.path` (or `includeIf.*.path`) variable to the name of the file to be included. The variable takes a pathname as its value, and is subject to tilde expansion. These variables can be given multiple times."
msgid "The contents of the included file are inserted immediately, as if they had been found at the location of the include directive. If the value of the variable is a relative path, the path is considered to be relative to the configuration file in which the include directive was found. See below for examples."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Conditional includes"
msgid "You can include a config file from another conditionally by setting a `includeIf.<condition>.path` variable to the name of the file to be included."
msgid "The condition starts with a keyword followed by a colon and some data whose format and meaning depends on the keyword. Supported keywords are:"
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "The data that follows the keyword `gitdir:` is used as a glob pattern. If the location of the .git directory matches the pattern, the include condition is met."
msgid "The .git location may be auto-discovered, or come from `$GIT_DIR` environment variable. If the repository is auto discovered via a .git file (e.g. from submodules, or a linked worktree), the .git location would be the final location where the .git directory is, not where the"
#. type: Block title
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "git file is."
msgstr ""
msgid "The pattern can contain standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. Please refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience:"
msgid "If the pattern starts with `~/`, `~` will be substituted with the content of the environment variable `HOME`."
msgid "If the pattern starts with `./`, it is replaced with the directory containing the current config file."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "If the pattern does not start with either `~/`, `./` or `/`, `**/` will be automatically prepended. For example, the pattern `foo/bar` becomes `**/foo/bar` and would match `/any/path/to/foo/bar`."
msgid "If the pattern ends with `/`, `**` will be automatically added. For example, the pattern `foo/` becomes `foo/**`. In other words, it matches \"foo\" and everything inside, recursively."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "This is the same as `gitdir` except that matching is done case-insensitively (e.g. on case-insensitive file systems)"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config.txt:147
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "`onbranch`"
msgstr "`onbranch`"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The data that follows the keyword `onbranch:` is taken to be a pattern with standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, `**/` and `/**`, that can match multiple path components. If we are in a worktree where the name of the branch that is currently checked out matches the pattern, the include condition is met."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:160
msgid "If the pattern ends with `/`, `**` will be automatically added. For example, the pattern `foo/` becomes `foo/**`. In other words, it matches all branches that begin with `foo/`. This is useful if your branches are organized hierarchically and you would like to apply a configuration to all the branches in that hierarchy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config.txt:162
msgid "A few more notes on matching via `gitdir` and `gitdir/i`:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Symlinks in `$GIT_DIR` are not resolved before matching."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Both the symlink & realpath versions of paths will be matched outside of `$GIT_DIR`. E.g. if ~/git is a symlink to /mnt/storage/git, both `gitdir:~/git` and `gitdir:/mnt/storage/git` will match."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "This was not the case in the initial release of this feature in v2.13.0, which only matched the realpath version. Configuration that wants to be compatible with the initial release of this feature needs to either specify only the realpath version, or both versions."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Note that \"../\" is not special and will match literally, which is unlikely what you want."
