# Translations for Git Manual Pages.
# Copyright (C) 2019
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: Git Documentation\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To:\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 14:06+0100\nPO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-27 16:37+0000\nLast-Translator: Antonina Ch <>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <>\nLanguage: ru\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\nX-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
#: en/blame-options.txt:1 en/diff-options.txt:769 en/git-instaweb.txt:45 en/git-mailinfo.txt:49 en/git-mailsplit.txt:35 en/git-repack.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:31
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
#. type: Plain text
#: en/blame-options.txt:4
msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits. This can also be controlled via the `blame.blankBoundary` config option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:5 en/git-diff-tree.txt:42 en/git-format-patch.txt:396 en/git-fsck.txt:38 en/git-rebase.txt:578
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#. type: Plain text
#: en/blame-options.txt:8
msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries. This can also be controlled via the `blame.showRoot` config option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:9
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#. type: Plain text
#: en/blame-options.txt:11
msgid "Include additional statistics at the end of blame output."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:12
msgid "-L <start>,<end>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:13
msgid "-L :<funcname>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Annotate only the line range given by '<start>,<end>', or by the function name regex '<funcname>'. May be specified multiple times. Overlapping ranges are allowed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "'<start>' and '<end>' are optional. `-L <start>` or `-L <start>,` spans from '<start>' to end of file. `-L ,<end>` spans from start of file to '<end>'."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:23 en/git-archive.txt:45 en/git-branch.txt:177 en/git-checkout.txt:203 en/git-clone.txt:45 en/git-config.txt:181 en/git-grep.txt:156 en/git-instaweb.txt:23 en/git-ls-tree.txt:51 en/git-repack.txt:83 en/git-svn.txt:244 en/git-tag.txt:99 en/git-var.txt:21
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:300
msgid "Show long rev (Default: off)."
msgstr "Показывать полные SHA-1 (По умолчанию: отключено)."
#: en/blame-options.txt:26 en/diff-options.txt:153 en/fetch-options.txt:187 en/git-branch.txt:213 en/git-cat-file.txt:42 en/git-checkout.txt:160 en/git-diff-tree.txt:39 en/git-ls-files.txt:140 en/git-ls-remote.txt:26 en/git-ls-tree.txt:47 en/git-svn.txt:312 en/git-switch.txt:153
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)."
msgstr "Показывать необработанные временные метки (По умолчанию: отключено)."
msgid "Use revisions from revs-file instead of calling linkgit:git-rev-list[1]."
msgstr "Использовать ревизии из <revs-file> вместо вызова linkgit:git-rev-list[1]."
msgid "--reverse <rev>..<rev>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Walk history forward instead of backward. Instead of showing the revision in which a line appeared, this shows the last revision in which a line has existed. This requires a range of revision like START..END where the path to blame exists in START. `git blame --reverse START` is taken as `git blame --reverse START..HEAD` for convenience."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:40 en/git-bisect.txt:368 en/git-describe.txt:122 en/rev-list-options.txt:129
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:260
msgid "--first-parent"
msgstr "--first-parent"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option can be used to determine when a line was introduced to a particular integration branch, rather than when it was introduced to the history overall."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:46 en/diff-options.txt:16 en/diff-options.txt:22 en/fetch-options.txt:128 en/git-add.txt:96 en/git-cat-file.txt:57 en/git-checkout.txt:273 en/git-commit.txt:73 en/git-cvsexportcommit.txt:41 en/git-grep.txt:209 en/git-instaweb.txt:41 en/git-merge-file.txt:63 en/git-request-pull.txt:29 en/git-restore.txt:48 en/git-stash.txt:196 en/git-svn.txt:535 en/git-svn.txt:679 en/git.txt:128
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:300
#: en/blame-options.txt:47 en/git-commit.txt:149 en/git-push.txt:176 en/git-worktree.txt:225
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption."
msgstr "Показать в формате для программного разбора."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Show the porcelain format, but output commit information for each line, not just the first time a commit is referenced. Implies --porcelain."
msgstr "Показать в машиночитаемом формате, но выводить информацию о коммите для каждой строки, а не только при первом упоминании. Подразумевается --porcelain."
#: en/blame-options.txt:55 en/git-pack-objects.txt:178 en/git-svn.txt:373
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Show the result incrementally in a format designed for machine consumption."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:59 en/git-mailinfo.txt:64 en/pretty-options.txt:35
msgid "--encoding=<encoding>"
msgid "Specifies the encoding used to output author names and commit summaries. Setting it to `none` makes blame output unconverted data. For more information see the discussion about encoding in the linkgit:git-log[1] manual page."
msgstr "Указывает кодировку для вывода имени автора и информации коммита. Если выставить в `none`, тогда blame выводит неизмененные данные. Для подробностей см. обсуждение кодировки на странице руководства linkgit:git-log[1]."
msgid "--contents <file>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "When <rev> is not specified, the command annotates the changes starting backwards from the working tree copy. This flag makes the command pretend as if the working tree copy has the contents of the named file (specify `-` to make the command read from the standard input)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "Specifies the format used to output dates. If --date is not provided, the value of the config variable is used. If the config variable is also not set, the iso format is used. For supported values, see the discussion of the --date option at linkgit:git-log[1]."
msgstr "Указывает формат даты. Если --date не указана, то используется значение переменной из конфигурации. Если переменная также не установлена, то используется формат ISO. Чтобы узнать о поддерживаемых значениях, см. обсуждение параметра --date в linkgit:git-log[1]."
#: en/blame-options.txt:80 en/git-fsck.txt:100
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "Progress status is reported on the standard error stream by default when it is attached to a terminal. This flag enables progress reporting even if not attached to a terminal. Can't use `--progress` together with `--porcelain` or `--incremental`."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "Detect moved or copied lines within a file. When a commit moves or copies a block of lines (e.g. the original file has A and then B, and the commit changes it to B and then A), the traditional 'blame' algorithm notices only half of the movement and typically blames the lines that were moved up (i.e. B) to the parent and assigns blame to the lines that were moved down (i.e. A) to the child commit. With this option, both groups of lines are blamed on the parent by running extra passes of inspection."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "<num> is optional but it is the lower bound on the number of alphanumeric characters that Git must detect as moving/copying within a file for it to associate those lines with the parent commit. The default value is 20."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "In addition to `-M`, detect lines moved or copied from other files that were modified in the same commit. This is useful when you reorganize your program and move code around across files. When this option is given twice, the command additionally looks for copies from other files in the commit that creates the file. When this option is given three times, the command additionally looks for copies from other files in any commit."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
msgid "<num> is optional but it is the lower bound on the number of alphanumeric characters that Git must detect as moving/copying between files for it to associate those lines with the parent commit. And the default value is 40. If there are more than one `-C` options given, the <num> argument of the last `-C` will take effect."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
msgid "Ignore changes made by the revision when assigning blame, as if the change never happened. Lines that were changed or added by an ignored commit will be blamed on the previous commit that changed that line or nearby lines. This option may be specified multiple times to ignore more than one revision. If the `blame.markIgnoredLines` config option is set, then lines that were changed by an ignored commit and attributed to another commit will be marked with a `?` in the blame output. If the `blame.markUnblamableLines` config option is set, then those lines touched by an ignored commit that we could not attribute to another revision are marked with a '*'."
msgid "Ignore revisions listed in `file`, which must be in the same format as an `fsck.skipList`. This option may be repeated, and these files will be processed after any files specified with the `blame.ignoreRevsFile` config option. An empty file name, `\"\"`, will clear the list of revs from previously processed files."