#: en/config.txt:179 en/git-rev-parse.txt:367 en/git-rev-parse.txt:423
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:186
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"# Core variables\n"
"\t; Don't trust file modes\n"
"\tfilemode = false\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:191
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"# Our diff algorithm\n"
"\texternal = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper\n"
"\trenames = true\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:195
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"[branch \"devel\"]\n"
"\tremote = origin\n"
"\tmerge = refs/heads/devel\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:200
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"# Proxy settings\n"
"\tgitProxy=\"ssh\" for \"\"\n"
"\tgitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:205
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"\tpath = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path\n"
"\tpath = ; find \"\" relative to the current file\n"
"\tpath = ~/ ; find \"\" in your `$HOME` directory\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:209
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:213
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:217
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:~/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath = /path/to/\n"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/config.txt:223
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"; relative paths are always relative to the including\n"
"; file (if the condition is true); their location is not\n"
"; affected by the condition\n"
"[includeIf \"gitdir:/path/to/group/\"]\n"
"\tpath =\n"
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid ""
"\t; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is\n"
"\t; currently checked out\n"
"\t[includeIf \"onbranch:foo-branch\"]\n"
"\t\tpath =\n"
msgstr ""
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Values"
msgstr ""
msgid "Values of many variables are treated as a simple string, but there are variables that take values of specific types and there are rules as to how to spell them."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "boolean"
msgstr ""
msgid "When a variable is said to take a boolean value, many synonyms are accepted for 'true' and 'false'; these are all case-insensitive."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Boolean true literals are `yes`, `on`, `true`,"
#, no-wrap, priority:100
"and `1`. Also, a variable defined without `= <value>`\n"
"is taken as true.\n"
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "false"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boolean false literals are `no`, `off`, `false`,"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "`0` and the empty string.\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "When converting a value to its canonical form using the `--type=bool` type specifier, 'git config' will ensure that the output is \"true\" or \"false\" (spelled in lowercase)."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "integer"
msgstr ""
#, ignore-ellipsis, priority:100
msgid "The value for many variables that specify various sizes can be suffixed with `k`, `M`,... to mean \"scale the number by 1024\", \"by 1024x1024\", etc."
#: en/config.txt:259 en/diff-options.txt:356 en/git-for-each-ref.txt:177
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "The value for a variable that takes a color is a list of colors (at most two, one for foreground and one for background) and attributes (as many as you want), separated by spaces."
msgid "The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`. The first color given is the foreground; the second is the background. All the basic colors except `normal` have a bright variant that can be speficied by prefixing the color with `bright`, like `brightred`."
msgid "Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this). If your terminal supports it, you may also specify 24-bit RGB values as hex, like `#ff0ab3`."
msgid "The accepted attributes are `bold`, `dim`, `ul`, `blink`, `reverse`, `italic`, and `strike` (for crossed-out or \"strikethrough\" letters). The position of any attributes with respect to the colors (before, after, or in between), doesn't matter. Specific attributes may be turned off by prefixing them with `no` or `no-` (e.g., `noreverse`, `no-ul`, etc)."
msgid "An empty color string produces no color effect at all. This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely."
msgid "For git's pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting `color.decorate.branch` to `black` will paint that branch name in a plain `black`, even if the previous thing on the same output line (e.g. opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in `log --decorate` output) is set to be painted with `bold` or some other attribute. However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there."
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "A variable that takes a pathname value can be given a string that begins with \"`~/`\" or \"`~user/`\", and the usual tilde expansion happens to such a string: `~/` is expanded to the value of `$HOME`, and `~user/` to the specified user's home directory."
#: en/config.txt:303 en/git-imap-send.txt:58
#, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Note that this list is non-comprehensive and not necessarily complete. For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables. When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git itself and other popular tools, and describe them in your documentation."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.conflictStyle"
msgstr "merge.conflictStyle"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:8
msgid "Specify the style in which conflicted hunks are written out to working tree files upon merge. The default is \"merge\", which shows a `<<<<<<<` conflict marker, changes made by one side, a `=======` marker, changes made by the other side, and then a `>>>>>>>` marker. An alternate style, \"diff3\", adds a `|||||||` marker and the original text before the `=======` marker."
msgstr "Spécifier le style dans lequel les sections en conflit sont écrites dans les fichiers de l'arbre de travail lors de la fusion. La valeur par défaut est \"merge\", qui affiche un marqueur de conflit `<<<<<<<<`, les modifications faites par un côté, un marqueur `==========, les modifications faites par l'autre côté, et ensuite un marqueur `>>>>>>>>>>`. Un style alternatif, \"diff3\", ajoute un marqueur `|||||||` et le texte original avant le marqueur `========`."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:9
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.defaultToUpstream"
msgstr "merge.defaultToUpstream"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:18
msgid "If merge is called without any commit argument, merge the upstream branches configured for the current branch by using their last observed values stored in their remote-tracking branches. The values of the `branch.<current branch>.merge` that name the branches at the remote named by `branch.<current branch>.remote` are consulted, and then they are mapped via `remote.<remote>.fetch` to their corresponding remote-tracking branches, and the tips of these tracking branches are merged."