#: en/blame-options.txt:139
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "--color-lines"
msgstr "--color-lines"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/blame-options.txt:144
#, priority:100
msgid "Color line annotations in the default format differently if they come from the same commit as the preceding line. This makes it easier to distinguish code blocks introduced by different commits. The color defaults to cyan and can be adjusted using the `color.blame.repeatedLines` config option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:145
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "--color-by-age"
msgstr "--color-by-age"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/blame-options.txt:149
#, priority:100
msgid "Color line annotations depending on the age of the line in the default format. The `color.blame.highlightRecent` config option controls what color is used for each range of age."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/blame-options.txt:150 en/git-archimport.txt:71 en/git-cvsimport.txt:184 en/git-cvsserver.txt:60 en/git-grep.txt:114 en/git-ls-remote.txt:24 en/git.txt:49
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:1 en/git-blame.txt:254
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-annotate[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:3
msgid "Annotate file lines with commit information."
msgstr "Аннотирование строк файла информацией о коммитах."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:4 en/git-annotate.txt:30
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-blame[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:6
msgid "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file."
msgstr "Показ редакции и автора последнего изменившего каждую строку файла"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:7
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-bugreport[1]"
msgstr "linkgit:git-bugreport[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:9
msgid "Collect information for user to file a bug report."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:10
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-count-objects[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:12
msgid "Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption."
msgstr "Подсчет количества неупакованных объектов и потребления ими дискового пространства."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:13
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-difftool[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:15
msgid "Show changes using common diff tools."
msgstr "Показ изменений с помощью распространенных утилит сравнения"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:16
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:18 en/git-fsck.txt:20
msgid "Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database."
msgstr "Проверка связности и валидности объектов в базе данных"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:21
msgid "Display help information about Git."
msgstr "Отображение справочной информации о Git."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:22
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-instaweb[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:24
msgid "Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb."
msgstr "Мгновенный просмотр вашего рабочего репозитория в gitweb."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:25
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-merge-tree[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:27
msgid "Show three-way merge without touching index."
msgstr "Отображение трёхстороннего слияния без изменения индекса."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:28
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-rerere[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:30
msgid "Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges."
msgstr "Повторное использование записанных разрешений конфликтов слияния."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:31
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-show-branch[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:33
msgid "Show branches and their commits."
msgstr "Отображение веток и их коммитов."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:34
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-verify-commit[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:36
msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits."
msgstr "Проверка GPG-подписи коммитов."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:37
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-verify-tag[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:39
msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags."
msgstr "Проверка GPG-подписи меток."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:40
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-whatchanged[1]"
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:42
msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces."
msgstr "Вывод журнала изменений, внесённых каждым из коммитов."
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:43 en/git-instaweb.txt:91
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#: en/cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt:45
msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)."
msgstr "Веб интерфейс Git (веб-интерфейс для Git репозиториев)."
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:1 en/git-difftool.txt:133
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-config[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:3
msgid "Get and set repository or global options."
msgstr "Получение и установка глобальных настроек или настроек репозитория."
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:4 en/git-fast-import.txt:1577
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-fast-export[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:6
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:7 en/git-fast-export.txt:281
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-fast-import[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:9
msgid "Backend for fast Git data importers."
msgstr "Внутренний интерфейс для быстрого импорта данных Git."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:10
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-filter-branch[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:12
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:13 en/git-difftool.txt:130
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-mergetool[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:15
msgid "Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts."
msgstr "Запуск инструментов разрешения конфликтов слияния."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:16
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-pack-refs[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:18
msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access."
msgstr "Упаковка указателей на ветки и меток для эффективного доступа к репозиторию."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-prune[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:21
msgid "Prune all unreachable objects from the object database."
msgstr "Очистка всех недостижимых объектов из базы данных объектов."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:22
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-reflog[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:24
msgid "Manage reflog information."
msgstr "Управление информацией журнала ссылок."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:25
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-remote[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:27
msgid "Manage set of tracked repositories."
msgstr "Управление отслеживаемыми репозиториями."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:28
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-repack[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:30
msgid "Pack unpacked objects in a repository."
msgstr "Упаковка неупакованных объектов в репозитории."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:31
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-replace[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt:33
msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects."