msgstr "Si la fusion est appelée sans aucun argument de commit, fusionner les branches amont configurées pour la branche courante en utilisant leurs dernières valeurs observées stockées dans leurs branches de suivi à distance. Les valeurs de `branch.<branche courante>.merge` qui nomment les branches distantes nommées par `branch.<branche courante>.remote` sont consultées, puis elles sont mappées via `remote.<distant>.fetch` vers leurs branches de suivi à distance correspondantes, et les extrémités de ces branches de suivi sont fusionnées."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.ff"
msgstr "merge.ff"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:28
msgid "By default, Git does not create an extra merge commit when merging a commit that is a descendant of the current commit. Instead, the tip of the current branch is fast-forwarded. When set to `false`, this variable tells Git to create an extra merge commit in such a case (equivalent to giving the `--no-ff` option from the command line). When set to `only`, only such fast-forward merges are allowed (equivalent to giving the `--ff-only` option from the command line)."
msgstr "Par défaut, Git ne crée pas de commit de fusion supplémentaire lors de la fusion d'un commit descendant du commit courant. Au lieu de cela, le sommet de la branche courante est avancé rapidement. Quand elle est définie à `false`, cette variable indique à Git de créer un commit de fusion supplémentaire dans un tel cas (équivalent à donner l'option `--no-ff` de la ligne de commande). Lorsqu'il est défini à `only`, seules ces fusions en avance rapide sont autorisées (ce qui équivaut à donner l'option `--ff-only` depuis la ligne de commande)."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:29
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.verifySignatures"
msgstr "merge.verifySignatures"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:32
msgid "If true, this is equivalent to the --verify-signatures command line option. See linkgit:git-merge[1] for details."
msgstr "Si vrai, c'est équivalent à l'option de ligne de commande --verify-signatures. Voir linkgit:git-merge[1] pour plus de détails."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:35
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renameLimit"
msgstr "merge.renameLimit"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:40
msgid "The number of files to consider when performing rename detection during a merge; if not specified, defaults to the value of diff.renameLimit. This setting has no effect if rename detection is turned off."
msgstr "Le nombre de fichiers à prendre en compte lors de la détection de renommage lors d'une fusion ; s'il n'est pas spécifié, la valeur par défaut est diff.renameLimit. Ce réglage n'a aucun effet si la détection de renommage est désactivée."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:41
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renames"
msgstr "merge.renames"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:45
msgid "Whether Git detects renames. If set to \"false\", rename detection is disabled. If set to \"true\", basic rename detection is enabled. Defaults to the value of diff.renames."
msgstr "Indique si Git doit détecter les renommages. S'il est défini à \"false\", la détection de renommage est désactivée. S'il est défini à \"true\", la détection de renommage de base est activée. La valeur par défaut est diff.renames."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:46
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.directoryRenames"
msgstr "merge.directoryRenames"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:58
msgid "Whether Git detects directory renames, affecting what happens at merge time to new files added to a directory on one side of history when that directory was renamed on the other side of history. If merge.directoryRenames is set to \"false\", directory rename detection is disabled, meaning that such new files will be left behind in the old directory. If set to \"true\", directory rename detection is enabled, meaning that such new files will be moved into the new directory. If set to \"conflict\", a conflict will be reported for such paths. If merge.renames is false, merge.directoryRenames is ignored and treated as false. Defaults to \"conflict\"."
msgstr "Indique si Git doit détecter les noms de répertoire, affectant ce qui se arrive lors d'une fusion à de nouveaux fichiers ajoutés à un répertoire d'un côté de l'historique lorsque ce répertoire a été renommé de l'autre côté de l'histoire. Si merge.directoryRenames est réglé à \"false\", la détection du répertoire est désactivée, ce qui signifie que ces nouveaux fichiers seront laissés dans l'ancien répertoire. S'il est réglé sur \"true\", la détection du répertoire est activée, ce qui signifie que ces nouveaux fichiers seront transférés dans le nouveau répertoire. S'il est réglé pour \"conflict\", un conflit sera signalé pour de tels chemins. Si merge.renames est faux, merge.directoryRenames est ignoré et traité comme faux. Par défaut, la valeur est \"conflict\"."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:59
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.renormalize"
msgstr "merge.renormalize"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:68
msgid "Tell Git that canonical representation of files in the repository has changed over time (e.g. earlier commits record text files with CRLF line endings, but recent ones use LF line endings). In such a repository, Git can convert the data recorded in commits to a canonical form before performing a merge to reduce unnecessary conflicts. For more information, see section \"Merging branches with differing checkin/checkout attributes\" in linkgit:gitattributes[5]."
msgstr "Indiquer à Git que la représentation canonique des fichiers dans le dépôt a changé au fil du temps (par exemple, les premiers commits enregistrent les fichiers avec des fins de ligne CRLF, mais les plus récents utilisent des fins de ligne LF). Dans un tel dépôt, Git peut convertir les données enregistrées dans les commits en une forme canonique avant d'effectuer une fusion pour réduire les conflits inutiles. Pour plus d'informations, voir la section \"Fusionner des branches avec des attributs d'entrée/de sortie différents\" dans linkgit:gitattributes[5]."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:69
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.stat"
msgstr "merge.stat"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:72
msgid "Whether to print the diffstat between ORIG_HEAD and the merge result at the end of the merge. True by default."
msgstr "Indiquer s'il faut afficher le diffstat entre ORIG_HEAD et le résultat de la fusion à la fin de la fusion. Vrai par défaut."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:73
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.tool"
msgstr "merge.tool"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:78
msgid "Controls which merge tool is used by linkgit:git-mergetool[1]. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<tool>.cmd variable is defined."
msgstr "Contrôle quel outil de fusion est utilisé par linkgit:git-mergetool[1]. La liste ci-dessous indique les valeurs pré-intégrées valides. Toute autre valeur est traitée comme un outil de fusion personnalisé et nécessite qu'une variable mergetool.<outil>.cmd correspondante soit définie."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:79
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.guitool"
msgstr "merge.guitool"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:84
msgid "Controls which merge tool is used by linkgit:git-mergetool[1] when the -g/--gui flag is specified. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<guitool>.cmd variable is defined."
msgstr "Contrôle quel outil de fusion est utilisé par linkgit:git-mergetool[1] lorsque le drapeau -g/--gui est spécifié. La liste ci-dessous indique les valeurs pré-intégrées valides. Toute autre valeur est traitée comme un outil de fusion personnalisé et nécessite qu'une variable mergetool.<outilgraphique>.cmd correspondante soit définie."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:87
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.verbosity"
msgstr "merge.verbosity"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:94
msgid "Controls the amount of output shown by the recursive merge strategy. Level 0 outputs nothing except a final error message if conflicts were detected. Level 1 outputs only conflicts, 2 outputs conflicts and file changes. Level 5 and above outputs debugging information. The default is level 2. Can be overridden by the `GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY` environment variable."
msgstr "Contrôle la quantité de production affichée par la stratégie de fusion récursive. Le niveau 0 ne produit rien, sauf un message d'erreur final si des conflits ont été détectés. Le niveau 1 ne produit que des conflits, le niveau 2 produit des conflits et des changements de fichiers. Les niveaux 5 et plus produisent des informations de débogage. La valeur par défaut est le niveau 2. Peut être écrasée par la variable d'environnement `GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY`."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:95
#, no-wrap, priority:240
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:98
msgid "Defines a human-readable name for a custom low-level merge driver. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."
msgstr "Définit un nom lisible par l'homme pour un pilote de fusion personnalisé de bas niveau. Voir linkgit:gitattributes[5] pour plus de détails."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:99
#, no-wrap, priority:240
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:102
msgid "Defines the command that implements a custom low-level merge driver. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."
msgstr "Définit la commande qui met en œuvre un pilote de fusion de bas niveau personnalisé. Voir linkgit:gitattributes[5] pour plus de détails."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/merge.txt:103
#, no-wrap, priority:240
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/merge.txt:106
msgid "Names a low-level merge driver to be used when performing an internal merge between common ancestors. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details."