msgstr "Создание, вывод списка, удаление ссылок для замены объектов"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:1
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-archimport[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:3
msgid "Import a GNU Arch repository into Git."
msgstr "Импортирование GNU Arch репозитория в Git."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:4
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-cvsexportcommit[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:6
msgid "Export a single commit to a CVS checkout."
msgstr "Экспорт единственного коммита в виде рабочей копии CVS"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:7
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-cvsimport[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:9
msgid "Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate."
msgstr "Спасение ваших данных из другой СКВ которую люди любят ненавидеть"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:10
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-cvsserver[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:12
msgid "A CVS server emulator for Git."
msgstr "Эмулятор сервера CVS для Git."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:13
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-imap-send[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:15
msgid "Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder."
msgstr "Отправка набора патчей из стандартного потока ввода в папку IMAP."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:16
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:18
msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories."
msgstr "Импорт из и отправка в репозитории Perforce."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-quiltimport[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:21
msgid "Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch."
msgstr "Применение упорядоченного списка патчей над текущей веткой"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:22
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-request-pull[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:24
msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes."
msgstr "Генерация сводки предстоящих изменений"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:25
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:git-send-email[1]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:27
msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails."
msgstr "Отправка набора патчей на электронную почту."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:28
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-foreignscminterface.txt:30
msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git."
msgstr "Двухсторонние операции между репозиториями Subversion и Git."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitattributes[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitattributes[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:3
msgstr "Определение атрибутов для путей файлов или каталогов"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:4
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitcli[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitcli[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:6
msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions."
msgstr "Интерфейс коммандной строки Git и соглашения"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:7
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitcore-tutorial[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitcore-tutorial[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:9
msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:10
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitcredentials[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitcredentials[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:12
#, priority:100
msgid "Providing usernames and passwords to Git."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:13
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:15
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:16
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitdiffcore[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitdiffcore[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:18
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:19
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:giteveryday[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:giteveryday[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:21
msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git."
msgstr "Полезный минимум команд для каждодневного использования Git"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:22
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitfaq[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitfaq[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:24
#, priority:100
msgid "Frequently asked questions about using Git."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:25
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitglossary[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitglossary[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:27
#, fuzzy, priority:100
msgid "A Git Glossary."
msgstr "gitglossary - Глоссарий Git"
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:28
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:githooks[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:githooks[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:30
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:31 en/git-clean.txt:146 en/git-status.txt:523
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280
msgid "linkgit:gitignore[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitignore[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:33
msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:34
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitmailmap[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitmailmap[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:36
#, priority:100
msgid "Map author/committer names and/or E-Mail addresses."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:37
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitmodules[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitmodules[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:39
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitnamespaces[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitnamespaces[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:42
#, fuzzy, priority:100
msgid "Git namespaces."
msgstr "whitespace"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:43 en/git-remote-ext.txt:122 en/git-remote-fd.txt:56
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitremote-helpers[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitremote-helpers[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:45
#, priority:100
msgid "Helper programs to interact with remote repositories."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:46
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitrepository-layout[5]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitrepository-layout[5]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:48
#, fuzzy, priority:100
msgid "Git Repository Layout."
msgstr "Структура Репозитория Git."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:49
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitrevisions[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitrevisions[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:51
msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:52
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitsubmodules[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitsubmodules[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:54
#, priority:100
msgid "Mounting one repository inside another."
msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:55
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gittutorial[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gittutorial[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:57
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:58
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gittutorial-2[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gittutorial-2[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:60
msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two."
msgstr "Обучение основам Git: часть два."
#. type: Labeled list
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:61
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:100
msgid "linkgit:gitworkflows[7]"
msgstr "linkgit:gitworkflows[7]"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/cmds-guide.txt:63
msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git."
msgstr "Обзор рекомендуемых последовательностей выполняемых действий с Git."
#, ignore-same, no-wrap, priority:280