msgstr "Nomme un pilote de fusion de bas niveau à utiliser lors d'une fusion interne entre des ancêtres communs. Voir linkgit:gitattributes[5] pour plus de détails."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/fmt-merge-msg.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.branchdesc"
msgstr "merge.branchdesc"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/fmt-merge-msg.txt:5
msgid "In addition to branch names, populate the log message with the branch description text associated with them. Defaults to false."
msgstr "En plus des noms des branches, remplir le message de validation avec le texte de description des branches qui leur est associé. Désactivé par défaut (valeur false)."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/config/fmt-merge-msg.txt:6
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:240
msgid "merge.log"
msgstr "merge.log"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/config/fmt-merge-msg.txt:10
msgid "In addition to branch names, populate the log message with at most the specified number of one-line descriptions from the actual commits that are being merged. Defaults to false, and true is a synonym for 20."
msgstr "En plus des noms de branches, remplir le message de validation avec au maximum le nombre spécifié de descriptions d'une ligne des commits réels fusionnés. Désactivé par défaut (valeur false), et vaut 20 si `true`."
#. type: Title -
#: en/date-formats.txt:2
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "The `GIT_AUTHOR_DATE`, `GIT_COMMITTER_DATE` environment variables"
msgstr "Les variables d'environnement `GIT_AUTHOR_DATE`, `GIT_COMMITTER_DATE`"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/date-formats.txt:7
msgid "and the `--date` option"
msgstr "et l'option `--date`"
msgid "support the following date formats:"
msgstr "prend en charge les formats de date suivants :"
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "Git internal format"
msgstr "Format interne de Git"
msgid "It is `<unix timestamp> <time zone offset>`, where `<unix timestamp>` is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. `<time zone offset>` is a positive or negative offset from UTC. For example CET (which is 1 hour ahead of UTC) is `+0100`."
msgstr "Il est de la forme `<horodatage unix> <décalage de fuseau horaire>`, où `<horodatage unix>` est un nombre de secondes depuis l'époque UNIX. `<décalage de fuseau horaire>` est un décalage positif ou négative par rapport à UTC. Par exemple, CET (qui est en avance d'une heure sur UTC) est `+0100`."
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "RFC 2822"
msgstr "RFC 2822"
msgid "The standard email format as described by RFC 2822, for example `Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200`."
msgstr "Le standard de format des courriel tel que décrit par la RFC 2822, par exemple `Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200`."
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "ISO 8601"
msgstr "ISO 8601"
msgid "Time and date specified by the ISO 8601 standard, for example `2005-04-07T22:13:13`. The parser accepts a space instead of the `T` character as well."
msgstr "Les heures et les dates sont spécifiées par le standard ISO 8601, par exemple `2005-04-07T22:13:13`. L'analyseur accepte aussi un espace au lieu du caractère `T`."
msgid "In addition, the date part is accepted in the following formats: `YYYY.MM.DD`, `MM/DD/YYYY` and `DD.MM.YYYY`."
msgstr "De plus, la partie date est acceptée dans les formats suivants : `AAAA.MM.JJ`, `MM/JJ/AAAA` et `JJ.MM.AAAA`."
#. type: Title -
#: en/diff-format.txt:2
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "The raw output format from \"git-diff-index\", \"git-diff-tree\", \"git-diff-files\" and \"git diff --raw\" are very similar."
msgstr "Les formats bruts de sortie de \"git-diff-index\", \"git-diff-tree\", \"git-diff-files\" et \"git diff --raw\" sont très similaires."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "These commands all compare two sets of things; what is compared differs:"
msgstr "Ces commandes comparent toutes deux ensembles de choses ; ce qui est comparé varie :"
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "git-diff-index <tree-ish>"
msgstr "git-diff-index <arbre-esque>"
msgid "compares the <tree-ish> and the files on the filesystem."
msgstr "compare l'<arbre-esque> et les fichiers du système de fichiers."
#, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "git-diff-index --cached <tree-ish>"
msgstr "git-diff-index --cached <arbre-esque>"
msgid "compares the <tree-ish> and the index."
msgstr "compare l'<arbre-esque> et l'index."
#. type: Labeled list
#, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "git-diff-tree [-r] <tree-ish-1> <tree-ish-2> [<pattern>...]"
msgstr "git-diff-tree [-r] <arbre-esque-1> <arbre-esque-2> [<motif>...]"
msgid "compares the trees named by the two arguments."
msgstr "Compare les arbres nommés par les deux arguments."
#, ignore-ellipsis, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "git-diff-files [<pattern>...]"
msgid "compares the index and the files on the filesystem."
msgstr "compare l'index et les fichiers sur le système de fichier."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "The \"git-diff-tree\" command begins its output by printing the hash of what is being compared. After that, all the commands print one output line per changed file."
msgstr "La commande \"git-diff-tree\" débute sa sortie par l'empreinte de ce qui est comparé. Ensuite, toutes les commandes affichent une ligne par fichier modifié."
msgid "An output line is formatted this way:"
msgstr "une ligne affichée est formatée de la manière suivante :"
#. type: delimited block -
#: en/diff-format.txt:35
#, no-wrap, priority:280
"in-place edit :100644 100644 bcd1234 0123456 M file0\n"
"copy-edit :100644 100644 abcd123 1234567 C68 file1 file2\n"
"rename-edit :100644 100644 abcd123 1234567 R86 file1 file3\n"
"create :000000 100644 0000000 1234567 A file4\n"
"delete :100644 000000 1234567 0000000 D file5\n"
"unmerged :000000 000000 0000000 0000000 U file6\n"
"in-place edit :100644 100644 bcd1234 0123456 M fichier0\n"
"copy-edit :100644 100644 abcd123 1234567 C68 fichier1 fichier2\n"
"rename-edit :100644 100644 abcd123 1234567 R86 fichier1 fichier3\n"
"create :000000 100644 0000000 1234567 A fichier4\n"
"delete :100644 000000 1234567 0000000 D fichier5\n"
"unmerged :000000 000000 0000000 0000000 U fichier6\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/diff-format.txt:38
msgid "That is, from the left to the right:"
msgstr "C'est-à-dire, de gauche à droite :"
#. type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
msgid "mode for \"src\"; 000000 if creation or unmerged."
msgstr "le mode pour \"src\" ; 000000 si c'est une création ou non fusionné."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/diff-format.txt:42 en/diff-format.txt:44 en/diff-format.txt:46 en/diff-format.txt:48
#. type: Plain text
msgid "mode for \"dst\"; 000000 if deletion or unmerged."
msgstr "mode pour \"dst\" ; 000000 si suppression ou non-fusionné."
msgid "sha1 for \"src\"; 0\\{40\\} if creation or unmerged."
msgstr "sha1 de \"src\", 0\\{40\\} si création ou non fusionné."
msgid "sha1 for \"dst\"; 0\\{40\\} if creation, unmerged or \"look at work tree\"."
msgstr "sha1 de \"dst\", 0\\{40\\} si création, non fusionné ou \"recherche dans l'arbre de travail\"."
msgid "status, followed by optional \"score\" number."
msgstr "status, suivi optionnellement d'un nombre score."
msgid "a tab or a NUL when `-z` option is used."
msgstr "une tabulation ou un caractère NUL si l'option `-z` est utilisée."
msgid "a tab or a NUL when `-z` option is used; only exists for C or R."
msgstr "une tabulation ou un caractère NUL si l'option `-z` est utilisée ; n'existe que pour C ou R."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "path for \"dst\"; only exists for C or R."
msgstr "chemin pour \"dst\" ; n'existe que pour C ou R."
msgid "an LF or a NUL when `-z` option is used, to terminate the record."
msgstr "un caractère LF ou NUL si l'option `-z` est utilisée, pour terminer l'enregistrement."
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Possible status letters are:"
msgid "C: copy of a file into a new one"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/diff-format.txt:61
msgid "M: modification of the contents or mode of a file"
msgstr "M : modification de contenu ou du mode d'un fichier"
msgid "T: change in the type of the file"